Placing objects automatically when ground plane detected with vuforia - augmented-reality

I'm working on an application where the concept is that you can 'select' objects before actually placing them. So what I wanted to do was have some low quality objects on a shelf or something like it. When the user selects the object he then can tap to place the high quality version of the object in his area for further viewing.
I was wondering if it's possible with vuforia. I wanted to use this platform since it works well from what I could tell and it's cross platform (The application needs to be for android and the HoloLens).
I have set up the basic application where you can place a capsule in the area. Now I wanted to automatically place the (in this case capsule) once vuforia has detected a ground plane. From what I could see the plane finder has events that go off when an input is detected, but I couldn't find an event that goes off when the ground plane is detected. Is it still possible with vuforia? I know it's doable with the HoloLens, but I would like to know if it's possible for android or other mobile devices. I really don't know where to start/look for so I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
Let me know if I need to include more information!

The Vuforia PlaneFinderBehaviour (see doc here) has the event OnAutomaticHitTest which fires every frame a ground plane is detected.
So you can use it to automatically spawn an object.
You have to add your method in the On Automatic Hit Test instead of the On Interactive Hit Test list of the "Plane Finder":

I've heard that vuforia fusion, does not yet support ARCore (it supports ARKit) so it uses an internal implementation to simulate ARCore functionality, and they are waiting for a final release of ARCore to support it. Many users reported that their objects move even when they use an ARCore supported device.


Detecting a real world object using ARKit with iOS

I am currently playing a bit with ARKit. My goal is to detect a shelf and draw stuff onto it.
I did already find the ARReferenceImage and that basically works for a very, very simple prototype, but the image needs to be quite complex it seems? Xcode always complains if I try to use something a lot simpler (like a QR-Code like image). With that marker I would know the position of an edge and then I'd know the physical size of my shelf and know how to place stuff into it. So that would be ok, but I think small and simple markers will not work, right?
But ideally I would not need a marker at all.
I know that I can detect e.g. planes, but I want to detect the shelf itself. But as my shelf is open, it's not really a plane. Are there other possibilities to find an object using ARKit?
I know that my question is very vague, but maybe somebody could point me in the right direction. Or tell me if that's even possible with ARKit or if I need other tools? Like Unity?
There are several different possibilities for positioning content in augmented reality. They are called content anchors, and they are all subclasses of the ARAnchor class.
Image anchor
Using an image anchor, you would stick your reference image on a pre-determined spot on the shelf and position your 3D content relative to it.
the image needs to be quite complex it seems? Xcode always complains if I try to use something a lot simpler (like a QR-Code like image)
That's correct. The image needs to have enough visual detail for ARKit to track it. Something like a simple black and white checkerboard pattern doesn't work very well. A complex image does.
Object anchor
Using object anchors, you scan the shape of a 3D object ahead of time and bundle this data file with your app. When a user uses the app, ARKit will try to recognise this object and if it does, you can position your 3D content relative to it. Apple has some sample code for this if you want to try it out quickly.
Manually creating an anchor
Another option would be to enable ARKit plane detection, and have the user tap a point on the horizontal shelf. Then you perform a raycast to get the 3D coordinate of this point.
You can create an ARAnchor object using this coordinate, and add it to the ARSession.
Then you can again position your content relative to the anchor.
You could also implement a drag gesture to let the user fine-tune the position along the shelf's plane.
Which one of these placement options is best for you depends on the use case of your app. I hope this answer was useful :)
There are a lot of informative WWDC videos about ARKit. You could start off by watching this one:
It is absolutely possible. If you do this in swift or Unity depends entirely on what you are comfortable working in.
Arkit calls them In other implementations they are often called mesh or model targets.
This Youtube video shows what you want to do in swift.
But objects like a shelf might be hard to recognize since their content often changes.

Why is Pokemon Go running on unsupported devices?

If most of the devices are not supported ARCore, then why is Pokemon Go running on every device?
My device is not supported by ARCore but Pokemon Go is on it with full performance.
Until October 2017, Pokemon Go appears to use a Niantic made AR engine. At a high level, the game placed the Pokemon globally in space at a server defined location (the spawn point). The AR engine used the phone’s GPS and compass to determine if the phone should be moved to the left or to the right. Eventually, the phone pointed to the right heading and the AR engine drawed the 3D model over the video coming from the camera. At that time there was no attempt to perform mapping of the environment, surface recognition, etc. That was a simple, yet very effective technique which created the stunning effects we’ve all seen.
After that Niantic has shown prototypes of Pokemon GO using ARKit for iOS. It is easy to notice enhancements: missed pokeballs appear to bounce very naturally on the sidewalk and respect physics, it feels like Pikachu naturally walks on the sidewalk as opposed to floating in the air with the currently released game. Most observers expected Niantic to replace the current engine with ARKit (iOS) and ARCore (Android), possibly via Unity 3D AR APIs.
In early 2018 Niantic improved the aspect of the game on Android by adding support for ARCore, Google’s augmented reality SDK. And a similar update to what we’ve already seen on iOS 11, which was updated to support ARKit. The iOS update gave the virtual monsters a much greater sense of presence in the world, due to camera tracking, allowing them to more accurately stand on real-world surfaces rather than floating in the center of the frame. Android users will need a phone compatible with ARCore in order to use the new “AR+” mode.
Prior to AR+, Pokémon Go would use rough approximations of where objects were to try and place the Pokémon in your environment, but it was mostly a clunky workaround that functioned mostly as a novelty feature. The new AR+ mode also lets iOS users take advantage of a new capture bonus, called expert handler, that involves sneaking up close to a Pokémon, so as not to scare it away, in order to more easily capture it. With ARKit, since it’s designed to use the camera with the gyroscope and all the sensors, it actually feeds in 60 fps with full resolution. It’s a lot more performant and it actually uses less battery than the original AR mode.
For iOS users there's a standard list of supported devices:
iPhone 6s and higher
iPad 2017 and higher
For Android users not everything is clear. Let's see why. Even if you have an officially unsupported device with poor-calibrated sensors you can still use ARCore on your phone. For example, ARCore for All allows you do it. So for Niantic, as well, there's no difficulties to make every Android phone suitable for Pokemon Go.
Hope this helps.

