travis-ci path to the shared library or how to link shared library to python - travis-ci

ci professionals,
I cannot figure out why this code cannot find the shared library. Please see the log
[31mImportError while importing test module '/home/travis/build/alexlib/pyptv/tests/'.
Hint: make sure your test modules/packages have valid Python names.
tests/ in <module>
from pyptv import pyptv_batch
pyptv/ in <module>
from optv.calibration import Calibration
E ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory[0m
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interrupted: 1 errors during collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[1m[31m=========================== 1 error in 0.43 seconds ============================[0m
the pull request
and the build
We have a C library ( that we need to compile and using Cython bindings add to Python, then we use Python through bindings. The tests work locally but not on Travis-CI (great service). I think it's a simple issue with paths, but I couldn't figure out how to deal with this.
Thanks in advance

The answer I have found was to set also the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH that is required on Mac OS X:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib


Running lua ML model from Google Colab

I am trying to run the AdaIN-style model in Google Colab. In order to do this, I need to install Lua. I saw this question and tried the solution given (reproduced below for convenience), both with the given distro and the official torch distro.
%cd /content/
!git clone torch --recursive
import os
!bash install-deps
!. ./install/bin/torch-activate
Now it should work using absolute path to th:
!/content/torch/install/bin/th neural_style.lua -style_image examples/inputs/picasso_selfport1907.jpg -content_image examples/inputs/brad_pitt.jpg
However, the last line fails, giving me the below error
/bin/bash: . ./install/bin/torch-activate: No such file or directory
However, the binary for th seems to exist at the given filepath. Thus, I try to run the given command
th test.lua -content input/content/cornell.jpg -style input/style/woman_with_hat_matisse.jpg
but I get the following error
/content/torch/install/bin/luajit: /content/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/trepl/init.lua:389: module 'cudnn' not found:No LuaRocks module found for cudnn
I tried looking this up further, but wasn't able to make much progress.
I also tried this method, which seems similar to the above, but I get the same errors.
Any pointers would be appreciated.

Unoconv. ERROR: cannot import name 'Element' from 'base'

I have some troubles with run unoconv converting in docker. On local machine all is good.
unoconv: Cannot find a suitable pyuno library and python binary combination in /usr/lib/libreoffice
ERROR: No module named 'uno'
unoconv: Cannot find a suitable office installation on your system
OK, I install uno (pip3 install uno). I also tryed to install python3-uno and unotools, but it isn't help. (I receive message No module named 'uno').
So, I installed uno and now I receive message
unoconv: Cannot find a suitable pyuno library and python binary combination in /usr/lib/libreoffice
ERROR: No module named 'base'
unoconv: Cannot find a suitable office installation on your system
And after base installing (pip3 install base):
unoconv: Cannot find a suitable pyuno library and python binary combination in /usr/lib/libreoffice
ERROR: cannot import name 'Element' from 'base' (/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/base/
unoconv: Cannot find a suitable office installation on your system.
And really in no Element:
import re
class Base():
def fenge(self,content):
return [content] + re.split(r'[。\n]\s*', content)
It seems I need to install another package, but I do not know which one (in pip list on local machine I didn't find something required (on my view)). it doesn't seem to be on the local machine!
I'm ready to show code or installed packages if it required.
I am looking forward to counter questions or advice.

pydrake is not available for installation anymore through google colab?

I have been using a google colab template for iterative LQR that uses the Pydrake, however, it seems like the code repository is removed and I can't reinstall it on google Colab:
import pydrake
import underactuated
except ImportError:
!curl -s >
from jupyter_setup import setup_underactuated
# Setup matplotlib backend (to notebook, if possible, or inline).
from underactuated.jupyter import setup_matplotlib_backend
plt_is_interactive = setup_matplotlib_backend()
File "/content/", line 1
404: Not Found
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I tried clicking this link, and the page is not found... everything was working fine yesterday
Sorry. You're correct... I updated it this morning, and don't have a good deprecation policy in place on that repo, and this setup script is two versions ago. The path you want is
(remove the script from the directory). But if you look at that file, you'll see that even that is pointing to an updated setup script which you might want to point to.
This is actually all good news... we are on the path to a much better solution. You can now just pip install drake on colab (see the drake installation guide). Once I land the pip install underactuated (probably in time for my Spring offering of the class), then all of that nasty setup will be gone.

