Can Olingo v2.x and v4.x run side-by-side? - odata

Can Olingo v2.x and v4.x run in the same Java webapp side-by-side?
I know some libraries like Jackson 1.x and 2.x support this: a project can depend on both Jackson 1.x and 2.x, without conflicts

I'm using just Olingo 4, but as far as I know v2 and v4 are growing independently. I don't think it would be a problem to use them both.
And, in the worst scenario, you can use Olingo 2 for OData 2 and SDL OData Frameworks for OData 4, which are totally different libraries.

That should work. I've encapsulated olingo-odata2 and olingo-odata4 in their own Spring Framework based REST controllers and provide services side by side.


What is the migration path from JsonApiDotNetCore to .NET Core 3.0?

I am attempting to migrate a Web API from .NET Core 2.2 to 3.1.
JsonApiDotNetCore is built around Dependency Injection (DI) whereas .NET Core 3.x seems to be moving to eliminate DI, with 3 exceptions. Is JsonApiDotNetCore effectively going away? If yes, does anyone know the correct migration path? I checked the GitHub site and do not see anything on their end.

Is ServiceAccount available in .NET Standard 2.0?

.NET Core/Standard 2.0 now lets you reference old .NET Framework libraries. You can install them via NuGet, and the code will build. This works within limits though:
"The supported scenario is referencing a .NET Framework library that happens to only use types within the .NET Standard API set." -- Announcing .NET Core 2.0
When using Topshelf from a .NET Core 2.0 application, I get the following exception:
There seems to be a dependency on System.ServiceProcess.ServiceAccount that is not satisfied. Is this dependency available within the .NET Standard 2.0 spec at all? If not, is there any other way I can get this to work?
TopShelf does not work on .NET Core 2.0 because it is missing some other fundamental APIs as well (most prominent one would be ServiceBase). Some missing types are being developed as NuGet packages for the 2.1 timeframe but this does not mean that TopShelf is instantly going to work. You can follow TopShelf's GitHub issue for .NET Core support for details and updates and even some replacement libraries for basic functionality if you must run on .NET Core until TopShelf will be able to work on .NET Core (basis of which I have written).

Should I use WSDL specification 1.1 or 2.0?

What are the criteria to decide whether to write WSDL's after the 1.1 or the 2.0 specification?
Should one use by default 1.1 or 2.0?
It's hard to answer without any additional info.
While WSDL 1.1 is not an official standard, it is a de-facto standard, so many tools support it. WSDL 2.0 has little support from tools:
Apache Woden - no recent development, problems with WSDL 2.0 generation.
EasyWSDL - problems with parsing extensions, looks like version 3.0 is in development.
tinyWSDL - some JAXB limitations and bugs keeps it in beta.
Note that WSDL 2.0 specification differs from WSDL2.xsd, so not all rules may be validated or reflected in XML Schema.
Nothing prevents you from using both. Woden and tinyWSDL have converters WSDL 1.1 -> 2.0. easyWSDL not sure (2.0 uses the same model for both 1.1/2.0, but could it be used for conversion?).
In any case you can convert 95% of your WSDL 1.1 into WSDL 2.0.

Build libgit2sharp for .net 2.0

Did anyone succeed in building libgit2sharp using .NET 2.0?
I need to make the library work under VS 2005 and have many 3.5 features to re-write.
Does anyone know of a better way to work under VS 2005 with the library or is there .net 2.0 library version available anywhere?
Is there .net 2.0 library version available anywhere?
There is no official LibGit2Sharp version working against .Net 2.0. Only .Net 3.5 or Mono 2.10 are currently supported.
Does anyone know of a better way to work under VS 2005?
Current version embeds a lightweight compatibility layer to ease a future migration towards .Net 4.0.
Provided you're committed to make it to work against .Net 2.0, I'd suggest you to adapt a similar kind a isolation layer, and (as much as possible, trying to) avoid altering the code of the library. This will ease the backporting of any future LibGit2Sharp update in your project.

does nhibernate.burrow work with and dot net 4.0 framework

I am thinking of using nHibernate.Burrow in my application. However there are several troubling things that I have read and I am hoping to get them sorted out before I embark on the project:
Are there any issues with running .Burrow with
Are there issues with running .Burrow with the 4.0 framework?
How tightly coupled is .Burrow with the nHibernate? I have read several things indicating that I have to use the same version of nHibernate as was used to create the .Burrow binaries.
Any other thoughts that people have?
Yes, you should use Burrow with appropriate NHibernate version. If you want to use it with another one you can try to put assemblyRedirect in web.config file.
And I wouldn't try to use Burrow with MVC. Yes, it has Session magement and some other usefull featrures, but they are tied to ASP.NET Web Forms.
As a base framework for mvc applications I would suggest Sharp Architecture. It has all required binaries and all versions are latest.
