Activate a pattern since a date - esper

Iam from Spain, forgive my English because Im not very at languages. Here is my question. Iam programming in ESPER-EPL. I want to detect 6 events since a specific date at 3 pm, but I dont know how to do it correctly. I know that I have to put a code any operator but I am starting to be crazy. Could you help me?
INSERT INTO DetectorPares
SELECT a1.systemNumber, a1.time,,
a2.systemNumber, a2.time,,
a3.systemNumber, a3.time,,
a4.systemNumber, a4.time,,
a5.systemNumber, a5.time,,
a6.systemNumber, a6.time,
FROM PATTERN [every (a1 = RankingProd()->
a2 = RankingProd() ->
a3 = RankingProd() -> timer:interval(2 hours)->
a4 = RankingProd() ->
a5 = RankingProd() ->
a6 = RankingProd())
WHERE (a1.systemNumber = a4.systemNumber AND
a2.systemNumber=a5.systemNumber AND

Is it 3pm each day or a given day?
And how long should the pattern remain active? Until 3pm the next day? Forever? Or until there is a match? How many patterns can be active at the same time if there was no match 3pm every day?
Here is a solution that starts the pattern 3pm the first day thereafter once:
create context From3PMEachDay start (0, 15, *, *, *);
context From3PMEachDay INSERT INTO DetectorPares
SELECT a1.systemNumber, a1.time,, ....
... the pattern here just like you have it...;
For a pattern that starts 3pm every day
create context From3PMEachDay initiated by (0, 15, *, *, *);


Parse time string to hours, minutes and seconds in Lua

I am currently working on a plugin for grandMA2 lighting control using Lua. I need the current time. The only way to get the current time is the following function:'TIME')
which always returns the current system time, which I then store in a variable. An example return value is "12h54m47.517s".
How can I separate the hours, minutes and seconds into 3 variables?
If is available (and matches'TIME')), this is trivial:
If format starts with '!', then the date is formatted in Coordinated Universal Time. After this optional character, if format is the string "*t", then date returns a table with the following fields: year, month (1–12), day (1–31), hour (0–23), min (0–59), sec (0–61, due to leap seconds), wday (weekday, 1–7, Sunday is 1), yday (day of the year, 1–366), and isdst (daylight saving flag, a boolean). This last field may be absent if the information is not available.
local time ='*t')
local hour, min, sec = time.hour, time.min, time.sec
This does not provide you with a sub-second precision though.
Otherwise, parsing the time string is a typical task for tostring and string.match:
local hour, min, sec ='TIME'):match('^(%d+)h(%d+)m(%d*%.?%d*)s$')
-- This is usually not needed as Lua will just coerce strings to numbers
-- as soon as you start doing arithmetic on them;
-- it still is good practice to convert the variables to the proper type though
-- (and starts being relevant when you compare them, use them as table keys or call strict functions that check their argument types on them)
hour, min, sec = tonumber(hour), tonumber(min), tonumber(sec)
Pattern explanation:
^ and $ pattern anchors: Match the full string (and not just part of it), making the match fail if the string does not have the right format.
(%d)+h: Capture hours: One or more digits followed by a literal h
(%d)+m: Capture minutes: One or more digits followed by a literal m
(%d*%.?%d*)s: Capture seconds: Zero or more digits followed by an optional dot followed by again zero or more digits, finally ending with a literal s. I do not know the specifics of the format and whether something like .1s, 1.s or 1s is occasionally emitted, but Lua's tonumber supports all of these so there should be no issue. Note that this is slightly overly permissive: It will also match . (just a dot) and an s without any leading digits. You might want (%d+%.?%d+)s instead to force digits appearing before & after the dot.
Lets do it with string method gsub()
local ts ='TIME')
local hours = ts:gsub('h.*', '')
local mins = ts:gsub('.*%f[^h]', ''):gsub('%f[m].*', '')
local secs = ts:gsub('.*%f[^m]', ''):gsub('%f[s].*', '')
To make a Timestring i suggest string method format()
-- secs as float
timestring = ('[%s:%s:%.3f]'):format(hours, mins, secs)
-- secs not as float
timestring = ('[%s:%s:%.f]'):format(hours, mins, secs)

How to calculate the difference in minutes between two bedtimes (NOT time elapsed)?

