I am trying to output a string representation of the depth first traversal and another string of the breadth first traversal on a trie. So far, my methods only return null and I am not sure why they do not work properly.
This is my method for breadth first traversal:
String bfs() {
Queue<TrieNode> queue = new LinkedList<TrieNode>();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if(root == null) {
System.out.println("Empty trie");
while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
TrieNode node = queue.remove();
String result = builder.toString();
return result;
My depth first traversal method is similar but it uses stack instead of queue.
You need to add node's neighbors to the queue :
while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
TrieNode node = queue.remove();
//add node neighbors to queue //<<<<<<missing
this question is basically the same question I asked a few weeks ago... how to tap into mappingcontext.processAnonType... I marked the question as answered by mistake and since then have not been able to get any follow up.
Basically what I am trying to figure out is a location within the breeze pipeline that i can set a non entity object's prototype when the object is materialized from server results... when breeze processes results from the servers that are not entities, it ends up calling the method below of the helper MappingContext class... this method is as follows:
function processAnonType(mc, node) {
// node is guaranteed to be an object by this point, i.e. not a scalar
var keyFn = mc.metadataStore.namingConvention.serverPropertyNameToClient;
var result = {};
__objectForEach(node, function (key, value) {
var newKey = keyFn(key);
var nodeContext = { nodeType: "anonProp", propertyName: newKey };
visitNode(value, mc, nodeContext, result, newKey);
return result;
up above the value of "results" is what the client ends up receiving from breeze... this is a perfect place that I could do what it is i want to do just because i have access to the final object ("results") AND the node.$type property... i basically want to parse the node.$type property in order to figure out the prototype of the non entity object... unfortunately it does not appear processAnonType is an interception point within the pipeline... in the previous question i asked, i was directed to look at a custom jsonresultsadapter... i did that but i don't think it will work simply because the jsonresultsadapter does not ever appear to be in the position of changing the value of "results" (the final object returned)... so even if i implement a custom jsonresulsadapter and return new nodes, the value of "results" up above continues to be the same... can anyone please clue me in? thank you
EDIT #1: I already tried using a custom jsonresultsadapter… but this does NOT work for what I am SPECIFICALLY trying to do, UNLESS I am using a very old version of breeze (unlikely) or am missing something really obvious (more likely)... down below I have provided two snippets of breeze code that will hopefully help me explain my conclusion... the first snippet is the “visitandmerge” method of the mappingcontext… towards the bottom of that method you’ll see a call made to “jra.visitnode”… that’s great… it calls my custom jra implementation which returns a “node” property in the result such that the following line will use that node rather than the original one… so far so good… then at the end you’ll see that a call is made to “processmeta” that passes in my custom node… ok fine… but then if you look the “processmeta” code in my case the last “else” block ends up being invoked and a call is made to “processanontype”… this is where the problem is… at this point my custom node is discarded for purposes of creating/instantiating the final object returned to the client… I understand my custom node will be used to create properties for the final object but that's not what I am after... instead I need to manipulate the final object myself by setting its prototype… as I mentioned previously, if you look at the “processanontype” method it creates a new object (var result = {};) and that object is returned to the client, NOT my custom node, which is inline with what the documentation says… please see all the comments I left in the previous post... do you understand what my problem is? I am probably missing something here really obvious… can you please clue me in? thanks again
proto.visitAndMerge = function (nodes, nodeContext) {
var query = this.query;
var jra = this.jsonResultsAdapter;
nodeContext = nodeContext || {};
var that = this;
return __map(nodes, function (node) {
if (query == null && node.entityAspect) {
// don't bother merging a result from a save that was not returned from the server.
if (node.entityAspect.entityState.isDeleted()) {
} else {
return node;
var meta = jra.visitNode(node, that, nodeContext) || {};
node = meta.node || node;
if (query && nodeContext.nodeType === "root" && !meta.entityType) {
meta.entityType = query._getToEntityType && query._getToEntityType(that.metadataStore);
return processMeta(that, node, meta);
function processMeta(mc, node, meta, assignFn) {
// == is deliberate here instead of ===
if (meta.ignore || node == null) {
return null;
} else if (meta.nodeRefId) {
var refValue = resolveEntityRef(mc, meta.nodeRefId);
if (typeof refValue === "function" && assignFn != null) {
mc.deferredFns.push(function () {
return undefined; // deferred and will be set later;
return refValue;
} else if (meta.entityType) {
var entityType = meta.entityType;
if (mc.mergeOptions.noTracking) {
node = processNoMerge(mc, entityType, node);
if (entityType.noTrackingFn) {
node = entityType.noTrackingFn(node, entityType);
if (meta.nodeId) {
mc.refMap[meta.nodeId] = node;
return node;
} else {
if (entityType.isComplexType) {
// because we still need to do serverName to client name processing
return processNoMerge(mc, entityType, node);
} else {
return mergeEntity(mc, node, meta);
} else {
if (typeof node === 'object' && !__isDate(node)) {
node = processAnonType(mc, node);
// updating the refMap for entities is handled by updateEntityRef for entities.
if (meta.nodeId) {
mc.refMap[meta.nodeId] = node;
return node;
You should NOT need to modify the processAnonType method.
