Setting platform dependant icon via electron-forge electronPackagerConfig - electron

Using electron-forge to build a desktop app. The app is built for both OSX & Windows. Inside my package.json, I have:
"electronPackagerConfig": {
"icon": "src/images/icon/app_icon_osx.icns"
When I build on Windows, I'm having to manually change the icon in package.json from "app_icon_osx.icns" to "app_icon_win.ico".
If I try to just use "app_icon.png" for both platforms, the icon doesn't show on OSX, and the build fails with "rcedit.exe failed with exit code 1. Fatal error: Unable to set icon" on Windows.
I have all 3 versions of the icon (icns, ico, png) in a folder in the project. Because i'm using electron-forge, i don't seem to be able to use electron packager's --icon argument.
Is there a way I can pass the icon to use as a command line arg, instead of hardcoded in package.json? Or a way I can use the same png for both platforms?

The extension is automatically added for each platform. Just supply an icon per platform like this: app_icon.icns, app_icon.ico, ...
Then update your config:
"electronPackagerConfig": {
"icon": "src/images/icon/app_icon"

The accepted answer works for macOS and Windows, but for Linux you'll have to do something like this:
Set the app icon (for the app list only) in the maker:
name: "#electron-forge/maker-deb",
config: {
options: {
icon: "./src/images/icon.png",
Create an assets folder (or anything) an copy it during the build with the copy-webpack-plugin in your webpack.main.config.js:
const CopyPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [new CopyPlugin([{ from: "./assets", to: "assets" }])],
You can now access any files inside this folder from your main process, so reference the icon when creating your BrowserWindow as documented here
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
// ...
icon: path.join(__dirname, "assets/icon.png"),

In forge.config.js, do:
const path = require('path')
module.exports = {
packagerConfig: {
icon: path.join(__dirname, 'favicon'),
Important notes:
If the file extension is omitted, it is auto-completed to the correct extension based on the platform, including when platform: 'all' is in effect.
This setting doesn't change the icon when running electron-forge start.
If the setting is correct, and you still don't see the correct icon, you might have encountered the icon cache issue.
If on Windows 10, run ie4uinit -show in the command line will show the latest icon.


Including PepperFlash in electron not working when built in production

I have an Electron application that needs to load a flash based website, i have included the PepperFlash DLL in windows and it works when I run un-packed, but when I run packed the plugin doesn't work.
I've made sure that the file exists in the path it's looking at when built
let pluginPath = process.env.ELECTRON_START_URL ?
path.join(__dirname, pluginName):
__dirname.replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked') + pluginName;
and if I console.log plugin path when built it gives me the proper area.
which exists when I navigate to that area correctly.
I am also including plugins in WebPreferences and this does work when unpacked.
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
title: 'TST Application',
icon: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/logo.png'),
webPreferences: {
plugins: true,
webSecurity: false
show: false
In my package.json for electron-builder I have the proper asarUnpack}
"asarUnpack": [
but when I try and load the url
I get Couldn't load plugin.
however one thing I noticed was travelling to indicated that flash was correctly installed. As well, In my renderer process if I console.log
I see the flash plugin in the list of plugins.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Turns out the issue was that I was packaging in 32-bit and using the 64-bit PepperFlash DLL, made the switch out and things started working.