ARKit save object position and see it in any next session

I am working for a project using ARKit. I need to save an object position and I want to see it in my next application launch where ever it was. For example in my office I attached some text on a door and come back to home and next day I wish to see that text on that place where it was is it possible in ARKit.
In iOS 12: Yes!
"ARKit 2", aka ARKit for iOS 12, adds a set of features Apple calls "world map persistence and sharing". You can take everything ARKit knows about its local environment, including any ARAnchors you're using to track the real-world positions of virtual content, and save it in an ARWorldMap object.
Then you can serialize that object to a file, and load the file later to effectively resume the earlier AR session (if the user is in the same local environment). Upon successfully "relocalizing" to the world map, your session has all the same ARAnchors it did before saving, so you can use that to re-create your virtual content (e.g. use the name of a saved/restored anchor to decide which 3D model to show).
For more info, see the WWDC18 talk on ARKit 2 or Apple's ARKit docs and sample code.
Otherwise, probably not.
Before iOS 12, ARKit doesn’t provide a way to make any results of its local-world mapping persistent. Everything you do, every point you locate, within an AR session is defined only in the context of that session. If you place some virtual content based on plane detection, hit testing, and/or user input, the frame of reference for that position is relative to where your device was at the beginning of the session.
With no frame of reference that can persist across sessions, there’s no way to position virtual content that’ll have it appear to stay in the same real-world position/orientation after (fully) quitting/restarting the app.
But maybe...
One of the additions from “ARKit 1.5” in iOS 11.3 is sort of an escape valve for this problem: image detection. If your app’s use case involves a known/controlled environment (for example, using virtual overlays to guide visitors in an art museum), and there are some easily recognizable 2D features in that environment (like notable paintings), ARKit can detect their positions.
Once you’ve detected an image anchor that you know is a fixed feature of the environment, you can tell your AR Session to redefine its world coordinate system around that anchor (see setWorldOrigin). After doing that, you effectively have a coordinate system that’s the same across multiple sessions (assuming you detect the same image and set the world origin in each session).

iOS Programmatically take a picture with camera based on what camera sees

I am currently working on an iOS app that can take a picture programmatically using AVFoundation libraries like AVCaptureDevice through a custom button.
The new requirement is that the camera should automatically take a picture when the camera session detects something specific. For example, if the camera is open, and I line up an apple to fill a certain circle part of the capture screen, it should take the picture automatically. We can see this auto capture feature in some banking apps when you submit a mobile check deposit.
Does anyone know of existing libraries(open-source or proprietary) that can analyze images in real time while a user is taking a picture?
The first thing you are going to need to do is decide how you want to detect the apple. You can do this using shape detection, image recognition, or various other methods. This is important because you need to know the approach you want to take before you can identify the best way to implement it.
Once you know how you are going to identify the apple, the easiest way to do real-time image processing like this would be to use an existing augmented reality SDK. For example:
If you are feeling really adventurous you could roll your own using AForge or a similar library. I have taken this approach in the past for basic shape detection projects.
The reason I suggest using an existing AR SDK is because generally they provide a lot of the glue between the camera feed and their API for you and it takes a lot of leg work out of the equation. Even though you won't be using any of the actual "augmentation" part of their SDKs, you can still take advantage of the detection part.
No matter what approach you take, you can think about it in the simplest terms of looking a picture, and figuring out if the item you want is in that picture. How do you decide? In most cases you look for a specific shape or pattern.

Is is possible to use Vuforia without a camera?

Is it possible to use Vuforia without a camera for image tracking?
Basically I would like a function I could call with an image as a indata parameter and coordinates of a image target as a result. Does that exist?
It is unfortunately not possible. I've been looking for such an option myself several times while working on a Moodstocks (image recognition SDK) / Vuforia mashup (see these 2 blog posts if you are interested in it), but the Vuforia SDK prevents the use of any other source than the camera.
I guess the main reason for this is that the camera management is fully handled internally by the Vuforia SDK, probably in order to make it easier to use as managing the camera by ourselves is at best a boring task (lines and lines of code to repeat in each project...), at worst a huge pain in the ass (especially on Android where there are sometimes devices than don't behave as expected).
By the way, it looks to me like the Vuforia SDK is not the best solution you can find for your use case: it is mainly an augmented-reality SDK, focussed on real-time tracking, which imply working with a camera stream... so using it to do "simple" image recognition looks really overkill!

