Neo4j a way to keep pipe results and regenerate variable - neo4j

I have a User node with two properties: partitaionA and partitionB which I generated from unionFind in graph algorithms package.
I want to do something like below but keep expanding like union operation.
partitionA -> partitionB -> partitionA -> partitionB -> ......... until the number of users in the group does not grow.
Match (u: User)
WHERE u.partitionA = 123
WITH collect(u.partitaionB) as next_level
MATH (uu: User)
WHERE uu.partitionB in next_level
Is there any stored procedure can do something like this?
Not sure what is the best way to describe this question.
For the data model, I only have User node in this case and User node have 2 properties: partitionA and partitionB.


Merging a set of nodes onto one (only in query)

I am currently investigating how to model a bitemporal graph in neo4j. Unfortunately noone seems to have publicly undertaken this before.
One particular thing I am looking at is whether I can store in a new node only those values that have changed and then express a query that would merge all those values ordered by a given timestamp:
This creates the data I am playing with:
CREATE (:P1 {id: '1'})<-[:EXPANDS {date:5200, recorded:5100}]-(:P1Data {name:'Joe', wage: 3000})
// New data, recorded 2014-10-1 for 2015-1-1
MATCH (p:P1 {id: '1'}) CREATE (:P1Data { wage:3100 })-[:EXPANDS { date:5479, recorded: 5387}]->(p)
Now, I can get a history for a given point in time so far, e.g. like
MATCH (:P1 { id: '1' })<-[x:EXPANDS]-(d:P1Data)
WHERE x.recorded < 6000
WITH {date:, data:d} as data
What I would like to achieve is to merge the name and wage values such that I get a whole view of the data at a given point in time. The answer may also be that this is not really possible.
(PS: I say only in query, because I found a refactor function in apoc which does merge nodes, but that procedure actually merges and persists the node, while I would just want to query it).
As with most things, you can do it using REDUCE like so:
MATCH (:P1 { id: '1' })<-[x:EXPANDS]-(d:P1Data)
WITH AS date, d AS data
WITH COLLECT(data) AS datas
WITH REDUCE(s = {}, y IN datas|
{name: COALESCE(,,
wage: COALESCE(y.wage, s.wage)})
AS most_recent_fields
RETURN AS name, most_recent_fields.wage AS wage
You can do it in descending order instead (swap s and y inside the COALESCE statements if so), but there isn't really a way to shortcut processing the entire set of results from your queried time back to the start.
UPDATE: This will, of course, generate a Map and not a Node, but if you only want the properties and don't want to create a permanent record, a Map is actually better suited to your needs.
EXTENDED: If you don't want to specify which keys to use, you can do it without REDUCE like this instead:
MATCH (:P1 { id: '1' })<-[x:EXPANDS]-(d:P1Data)
WITH AS date, d AS data
WITH COLLECT(data) AS datas
CREATE (t:Temp)
FOREACH(data IN datas|
SET t += data)
This approach does create a node, but if you DELETE it right before you RETURN it, it won't persist at all. += ensures that pre-existing properties aren't removed, only overwritten if the data node has existing values.

