Web UI not generating JS bundle file - zenbot

Running the latest version the web ui pulls up and I can see the image assets but the app.bundle.js returns a 404. Do I need to do anything to build that file or something?
Cannot GET /assets-wp/app.bundle.js

As per this issue, make sure you're not running it as root, then try reinstalling it via:
npm install --unsafe-perm


Cannot install golint package: wrong import path

I have a project that uses golint and installs it inside the docker container. It have been working ok for months (and have been built multiple times), but today when I build the container again I get the following error:
go get -u github.com/golang/lint/golint
package github.com/golang/lint/golint:
code in directory /a-go-path/golang/lint/golint expects import "golang.org/x/lint/golint"
I can replicate the issue locally on my computer by typing go get github.com/golang/lint/golint. I have deleted all the packages related to golint in the go path (source and bin folders), still when I try to install it again I get the former error.
I am using go 1.11.0
Any recommendations?
You are supposed to use go get -u golang.org/x/lint/golint to install golint. Note that this is exactly the URL in the error message.
You'll need to modify the image you use to build the container to use this URL.
It started to happen yesterday due to this commit (they added golang.org/x/lint/golint as the import path). See this issue for more information.
go get -u golang.org/x/lint/golint
it has been updated to this

Why we should not use Bower but Yarn, while both download different codes for the same package?

For example:
yarn add babel
bower install babel
I have application running without server (I don't plan to use NodeJS as my back-end). It is now pure-front-end double-click HTML file.
I tried to import browser.js into my HTML file to be able to process JSX.
Import with <script src="node_modules/babel-core/lib/api/browser.js"> does not work.
But, import with <script src="bower_components/babel/browser.js"> works.
Apparently, the codes are different. Since, Bower is dead and it suggests its users to use Yarn, how can the codes be different?
How can I use Yarn like I use Bower?
I have tested. There is no way ReactJS downloaded from package manager like Yarn or NPM work without server. At least any static-file server works.
In my case I ran yarn build, go to build directory, make sure the working directory is in the build folder, then run any server from there (root must be at the build folder). I use python3 -m http.server (because that is the only thing I conveniently use). I suppose you can use basic NodeJS HTTP as well.
I am not happy with the result, with fact that I can use CDN and Bower to serve React application as a single HTML file but I cannot do as such with React downloaded form the currently hip package manager.

Automatic refresh the page when changes while running pub serve (dart)

I'm using pub serve to run my page. I noticed that there are tools like lite-server for npm, that make sure that after file contents are changed, the web page is automatically refreshed.
Anyone got something like that working for dart using pub serve? I thought maybe some grinder script with the watcher package could make that work?
Pub should handle monitoring and autodeployment of changes itself when run in debug or release mode.
You can verify this works correctly by issuing from your project root
pub serve
then make a change to a html or dart file and verify that the project is automatically rebuilt.
If this is not working, you might try experimenting with the --force-poll option when running pub serve. Per documentation:
--[no-]force-poll Force the use of a polling filesystem watcher.

Bower not copying any files

Im using bower as part of the yeoman 1.0 beta 4 install. All looks well however when I run bower install I get the expected output yet no files are copied to app/components as advertised.
I am running on windows which I understand is not officially supported yet. Has any one managed to get this up and running with some success? I have followed some tutorials on line relating to the subject however I think they are out dated. I managed to install yeoman without any additional steps and no errors as far as I can tell.
Grunt File being Used
Oh no... Git was not on the system path. Adding it caused me to run into another small error with a solution found here http://wingkaiwan.com/2012/11/25/bower-errors-on-windows/
Thank you Mr Ricky Wan

How do I make yeoman reload bla.html instead of index.html

When a change is made to any html file in the root, yeoman fires the reload task, but, yeoman does it only to http://localhost:3501/index.html.
How do I let yeoman know that I wanna reload http://localhost:3501/bla.html ?
Maybe some Gruntgile.js configurations?
Yeoman 1.0 does this with no problems, it's pretty easy to install. Here is a quick guide:
Make sure that you have Node installed with NPM
Uninstall the old version of Grunt
Install the requirements with NPM like this: npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower
You now have everything you need, you can run yo to confirm that you have the correct version installed.
There is a lot less dependencies, they are moved to a per-project-basic.
You can read a lot more on their website here http://yeoman.io
Make sure that you read the migration guide.
Note: Their wiki says that it does not work on Windows, this is not the case anymore, I run Windows 7 and it works like charm.
