Can we update UI from background Thread? - ios

Hello iOS experts just to clear my concept I have a bit confusion about UI updation from Main Thread. Apple requirements are that all UI related stuff should be carried out in main Thread.So to test:
Case1: I dispatch a task to a global dispatch concurrent queue asynchronously . After some processing I update my UI stuff directly from the concurrent queue (background thread), working fine using the below code.
dispatch_queue_t myGlobalQueue;
myGlobalQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_async(myGlobalQueue, ^{
// Some processing
// Update UI;
Case2: Than i tried the Apple required way, dispatch a block to global dispatch concurrent queue asynchronously. After some processing I update the UI stuff in Main thread using below code:
dispatch_queue_t myGlobalQueue;
myGlobalQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_async(myGlobalQueue, ^{
// Some processing
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// UI Updation
Now in both cases I am getting the same result. Now listen my questions
Questions: 1: In case1 are we still in Main Thread not in background thread ? If so than why Apple doc say:
Concurrent queues (also known as a type of global dispatch queue) execute one or more tasks concurrently, but tasks are still started in
the order in which they were added to the queue. The currently
executing tasks run on distinct threads that are managed by the
dispatch queue. The exact number of tasks executing at any given
point is variable and depends on system conditions.
Now if we are on Main Thread than this is a contradiction with the bold part of Apple Doc.
2: In Case1 if we are in background thread, than why Apple require to get Main Thread for UI Updation, Even though we can update UI from background Thread too?.
Kindly read my question fully and suggest me if I am doing something wrong. Your help and time would be greatly appreciated.

To 1)
This simply says, that tasks from the same queue can run on distinct threads. It does not say, that a task cannot run on a specific thread. (But I really do not expect to run a task on the main thread.)
To 2)
Apple does not say, that updating the UI from a different thread will fail in every case, but can fail. You shouldn't do it: One time it will fail.
You should read this:


GCD Serial Queue dispatch async and sync

I have some doubts regarding GCD.
Code snippet 1
serialQ.sync {
serialQ.async {
serialQ.async {
Code snippet 2
serialQ.async {
serialQ.async {
serialQ.sync {
I ran both of them in playground, and found that Code snippet 2 gives deadlock while Code snippet 1 runs fine. I have read a lot about GCD and started playing around with these concepts. Can anyone please provide a detailed explanation for the same ?
PS : serialQ is a serial Queue
According to my understanding,
Serial Queue - generates only one thread at a time, and once that thread is freed up then it is occupied or free to do other tasks
Serial Queue dispatched sync - blocks the caller thread from which the serial queue is dispatched and performs the tasks on that thread.
Serial Queue dispatched async - does'nt not blocks the caller thread, infact it runs on a different thread and keeps the caller
thread running.
But for the above query I am not able to get the proper explanation.
You are calling sync inside a block already executing on the same queue. This will always cause a deadlock. sync is the equivalent of saying “execute this now and wait for it to return.” Since you are already executing on that queue, the queue never becomes available to execute the sync block. It sounds like you’re looking for recursive locks, but that’s not how queues work. It’s also quite arguably an anti-pattern in general. I discuss this more in this answer: How to implement a reentrant locking mechanism in objective-c through GCD?
EDIT: Came back to add some thoughts on your "understandings":
Serial Queue - generates only one thread at a time, and once that thread is freed up then it is occupied or free to do other tasks
A serial queue doesn't "generate" one thread. Queues and threads are different things and have different semantics. A serial queue requires one thread upon which to execute a work item, but there's not a one-to-one relationship between a serial queue and a thread. A thread is a relatively "heavy" resource and a queue is a relatively "light" resource. A single serial queue can execute work items on more than one thread over its lifetime (although never more than one thread at the same time). GCD maintains pools of threads that it uses to execute work items, but that is an implementation detail, and it's not necessary to understand how that's implemented in order to use queues properly.
Serial Queue dispatched sync - blocks the caller thread from which the serial queue is dispatched and performs the tasks on that thread.
A queue (serial or concurrent) is not "dispatched" (sync or otherwise). A work item is, well, enqueued into a queue. That work item will be subsequently executed by an arbitrary thread including, quite possibly, the calling thread. The guarantee is that only one work item enqueued to a given serial queue will be executing (on any thread) at one time.
Serial Queue dispatched async - doesn't block the ~caller~ enqueueing thread, in fact it runs on a different thread and keeps the caller thread running. (minor edits for readability)
This is close, but not quite accurate. It's true that enqueueing a work item onto a serial queue with async does not block the enqueueing thread. It's not necessarily true that the work item is executed by a different thread than the enqueueing thread, although in the common case, that is usually the case.
The thing to know here is that the difference between sync and async is strictly limited to the behavior of the enqueueing thread and has no (guaranteed) bearing or impact on which thread the work item is executed. If you enqueue a work item with sync the enqueueing thread will wait (possibly forever, in the specific case you outlined here) for the work item to complete, whereas if you enqueue a work item with async the enqueueing thread will continue executing.
A sync call, as you point out, blocks the current thread until the block runs. So when you make sync to the same serial queue that you’re currently on, you are blocking the queue, waiting for a block to run on the same queue that you just blocked, resulting in a deadlock.
If you really want to run something synchronously on the current queue, don’t dispatch it with sync at all and just run it directly. E.g.:
serialQ.async {
serialQ.async {
// serialQ.sync { // don't dispatch synchronously to the current serial queue
// }
Or dispatch asynchronously. E.g.,
serialQ.async {
serialQ.async {
serialQ.async {
Or use a concurrent queue (in which case you have to be careful to make sure you don’t have thread explosion, which could result in deadlock, too). E.g.,
let concurrentQ = DispatchQueue(label: "...", attributes: .concurrent)
concurrentQ.async {
concurrentQ.async {
concurrentQ.sync {

