App store rejection - "no defined ‘loadingView’ or ‘contentView’ elements" - ios

Apple have rejected my React Native app for external beta testing because:
when reviewed on iPad running iOS 11.2.5 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6
network….the app launches to a white screen and no content is loaded.
After some weeks of back and forth, they’ve admitted that it was not related to IPV6, and have given me some further info:
The app’s initial React Native view controller loads with no defined
‘loadingView’ or ‘contentView’ elements. It appears that there is code
in place for Javascript updating, but as stated, we’re not seeing any
attempt at the app to reach out - it appears likely something was
disconnected between the executable and associated bundle files
between your project and the submission.
I have not seen this issue when testing on my own devices or on the iOS Simulator. Even when submitting the app to TestFlight for internal beta testers, and then installing on my iPhone via the TestFlight iOS app, it always works fine. So, I'm baffled as to why Apple sees this and I don't, and I don't really know where to start with debugging it.

Okay, case closed, I think. And it was procedural issue rather than a technical one, down to my misunderstanding of Apple's process.
I only thought I'd ever submitted my builds for External Beta review. I hadn't intended to submit it for actual inclusion in the App Store just yet. But I think that's what I must have done, and that's the version that Apple have been referring to all along. They haven't actually been looking at my subsequent builds, where the problem was fixed, as a part of this process. That's because those builds were submitted as External Beta test builds, which is a different review process.
Apple clarified this to me by sending me screen shots of the TestFlight version of the app (all good) vs the App Store submission binary (blank screen). And the penny dropped.


Unity Codeless IAP IOS build rejected

I have a problem using Unity's codeless API in conjunction with IOS.
Apple keeps rejecting the build with the following message:
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
We found that your in-app purchase products exhibited one or more bugs
when reviewed on iPad running iOS 12.1 on Wi-Fi.
Specifically, no action takes place when we initiate the purchase.
Some notes:
I succesfully built and published the app on android.
The IOS version works with the uploaded build. I can make in app purchases when i run the app on my iphone.
I have filled in all the required legal/ financial information and have a valid contract for purchases as defined in the ios docs.
The build is set as "release" and "development build" is NOT checked.
After rejection by apple, all the in app purchases in the developer console are marked as requiring action.
Specifically it is now showing that the localizations are invalid. However no further information is given. I suspect this is just because the build is rejected?
So, has anyone had a similar problem? Having the app run fine when using the development build on a local phone, but still having it rejected because of the aforementioned reason?
In the end i requested i call with Apple to discuss the rejection of my IOS build(s).
It had been rejected 3/4 times with the same reason.
The reason: A problem on their part. They suspect they had a misconfigured environment on their side, which resulted in a not working build on Ipad.
I did not have to upload a new build, they reused the last rejected one and it was approved within hours of my call.
I suspect that the developers might have been confused, seeing that the app was entirely in dutch. This can seriously cause some confusing, because the representative on the phone had trouble locating some IAP functionality himself like the restore button.
So should you have the same problem:
If your app is in a non-english language, specificy where the reviewers have to click for In App Products, where the Restore button is and similar key parts of your app.
Request a call with Apple if you are sure that you did everything correctly. Talking on the phone with them really helps speed up the review process and clarify any misunderstandings.

TestFlight vs Live - app crashing on load when Live but not in TestFlight

I have a strange problem with a number of my app users that I’m struggling to figure out.
I’ve had reports from a small portion of my app users that their app starts to crash when they open it. It shows the splash screen but as soon as it is about to engage the main form it crashes back to the home screen of the phone.
The strange thing is that the exact same build prior to submitting to Apple, if installed through TestFlight opens fine. As soon as an affected user then installs the exact same build from the Live Store over it, the app crashes on load again 100%
I’d like to understand what happens technically to an app binary when it transitions from TestFlight to Production in the Apple App Store and wonder if anyone knows?
This may be a red herring and no doubt it’s a bug in my code but I’m suspicious that TestFlight builds behave differently and I’d like to determine if it’s related.

iOS app has bugs when updated it on iTunes Connect

I have a strange problem with my app. I have finished the design and I am ready to update it on the store however, when I do that and I test my app using test flight the app is completely different from the version installed from xcode.
Some colors are different the are bugs that are not present when testing it on xcode and even the status bar that I have hidden is now visible..
I have other apps on the store and i never experienced this isuues and I am sure that I am uploading them right version of their app..
What could be going wrong?

App Crashes When Downloaded From App Store But Not When Testing

I have a serious issue which I cannot seem to solve.
Recently I have made an update to an IOS app, and when testing in XCODE as both Ad-Hoc, Debug, and installing via the .IPA on a device the issue cannot be replicated. However when I download the app from the App Store, it crashes.
Does anyone know how this could happen, and any potential solutions? I am getting lots of complaints from users, and not sure what to do?
Could part of the binary upload have got corrupted?
Probably you always compiled your app in debug mode. But when sent to App Store you made a release compile. click the arrow in the run button select scheme and chose "release mode" and run your app it will probably crash.
check if you used NSParameterAssert as they are not called in release mode
I cannot say why your live App Store application is crashing and the debug version is not. Two possible solutions:
Crash reports:
To find out why your application crashed, you might want to check if there are any crash reports available on iTunes Connect. Log in on iTunes Connect and click on your application. Scroll down to Crash Reports. You will find out more about why your application is crashing here.
More information about crash reports here at Apple's own iOS Developer Library.
Prerelease your app with TestFlight: For in the future: test your application by uploading it on iTunes Connect and testing it with TestFlight first before submitting the application to the iTunes Store. This will save you a lot of (review) time if you find a error.
I realize this is an old thread but I had the same issue with my App that I released. Meaning it worked fine in testing, but when I released it it would crash. The culprit ended up being the fact that I am using In App Purchases. I have two items that can be "bought" but I had only enabled one of them. In testing it was able to read both of them, but with the release version, it was only pulling the one that was enabled down, creating the crash. The fix was simply enabling the disabled item. I didn't even have to redistribute the app, though I had to wait for it to "percolate" through... Anyway this may help someone in the future.
Check if your app is looking for too many IAPs.
I just had this problem and my problem was I had deleted an IAP from the App Store, but didn't remove it from the app code.
For some reason it only crashed when downloaded; I used a promo code to do this before launching my app.
Thanks to Tornado for the inspiration to try this variation.

My app is now in the Apple App Store but crashes during the splash screen

My application is in the Apple App Store but when downloaded it crashes after the splash screen.
I thought the week long approval process was to ensure the quality of the app.
Version 1.0 of my app does run but I hear there is no way to roll it back. For now I have changed the availability date to the future so that people do not download it. When will it be taken out of the search results?
The approval process is not for QA testing. (Of course, they will reject an app if it crashes while testing they are other for things, such as violation of various SDK rules, HIG guidelines, etc.) A developer has to test and QA your apps themselves on the OS versions and the iOS device types for which they submit the app as appropriate for, and under stress conditions as well. A developer also needs to make very certain that the build they submit is identical (except for certificate signing) to the builds they have tested. (It is a common mistake to have different Build Settings or source files selected between the Release and Distribution builds.)
Check to see if a bad preference setting is the culprit.
Or if it worked only for you, then it may be the lack of a preference setting. You may have created a good preference before the bug was introduced.
Was taken out of search results by the end of the day.
