can jenkins job wait for results without taking a slot - jenkins

I am building a project in Jenkins and want to launch tests right after it, wait
until the tests are finished and than run another job to analyze the results. The testing system is a close system (I can't modify it) so in order to check if the tests are finish I need to query the system every X seconds. One way to so that is to create a job that will query the system but it will take a slot (I can create 1000 slots but it looks like a hack). is there another way to make the job "sleep" while it is waiting for the next X seconds so it will not take a slot while waiting for another process to finish ?

You can trigger one Jenkins job from another. No need to make jobs sleep or anything complicated like that. Look at upstream and downstream triggers using the parameterized build plugin.


Get Jenkins build job duration once finished

I am using Jenkins integration server for my CI/CD.
I am working with freestyle projects.
I want to get build duration once finished (in seconds) using RESTFUL API (JSON).
This is what i tried:
"duration=$(curl -g -u login:token--silent "$BUILD_URL/api/json?pretty=true&tree=duration" | jq -r '.duration')"
Duration is always equel to 0 even though i did this shell script in a post buil task.
There are a few reasons why this may not work for you, but the most probable reason is that the build hasn't finished when you make the API call.
I tried it on our instance and for finished jobs it works fine and for running jobs it always returns 0. If your post build task is executed as part of the job, then the job has probably not finished executing yet, which is why you are always getting 0.
The Api call for the build will not contain the duration attribute as long as the build is running, and therefore you cannot use that mechanism during the build duration.
However you have a nice alternative for achieving what you want using Freestyle jobs.
The solution, which still uses the Api method, is to create a separate generic job for updating your data base with the results, this jobs will receive as parameters the project name and the build number, run the curl command for receiving the duration, update your database and run any other logic you need.
This job can now be called from any freestyle job using the Parameterized Trigger plugin post task with the relevant build environment parameters.
This has the additional benefit that the duration update mechanism is controlled in a single job and if updates are needed they can be made in a single location avoiding the need to update all separate jobs.
Assuming your job is called Update-Duration and it receives two parameters Project and Build the post trigger can look like the following:
And thats it, just add this tigger to any job that needs it, and in the future you can update the logic without changing the calling jobs.
Small thing, in order to avoid a race condition that can be caused if the caller job has not yet finished the execution you can increase the quite period of your data base updater job to allow enough time for the caller jobs to finish so the duration will be populated.

How may I configure a Jenkins job to run at a specific time if an upstream job succeeds?

My use case:
Job A is set to run Monday through Friday at 18:00.
Job B is dependent upon Job A succeeding but should only run Monday through Friday at 06:00. (Monday morning's run would depend upon Friday evening's run). I prefer set times rather than delays between jobs.
On any given morning, if I see that Job A failed (thus Job B never ran), I would like to be able to run (fix) Job A then immediately trigger Job B.
What I have found so far only offers part of this use case. I have tinkered with Pipeline and recently upgraded my Jenkins instance to 2.89.3, so I have access to the most recent features and plugins. Filesystem triggering seems doable.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
You can use the options available in "Build Triggers".
Build Trigger
Hope this work for you!
This is a tricky Use Case as generally you want a job to immediately follow on from another one rather than waiting for potentially three days.
Further complicated by wanting it to run straight away when you want it to.
I do not believe there is a "I have finished so kick this job at this time" downstream trigger So for the first part the only things I can think of are:
Job A kicks Job B as soon as it is finished and job B sits there with a time checker in it and starts its task when the time matches.
or Job A artefacts a file with its exit status and job B has a cron trigger for 6am mon-fri and picks up this artefact and then runs or doesn't dependent on the file contents
For the second part you could get the build Cause (see how to get $CAUSE in workflow for pipeline implementation and vote on to get the feature when using sandbox).
And then get your pipeline to behave differently depending on trigger
i.e. if you went for the second option above then In job B you could do if triggered by Cron then read the artefact and do as needed. If triggered by Upstream then just run regardless.

Using a lock in a Jenkins Workflow Job

I want to use a lock in a workflow job in order to prevent jobs from running at the same time on the same node.
I want to use the functionality of the lock and latches plugin to control the parallel execution of jobs: When a Job A starts building on a specific node, Job B should wait until A is done, and then B can run.
How can I achieve that ? or is there another solution (in case locks are not supported in workflow jobs) ?
Thank you.
What exactly are you trying to prevent? The easiest way would be to set each node as having only 1 executor... If you do this, then the node will only ever run one job at a time. Note that some fly-weight tasks may run but generally these are non-significant and involve polling the remote SCM repository and such.
If you just mean within the same workflow, you can use various mix of the parallel step to split parallel sections and then combine the results.

Is there a way in Jenkins to stop or reduce duplicate jobs?

I have a job that kicks off on any commit. It takes 5-10 minutes to run.
But if (say) 4 or 5 git commits come back-to-back I don't want 4 or 5 jobs run - just one job for the last commit. So basically if there is a job of type "X" in the build queue I don't want another job of type "X" in the queue.
That should be the default behavior if you're using the SCM trigger, default job parameters, and don't check the 'Execute concurrent builds if necessary' option.
First job is going to queue and run immediately.
On source change, next job is going to queue and wait until first one is complete.
A third SCM change would detect job already in queue and not do anything.
When first job is done, next one will start - and will use whatever is in the SCM at the moment it starts (not the moment it was scheduled).
That behavior can be changed using parameters, concurrent builds, job throttling, etc. My knowledge there might also be outdated (Jenkins is evolving pretty fast).
On a side note: multiple builds are not necessarily a bad thing - they give you failure locality, which might allow you faster identification of the offending commit. It doesn't matter much for 10 minutes builds, but if your build grows larger than that it can be a problem (with a large team, you can have a LOT of commits in 30 minutes).
Basically you just want to check if there is a new commit every 5 or 10 minutes? You can do that inside the triggering configuration: monitor source control every X minutes (CRON syntax: */15 * * * * for every 15mins)
If you check every 15 minutes if a new commit happened and your jobs only takes 10 minutes to run, there is no chance you would have another execution pending (unless someone ask for a "manual" construction...).
To avoid the latter case, you may consider the Throttle Concurrent Builds plugin

Trigger jobs without occupying workers

We have designed our test jobs to some sort of "abstract" test jobs, that run according to a set of parameters. These jobs are triggered use "runner" jobs that simply trigger them with the correct parameters (mostly generated by matrix jobs).
When we run multiple "runners", that all they do is simply trigger the abstract jobs, they occupy much needed workers (especially when it is a matrix job, that creates multiple temporary "runner" jobs).
Is there a way to tell jenkins to not spend a worker on a job that only trigger other jobs, or trigger jobs within the same worker?
It depends on what you use to trigger the jobs
If you use Trigger/call builds on other projects action, it has an option to Block until the triggered projects finish their builds. If that is checked, the triggering parent job will remain running and waiting for the triggered job to finish (thus occupying at least 2 executors). However, if you keep that unchecked, it will launch the triggered job, and the triggering job will end soon after.
I want my builds to wait until triggered jobs are completed, for reporting purposes and such (I don't want that logic in the triggered jobs due to their abstract nature).
What I decided to do, since the triggering jobs are very lightweight, I restricted them all to the master. I allocated a large number of workers to the master, since they won't do much work and they will simply manage the triggering of other jobs.