dispatch sync of main queue related query [ios, swift]

so i know we should never call dispatch_sync on main queue, as its a serial queue.
so the below code will crash in xcode:
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
print("hello world")
but i am not able to understand 100% why it is going to crash or deadlock ?
can someone explain with some drawing because i don't have 100% proof explanation that why it is going to crash or deadlock.
i know main queue is serial queue. so it executes tasks one by one. suppose we have task A running on main queue and if i add another taskB on main queue then task B only starts after taskA finishes.
and i also know that main queue should only perform UI specific tasks.
but its just i don't have 100% proof explanation of why above code will crash / deadlock.
can someone explain with some kind of simple drawing.
i know main queue is serial queue. so it executes tasks one by one. suppose we have task A running on main queue and if i add another taskB on main queue then task B only starts after taskA finishes.
and i also know that main queue should only perform UI specific tasks.
Not correct. The UI must only be updated on the main queue but you can do whatever you want on the main queue. You can handle data on the main queue if it fits that particular application. If you're handling a lot of data and don't want to freeze the UI, then you would want to get off the main queue.
but its just i don't have 100% proof explanation of why above code will crash / deadlock.
// doing work...
DispatchQueue.main.sync { // stop the main thread and wait for the following to finish
print("hello world") // this will never execute on the main thread because we just stopped it
// deadlock

iOS dispatch_get_global_queue nested inside dispatch_get_main_queue

I've inherited a codebase that's using the following structure for threading:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), { () -> Void in
//Several AFNetworking Server calls...
I'm not very experienced with threading, so I'm trying to figure out what the possible intention behind this structure. Why grab the main queue only to access another queue immediately? Is this a common practice? For a little more context, this code is executed in an UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification notification, making several necessary service calls.
Is this structure safe? Essentially my goal is to make the service calls without blocking the UI. Any help or input is appreciated.
So I think this is an interesting few lines that somebody decided to write, so let's break down what's happening here (I may be breaking things down too much, sorry in advance, it just helps my own train of thought)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), dispatch_block_t block)
This will put the block as a task on the main queue (which you the code is already running in), then immediately continue executing the code in the rest of the method (If he had wanted to wait for the block task to finish before continuing, he'd have made a dispatch_sync call instead).
The main queue is serial, so it will perform these tasks exactly in this order:
go ahead and execute the block after the end of the current method (the end of the run loop for the current task)
execute any other tasks that may have been asynchronously added to the main queue before you dispatch_async your block task into the queue
execute the block task
Now block just dispatches another task to the high priority global queue.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), block2)
The DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH is a concurrent queue-- so if you were to dispatch multiple tasks to this queue, it could potentially do them in parallel, depending on several system factors.
Your old co-worker wanted to make sure the networking calls in block2 were done ASAP
Because block is calling dispatch_async (which returns immediately), block task finishes, allowing the main queue to execute the next task in the queue.
The net result so far is that block2 is queued into the high priority global queue. After it executes, and your network calls complete, callback methods will be called and yadayada
...So what is the order of what's happening?
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0), { () -> Void in
//Several AFNetworking Server calls...
1) moreCode executes
2) block executes (adds block2 with network calls onto global queue)
3/4) Next task in main queue executes
4/3) Network task in global queue executes
The order of which would happen first may vary between 3 and 4, but that's concurrency for you :)
So unless old coworker wanted moreCode to execute first before adding the network calls to a global queue, you can go ahead and remove that initial dispatch_async into the main queue.
Assuming it looks like they wanted the network calls done ASAP, there probably is no reason to delay the addition of those networking tasks into a global queue.
Open to any input ^^. My experience involves reading all of the documentation on GCD today, then deciding to look at some GCD tagged questions

dispatch_sync deadlocks but not on that queue

This code is blocking on the call to dispatch_sync. I'm new to dispatch queues. Any reason why this would block?
if (dispatch_get_current_queue() == dispatch_get_main_queue())
The logs print these queues
Comparing the current queue against the main queue is not a valid way to check whether you are running on the main thread.
From the GCD docs -
The result of dispatch_get_main_queue() may or may not equal the
result of dispatch_get_current_queue()
when called on the main thread. Comparing the two is not a valid way to test whether code is executing
on the main thread. Foundation/AppKit programs should use [NSThread isMainThread]. POSIX programs may
use pthread_main_np(3).
dispatch_get_current_queue() is deprecated and it was meant for debugging only, so you shouldn't use it in production code.
There's no need to check if this queue is the main queue, just dispatch_sync it on the main queue and it'll get there.

dispatch_async on main_queue?

I have seen this code snippet:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self doSomeNetworkStuff];
This doesn't look like making much sense to me.
EDIT: To clarify the conditions of my question:
The call to dispatch_async is performed from the main thread.
The sent message doSomeNetworkStuff is the heavy lifting worker task.
... and is not only the UI-updating task.
Dispatch, sure, but using the main queue would just pull the dispatched task back to the ui thread and block it.
Please, am I missing something?
dispatch_async lets your app run tasks on many queues, so you can increase performance.
But everything that interacts with the UI must be run on the main thread.
You can run other tasks that don't relate to the UI outside the main thread to increase performance.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
//Add some method process in global queue - normal for data processing
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(){
//Add method, task you want perform on mainQueue
//Control UIView, IBOutlet all here
//Add some method process in global queue - normal for data processing
Swift 3: .qosBackground).async {
print("This is run on the background queue")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("This is run on the main queue, after the previous code in outer block")
when you want to do some Webservicecall or something you dispatch a async call like this below:
//Call your webservice here , your app will not freeze at all
Now, suppose you want to update or push a ViewController from your dispatched thread, if you directly push viewcontroller from this, app will or may get crashed,as such UI updates should be done in main thread of app,below is the answer for this then.
//Call your webservice here , your app will not freeze at all
//To update UIFrom dispatched Thread:
//Push view controller here
for detail visit :
It depends from where this code is being called. Means if its calling from main queue then it doesn't make sense. (Note: it will not cause a crash but it will just add a task in main queue ).
If this code is written in background thread then this is a converging point for the application. Like you are getting data from web service in background thread then wants to update it on UI then you can call it.
-(void) backgroundThreadFunction {
//Some stuff on background thread.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//Wants to update UI or perform any task on main thread.
[self doSomeNetworkStuff];
You can find more details over apple documentation
or from this answer also
Do post me if its still unclear. I will write a detailed answer.
You'll usually see that syntax inside of another dispatch_async call that runs on a background thread. This is because all updates to the UI should happen on the main thread, not in the background.
I lost track of this question, but as it still gets traction, I'll post an answer to this (using swift)
Assumptions: I do know that UI work has to be done on the main thread.
// We are on the main thread here.
// The following will schedule the closure on the main thread after ALL other
// routines currently scheduled on the main thread are done.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// So here we are back on the main thread AFTER all routines on the main
// thread have completed.
// If the following call does NOT dispatch onto a background thread
// it will block the UI and it was really bad programming.
// Thus, for now and for the benefit of the doubt, let's assume
// `doSomeNetworkStuff()` DOES dispatch to a background thread.
// This can only make sense if the the func `doSomeNetworkStuff()`
// relies on results of code paths following this current
// `DispatchQueue.main.async(... we are here ...)`.
// If `doSomeNetworkStuff()` does NOT depend on any other code paths:
// Why not directly scheduling it directly on a background thread?
// Which is unnecessary, as as stated above it MUST dispatch on to the
// background anyways.
// Moreover, there is few possibility that `doSomeNetworkStuff()` does
// depend on other codepaths, because `self` is already captured by
// the closure.
Taking all this together IMHO the original code does not make very much sense. It could be replaced with:
// We are on the main thread here
The original async dispatch onto the main thread to then dispatch to background should be wasteful and confusing (obviously).
Unfortunately I am not in the position anymore to try this out with the original code base.
Am I missing an idea here?
