How to allow automatic resizing of UIButton to satisfy spacing constraints - ios

I'm working on a calculator app that looks like this so far:
The clear button is constrained to 8 pixels below the text field that's above it (which also has constraints that keep it 8 pixels from the edges in the top left corner), the 7 button is constrained to 8 pixels below the clear button, etc. and all of these buttons have a constraint that says they are all equal heights.
My goal is to add a constraint that says the 0 button is 8 pixels above the bottom of the parent view, and then have all the buttons automatically resize to maintain the size and spacing constraints between them. However, adding this constraint just generates some conflicts rather than resizing the buttons. Is there a simple way to tell my app to resize the buttons to satisfy constraints? This is a picture of what I'm hoping these buttons would look like if all goes as planned:
Thanks so much!

Your problem is as a reason for varying in screen height satisfying your constraints can only be done by letting one part (Above 4 blocks / 0 button) to resize itself according to the constraints set for the other part , So Insert the first 4 blocks (4*4) in a UIStackView (inside it 4 horizontal stackViews ) and make it Fill Equally
then when you give any height to 0 Button the above stackView will resize accordingly
Note : I know there is a button on the bottom - right that spans 2 rows , no problem add it above the design i mentioned


How to add Equal Spacing and equal width for button in iOS Auto layout

Am new to Auto layout constraints in Xcode. I have one Bottom View like UITabBar with 6 UIButtons. Without constraints I aligned those buttons with 5 space padding with each buttons and each buttons has 50 width.
Now,I am trying to make it by using Auto layout to support all Screen sizes.
In Storyboard constrains I set equal width for 6 buttons and I made 60
space between each buttons. I set first button 0 to leading space and
I set the last button 0 to tail constraints.
I want the buttons with equal width and flexible spaces between views in all device sizes.
Can anyone pleas help me? Looking for the help. Thanks in advance.
check this image and made your constraints like below...
RESULT:- preview in different sizes
With Stackview (For iOS 9.0 and above)
NOTE: If you have to make app for iOS 9 and later then UIStackView is another option for you
With iOS 9 and Xcode 7, you can now have the expected result with UIStackView and only 3 or 4 auto layout constraints.
The following step by step uses Storyboard.
Create 6 UIButtons and 5 UIViews. Align them horizontally. Give some color to your views.
Select all your views and buttons and click on the Stack button. You will have all your buttons and colored views aligned in a UIStackView.
Select your stack view, go to the Utilities panel and select the Attributes Inspector item. There, click on the Distribution button and select "Fill Equally".
For now, your stack view's height relies on your buttons intrinsic content size. If you're fine with it, you can go to step 5. However, if needed, you can give your stack view a height constraint. Select your stack view, click on the Pin button, check the Height button, add the required value and click on the Add 1 Constraint button.
As an alternative, If you want each element of your stack view to have its height matching its width, select the first button of your stack view, click on the Pin button, select Aspect Ratio and click on the Add 1 Constraint button.
You can check that your aspect ratio constraint is correct in your Document outline (left panel) and, if you need, you can change it with a different constraint in the Attribute inspector (right panel).
Now, it's time to give some external constraints to your stack view. Select your stack view. Click on the pin button, make sure the Constrain to margin button is not select and set leading, trailing and bottom constraints to zero. Make sure that the bottom constraint is related to your view controller's view. Then, change the Update Frames button to "All Frames in Container". You can now click on the Add 3 Constraints button.
Your stack view is now set.
Further remark:
If you don't need your colored views width to match your buttons width, you can build a stack view with only UIButtons and simply add spacing to your stack view in the Attribute inspector. However, you will have to find a way to add a background color behind your stack view. Apple states about it in the UIKit Framework Reference:
The UIStackView is a nonrendering subclass of UIView. It does not
provide any user interface of its own. Instead, it just manages the
position and size of its arranged views. As a result, some properties
(like backgroundColor) have no affect on the stack view.
I've build a Xcode project with 4 different stack views:
one with colored views and relying on the embedded UIButtons intrinsic content size for its height,
one with colored views and with a UIButton "equal width and height" constraint,
one with colored views and with its own height constraint,
one without colored views but with spacing and embedded inside a colored view.
You can find this project on this GitHub repo.
iOS 9 has a new UIKit class called UIStackView. It is very helpful in stacking up views horizontally or vertically, like the way you want. You should check out this tutorial: Raywenderlich: UIStackView Tutorial
Select all the buttons and in Xcode’s Pin menu
Create a horizontal constraint from the top left view to the top right view by selecting the red line to the selected view’s right side nearest neighbor
Create a horizontal constraint from the top right view to the top left view by selecting the red line to the selected view’s left side nearest neighbor
Create a vertical constraint from the top view by selecting the red line to the selected view’s top side nearest neighbor
Select checkbox near to Height, Equal Widths and click on "Add 22 Constraints"
Spacer views should no longer be necessary unless you need space between borders.
You can create a StackView with equal spacing which will dynamically adjust the space between your stack views to use up all available space without altering the size of your subviews.
Interface builder can be a bit misleading here. the value you put in for spacing is the minimum spacing required not what the actual spacing will be.
The StackView will handle your spacing, making the size of your buttons equal you can use regular constraints for.

