iOS Firebase Database Security. Create New App User: Checking for Existence of Username - ios

I have an iOS app where all user and data functionality is handled through firebase. For all required firebase functions, we have set the rights on firebase set such that they are secure (i.e., everyone can only read/write the parts of the database that are relevant to them).
Now, in the “create new user” screen of my app, obviously no user is signed in yet, but I would like to check for availability of the desired email address and username.
How can I conduct the check without making a list of all email addresses and usernames openly accessible in the database (i.e., setting the rights such that everyone can read them).
Keeping an openly accessible list of usernames in the database in my view is a security risk. On the other hand of course no user is signed in when on the “create user” screen, so I don’t know how to restrict the access.

There are many ways around this. Here are a couple suggestions:
Sign the user in anonymously before choosing a username. This would then give them the access you're looking for without making the data public. Then, when the user creates an account, the anonymous account can be converted, as shown in the documentation.
Use an HTTP-triggered Cloud Function, passing the username the user wants to try as a query. Inside the function, check the database for the existence of the username, and then respond to the HTTP call accordingly.
I'd probably do the former because it'll return a quicker response. Cloud Functions can take time to spin up if they haven't run for a while.


Track paid content without authentication on iOS

I want to offer some paid content in the app but I don't want the user to go through an Authentication process. I would like him to enter the app and directly be able to buy some of the content and remember that this user has bought it if he comes back later or uninstall/reinstall the app later on. (Like most meditation app on the Store right now)
Is it possible using Firebase Services and if so, what would be the good way to track paid content for anonymous user?
An Anonymous user IS a user without details (Name, email, password, etc). It has a unique UserID
So YES. You can save anything to the database using the User's unique ID. But remember. Every app is capable of performing operations inside their sandbox directory. which also has a unique ID and resets when the app is uninstalled.
In a sentece. Firebase won't remember the Anonymous user ID if the app was deleted intentionally.
The docs does state this very well:
You can use Firebase Authentication to create and use temporary
anonymous accounts to authenticate with Firebase. These temporary
anonymous accounts can be used to allow users who haven't yet signed
up to your app to work with data protected by security rules. If an
anonymous user decides to sign up to your app, you can link their
sign-in credentials to the anonymous account so that they can continue
to work with their protected data in future sessions.
Read more:
Authenticate with Firebase Anonymously on iOS
You could theoretically set it up to where it would redirect the user to a TextField page asking him/her to make a "password" and "PIN" of sorts. This "password" and "PIN" could then be stored into a SQL server database as an anonymous user. When re-downloading the app you could have a page dedicated to purchase recovery where all a user would need to do is input this "password" and "PIN", after they have correctly entered both it would return purchases to their account.
things to be wary of:
-People may use the same password, which is why I recommended a PIN as a way of two-step authentication. Keep in mind also that your app will need to test the password against the server before uploading to make sure that the password doesn't already exist and tells the user that the password cannot be used in such case.
-This is essentially the same thing as an account with a username and password... the only difference is that you aren't going to be collecting other information on them, such as email and birthday, etc., making it more anonymous.
-This is a very rare case of question and I know this is a crappy answer, but honestly this isn't the best idea to implement unless your app heavily relies on it.

Rails omniauth Google - how to update profile data

I'm using omniauth to authenticate a user via Google. When the user logs in via Google, I check if an account already exists with the same email (if it does, I reject sign in).
When I create the new User model, I give it the name, email, and the URL of the user's 'image'. I am not sure how to dynamically update the information in my database when the user changes their settings on Google, including the image_url when they change their profile image.
A good example of this scenario is this Stack Overflow; I signed up to SO with Google. Having changed my profile image (recently), I was surprised to find that my old Google image remains attached to my SO profile. Maybe it takes time for Google to change the old URL to represent the new image. I have noticed that some parts of Google use my new image, and other parts continue to use my old. Of course, this question doesn't have much to do with Google's profile image mechanism, I just think this is a perfect example.
My questions are:
Should I want to do this, or should I instead provide the user the ability to change their details through my site, completely ignoring what happens to their Google profile?
If I should do this, what is the best way? Checking on every login isn't ideal as the user might not log out for days or even weeks.
Should I be storing the Google auth token? Currently, I'm not as I don't need to make any Google API calls -- I only use OAuth for the 'uid' to ensure it's the same account logging in (the email isn't used at all).
I don't think the answer will be "don't store user info, query Google instead", so I'm not really sure what best practice is in this scenario. A brief walkthrough on proper procedure would be very helpful.
Normally, oauth applications will use the endpoint /me.json as part of the login process: After the user is signed in, the app uses that fresh token to query their profile info right away and update data. In your case, I understand you ignore when email already exists. You should probably add a new step there, to update your local record if it already exists instead of purely ignoring it.
In other words, your app wont be automatically notified if users change their profile pictures. But you can always use their log in action to fetch the latest image (or use their token in a background job that runs every n periods of time using something like cron + whenever, assuming the oauth scope authorizes offline access)