I'm trying to get Google Sheets functions to calculate the difference in minutes between two bedtimes and have been spinning my wheels for at least five hours on this. Here are four examples of what I'm trying to accomplish:
9:00 PM 9:15 PM 15
9:00 PM 10:00 PM 60
11:30 PM 1:00 AM 90
1:00 AM 11:00 PM 120
As you can see, the date doesn't figure at all. I apologize for not offering up code, but I've tried at least half a dozen approaches from other answers and they aren't working -- mainly, I suspect, because most people are looking to find the time elapsed between the two times whereas I'm looking to determine "how much earlier" or "how much later" one bedtime is relative to another (always expressed as a positive value).
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Times are stored as numbers between 0 and 1. If you subtract two times and multiply the result by 24 x 60 = 1440 and format as a number you’ll get number of minutes. I think you’ll need something like:
=MIN(ABS(1440*(B1-A1)), ABS(1440*(B1-A1-1)), ABS(1440*(B1-A1+1)))
The difference between two times is a duration. The question requests that durations be converted to "digital minutes", but that is often not as readable as one would think. 175 minutes is more difficult to understand than 2:55 hours.
There is therefore usually no point in multiplying by 24 * 60 — instead, just use the duration value as is:
=min( abs(B2 - A2), abs(B2 - A2 - 1), abs(B2 - A2 + 1) )
Format the result cell as Format > Number > Duration.
See this answer for an explanation of how date and time values work in spreadsheets.
use arrayformula:
IF(A2:A&B2:B="", 0, ABS(1440*(B2:B-A2:A+{-1, 0, 1})))),
"select "&TEXTJOIN(",", 1,
"min(Col"&ROW(A2:A)-ROW(A2)+1&")"))))),, 2)
ROW(A2:A)&"×"&ABS(1440*(B2:B-A2:A+{-1, 0, 1}))), "×"),
"select min(Col2) group by Col1 label min(Col2)''"))))
Try to implement a modulus function in your code. It would basically do something like this:
If x = -5, then y = f(x) = – (-5) = 5, since x is less than zero
If x = 10, then y = f(x) = 10, since x is greater than zero
If x = 0, then y = f(x) = 0, since x is equal to zero
Therefore calculating how much time passed without negative values.

How to get OHLC prices for a historic bar in MQL4?

I'm getting a bit stuck with a piece of mql4 code. Esentially, I need to access and store the OHLC prices of a historic bar back in time maximum 30 days back from current date. This is how I am currently doing it.
input int referenceDay=1;
static double reference;
if ( Day() == referenceDay ) reference = Open[0];
This is working fine until the point I either add to the code which, it then resets the reference back to 0. I am looking for a way to be able to access the history on each new candle and store the price for the referenceDay.
The objective is that whenever the EA is loaded to the chart, it automatically goes into the history and updates the reference price to be used on this trading day without having to wait for the entire month's iteration in real time.
The objective is that whenever the EA is loaded to the chart, it automatically goes into the history and updates the reference price
So far so good.
Once EA gets loaded,
the definition of static double reference; sets the initial value of reference == 0.;
next, the call to Day() sets the rules:
int Day(); returns the current day of the month, which is not the "today"'s-day, but the day of month of the so called last known server time. Given the EA was loaded on Sunday afternoon, or Monday morning, before the Market was opened, the "last known server time" is still Friday ... remember, the Server-side datetime rules ( so, if trading on APAC or Australia / New Zealand TimeZone servers, additional gymnastics are in place ).
So, as the code continues - in all such cases, when the input int referenceDay value will accidentally != the last known server time Day(), your ( just ) initialised variable reference will remain == 0.
May test it:
static double reference = EMPTY; // .SET EXPLICIT INITIALISER
if ( Day() == referenceDay )
{ reference = Open[0];
print( reference,
{ print( reference,
"ON( ",Day(), " ) ",
"AFTER Day() DID NOT MATCH referenceDay = ",
May redefine the assignment strategy, using:
input int referenceDAYinput = 1;
int referenceDAYnDaysBACK = max( 0, // FUSED
Day() - referenceDAYinput
static double referenceLEVEL = iOpen( _Symbol,
This code snippet certainly does not strive to be the complete solution, but shows the mechanics for achieving the desired objective.
Your actual code will have to solve how many Trading days - which is needed to address the TimeSeries-indexing logic of MetaTrader Terminal 4 platofrm -- ( not just the Calendar days ) -- there were in between the referenceDAYinput and the "last known server time"-Day(), but your are this close to have this done.

Jenkins job scheduler

How can I set Jenkins to run a job at a particular time?
Like if I'd like to set it to 8:30am every weekday and this is what I could do
H 7 * * 1-5
this randomly picks up 7:35am as running time.
H is a pseudo-random number, based on the hash of the jobname.
When you configured:
H 7
you are telling it:
At 7 o'clock, at random minute, but that same minute very time
Here is the help directly from Jenkins (just click the ? icon)
To allow periodically scheduled tasks to produce even load on the system, the symbol H (for “hash”) should be used wherever possible. For example, using 0 0 * * * for a dozen daily jobs will cause a large spike at midnight. In contrast, using H H * * * would still execute each job once a day, but not all at the same time, better using limited resources.
The H symbol can be used with a range. For example, H H(0-7) * * * means some time between 12:00 AM (midnight) to 7:59 AM. You can also use step intervals with H, with or without ranges.
The H symbol can be thought of as a random value over a range, but it actually is a hash of the job name, not a random function, so that the value remains stable for any given project
If you want it at 8:30 every weekday, then you must specify just that:
30 8 * * 1-5
Take a look at
0 30 8 ? * MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI *
30 8 * * 1-5
This would start at 8:30am Mon-Fri.
0 and 7 are Sundays.
Not sure what the H does but I am assuming it takes the lower case hex of h and applies 68 which is 35 in decimal... lol. Don't do that.
Following this format:
Minute Hour DayOfMonth DayOfWeek Day
It picks that time because you told it that it can, as imagine you already know:
minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week.
Now you have user H which allows Jenkins to pick at random. So you have told it to run between 7-8 every week day.
Change this to:
30 8 * * 1-5
Hope this helps!

Using distance_of_time_in_words in Rails

I have a start month (3), start year (2004), and I have an end year (2008). I want to calculate the time in words between the start and end dates. This is what I'm trying and it's not working..
# first want to piece the start dates together to make an actual date
# I don't have a day, so I'm using 01, couldn't work around not using a day
st = (start_year + "/" + start_month + "/01").to_date
ed = (end_year + "/01/01").to_date
# the above gives me the date March 1st, 2004
# now I go about using the method
distance_of_time_in_words(st, ed)
..this throws an error, "string can't me coerced into fixnum". Anyone seen this error?
You can't just concatenate strings and numbers in Ruby. You should either convert numbers to strings as mliebelt suggested or use string interpolation like that:
st = "#{start_year}/#{start_month}/01".to_date
But for your particular case I think there is no need for strings at all. You can do it like that:
st =, start_month, 1)
ed =, 1, 1)
distance_of_time_in_words(st, ed)
or even like that:
st =, start_month)
ed =
distance_of_time_in_words(st, ed)
See Date class docs for more information.
Given that the context in which you are calling the method is one that knows the methods from ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper, you should change the following:
# first want to piece the start dates together to make an actual date
# I don't have a day, so I'm using 01, couldn't work around not using a day
st = (start_year.to_s + "/" + start_month.to_s + "/01").to_date
ed = (end_year.to_s + "/01/01").to_date
# the above gives me the date March 1st, 2004
# now I go about using the method
distance_of_time_in_words(st, ed)
=> "almost 3 years"
So I have added calls to to_s for the numbers, to ensure that the operation + is working. There may be more efficient ways to construct a date, but yours is sufficient.