Running AWS SAM build from within Python script

I'm in the process of migrating entire CloudFormation stacks to Troposphere, including Lambda and Lambda-reliant CFN Custom Resources.
One of my goals is to circumvent the creation of template files altogether, making the Python code the sole "source of truth" (i.e without template files that are created and therefore can be edited, causing config drift).
This requires the ability to:
Pass a file-like object to the SAM builder (instead of a file-name)
Calling the AWS SAM builder from Python and not the CLI
My first naive idea was that I would be able to import a few modules from aws-sam-cli put a wrapper for io.StringIO around it (to hold the template as file-like object) and presto! Then I looked at the source code for sam build and all hope left me:
I may not be able to use Docker/containers for building, as I it will map the build environment, including template files.
AWS SAM CLI is not designed to have a purely callable set of library functions, similar to boto3. Close, but not quite.
Here is the core of the Python source
with BuildContext(template,
mode=mode) as ctx:
builder = ApplicationBuilder(ctx.function_provider,
artifacts =
modified_template = builder.update_template(ctx.template_dict,
click.secho("\nBuild Succeeded", fg="green")
msg = gen_success_msg(os.path.relpath(ctx.build_dir),
os.path.abspath(ctx.build_dir) == os.path.abspath(DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR))
click.secho(msg, fg="yellow")
This relies on a number of imports from a aws-sam-cli internal library with the build focused ones being
from import BuildContext
from import ApplicationBuilder, BuildError, UnsupportedBuilderLibraryVersionError, ContainerBuildNotSupported
from import UnsupportedRuntimeException
It's clear that this means it's not as simple as creating something like a boto3 client and away I go! It looks more like I'd have to fork the whole thing and throw out nearly everything to be left with the build command, context and environment.
Interestingly enough, sam package and sam deploy, according to the docs, are merely aliases for aws cloudformation package and aws cloudformation deploy, meaning those can be used in boto3!
Has somebody possibly already solved this issue? I've googled and searched here, but haven't found anything.
I use PyCharm and the AWS Toolkit which if great for development and debugging and from there I can run SAM builds, but it's "hidden" in the PyCharm plugins - which are written in Kotlin!
My current work-around is to create the CFN templates as temp files and pass them to the CLI commands which are called from Python - an approach I've always disliked.
I may put in a feature request with the aws-sam-cli team and see what they say, unless one of them reads this.
I've managed to launch sam local start-api from a python3 script.
Firstly, pip3 install aws-sam-cli
Then the individual command can be imported and run.
import sys
from samcli.commands.local.start_api.cli import cli
... provided there's a template.yaml in the current directory.
What I haven't (yet) managed to do is influence the command-line arguments that cli() would receive, so that I could tell it which -t template to use.
Looking at the way aws-sam-cli integration tests work it seems that they actually kick off a process to run the CLI. So they don't actually pass a parameter to the cli() call at all :-(
For example:
class TestSamPython36HelloWorldIntegration(InvokeIntegBase):
template = Path("template.yml")
def test_invoke_returncode_is_zero(self):
command_list = self.get_command_list(
"HelloWorldServerlessFunction", template_path=self.template_path, event_path=self.event_path
process = Popen(command_list, stdout=PIPE)
return_code = process.wait()
self.assertEquals(return_code, 0)
.... etc
See also in the same repo.
I think on the whole this is to be expected because the whole thing is implemented in terms of the click command-line application framework. Unfortunately.
See for example which says "The CliRunner.invoke() method runs the command line script in isolation ..." -- my emphasis.
I am using following python script to run sam cli commands. This should work for you too.
import json
import sys
import os
API_NAME = "YourAPIName"
BUILD_DIR="%s/%s" % (BASE_PATH, "build_artifact")
if not os.path.exists(BUILD_DIR):
os.system("cd %s && sam build --template template.yaml --build-dir %s" % (BASE_PATH, BUILD_DIR))
os.system("cd %s && sam package --template-file %s/template.yaml --output-template-file packaged.yaml --s3-bucket %s" %(BASE_PATH, BUILD_DIR, LAMBDA_S3_BUCKET))
os.system("cd %s && sam deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name %s --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --region %s" %(BASE_PATH, STACK_NAME, AWS_REGION))
except Exception as e:

py.test trying to import wrong module on Travis but not locally

I have a Travis CI build that is failing; py.test seems to be trying to import the wrong module, though I cannot reproduce this locally. I expect it to import tools.lint.tests.test_lint, not lint.tests.test_lint, as you can see in the traceback, given that build has --full-trace! This leads to the error beneath it when it tries to do a relative import from the tools package.
The short trackback is:
___________________ ERROR collecting lint/tests/ ___________________
.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py/_path/ in pyimport
lint/ in <module>
from . import lint
lint/ in <module>
from .. import localpaths
E ValueError: Attempted relative import beyond toplevel package
Given the name of the top level package is just the directory that the repo is in, I wouldn't be surprised to see that differ—but I'd still expect to see it there!
Take a look at the path Travis has that file at: /home/travis/build/w3c/wpt-tools/lint/tests/ The directory called tools on your computer is called wpt-tools on Travis, following the name of the repo on GitHub.
Vitally, wpt-tools isn't a valid Python package name, as Python packages cannot contain hyphens in the name. (They have to be an identifier). This leads py.test to conclude it isn't a package, despite the contained within, and hence it doesn't include it in the import path, leading to the error when code tries a relative import from what is meant to be the top-level package.
There's a couple of solutions here:
The possibly simple one is renaming the repository so that it doesn't contain any hyphens, though obviously if you're an established repository this is likely undesirable.
Get Travis CI to run the code from some directory, by copying/moving the repository to a directory whose name doesn't contain a hyphen, at the start of before_install, using something like:
- mv `pwd` /tmp/tools
- cd /tmp/tools
This will then run all the install and later steps from /tmp/tools, which will allow everything to run as expected.
(Note you cannot use a symbolic link here as os.getcwd() in Python will eliminate the link from the path, returning the real path, leading that seeming workaround not to work at all.)