The parameters to the visitNode method in the jsonResultsAdapter have all of the information regarding the node being visited that you say you need. (See the link at the bottom of this post). The result from the visitNode is an object with the following properties:
entityType: you should return null for an anonymous type
nodeId and nodeRefId: ( probably not needed for an anonymous objects unless you plan to return multiple refs to the same object)
ignore: boolean - (if you want to completely ignore the node).
node: This is where you can take the incoming node ( the first parameter in the visitNode parameter list) and modify it, or return a completely new node object that represents your anonType instance. This object will be returned to the client unchanged, so you can create an new instance of your object with whatever prototype you want. If you don't set this property then the original incoming node will be used.
passThru: (avail in breeze versions > v 1.5.4) boolean - you should return true to return the node (above) intact without ANY further processing.
So your visitNode will look something like this:
visitNode: function(node, mappingContext, nodeContext) {
// 'isAnonType' is your method that determines if this is an anon type
var isAnon = isAnonType(node.$type);
if (isAnonType) {
// 'createCustomAnonNode' is your method where you create a copy of the node with whatever prototype you want.
// prototype you want.
var newNode = createCustomAnonNode(node);
return {
return { passThru: true, node: newNode };
} else {
// assuming that you kept track of the default JsonResultsAdapter;
return defaultAdapter.visitNode(node, mappingContext, nodeContext);
For more detail, see:
So basically, while I'm not new to this, I've somewhat forgotten the set up for adding nodes to a linear linked list. Basically, I have a cap for the number of nodes that I can add, and currently, I have:
"storage" is a binary tree with ONLY next nodes.
private void addToStorage(Node node){
if(storage.size() <= maxSize) // Current Size of storage
node.data = null;
node.prev = null;
node.next = storage;
storage = node;
Is this the correct way to implement this function? If not, how should I go about doing it using a similar method?
Considering that you are able to retrieve the last node stored somewhere inside that storage object or from somewere else:
add(Node node) {
if(prevNode != null)
prevNode.next = node;
node.prev = prevNode;
node.next = null;
Also, there's no point of nulling the data since it's usually set before calling add.
Ok so here is a clearer explanation :
I have now understood that I need to use sparse ou SparseMultigraph type to be able to have bidirectional edges so I have changed my GraphML class as such :
class GraphML
public GraphML(String filename) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException
//Step 1 we make a new GraphML Reader. We want a directed Graph of type node and edge.
GraphMLReader<SparseMultigraph<node, edge>, node, edge> gmlr =
new GraphMLReader<SparseMultigraph<node, edge>, node, edge>(new VertexFactory(), new EdgeFactory());
//Next we need a Graph to store the data that we are reading in from GraphML. This is also a directed Graph
// because it needs to match to the type of graph we are reading in.
final SparseMultigraph<node, edge> graph = new SparseMultigraph<node, edge>();
gmlr.load(filename, graph);
// gmlr.load(filename, graph); //Here we read in our graph. filename is our .graphml file, and graph is where we
// will store our graph.
BidiMap<node, String> vertex_ids = gmlr.getVertexIDs(); //The vertexIDs are stored in a BidiMap.
Map<String, GraphMLMetadata<node>> vertex_color = gmlr.getVertexMetadata(); //Our vertex Metadata is stored in a map.
Map<String, GraphMLMetadata<edge>> edge_meta = gmlr.getEdgeMetadata(); // Our edge Metadata is stored in a map.
// Here we iterate through our vertices, n, and we set the value and the color of our nodes from the data we have
// in the vertex_ids map and vertex_color map.
for (node n : graph.getVertices())
n.setValue(vertex_ids.get(n)); //Set the value of the node to the vertex_id which was read in from the GraphML Reader.
n.setColor(vertex_color.get("d0").transformer.transform(n)); // Set the color, which we get from the Map, vertex_color.
//Let's print out the data so we can get a good understanding of what we've got going on.
System.out.println("ID: "+n.getID()+", Value: "+n.getValue()+", Color: "+n.getColor());
// Just as we added the vertices to the graph, we add the edges as well.
for (edge e : graph.getEdges())
e.setValue(edge_meta.get("d1").transformer.transform(e)); //Set the edge's value.
System.out.println("Edge ID: "+e.getID());
TreeBuilder treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder(graph);
// create a simple graph for the demo:
//First we make a VisualizationViewer, of type node, edge. We give it our Layout, and the Layout takes a graph in it's constructor.
//VisualizationViewer<node, edge> vv = new VisualizationViewer<node, edge>(new FRLayout<node, edge>(graph));
VisualizationViewer<node, edge> vv = new VisualizationViewer<node, edge>(new TreeLayout<node, edge>(treeBuilder.getTree()));
//Next we set some rendering properties. First we want to color the vertices, so we provide our own vertexPainter.
vv.getRenderContext().setVertexFillPaintTransformer(new vertexPainter());
//Then we want to provide labels to our nodes, Jung provides a nice function which makes the graph use a vertex's ToString function
//as it's way of labelling. We do the same for the edge. Look at the edge and node classes for their ToString function.
vv.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller<node>());
vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller<edge>());
// Next we do some Java stuff, we create a frame to hold the graph
final JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.setTitle("GraphMLReader for Trees - Reading in Attributes"); //Set the title of our window.
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Give a close operation.
//Here we get the contentPane of our frame and add our a VisualizationViewer, vv.
//Finally, we pack it to make sure it is pretty, and set the frame visible. Voila.
And then changed my tree builder class constructor to SparseMultigraph :
public class TreeBuilder
DelegateForest<node,edge> mTree;
TreeBuilder(SparseMultigraph<node, edge> graph)
mTree = new DelegateForest<node, edge>();
for (node n : graph.getVertices())
for (edge e : graph.getEdges())
mTree.addEdge(e, graph.getSource(e),graph.getDest(e));
public DelegateForest<node, edge> getTree()
return mTree;
when I run my Main class :
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException
String filename = "attributes.graphml";
if(args.length > 0)
filename = args[0];
new GraphML(filename);
I don't get an error but edges are not present (node are their in the graph but not properly displayed).
I am attempting to create a server plugin in neo4j to make a specific query and wish to return, not one iterable, but two iterables of Node.
I saw that this is not possible according to the neo4j docs, so I tried to create an array of JSONObject from these arrays and then return it as server plugin result. But it seems that this does not work.
So I am asking if someone has already done such thing?
I have been told on neo4j google group to use Gremlin, but have never use it before and think it is a bit complicated.
Any help would be very appreciated.
i eventually got around the problem by merging the two lists i wanted to return before returning a unique list. Hence i could separate them in my python code, since i know where starts each one.
public class Ond extends ServerPlugin {
public static Iterable<Node> getOnd(
#Source GraphDatabaseService graphDb,
#Description("the airline's node ID") #Parameter(name = "id") int id) {
List<Node> results= new ArrayList<Node>();
String n4jQuery= "START al= node("+id+") match ond-[:operatedBy]->al, ond-[:origin]->orig, ond-[:destination]->dest RETURN orig, dest ;";
ExecutionEngine engine= new ExecutionEngine(graphDb);
ExecutionResult result= engine.execute(n4jQuery);
List<Node> orig= new ArrayList<Node>();
List<Node> dest= new ArrayList<Node>();
//creating the lists i want to return
//an outter loop over tables rows
for (Map<String, Object> row : result) {
//an inner loop over the two columns : orig and dest
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> column : row.entrySet()) {
String key = column.getKey();
Node n = (Node) column.getValue();
//merging the two lists
// orig elements are between indices 0 and size(results)/2 -1
//and dest element are between size(results)/2 and size(results)-1
return results;
Hope it helps !!
I am looking for best solutions for the following question.
We are given a binary tree, we need to generate a linked list from the tree using pre order traversal. Also write a test case to check whether its correct.
If you can provide a solution specific to a generating linked list and testing. Also what would be best complexity that can be achieved for this solution.
I have tried something like this :
public void TraversePreOrder(TreeNode node, LinkedListNode head){
if(node != null) return;
//Insert current node into linkedList
head = insertNodeIntoLinkedList(head, node.data);
PreOrder(node.left, head);
PreOrder(node.right, head);
public LinkedListNode insertNodeIntoLinkedList(LinkedListNode head, int data){
LinkedListNode newNode = new LinkedListNode(data);
if(head == null) {
head = newNode;
return head;
Node currentNode = head;
while(currentNode.next != null){
currentNode = currentNode.next;
currentNode.next = newNode;
return head;
Usually in any traversal order we print the data from the node that we come across on the screen. However, you can easily replace the print function with an insert function.
Create a linked list and a function to insert data in your linked list. Then create your tree, input data from it from the user (if that is what you want) then create a function for preorder traversel and instead of printing the date on the screen you can add it to your linked list.