'meteor build', cordova - error for ios platform

I am trying to build my hello app (works on a web browser) for mobile platforms. I ran the command 'meteor build ../mobile/hello --server=localhost:3000' on the terminal. The build process for Android was successful but not for iOS.
Does anyone know what the issue could be?
=> Errors executing Cordova commands:
While preparing Cordova project for platform iOS:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open
I searched on google and some suggest it could be an issue with mobile-config.js file. I already checked that file and it seems ok.
// This section sets up some basic app metadata, the entire section is optional.{
id: 'com.example.hello',
name: 'hello',
description: 'hello',
author: 'John',
email: '',
website: ''
// Set up resources such as icons and launch screens.
'iphone': 'icons/phone.png',
'iphone_2x': 'icons/phone2.png'
// More screen sizes and platforms...
'iphone': 'splash/anotherPhone.png',
'iphone_2x': 'splash/anotherPhone2.png'
// More screen sizes and platforms...
// Set PhoneGap/Cordova preferences.
App.setPreference('BackgroundColor', '0xff0000ff');
App.setPreference('HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar', true);
App.setPreference('Orientation', 'default');
App.setPreference('Orientation', 'all', 'ios');
// Pass preferences for a particular PhoneGap/Cordova plugin.
App.configurePlugin('com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect', {
APP_ID: '1234567890',
API_KEY: 'supersecretapikey'
// Add custom tags for a particular PhoneGap/Cordova plugin to the end of the
// generated config.xml. 'Universal Links' is shown as an example here.
<host name="localhost:3000" />
Delete from your project the folder /.meteor/local
launch Meteor again
Warning: you will loose your DataBase (it is located inside the local folder)
Tks #ghybs for the solution. I encountered the same issue and worked perfectly fine for me.

How to get (tray) icon path/image in electron-builder

I'm using electron-react-boilerplate to develop electron app (which uses electron-builder to pack apps).
I want to create tray, but it requires icon path or native image. The question is how to retrieve icon image from electron-builder or how to tell electron-builder to include icons dir into resources (without packing), so I can use:
appIcon = new Tray(iconPath | nativeImage)
I kind of struggled with a solution about non-packaged assets (such as media or JSON config files), mostly because I was not familiar with Electron until now. :)
I built a simple personal tray-only app and I didn't want to repackage every time I change an icon for instance.
If you too plan on using changing/dynamic assets you can distinguish between "development" and "production" using this property:
Make sure you have this in your package.json:
"build": {
"extraResources": [
Then in your code you can have:
const assetsPath = app.isPackaged ? path.join(process.resourcesPath, "assets") : "assets";
Of course you can also use a different path for storing assets, independent of your packaged app folder, for example your user's home or user's documents:
Electron v7.0.1
electron-builder 21.2.0
Firstly you need to tell electron-builder which extra files need copying into your output build. I copy over native drivers for each os like below, but you should be able to adapt this to your needs. The "to": "resources" means you'll be able to use the next code to find the files later.
"build": {
"extraFiles": [
"from": "resources/${os}/drivers",
"to": "resources",
"filter": [
Then to get access to that path from in electron you can use:
const path = require('path');
const imgPath = path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'image.png')
If you're in the main process you can omit the remote part.
You can then use nativeImage.createFromPath to get a native image:
const nativeImage = require('electron').nativeImage
let image = nativeImage.createFromPath(imgPath)
Thanks, Tim, your answer gave me a good thought. I reused it with some addition depending on how I run my app - form vs code using electron or from installed deb file:
"build": {
"extraFiles": [
"from": "assets",
"to": "resources",
"filter": [
And then:
let imgPath = process.env.DEV ? "assets/icon.png" : path.join(process.resourcesPath, "icon.png");
tray = new Tray(imgPath);

How to create a Firefox theme (addon?) from a simple stylesheet?