Storing password in the client side using Appcelerator - Design Approach

I am creating an application using Appcelerator wherein the user needs to enter the username and password to login. Once logged in, the user can enable TouchID for authentication. After logging out, the user can use the TouchID for authentication and use the application.
My flow is that once the username and password is provided, I store those two information in Keychain using the following module iOS Keychain Module. Then I use ti.touchid to authenticate the fingerprint, if success, then I retrieve the username and password from keychain and then send it over HTTPS web service call and login the user to the application.
My query is that, whether this is an acceptable approach.
I am not an iOS developer nor does any ti or keychain terms mean anything to me at all. That's for a start and to reduce the number of down votes i might get.
In terns of security, I would suggest that you imagine obtaining that particular user's phone where you know you have some authentication credentials stored. Let's say I am a user of your app, already logged-in and have my credentials saved somewhere on my device, and you obtain this phone by stealing it from me.
Now, will you be able to access my account in anyway? Will a hacker with access to the physical phone be able to retrieve any information stored in your Keychain storage?
If so, If you can think of anyway to do so, then your approach is not valid.
I understand you want to save users sometime by making sure they can login with just their fingerprint, which is a valid reason to think of such an approach, but you will have to think everything in terms of reverse engineering.
Additional recommendations would be using an on-the-fly hash to store information in the Keychain and making sure to check that before restoring the same. For example, user credentials saved on "home wifi" can be verified with your fingerprint only "at home" on the same wifi network where the same will be invalid on a different network.
(keychainItem.x = y) is TRUE ONLY IF (something else)
where this (something else) is something that will prevent hackers from accessing the Keychain even if they have access to the device itself.
I do this myself when programming web applications with stored cookies. I for example use a stored cookie ONLY IF it is being accessed from the same IP it was saved from. Anytime that IP address changes, user will have to re-authenticate even if the cookie values are correct.
Hope this helps.

where to store user info after login to swift ios app

I'm creating simple user login at the beginning of my app. After user submits correct username and password, my script from server should return some parameters which I should store in some sort of local database, and check for these parameters every time when new view appear/loads.
My questions are:
1) which type of local "database" should I use, which one is secure so no one else from "outside" can access it, because if someone could than he could set my logins by himself (keychains, user defaults etc.)?
2) which parameters should I return from server, which one of them are essentially from security when checking if user is logged in - I'm thinking of username and the token - if user is successfully logged in, than server script should create some type of token which will be stored in online database. Every time user makes some request from app to the server than token is checked, if it exists in app and if it exists in server database and if they are equal.
3) How should I check if user is logged in when new view is loading in the app - should I just check if variables exists (for example in Keychains) or should I connect to the server and check every time server database?
for storing sensitive user data(password, api token, email) you should always use Keychain for this purpose.In other hand there is Realm also offer secure way to store your data.Its easy to use, you just need wrap data objects with realm base(Object) class and mark properties with dynamic attribute.For basic login system i think user name, email and api token good enough.But depends on api needs you can include here phone number, birthday etc.For checking user authorization I think validating api token good enough in most case.
There is also most secure techniques to improve data safety like keep database property names in keychain.Hashing sensitive data parts in api calls.Last thing you need use https for api communication.

How to implement 'User' functionality in an app?

This is probably a repeat. However, the other answers haven't helped me out. So, here goes.
I'm working on an application and we with need to add 'users' to it. We'll be giving the option for people to sign in with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. I've worked with these APIs before, however never combined them globally.
How can I maintain and manage these users that will use different services to log in. I'm confused as to how they would be stored in a database, would I need to have a different table for each different social service or is there a way to implement a table that will house all users in one place.
From what I understand, you're asking how to manage, store, verify users that will be logging in your application through different social services.
This is how we've implemented it through the various projects we've worked with. From the list of services you've provided we've worked only with twitter and facebook, so I can only speak about that.
We have a web service that our iOS app communicates with such as when the iOS app needs to make a request call for user login the server would take the user details trying to login and gives back a response where the app would then do whats necessary.
We have a database stored on the server with a users table which is used to verify a user.
That being said, you need to understand whats common between most social services, or to at least know what the property is that is used by these social services to uniquely identify its users. In this case they all use email to identify users.
You'll find that when interfacing your app with these different APIs, they like to use a login session key used for unique logged in sessions.
So on your database you would store whatever details you want to save of the user, but know that you need to store atleast the username, password (encrypted), email (for identification, unique column), and login_session_key.
Just double check that linkedIn does have something like a session key that it creates when a user logs in with that method. Facebook and twitter do. Send at least the 4 main data properties needed (username, password, email, session) to the server You then follow this sort of approach:
New user
If the user that is new tries to login, the server first checks the email provided even exists in the database, if it does not then you sent a response back alerting the user that the user does not exist; your app would then take them to the register screen for example.
If the user is in the registry page, save all the details you want to store of theirs including username, password and email.
If the user logs in the email will exist on the server side, its an existing user so just update the session key that was sent from the app on log in if the password matches, (in some apps these session keys are used through the life cycle of the application being used, with each request sending the same session key and if at any point the session key does not match during app interaction, it can be concluded that the user has logged elsewhere on another device perhaps.
if the password does not matches return the appropriate message.
That's about it really. We're able to store all facebook and twitter users in one table.
