Google Cloud Video intelligence and embedded video content - youtube

Does Google Cloud Video intelligence work with embedded video content from Vimeo or YouTube. Will it be able to create tags, see faces etc... since the content is not directly uploaded?

No, it's not possible, as it says in the main page:
It quickly annotates videos stored in Google Cloud Storage, and helps
you identify...
Moreover, in the REST API docs it specifies, for the inputUri field:
Input video location. Currently, only Google Cloud Storage URIs are
supported, which must be specified in the following format:
gs://bucket-id/object-id (other URI formats return
google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT). For more information, see Request
URIs. A video URI may include wildcards in object-id, and thus
identify multiple videos. Supported wildcards: '*' to match 0 or more
characters; '?' to match 1 character. If unset, the input video should
be embedded in the request as inputContent. If set, inputContent
should be unset.
There is a group for discussing Cloud Video Intelligence API features and this question was asked here.


YouTube API is not giving accurate video results

Getting video in the results even though it didn't match query parameter(q)
The parameter i passed didn't exists in body,title,tags, But the video is relavant. Is API looks any other metadata of video.
For Example: i have given parameter as "mobile", this video is coming as result, here video title and description not contain mobile as parameter
Latest data not coming consistently in youtube api
Some times latest data not coming in youtube data api.
For Example: i have given rule as "amazon". This video is showing in youtube website's latest videos but not coming in youtube api result.
Example query:
W.r.t. point (1), Youtube is working OK, since the content of that video is related to the keyword mobile (please convince yourself by watching the first couple of minutes of that video).
For what concerns your point (2), I cannot in any way make the Youtube site to produce the video 6zygd1iW-f4 near the top of its search result set for the query term amazon.
All in all, I deem your claims above unsustainable.
Please note that one cannot expect crisp results from Youtube when queried with such general terms as yours is. One should not expect Youtube's searching feature to work similarly to say a full-text search in single computer-stored database. There will always be a degree of fuzziness associated to querying Youtube for broad terms.
You are actually stumbling on a very tricky scenario. Your goal is to get the same results via the API that you also see on YouTube’s website, right?
First, make sure that you configured the search endpoint as identical to your YouTube user account as possible:
order: relevance
relevanceLanguage: Same as the language that you set in the menu of YouTube’s website (Use a ISO 639-1 2-letter Code)
regionCode: Same as the country that you set in the menu of YouTube’s website (Use a ISO 3166-1 2-letter Code)
With these settings you will see that the results will be quite similar. But still not identical. Not because the API is not working or is still not properly configured but rather because YouTube’s search results change all the time. Just do the same exact search on YouTube’s website just 10 seconds apart. You’ll see that you get different search results.

Index Youtube videos for Google Search Appliance

We're successfully using the Youtube API to create a metadata-and-url xml feed that the GSA requires and pushing it to our Google Search Appliance according to the documentation
The question that we have is that we know you need to put a start url in the Content Sources > Web Crawl > Start and Block URLs page in the Admin Console. If we put in as a start url and a follow pattern of* (which all looks like all youtube videos follow) will the GSA only index whats coming from the feed or will it go out to and index a bunch of content that isn't part of our channel? I don't see anywhere you can specify a channel for a video.
FYI, we are aware of FishBowlSolutions connector for YouTube but trying to avoid spinning up another server with TomCat just to index our YouTube videos.
You should not add the youtube-url to your Start URLs, only to your Follow Patterns. That way, the crawler will not crawl Youtube from top to bottom, but the URLs you provide in the feed will be crawled. However, if GSA finds URLs on the crawled pages, it will obviously also crawl those.
An option is to tighten the Follow Patterns. And of course you can develop a Youtube connector on Googles Adaptor Framework, which is not that hard for Java-developers!
Google CSE Search
YouTube User Panel
I haven't used GSA(I'm getting ramped up on it though, which is how I found your post), but the way I've accomplished this using Google's CSE is to index the channel, user or playlist specifically, vs. youtube in general, i.e.:
youtube dot com/user/alltrapmusic
or: youtube dot com/channel/UC_ahy2GUec7EmbWF3LGxLhQ
or: youtube dot com/playlist?list=PLsHnWFR4n5jBFYdsclaKtdWQtf2Iu8bKZ
So, in CSE, I can configure to search only that user, channel and playlist and return only results found on those three (Google CSE Search link).
I can only assume GSA works the same(as I mentioned, I have no experience with GSA); if not, my apologies.
p.s. - in order to find your youtube channel, go to the user link(YouTube User Panel link); there you'll find home, videos, playlists, channels, etc. Hope that helps.
For anyone else looking to use the Youtube api and push their videos to the GSA, we found that there needs to be a few changes to the feed.
The feedtype needs to be full in the xml.This tells the GSA that everything it needs to know about the content is in the xml and it doesn't need to go out and index a url.
You need to have a <content> node in the xml. We used the description coming from Youtube api as the value. This is what is displayed to the user in the search results
url attribute on the record needs to be a value that can be added to the Start and Block URL and Follow patterns in the GSA settings and it needs to be unique. These actually don't need to exist but the GSA will use this value in the xml to determine if it should be included in the index. We used a fake url and the value from Youtube video ID appended to make it unique
displayurl attribute will be the url that will be displayed in the results so it would have the actual youtube url.
Start and Block URLs should contain the general url attribute value. For us, it was the fake directory
Follow Pattern should contain the pattern to follow that also matches the Start URL. Since we only have videos in that directory, we're able to put the same value as the Start URL. If you are pointing to a real directory and have other content in that that you don't want to index, you may need to add whatever pattern is common to your videos.
A sample record is below. Once we updated our feed, added the Start and Block URLs, our videos appear in our search results.
<group action="add">
<record url="" displayurl="" mimetype="text/html">
<meta name="Title" content="TITLE OF VIDEO"></meta>
<meta name="Published" content="2016-08-15T22:00:38.000Z"></meta>
<meta name="PhotoURL" content=""></meta>

YouTube Data API (v3) search filters are broken

Note: I am using a YouTube Iframe from a webview inside a Chrome App.
This is what YouTube's API states:
The videoSyndicated parameter lets you to restrict a search to only
videos that can be played outside If you specify a value
for this parameter, you must also set the type parameter's value to
The videoLicense parameter filters search results to only include
videos with a particular license. YouTube lets video uploaders choose
to attach either the Creative Commons license or the standard YouTube
license to each of their videos. If you specify a value for this
parameter, you must also set the type parameter's value to video.
The videoEmbeddable parameter lets you to restrict a search to only
videos that can be embedded into a webpage. If you specify a value for
this parameter, you must also set the type parameter's value to video.
Even if I turn them all on, I still get error messages like
This video contains content from X
Example video:
Q: Why is this the case, and how do I ensure that the search results only include the videos that are playable from my website?
I realized it's not that the filters are broken, it's that the videos have domain-specific blacklists. For example, certain videos cannot be played from mobile devices or in my case, from a chrome app that has chrome-extension:// domain.
There is a separate check for copyright claims. The legal copyright holder of some content on the video ( usually the music ) has the legal right to restrict or block the embed on certain sites. This info is currently not available through the YouTube API.

YouTube API Search by Tags

I'm trying to add videos to an existing ASP.NET MVC site, and I'd like to show videos from our YouTube channel.
I have added a tag to each video to indicate what page it should appear on. I had thought that I could search our channel by tag on each page to render the relevant video on that page.
I'm trying to exclusively use the API v3, but it seems I can't do this.
I can't use developer tags, because videos are uploaded by multiple users using the standard YouTube front end. This seems like basic functionality, so I'm assuming it's my inexperience with this API.
As an example, our YouTube channel is ChillinWithCharlie. During development, one video is tagged 20141213Cheneys.
I can get all videos in our channel, but is there a way to query the v3 API to retrieve just this video?
I've seen one suggestion here that I retrieve all videos, and filter in code. This feels inefficient, so I'd rather not do this, but I can't even see where the tag is returned with all channel videos, that I could interrogate in code.
It's not just you. There seems to be no specific query parameter to search by tag with API v3.
I would recommend doing a search with your tag in the 'q' (search) parameter, then checking the results to see if the tag exists in the returned snippet->tags property to verify the exact video.
Note YouTube tags are only visible to the video's uploader.[]

Can contentOwners use youtube analytics API to find ContentType(uploaderType) of a video

Using CMS account we can download raw data files from youtube(
This csv does have information whether a video was Partner-provided or UGC.
The corresponding closest match from Youtube Analytics API I believe is using the uploaderType
But this is at a contentOwner Level rather than at video level.Kindly let me know if I am missing something.
You're not missing anything. You can run a content-owner YouTube Analytics API report and use the uploaderType as a filter, to find stats about all the videos underneath that content owner that have a specific uploader type value. You can't request uploaderType as a dimension in a request with a video== or channel== filter, though.
The matrix of supported parameters is at
