Https and http both the protocals not able to run in websphere liberty server with springboot - spring-security

I want to run the health check of the services only with http and all the services as https. facing the issue to configure the particular URI with in-secure protocal (http). tried below but its not working:
Here I am trying to configure the healthcheck with http and all the services with https :
Please help me to resolve this issue
Thanks in advance.


Can you use a JHipster reactive gateway with Okta behind a corporate proxy?

We have a gateway generated through jhipster that we cannot get working on production (rancher or aws). Our company has a server proxy that we need to get through to connect to Okta. It does not appear that webflux will allow us to supply our server proxy, so we get "connection refused" errors.
Has anyone run into this? Is there a workaround?
Working fine on local.

Jenkins Jetty redirect http to https

We set our Jenkins ver. 2.150.1 running on a default Jetty (Ubuntu) with https on port 8443. Is it possible to redirect all access from http(8080) to https(8443) without Apache/Nginx proxy? It would be great to use an existing Jetty.
This is not implemented but it could be possible using SecuredRedirectHandler.
Please note this is development is part of Jenkins project:
You can propose a pull request with the change and I will be happy to review/merge
Or at least log a change request here

Unable to access Jenkins

When I tried to access jenkins using localhost:8080/jenkins I get the following error.
Problem accessing /jenkins/. Reason:
Not Found
How to solve this?
Check your webserver which is running, if you use apache turn on the apache server by going to right path
Check this out, Apache web server to route HTTP and HTTPS traffic to Jenkins. This helps too
1.use URLs that lack the pesky port tag
2.receive external port 80 or 443 traffic

apache tomcat on Google cloud Instance

I have installed java and apache tomcat on my Google cloud instance and have started the tomcat but when I try to connect to my instance from my browser on port 8080 or 8443 I cannot connect it. I should see the apache tomcat's welcome page right? Can someone plz help me with this?
You need to configure firewall to allow those ports.
The best option for your use case would be to use Google Cloud Launcher.
It should give you an external IP with HTTP and HTTPS tomcat ports open 8080.
Just go to the details of your instance and click on edit.
Now in the firewalls section and check Allow HTTP traffic.

Spring Security, OpenID, and mod_proxy

I have an application using spring-security's OpenID implementation. The app server sits behind a proxy. The proxy is apache httpd with mod_proxy. If the proxy connects to the app server via HTTP, the application will tell the OpenID authenticator to redirect back via HTTP rather than HTTPS like I would prefer. It seems to pull the protocol dynamically and only sees HTTP. If I configure the proxy to use HTTPS, I run into this problem. So is there a way to operate spring security behind a proxy which uses HTTP?
A little extra mod_proxy and Glassfish configuration solved this problem for me:
