Debug an IOS app on Windows PC - ios

I have developed a mobile app for IOS, Andriod and Windows devices. The application was developed with Phonegap.
I am running into a few issues while testing. Everything works perfect on Android, Windows and iPad, however once the app is on an iPhone 7 with operating system 11.2.5 there are a few "quirks". For instance select menus are self selecting and causing the app to crash. This only happens on the iPhone.
I am trying to debug this using weinre to debug, and I am unable to successfully get the iPhone to connect.
Is there options to see a console log, web inspector to find these errors?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Phonegap serve and weinre.
Running both. I was able to pin point the issue..
Needed to update plugins.


Is it possible to Debug iOS app on Windows/Linux?

is there a way how to debug an iOS mobile app on Windows or Linux (Ubuntu)?
I have an application which runs fine on Android, but it has some flaws on iOS. For Android debugging, I always used the Chrome device inspector and I am wondering if it’s possible for iOS too?
The Webkit Adapter I found ( works for debugging websites opened on iPhone via SAFARI browser, but not for the mobile app. Any ideas?
Thanks a lot for any suggestions.
Yes, you can develop your own lldb to support debugging non-jailbroken iOS device on Window, like this

Why cant I build apps on my PC but I can on my mac? Xamarin

So I got my MacBook pro yesterday in hopes of developing some local apps to build on my phone.
And after setting everything up, Visual studio on my mac and XCode, and I already had Visual Studio on my PC things started messing up.
I tried debugging my app on my phone from my PC, with the phone connected to my PC ofcourse, didnt work, so I read around on the internet for a good 4 hours and it said that I should create a blank project in XCode, and for the Signing in preferences I had to choose Team, so I did and it debugged the application on my iphone when my iphone was connected to my Mac,
However I DONT want to code on Mac computers, I want to use my PC.
But everytime I try to debug the application from my PC it keeps saying
Could not find any available provisioning profiles for iOS.
I am running a iPhone 7 with the version 10.1.1 because I dont want to update due to various reasons.
I tried changing the Deployment target to something really low but that didnt fix it.
Why is this happening?
Visual representation of what the error looks like
Not sure if this picture helps, this is the project properties > iOS Bundle Signing
And my device log is empty aswell.. Why?
ANother error message saying it doesnt support
I plugged it into the mac and now its visible in the Device log and I can see stuff happening in the device log but I still cant boot the project on my iPhone
Apple doesn't allow developing for iphone on a non IOS device. This simply means that you can't build apps on a Linux or Windows computer/laptop the normal way. You are stuck on building your project on an IOS device.
There are 2 options to fully develop on a Windows laptop though.
One way of doing so is by using your mac as a gateway to send your app from Windows to IOS to your phone. More info about this can be found here:
The second option is a newer one called Xamarin Live Player. You don't need to use a mac at all for developing, but you still need a mac if you want to publish the app. This option also works differently from normal development as you need to download an extra program on your phone.
You could try to do manual provisioning. Create a development provisioning profile at the Apple Developer site, and have XCode download it for you. Then it should show on your PC for you to select.
See the Xamarin documentation on manual provisioning for some more details:

Launching iOS App in UI Testing Mode from Windows 10

It is obvious that we can run iOS App (.ipa, .app) in UITest mode from MacOSX using Xcode or Xcode command line tools.
But I saw some test-automation tools, who can launch App in UITesting mode (Appium Studio, QUAmotion, Ranorex, ..etc) from Windows 10. They are even giving back elements. (which is possible only in UITestMode)
As per my knowledge, UI Testing mode is only supported on MacOSX with Xcode because Xcode has a testManager which it uses to manage the Testcases while running. As for iOS Device attached to windows. LibiMobileDevice with the help of itunes gives functionalities like installing, running, uninstalling etc.
Can any one explain or help me with some library (paid or free )that can help me in Launching iOS app with UI Testing mode on iOS Device from Windows 10 ?
I work for Quamotion, one of the companies that you mentioned. You are right, we can run iOS appliations in UI Test mode on Windows and Linux, just like other vendors such as Ranorex.
If you're still interested, I'd be happy to help you getting started with launching iOS applications in UI testing mode on a real, physical iOS device in Windows 10.
The best way for you to get started would probably to download the latest version of Quamotion, request a 2-week trial license and start one of the tutorials.
For example, we publish a hands-on-lab which shows you, step by step, how you can automate the Acquaint iOS application on a real iPhone from a Windows PC.

Debugging PhoneGap on Device

Normally I'm a JEE guy but these days I'm working on a mobile app. I chose PhoneGap because there are not so many needs to UI and I thought this would be the easiest way to serve the app on many platforms.
I'm wondering if my setup is good and if it's possible to get console output when running on the device. I'm working on MacOS and iPhone6.
I installed PhoneGap and Cordova via npm and serving the files with phonegap serve.
For local debugging I'm using the chrome plugin "Ripple".
For debugging on the device I'm using the PhoneGap Developer App from the AppStore, together with weinre on my Laptop to get some debugging data. In weinre I can see everything except console outputs. Is this normal? Or any idea how I could get the console to weinre, too?
I also found some tutorials on the web using XCode and some native iPhone emulator but didn't get this working yet. Which way is the more preferable way of debugging on device?
You don't need any tool for debugging cordova app. For iOS just start the app in stimulator and start safari. In safari go to Develop > 'your pc name' > ios simulator.
For Android run the app in your device and in the chrome go to http://chrome://inspect/#devices
Weinre is quite old and should not be be used anymore, instead, you want to use the remote debugging tools in your browser. For iOS, you can use Safari to debug your Cordova app. I've got a full article here,, but the process involves doing one setting on your mobile device, and then simply opening up Safari and going to the debug menu. You can also do this with Chrome and Android apps.
Another option is GapDebug ( which lets you do iOS and Android together in one Chrome tab.

Run JQuery Mobile App in iPhone

I have a JQuery Mobile app. I'm curious how it looks/runs within an iPhone. I do not have an iPhone. I also, do not have a MAC. Are there any downloadable tools that I can use on a Windows 7 machine to see how the app looks within iPhone?
Thank you!
If you just need to see how your JQM app looks on iPhone you can try
You can also might be interested in much more advanced web based tool BrowserStack.
And finally if you need more than that (for example attach to iOS Safari instance to debug your mobile app code) than you need real or virtualized OSX and xCode iOS Simulator.
You can't do that in the Windows environment.
But you can use your computer to create a hackinntosh. A hackintosh is simply any non-Apple hardware that has been made—or "hacked"—to run Mac OS X. This could apply to any hardware, whether it's a manufacturer-made or personally-built computer.
Than you can use it to test an iPhone jQM app in the XCode iPhone emulator. Only downside of this method is that you can not use it to deploy final all into Apple app store.
Here's a short tutorial on what is a hackintosh and how you can deploy it on your computer:
And here's an youtube "how to" video:
