I am trying to understand how exactly the GridSearchCV in scikit-learn implements the train-validation-test principle in machine learning. As you see in the following code, I understand what it does is as follows:
split the 'dataset' into 75% and 25%, where 75% is used for param tuning, and 25% is the held out test set (line 1)
init some parameters to search (lines 3 to 6)
fit the model on the 75% of dataset, but split this dataset into 5 folds, i.e., each time train on 60% of the data, test on the other 15%, and do this 5 times (lines 8 - 10). I have my first and second questions here, see below.
take the best performing model and parameters, test on the holdout data (lines 11-13)
Question 1: what is exactly going on in step 3 with respect to the parameter space? Is GridSearchCV trying every parameter combination on every one of the five runs (5-fold) so giving a total of 10 runs? (i.e., the single param from 'optmizers', 'init', and 'batches' is paired with the 2 from 'epoches']
Question 2: what scores does line 'cross_val_score' print? Is this the average of the 10 above runs on the single fold of the data in each of the 5 runs? (i.e., the average of five 15% of the entire dataset)?
Question 3: suppose line 5 now has only 1 parameter value, this time GridSearchCV is really not searching any parameters because each parameter has only 1 value, is this correcct?
Question 4: in case explained in question 3, if we take a weighted average of the scores computed on the 5-folds of GridSearchCV runs and the heldout run, that gives us an average peformance score on the entire dataset - this is very similar to a 6-fold cross-validation experiment (i.e., without gridsearch), except the 6 fold are not entirely equal size. Or is this not?
Many thanks in advance for any replies!
X_train_data, X_test_data, y_train, y_test = \
train_test_split(dataset[:,0:8], dataset[:,8],
random_state=42) #line 1
model = KerasClassifier(build_fn=create_model, verbose=0)
optimizers = ['adam'] #line 3
init = ['uniform']
epochs = [10,20] #line 5
batches = [5] # line 6
param_grid = dict(optimizer=optimizers, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batches, init=init)
grid = GridSearchCV(estimator=model, param_grid=param_grid, cv=5) # line 8
grid_result = grid.fit(X_train_data, y_train)
cross_val_score(grid.best_estimator_, X_train_data, y_train, cv=5).mean() #line 10
best_param_ann = grid.best_params_ #line 11
best_estimator = grid.best_estimator_
heldout_predictions = best_estimator.predict(X_test_data) #line 13
Question 1:
As you said, you dataset will be split in 5 pieces.
Every parameters will be tried (in your case 2). For each parameters, model will be trained on 4 of the 5 folds. The remaining one will be used as test. So you are right, in your example, you are going to train 10 times a model.
Question 2:
'cross_val_score' is the average (accuracy, loss or something) on the 5 test folds. This is done to avoid having for example a good result just because the test set was really easy.
Question 3:
Yes. It makes no sense if you have only one set of parameter to try to do a grid search
Question 4:
I didn't exactly understand your question. Usually, you use a grid search on your train set. This allows you to keep your test set as a validation set. Without cross validation, you could find a perfect setting to maximise results on your test set and you would be overfitting your test set. With a cross validation, you can play as much as you want with fine-tuning parameter as you don't use your validation set to set it up.
In your code, there is no big need of CV as you don't have a lot of parameters to play with, but if you start adding regularization, you may try 10+ and in such case, CV is required.
I hope it helps,
I am attempting to train an ANN on time series data in Keras. I have three vectors of data that are broken into scrolling window sequences (i.e. for vector l).
np.array([l[i:i+window_size] for i in range( len(l) - window_size)])
The target vector is similarly windowed so the neural net output is a prediction of the target vector for the next window_size number of time steps. All the data is normalized with a min-max scaler. It is fed into the neural network as a shape=(nb_samples, window_size, 3). Here is a plot of the 3 input vectors.
The only output I've managed to muster from the ANN is the following plot. Target vector in blue, predictions in red (plot is zoomed in to make the prediction pattern legible). Prediction vectors are plotted at window_size intervals so each one of the repeated patterns is one prediction from the net.
I've tried many different model architectures, number of epochs, activation functions, short and fat networks, skinny, tall. This is my current one (it's a little out there).
Conv1D(64,4, input_shape=(None,3)) ->
Conv1d(32,4) ->
Dropout(24) ->
LSTM(32) ->
But nothing I try will affect the neural net from outputting this repeated pattern. I must be misunderstanding something about time-series or LSTMs in Keras. But I'm very lost at this point so any help is greatly appreciated. I've attached the full code at this repository.
I played with your code a little and I think I have a few suggestions for getting you on the right track. The code doesn't seem to match your graphs exactly, but I assume you've tweaked it a bit since then. Anyway, there are two main problems:
The biggest problem is in your data preparation step. You basically have the data shapes backwards, in that you have a single timestep of input for X and a timeseries for Y. Your input shape is (18830, 1, 8), when what you really want is (18830, 30, 8) so that the full 30 timesteps are fed into the LSTM. Otherwise the LSTM is only operating on one timestep and isn't really useful. To fix this, I changed the line in common.py from
X = X.reshape(X.shape[0], 1, X.shape[1])
X = windowfy(X, winsize)
Similarly, the output data should probably be only 1 value, from what I've gathered of your goals from the plotting function. There are certainly some situations where you want to predict a whole timeseries, but I don't know if that's what you want in this case. I changed Y_train to use fuels instead of fuels_w so that it only had to predict one step of the timeseries.
Training for 100 epochs might be way too much for this simple network architecture. In some cases when I ran it, it looked like there was some overfitting going on. Observing the decrease of loss in the network, it seems like maybe only 3-4 epochs are needed.
Here is the graph of predictions after 3 training epochs with the adjustments I mentioned. It's not a great prediction, but it looks like it's on the right track now at least. Good luck to you!
EDIT: Example predicting multiple output timesteps:
from sklearn import datasets, preprocessing
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from keras import models, layers
OUTPUT_WINDOW = 5 # Predict 5 steps of the output variable.
# Randomly generate some regression data (not true sequential data; samples are independent).
X, y = datasets.make_regression(n_samples=1000, n_features=4, noise=.1)
# Rescale 0-1 and convert into windowed sequences.
X = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(X)
y = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(y.reshape(-1, 1))
X = np.array([X[i:i + INPUT_WINDOW] for i in range(len(X) - INPUT_WINDOW)])
y = np.array([y[i:i + OUTPUT_WINDOW] for i in range(INPUT_WINDOW - OUTPUT_WINDOW,
len(y) - OUTPUT_WINDOW)])
print(np.shape(X)) # (990, 10, 4) - Ten timesteps of four features
print(np.shape(y)) # (990, 5, 1) - Five timesteps of one features
# Construct a simple model predicting output sequences.
m = models.Sequential()
m.add(layers.LSTM(20, activation='relu', return_sequences=True, input_shape=(INPUT_WINDOW, 4)))
m.add(layers.LSTM(20, activation='relu'))
m.add(layers.LSTM(20, activation='relu', return_sequences=True))
m.add(layers.wrappers.TimeDistributed(layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')))
m.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')
m.fit(X[:800], y[:800], batch_size=10, epochs=60) # Train on first 800 sequences.
preds = m.predict(X[800:], batch_size=10) # Predict the remaining sequences.
print('Prediction:\n' + str(preds[0]))
print('Actual:\n' + str(y[800]))
# Correlation should be around r = .98, essentially perfect.
print('Correlation: ' + str(stats.pearsonr(y[800:].flatten(), preds.flatten())[0]))
The image on the left shows a standard ROC curve formed by sweeping a single threshold and recording the corresponding True Positive Rate (TPR) and False Positive Rate (FPR).
The image on the right shows my problem setup where there are 3 parameters, and for each, we have only 2 choices. Together, it produces 8 points as depicted on the graph. In practice, I intend to have thousands of possible combinations of 100s of parameters, but the concept remains the same in this down-scaled case.
I intend to find 2 things here:
Determine the optimum parameter(s) for the given data
Provide an overall performance score for all combinations of parameters
In the case of the ROC curve on the left, this is done easily using the following methods:
Optimal parameter: Maximal difference of TPR and FPR with a cost component (I believe it is called the J-statistic?)
Overall performance: Area under the curve (the shaded portion in the graph)
However, for my case in the image on the right, I do not know if the methods I have chosen are the standard principled methods that are normally used.
Optimal parameter set: Same maximal difference of TPR and FPR
Parameter score = TPR - FPR * cost_ratio
Overall performance: Average of all "parameter scores"
I have found a lot of reference material for the ROC curve with a single threshold and while there are other techniques available to determine the performance, the ones mentioned in this question is definitely considered a standard approach. I found no such reading material for the scenario presented on the right.
Bottomline, the question here is two-fold: (1) Provide methods to evaluate the optimal parameter set and overall performance in my problem scenario, (2) Provide reference that claims the suggested methods to be a standard approach for the given scenario.
P.S.: I had first posted this question on the "Cross Validated" forum, but didn't get any responses, in fact, got only 7 views in 15 hours.
I'm going to expand a little on aberger's previous answer on a Grid Search. As with any tuning of a model it's best to optimise hyper-parameters using one portion of the data and evaluate those parameters using another proportion of the data, so GridSearchCV is best for this purpose.
First I'll create some data and split it into training and test
import numpy as np
from sklearn import model_selection, ensemble, metrics
X = np.random.random((5000, 10))
y = np.random.randint(0, 2, 5000)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = model_selection.train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3)
This gives us a classification problem, which is what I think you're describing, though the same would apply to regression problems too.