Find path in Neo4j with directed edges

This is my first attempt at Neo4j, please excuse me if I am missing something very trivial.
Here is my problem:
Consider the graph as created in the following Neo4j console example:
We have following nodes in this example:
(Person {memberId, memberName, membershipDate})
(Email {value, badFlag})
(AccountNumber {value, badFlag})
We could potentially have more nodes capturing features related to a Person like creditCard, billAddress, shipAddress, etc.
All of these nodes will be the same as Email and AccountNumber nodes:
(creditCard {value, badFlag}), (billAddress {value, badFlag}),etc.
With the graph populated as seen in the Neo4j console example, assume that we add one more Person to the graph as follows:
(p7:Person {memberId:'18' , memberName:'John', membershipDate:'12/2/2015'}),
(email6:Email {value: '', badFlag:'false'}),
When we add this new person to the system, the use case is that we have to check if there exists a path from features of the new Person ("email6" and "a2" nodes) to any other node in the system where the "badFlag=true", in this case node (a1 {value:1234, badFlag:true}).
Here, the resultant path would be (email6)-[BELONGS_TO]->(p7)<-[BELONGS_TO]-(a2)-[BELONGS_TO]->(p6)<-[BELONGS_TO]-(email5)-[BELONGS_TO]->(p5)<-[BELONGS_TO]-(a1:{badFlag:true})
I tried something like this:
MATCH (newEmail:Email{value:''})-[:BELONGS_TO]->(p7)-[*]-(badPerson)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(badFeature{badFlag:'true'}) RETURN badPerson, badFeature;
which seems to work when there is only one level of chaining, but it doesn't work when the path could be longer like in the case of Neo4j console example.
I need help with the Cypher query that will help me solve this problem.
I will eventually be doing this operation using Neo4j's Java API using my application. What could be the right way to go about doing this using Java API?
You had a typo in you query. PART_OF should be BELONGS_TO. This should work for you:
MATCH (newEmail:Email {value:''})-[:BELONGS_TO]->(p7)-[*]-(badPerson)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(badFeature {badFlag:'true'})
RETURN badPerson, badFeature;
Aside: You seem to use string values for all properties. I'd replace the string values 'true' and 'false' with the boolean values true and false. Likewise, values that are always numeric should just use integer or float values.

How to correctly use conditionals like IF or CASE in Cypher query language (Neo4J) to successfully create relationships?

I failed to create relationships in Neo4J and I would like to encourage anyone who has sucessfully done it to help me.
The desired result is to have a detailed visualisation of who is a brother to whom, who is who's mother and so on. I want to extract the data from single parent-child relationships. That means, setting a relationship like [:relatedTo {:how['daughter']}] if a node has a parent whose name corresponds to the field and the gender of the node is F.
I have my CSV file that looks like this.
1;Jakub Hančin;M;1994;4;3
2;Hana Hančinová;F;1991;4;3
3;Alojz Hančin jr.;M;1968;15;14
4;Viera Hančinová;F;1968;9;
5;Miroslav Barus sr.;M;1965;9;
6;Helena Barusová;F;1942;;
7;Miroslav Barus jr.;M;1995;6;5
8;Martin Barus;M;1991;6;5
9;Hedviga Barusová;F;1945;;
10;Peter Hančin jr.;M;1991;12;13
11;Zuzka Hančinová;F;1996;12;13
12;Andrea Hančinová;F;1966;;
13;Peter Hančin sr.;M;1965;15;14
14;Alojz Hančin sr.;M;1937;;
15;Anna Hančinová;F;1945;;
This is my personal family tree and I would like to visualize it through Neo4J.
It is a file created with Excel, where I put the information into a table and create a database. Then it was converted to .csv file which is importable into Neo4J. I have sucessfully installed it and now I am at the point of writing the Cypher script to manage it. So far, I have this:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:c:/users/Skelo/Desktop/Family Database/Family Database CSV UTF.txt" AS row FIELDTERMINATOR ';'
CREATE (n:Person)
SET n = row, =,
n.personID = toInt(row.personID) , n.G = row.G,
n.Year = toInt(row.Year), n.Parent1 = row.Parent1, n.Parent2 = row.Parent2
WHERE n.Parent1 = OR n.Parent2 =
CASE b.gender
WHEN b.gender = 'F' THEN
CREATE (b)-[:isRelatedTo{how:['mother']}]->(n)
WHEN b.gender = 'M' THEN
CREATE (b)-[:isRelatedTo{how:['father']}]->(n)
The error message shown looks like this.
Invalid input 'A': expected 'r/R' (line 11, column 2 (offset: 389))
"CASE b.gender"
Somehow, I can't figure out why this does not work. Why can't I use the Case command? The Neo4J does not allow me to use anything but the command CREATE (it expects a letter R after C and not an A, this means the CREATE command).
Again, I want to do this. I have a few nodes that are correctly set. For each of those nodes (they represent people), I want to look into the Parent1 and Parent2 fields and to look for a node that has the same name as one of these fields. If it matches one of these, I want to mark that node as a father or a mother to the previous node (judging by the gender of the node, which represents the person).
This way I would like to fill the graph database with many relationships, but I fail at this very basic step. Please help me. If you can, please do not only say what is wrong and why it is wrong, but present a solution that works.
Since you want to create the isRelatedTo relationship regardless of gender and only the property is dependent upon a conditional, do this:
CREATE (b)-[r:isRelatedTo]->(n)
SET = CASE b.gender WHEN 'F' THEN 'mother' ELSE 'father' END