I have created a theme for Firefox that involve a simple stylesheet. I am currently using Stylish extension for this but would like to share my theme as an Firefox addon (since Theme are simple image).
I didn't quickly find anything about that in search engine and only find an outdated ressource on MDN.
Any tip to make share this CSS as an addon? (bonus: automate release from a git repo)
If it's a simple stylesheet as you described, then you would have to attach the stylesheet to the nsIDOMWindow. Example code with addon-sdk
const { attachTo, detachFrom } = require("sdk/content/mod");
const { Style } = require("sdk/stylesheet/style");
const { getMostRecentWindow } = require("sdk/window/utils");
const { browserWindows } = require("sdk/windows");
const { viewFor } = require("sdk/view/core");
const style = Style({
uri: "./index.css" // path to file
attachTo(style, getMostRecentWindow());
browserWindows.on("open", function(window) {
require("sdk/system/unload").when(function() {
for (let window of browserWindows)
detachFrom(style, viewFor(window));
To start using addon-sdk you must have jpm. Here it is described how to install it. Once you installed it, you should create a directory that will contain your extension. Then open a terminal/console and type jpm init. Fill the prompted fields according to your needs. You can also check out these additional options available in the package.json (it's in the root of your directory with the extension) and use them aswell.
The next step is to paste my code in the index.js (you can paste the code somewhere else but then you have to import that file using require). Create a directory "data" in the extension directory and create a file with stylesheet there. Then replace "index.css" here
uri: "./index.css"
with your file name.
Once you are done, type jpm xpi in your terminal/console and your extension is ready to install! Good luck App fails Application Loader verification, not respecting minimum os version and cannot verify icon file

I'm using the latest version of and have my mobile application configured to require iOS 5.0 or higher, and I've got all the icons loaded in the config.json file, e.g:
"modules": {
"icons": {
"android": {
"36": "path/to/ICON_36sq.png",
"48": "path/to/ICON_48sq.png",
"72": "path/to/ICON_72sq.png"
"ios": {
"57": "path/to/ICON_57sq.png",
"72": "path/to/ICON_72sq.png",
"114": "path/to/ICON_144sq.png",
"512": "path/to/ICON_512sq.png",
"prerendered": true
However, when trying to deploy the application to the App Store using the Application Loader, I get the following error:
iPhone/iPod Touch: Info.plist: Unable to verify icon dimensions, no icon found. You must define CFBindleIcons, CFBundleIconFiles, CFBundleIconFile, or provide a default Icon.png that us 57x57.
The icon file does exist and is correctly configured for my app, so it's not a issue of the file not existing. It also works correctly on the simulator and my development device, just not when releasing to the app store.
Any help is appreciated.
POSSIBLE CAUSE: If I dig into the IPA and look at the file in the resulting package created by, the MinimumOSVersion is set to 4.3, and not respecting what I have in my config.json file (minimum version I've set to is iOS 5.0).
After more research, I found that I can deploy the app successfully using v1.4.36 and below. Looks like the refactor in v1.4.37 has broken the Minimum OS Requirements again!
This was a bug in the platform: we deployed a fix in v1.4.44 - see
There are currently two ways to define custom icon file names in an iOS app. After recreating an Xcode project we use internally, the newly generated Info.plist only conformed to the new style, which causes Application Loader problems.
v1.4.44 restored the old-style icons configuration.
You need to use relative paths from the 'src' directory rather than assuming a baseUrl. So use "path/to/ICON_36sq.png" not "/path/to/ICON_36sq.png"
If you look at "development/ios/build_steps/icons.json" you'll see something like that.
"do": {
"copy_file_from_src": {
"filename": "{{plugins.icons.config.ios.57}}",
"dest": "normal.png"
"do": {
"copy_file_from_src": {
"filename": "{{plugins.icons.config.ios.72}}",
"dest": "ipad.png"
"do": {
"copy_file_from_src": {
"filename": "{{plugins.icons.config.ios.114}}",
"dest": "retina.png"
"do": {
"copy_file_from_src": {
"filename": "{{plugins.icons.config.ios.144}}",
"dest": "ipad-retina.png"
"do": {
"icons_handle_prerendered": {}
As shown above, the build is copying the 57px icon in your configuration to "normal.png" and the 72px to "ipad.png", but for some reason the Application Loader is not recognizing the CFBundleIconFiles entry in the Info.plist.
I solved my problem using a postbuild hook to copy the 57px icon to the expected default name "Icon.png" and the 72px icon to "Icon-72.png" (the file names are case sensitive). The files have to be copied to the "development/ios/" folder.
