Remove lines of particular size from image - imagemagick

I have used the following imagemagick command for the image below:
convert img.png -define morphology:compose=darken -morphology Thinning Rectangle:17x1+0+0\< tmp.png
This removes ALL lines from the image, but I just want to remove the small horizontal and vertical lines on the right and bottom of the number in top left corner of each block. I want to preserve the main column and row lines. Can anyone tell me how to do it?
This is what I get (notice the long lines dividing the image content into columns and rows are also gone. I want those line to stay):

I notice the script is finer/thinner and less regular than the lines so it is more susceptible to eroding techniques. With that in mind we can ditch the text like this:
convert vcards.png -colorspace gray -threshold 50% -morphology erode disk:1.5 +repage z1.png
That's a good start, but if we use that as a mask, we will lose the long horizontal lines in your original image. So, we can find all those by projecting all the rows into a single-pixel wide tall column and thresholding all the rows that are more than 80% white. Then widen the image back out to its original width.
convert z1.png -colorspace gray -resize 1x\! +repage -threshold 80% -scale 810x1518\! +repage z2.png
Now combine the two masks so they only do the lower and right sides of your little title box things.
convert z1.png \( z2.png -negate \) -compose darken -composite z3.png
Finally, fatten that mask up a bit because it may have shifted around during previous processing, and apply it to your original image.
convert vcards.png \( z3.png -morphology dilate disk:2 -negate \) -compose darken -composite result.png
It could all be combined into a single command, but I won't do that, because some aspects may not work for all your images and while they are all individually implemented and documented, they are simpler to improve or correct individually.

you can use the followin code for horizontal an change it slightly for vertical lines
magick 21.gif -monochrome ( +clone -negate -statistic median 219x1 ) -compose lighten -composite q1.png


ImageMagick get image side only - not a edge detection problem

This is not a finding edge problem but I am trying to find the background color of the image, in order to find it, I am trying to get the edge of the image and guess the best color.
In order to do so, I want to remove the center of the image and just get image like a frame with transparent center.
Is it possible through ImageMagick?
For example
If want
Try this tested on Windows with IM V7:
magick "input.png" ( -size 200x200 xc:black ) -gravity center -compose DstOut -composite "output.png"
Takes the original photo, creates a rectangular mask, places it over the middle of the image and "cuts" out the rectangle
If the input is not a png ( for instance a jpg ) you will have to do some work setting the alpha channel
EDIT: This seems to work for both jpg and png images
magick "input.png" -alpha on ( -size 200x200 xc:black ) -gravity center -compose DstOut -composite "output.png"
I'll offer a simple variation on Bonzo's solution. This command allows you to specify in pixels the amount of edge you want to keep...
magick input.jpg -alpha on -bordercolor none -background none ^
( +clone -shave 24 -border 24 ) -compose dstout -composite output.png
It reads the input image, sets the alpha "on", and sets the border and background colors to "none".
Then inside the parentheses it makes a clone of the input image, shaves off the amount you want to retain around the edges, then adds that amount back as a transparent border all around. That will be the mask.
Then after the parentheses use a compose method of "dstout" to composite that mask onto the input image, which results in a transparent "hole" in the image with your specified amount of the original edge retained.
If you want to keep different amounts from the vertical and horizontal edges, specify those amounts in the shave and border operations...
... -shave 24x32 -border 24x32 ...
If you're using IMv7 you can even use FX expressions to specify the widths...
... -set option:v1 %[fx:(w+h)/2*0.1] -shave %[v1] -border %[v1] ...
The command is in Windows syntax using IMv7. Change "magick" to "convert" to use it with IMv6. To make it work in *nix you need to change the continued-line caret "^" to a backslash "\" and escape the parentheses with backslashes "\(...\)".

ImageMagick engraving effect on glass

I want to add logo on product image with engraving effect.
The original logo is
After adding it on the product it should look like this.
how to do this with imagemagick.
Using this as the trophy:
Then something along these lines:
convert trophy.jpg -gravity center \
\( G.png -colorspace gray -channel a -evaluate multiply 0.2 -resize 120x120 \) -composite result.png
So, I am basically loading the trophy, then in some "aside processing" in parentheses, loading the Google logo, converting it to greyscale, reducing the opacity by multiplying it by 0.2, resizing it and compositing it on top of the trophy.
By the way, if you were using GraphicsMagick, which doesn't have the parentheses I used to make sure I only convert the logo to greyscale and not the trophy, you would do it in a different order. First load the logo and process it (greyscale, resize etc), then load the trophy, then swap the order so the trophy goes to the background, like this:
gm convert G.png -colorspace gray -resize ... trophy.jpg -swap -composite result.png

Delete vertical and horizontal lines of certain length from image using imagemagick

I need to remove the vertical and horizontal line inside each block. For example in the top left block, I want to remove the small lines to the right and bottom of 31. I want to remove all such lines in the image.
I tried the following:
convert my_image.png -negate -define morphology:compose=darken -morphology Thinning Rectangle:1x130+0+0< -negate new_image.png
And I am getting this error:
bash: -negate: No such file or directory
Where am I going wrong.
This is the expected output. I did this in GIMP. Please notice that that the right and bottom lines around the top-left numbers of each block are gone.
As test, I cropped your image to a small part and flattened against a white background. Then applied your command and it worked reasonably well.
convert my_image.png +repage -crop 1000x1000+0+0 +repage -background white -flatten tmp.png
convert tmp.png -negate -define morphology:compose=darken -morphology Thinning Rectangle:1x130+0+0\< -negate tmp2.png
Is that what you want? If not, please explain what further is needed.

Batch trim noisy images

I have a massive set of noisy images of drawings that people have created. I'd like to have some function to trim them down to ONLY the drawing.
Here are some examples:
Because of the noise -trim doesn't work
I also tried to use the example linked here (, but it was ineffective because of differing noise levels both within and between images.
Lastly, I tried to increase the contrast to increase the likelihood of the lines of the actual drawing being identified, but for similar reasons to the above (differing noise levels), it only sharpened the lines in part of each image.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them!
Not sure if this will work for all your images, as there are quite a few problems with them:
artefacts around the edges
uneven lighting, or shadows
but you should get some ideas for addressing some of the issues.
To get rid of the artefacts around the edge, you could reduce the extent of the image by 2.5% on all sides - essentially a centred crop, like this:
convert noisy1.jpg -gravity center -extent 95x95% trimmed.png
To see the shadows/uneven lighting, I will normalise your image to a range of solid black to solid white and you will see the shadow at bottom left:
convert noisy1.jpg -normalize result.png
To remove this, I would clone your image and calculate the low frequency average over a larger area and then subtract that so that slowly changing things are removed:
convert noisy1.jpg \( +clone -statistic mean 25x25 \) -compose difference -composite -negate result.png
That gives this, and then you can try normalising it yourself to see that the shadow is gone:
If I now apply a Canny Edge Detection to that, I get this:
convert noisy1.jpg \( +clone -statistic mean 25x25 \) -compose difference -composite -normalize -negate -canny 0x1+10%+30% result.png
Here is a very crude, but hopefully effective, little script to do the whole lot. It doesn't do any checking of parameters. Save as $HOME/cropper.
trimbox=$(convert "$1" -extent 95x95% -write "$tmp" \( +clone -statistic mean 25x25 \) -compose difference -composite -normalize -negate -canny 0x1+10%+30% -format %# info:)
convert "$tmp" -crop $trimbox "$dst"
rm tmp-$$.*
Make the script executable with:
chmod +x $HOME/cropper
And run with a single image like this:
cd /path/to/some/images
$HOME/cropper OneImage.jpg
If you have hundreds of images, I would make a backup first, and then do them all in parallel with GNU Parallel
parallel $HOME/cropper {} ::: *.jpg

Imagemagick: distorting images on top of background?

I've got one background image: sky.jpg
And two transparent PNG images: gradient.png and tree.png
Now I want to draw the two images on the background with a perspective distortion, like this:
The destination coordinates of the two images are, in clockwise order (starting top left) :
gradient: 62,129 421,218 383,458 147,548
tree: 445,100 765,47 698,368 529,396
I cannot figure out how to start with one image (in this case the sky background) and then take another image and draw that with perspective distortion to specific destination coords within the background. Also doing this with more than one image at a time, within one convert command, troubles me.
For example, when I start with just one image (the gradient) and try this:
convert sky.jpg \( gradient.png -alpha set -virtual-pixel transparent \
+distort Perspective "0,0 62,129 255,0 421,218 255,255 383,458 0,255 147,548" \) \
-compose src-over -composite result.jpg
It gets correctly warped (so the coordinates are relatively correct) but it's drawn in the top left corner, not at the coordinates I specify.
Also I'm a bit unsure if my usage of -compose and -composite is correct (I took this from various IM manual examples).
One other thing that is unclear to me: in case of the 256x256 image, should I use 255,0 and 255,255 and 0,255 as the corner coordinates, or 256,0 and 256,256 and 0,256 ?
Any IM experts who can shed light on these issues?
Add a -geometry just before the -composite like this:
convert -size 800x600 xc:black \( -size 300x200 xc:red \) -geometry +90+10 -composite result.png