Find all nodes with equal relationships

I have a database containing used strategies in a game.
(strategy_1:Human) - [:BEATS] -> (strategy_1:Alien)
(strategy_2:Human) - [:BEATS] -> (strategy_1:Alien)
(strategy_3:Human) - [:LOSES] -> (strategy_1:Alien)
(strategy_4:Human) - [:DRAWS] -> (strategy_1:Alien)
(strategy_1:Human) - [:LOSES] -> (strategy_2:Alien)
(strategy_2:Human) - [:LOSES] -> (strategy_2:Alien)
(strategy_3:Human) - [:LOSES] -> (strategy_2:Alien)
(strategy_4:Human) - [:DRAWS] -> (strategy_2:Alien)
So a strategy of a Human can BEAT,DRAW or LOSE against a strategy of an Alien. I am trying to find all strategies which have equal relations, so BEAT,DRAW or LOSE against the same Alien strategies.
In the example case it would be strategy_1 and strategy_2. Right now I am going this way:
MATCH (strategyA:Human)-[r1]->(strategyB:Alien)<-[r2]-(strategyC:Human)
WHERE type(r1) = type(r2) AND NOT strategyA = strategyC
RETURN strategyA
But this will of course only give me all strategies with at least one matching relationship. How can I now make the step to test all relations of strategyA and strategyC against each other? Or is there a much easier way of doing this?
If you want collect all human strategies that are linked to an alien strategy with a given relationship type you can simply do:
MATCH (alien_strategy:Alien)
OPTIONAL MATCH (alien_strategy)<-[rel]-(human_strategy:Human)
RETURN alien_strategy, type(rel), collect(DISTINCT human_strategy)
This will list all alien strategies, the relationship types and the collected list of human strategies for each combination of alien strategy and relationship type.
Following your example the result would look like this:
strategy_1:alien, BEATS, [strategy_1:Human, strategy_2:Human]
strategy_2:alien, LOSES, [strategy_1:Human, strategy_2:Human, strategy_2:Human]

Neo4j / Cypher : order by and where, know the position of the result in the sort

Does it possible to have an order by "property" with a where clause and now the "index/position" of the result?
I mean, when using order for sorting we need to be able to know the position of the result in the sort.
Imagine a scoreboard with 1 million user node, i do an order by on user node.score with a where "name = user_name" and i wan't to know the current rank of the user. I do not find how to do this using order by ...
start game=node(1)
match game-[:has_child_user]->user
with user
order by user.score
with user
where = "my_user"
return user , "the position in the sort";
the expected result would be :
node_user | rank
(i don't want to fetch one million entries at client side to know the current rank/position of a node in the ORDER BY!)
This functionality does not exist today in Cypher. Do you have an example of what this would look like in SQL? Would the below be something that fits the bill? (just a sketch, not working!)
(your code)
start game=node(1)
match game-[:has_child_user]->user
with user
order by user.score
(+ this code)
with user, index() as rank
return, rank;
If you have more thoughts or want to start hacking on this please open an issue at
For the time being there is a work around that you can do:
start n=node(0),rank_node=node(1)
match n-[r:rank]->rn
where rn.score <= rank_node.score
return rank_node,count(*) as pos;
For live example see:
