Found a couple of posts that came close to solving this. I'm loading a chart into a widget and it's not filling it, instead it's centered and extended past the widget - about only 1/3 of the pie chart shows for example.
I found the resize options for gridster and it gets me almost there... the same problem exists when I load the page, but when I resize the widget the chart fills it in perfectly.
I've tried aligning the chart, removing width and height settings, addeing resize and stop elements to gridsters..
var gridster = null;
$(document).ready(function () {
gridster = $(".gridster ul").gridster({
widget_base_dimensions: ['auto', 140],
autogenerate_stylesheet: true,
min_cols: 1,
max_cols: 6,
widget_margins: [5, 5],
resize: {
enabled: true,
resize: function (e, ui, $widget) {
Highcharts.charts[0].reflow(); // reflow the first chart...
stop: function(e, ui, $widget) {
Highcharts.charts[0].reflow(); // reflow the first chart...
$('.gridster ul').css({'padding': '0'});
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'pie'
title: {
text: 'User data',
style: {"fontSize": "15px" , "color":"red"},
subtitle: {
text: 'Source: Click the slices to view categories.'
plotOptions: {
pie: {
showInLegend: false,
dataLabels: {
formatter: function(){
if (this.percentage > 5)
return this.key + ': ' + this.y;
this.point.visible = false;
return '';
series: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:11px">{}</span><br>',
pointFormat: '{}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>'
when page loads the pie chart is sized to fit into the gridster widget.
Add one div wrapper around widget and add class which having height and width of that widget. It will render your highchart graph in that wrapper only.
<div class="size-1x1">
Render your graph code here
.size-1x1 {
width: 120px;
I a tried in Chrome and FF.
See the following fiddle:
'width' is not read up by the dialog() instance.
Same issue with 'height'. However 'color' is read. Any ideas/
<div id="dialog" title="Basic dialog">
<p>This is the default dialog which is useful for displaying information.</p>
#dialog {
color: red;
width: 100px;
title: 'Information',
"buttons": [{
id: 'ok',
text: "Ok",
click: function () {
Just add the width to the js, see code below.
title: 'Information',
"buttons": [{
id: 'ok',
text: "Ok",
click: function () {
Or with CSS:
Well I have an answer. It can be done by adding the width: parameter but fetching the width from the CSS of the id:
width: parseInt($('#dialog').css('width')), // Convert to integer to remove px
title: 'Information',
"buttons": [{
id: 'ok',
text: "Ok",
click: function () {
I am using qtip plug in to show balloon conversation on my page. i can load the balloon, but i am not seeing any option to close it automatically after some seconds.
This is how i am using qtip -
if($("#content a").data("qtip")) $("#content a").qtip("destroy");
$("#content a").html("") // Set the links HTML to the current opposite corner
content: { text: 'You have 1 new message.' },
position: {
corner: {
tooltip: 'bottomRight',
target: 'topRight'
show: {
when: false,
ready: true,
effect: { type: 'fade' },
length: 2000
hide: { when: 'inactive', delay: 1000 },
style: {
border: {
width: 1,
radius: 7,
color : "#00AFF0"
title: { 'color': 'red', 'overflow': 'hidden' },
width: 300,
background: '#00AFF0',
padding: 10,
textAlign: 'center',
tip: true,
I want to be able to close this dialog box and have it transfer to an object
I've tried using this... not luck
close: function() {
$(this).effect( 'transfer', { to: "#smpb_info_btn", className: "ui-effects-transfer" }, 500 );$(this).remove();
Now I'm tring this... still no luck
autoOpen: true,
height: 250,
width: 600,
modal: false,
draggable: false,
resizable: false,
options:{from: "#smpb_info_btn", className: "ui-effects-transfer"},
} ,
close: function() { $(this).remove();},
$PMinfo_Dialog.dialog( "open" );
This working jsFiddle demo should be what you need:
<div id="PMinfo">Hello</div>
<button id="smpb_info_btn">Info</button>
.ui-effects-transfer { border: 2px dotted gray; }
autoOpen: true,
height: 250,
width: 600,
modal: false,
draggable: false,
resizable: false,
beforeClose: function() {
var $this = $(this);
.effect("transfer", {
to: "#smpb_info_btn",
className: "ui-effects-transfer"
}, 500, function() {
I am having an issue that I need help with. I have 3 jQueryUI Tabs. The first holds a grid of items. The second holds a grid of Work Orders. The third just fires an alert to verify the show function is working. Problem is I have no grid on the second tab. First one loads fine. If I comment out the code for the first tab, the second grid shows up fine. Third tab fires an alert every time. I have a lightbox that i use to edit items on select which works fine. Here's the relevant code:
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
show: function(event, ui) {
if(ui.index == 0)
pager: '#pager1',
else if(ui.index == 1)
pager: '#pager',
onSelectRow: function(id){
onclick=openbox('Edit Work Order', 1);
else if(ui.index == 2)
I appreciate any help you can give.
Probably your problem exist because you used the HTML code
<div id="tabs-1">
<table id="list1"><tr><td/></tr></table>
<div id="pager1"/>
<div id="tabs-2">
<table id="list"><tr><td/></tr></table>
<div id="pager"/>
<div id="tabs-3">
<p>Bla bla</p>
instead of
<div id="tabs-1">
<table id="list1"><tr><td/></tr></table>
<div id="pager1"></div>
<div id="tabs-2">
<table id="list"><tr><td/></tr></table>
<div id="pager"></div>
<div id="tabs-3">
<p>Bla bla</p>
I modified you code a little to the following
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
var initGrids= [false,false];
show: function (event, ui) {
if (ui.index === 0 && initGrids[ui.index] === false) {
url: 'fillgrid.php',
datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'GET',
colNames: ['serial', 'type', 'origin', 'subtype', 'refreshdate'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'id', index: 'id', width: 55 },
{ name: 'type', index: 'type', width: 90 },
{ name: 'origin', index: 'origin', width: 80, align: 'right' },
{ name: 'subtype', index: 'subtype', width: 80, align: 'right' },
{ name: 'refreshdate', index: 'refreshdate', width: 80, align: 'right' }
pager: '#pager1',
rowNum: 10,
rowlist: [10, 20, 30],
sortname: 'id', // NOT 'serial',
sortorder: 'desc',
viewrecords: true,
caption: 'CPE Items',
width: 950
jQuery("#list1").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager1', { edit: false, add: false, del: false });
initGrids[ui.index] = true;
else if (ui.index === 1 && initGrids[ui.index] === false) {
url: 'fillgridwo.php',
datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'GET',
colNames: ['Job Number', 'Date', 'System', 'Status', 'Technician', 'Timeframe'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'id', index: 'id', width: 55 },
{ name: 'Date', index: 'date', width: 90 },
{ name: 'System', index: 'wsystem', width: 80, align: 'right' },
{ name: 'Status', index: 'status', width: 80, align: 'right' },
{ name: 'Technician', index: 'wname', width: 80, align: 'right' },
{ name: 'Timeframe', index: 'time', width: 80, align: 'right' }
pager: '#pager',
rowNum: 10,
rowList: [10, 20, 30],
sortname: 'id', // NOT 'jobno' or 'Job Number'
sortorder: 'desc',
viewrecords: true,
caption: 'Work Orders',
width: 950,
onSelectRow: function (id) {
//var d;
if (id) {
//??? onclick = openbox('Edit Work Order', 1);
//??? d = "jobno=" + id;
url: 'fillwo.php',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {jobno:id},
success: function (data) {
var id;
for (id in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
$("button, input:submit").button();
jQuery('#list').editRow(id, true);
jQuery("#list").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', { edit: false, add: false, del: false });
initGrids[ui.index] = true;
else if (ui.index === 2) {
I included array initGrids which will be used to initialize every grid only once, commented unclear code like onclick = openbox('Edit Work Order', 1); and fixed sortname.
You can see the demo. The grid contain will be not filled, because I not have any server components on the server
I know its an old question. But I also faced the same issue where in I had multiple jqGrids under the tabs and the loading thing was not working.
Adding the below code in the javascript just before defining the grid worked for me:
For me, the grids on different tabs where the same only the data inside the grid was changing.