How to manage the gap between two views in auto layout

I am using auto layout for my ViewController I know how to define the gap between two views using constraints programmatically. What I want to do now is when the screen size increase, increase the gap also. Because my UIViewsare positioned properly in iphone 4s and 5s but in 6 and 6 plus they are positioned in a small area of the screen. I know adding multiplier we can set the aspect ratio of a view but, how to increase the gap between 2 views when the screen hight increase.
Let say this image,, there is a logo above this please login label.
This is my verticle position constraint
this Title is an image 130pix above to this Please Login label. I want to increase this 130 when it comes to iphone 6 and 6 plus
Take a UIView with alpha 0 and clear color and use it instead of the gap and use aspect ratio to the view used for gap and top and bottom or left and right whatever your situation to the views between whom you want to make the gap dynamic. And also you need to add some more alignment constraints to the gapView but it will work. I could not found any other method to do this easily so i have used this method everywhere in all projects and all working fine. I think UIView with clear color and alpha 0 will not effect the screen or performance in any way. We can use this.
Here is an example like if you have two text fields vertically and you want to increase the gap between them dynamically then take a view between then with the exact same width of text field and add those constraints.
1) Top of GapView to upper text field.
2) Bottom of GapView to below text field.
3) Equal width to any text field or leading and trailing to superview or main view.
4) Proportional Height to main view(you can add this constraint by adding equal height from subview to any of superview and then by changing the multiplier);
And your GapView will increase and decrease accordingly.

Can't align 5 items in a row using autolayout

I am struggling to align 5 items in a row using auto layout as shown in the storyboard.
I can align the 3 items highlighted below but the 2 inbetween just don't want to align.
I have tried pinning the items to the buttons next to each of the items and setting the size but they refuse to align properly. Have also tried setting the 2 misplaced buttons to the leading and trialing container as shown below but these still do not align properly (or even closely).
Am I doing something wrong?
The way to do this is with spacer views. You need to add a UIView between each of your views and give them each horizontal spacing constraints to the view on either side. You'll need to edit these constraints so they are between the spacer's leading or trailing edge, and the view's centerX (the constant value should be 0). Give the spacers equal widths (but no fixed width), a fixed height, and a clear background color. You views on the left and right sides should have constraints to their closest edge, but the center view shouldn't have a centerX constraint (it's not needed). This will cause the views to be equally spaced in all screen sizes, and in both orientations.
Your best bet might be to create another superview (UIView) within which your button items are located. Then you can align your buttons more fluidly within that superview that encapsulates only those buttons rather than just wrestling with the constraints within the card superview, which it seems you are doing. Just make the background of that UIView clear, place the buttons on it, and it will appear exactly the same and you'll have a better way to anchor your views. This could also come in handy when you're targeting the functionality of just those buttons so you can grab them from the subviews of the button bar superview.

iOS Autolayout: two buttons of equal width, side by side

I am currently having difficulty with AutoLayout. I am using interface builder and am trying to position two buttons of equal width side by side as illustrated in the following image.
From the following Preview image, my titleImage has been properly constrained and is displaying correctly however the buttons are not. I have experimented by aligning button 1 with the leading edge of titleImage, and button2 with the trailing edge of titleImage, however the width distribution between the two buttons becomes skewed at this point, as demonstrated below.
My objective is to understand what constraints are missing and should be applied to the two buttons to maintain equal widths regardless of device. If possible I would like to achieve this through interface builder as opposed to additional code.
Add the following constraints
Assign equal width from button1 to button2.
Assign horizontal spacing between both buttons.
Assign leading space from button1 to its superview.
Assign trailing space from button2 to its superview.
Assign top space to both the buttons.
Let me know if it works for you.
Follow Steps and Screenshots for easy solution
For Button 1 : Set Constraints: (1)Leading, (2)Top or Bottom asper your need, (3)Height
For Button 2 : Set Constraints: (1)Trailing,(2)Top or Bottom asper your need, (3)Height
Press Ctrl + Drag From Button 1 to Button 2
Select Horizontal Spacing
Select Both Button (using Command) and Add Constraints Equal Width
Hope it Helps you :)
Stack layout in iOS9, will do the job really nice.
Add stack view to your view and configure as follow:
You can check my example - you can easy aim this, by using proportional constraint.
Also you can easy aim proportional multiple UIViews.
Please look attached example
My solution is to
Put a small view in the middle of two buttons and make it centre(Horizontal centre in container and vertical centre in contener as 0).
Add height and width to the small view.
Add buttons the constraints and give horizontal space constraints to small view.
Give the small view background colour same as buttons or View's colour.
Note: See the Screenshot.

Autolayout subview alignment

I'm trying to make buttons on view. The problem is: this view will be resized (for example, after device rotation).
So I have this:
It's OK, but when I rotate the device, it looks like this:
I want it was like at the first screen, but with wider spacing between buttons.
So I've tried to make constraints like this:
With priority 200 for --- selected constraints. But it still does not work. Any ideas?
You can solve this by adding spacer elements between them. The size of the spacers can grow, while the size of the buttons can stay the same.
See this for an example: Can AutoLayout equally space multiple buttons?
I managed to get it done to look like this:
To do this, you need to change the way you're thinking about it. I assume you were thinking "I want each button to have width of 70 and the spacing between the buttons to grow and shrink". But instead, you need to think "I want 4 buttons of equal sizes, with 50 pixels between their frame, so the frame of the button is growing/shrinking instead of the spacing".
With that, you select all 4 buttons and add an "Equal width" constraint.
Then you add 5 constraints for the spacing (Leading Space - Horizontal Spacing x3 - Trailing space) of Relation "Equal".