Now it's helpful to think about what parameters you may want to optimise. A cross-validated grid search is a computational expensive process, so the smaller the search space the quicker it gets done. I will show an example for a RandomForestClassifier because it's my go to model.
clf = ensemble.RandomForestClassifier()
parameters = {'n_estimators': [10, 20, 30],
'max_features': [5, 8, 10],
'max_depth': [None, 10, 20]}
So now I have my base estimator and a list of parameters that I want to optimise. Now I just have to think about how I want to evaluate each of the models that I'm going to build. It seems from your question that you're interested in the ROC AUC, so that's what I'll use for this example. Though you can chose from many default metrics in scikit or even define your own.
gs = model_selection.GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid=parameters,
scoring='roc_auc', cv=5)
gs.fit(X_train, y_train)
This will fit a model for all possible combinations of parameters that I have given it, using 5-fold cross-validation evaluate how well those parameters performed using the ROC AUC. Once that's been fit, we can look at the best parameters and pull out the best performing model.
print gs.best_params_
clf = gs.best_estimator_
{'max_features': 5, 'n_estimators': 30, 'max_depth': 20}
Now at this point you may want to retrain your classifier on all of the training data, as currently it's been trained using cross-validation. Some people prefer not to, but I'm a retrainer!
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
So now we can evaluate how well the model performs on both our training and test set.
print metrics.classification_report(y_train, clf.predict(X_train))
print metrics.classification_report(y_test, clf.predict(X_test))
precision recall f1-score support
0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1707
1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1793
avg / total 1.00 1.00 1.00 3500
precision recall f1-score support
0 0.51 0.46 0.48 780
1 0.47 0.52 0.50 720
avg / total 0.49 0.49 0.49 1500
We can see that this model has overtrained by the poor score on the test set. But this is not surprising as the data is just random noise! Hopefully when performing these methods on data with a signal you will end up with a well-tuned model.
This is one of those situations where 'everyone does it' but there's no real clear reference to say this is the best way to do it. I would suggest looking for an example close to the classification problem that you're working on. For example using Google Scholar to search for "grid search" "SVM" "gene expression"
I feeeeel like we're talking about Grid Search in scikit-learn. It (1), provides methods to evaluate optimal (hyper)parameters and (2), is implemented in a massively popular and well referenced statistical software package.
I have been trying to get into more details of resampling methods and implemented them on a small data set of 1000 rows. The data was split into 800 training set and 200 validation set. I used K-fold cross validation and repeated K-fold cross validation to train the KNN using the training set. Based on my understanding I have done some interpretations of the results - however, I have certain doubts about them (see questions below):
Results :
10 Fold Cv
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold)
Summary of sample sizes: 720, 720, 720, 720, 720, 720, ...
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
k Accuracy Kappa
5 0.6600 0.07010791
7 0.6775 0.09432414
9 0.6800 0.07054371
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final value used for the model was k = 9.
Repeated 10 fold with 10 repeats
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
k Accuracy Kappa
5 0.670250 0.10436607
7 0.676875 0.09288219
9 0.683125 0.08062622
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final value used for the model was k = 9.
10 fold, 1000 repeats
k Accuracy Kappa
5 0.6680438 0.09473128
7 0.6753375 0.08810406
9 0.6831800 0.07907891
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final value used for the model was k = 9.
10 fold with 2000 repeats
k Accuracy Kappa
5 0.6677981 0.09467347
7 0.6750369 0.08713170
9 0.6826894 0.07772184
While selecting the parameter, K=9 is the optimal value for highest accuracy. However, I don't understand how to take Kappa into consideration while finally choosing parameter value?
Repeat number has to be increased until we get stabilised result, the accuracy changes when the repeats are increased from 10 to 1000. However,the results are similar for 1000 repeats and 2000 repeats. Will it be right to consider the results of 1000/2000 repeats to be stabilised performance estimate?
Any thumb rule for the repeat number?
Finally,should I train the model on my complete training data (800 rows) now test the accuracy on the validation set ?
Accuracy and Kappa are just different classification performance metrics. In a nutshell, their difference is that Accuracy does not take possible class imbalance into account when calculating the metrics, while Kappa does. Therefore, with imbalanced classes, you might be better off using Kappa. With R caret you can do so via the train::metric parameter.
You could see a similar effect of slightly different performance results when running e.g. the 10CV with 10 repeats multiple times - you will just get slightly different results for those as well. Something you should look out for is the variance of classification performance over your partitions and repeats. In case you obtain a small variance you can derive that you by training on all your data, you likely obtain a model that will give you similar (hence stable) results on new data. But, in case you obtain a huge variance, you can derive that just by chance (being lucky or unlucky) you might instead obtain a model that either gives you rather good or rather bad performance on new data. BTW: the prediction performance variance is something e.g. R caret::train will give you automatically, hence I'd advice on using it.
See above: look at the variance and increase the repeats until you can e.g. repeat the whole process and obtain a similar average performance and variance of performance.
Yes, CV and resampling methods exist to give you information about how well your model will perform on new data. So, after performing CV and resampling and obtaining this information, you will usually use all your data to train a final model that you use in your e.g. application scenario (this includes both train and test partition!).
I have one dataset, and need to do cross-validation, for example, a 10-fold cross-validation, on the entire dataset. I would like to use radial basis function (RBF) kernel with parameter selection (there are two parameters for an RBF kernel: C and gamma). Usually, people select the hyperparameters of SVM using a dev set, and then use the best hyperparameters based on the dev set and apply it to the test set for evaluations. However, in my case, the original dataset is partitioned into 10 subsets. Sequentially one subset is tested using the classifier trained on the remaining 9 subsets. It is obviously that we do not have fixed training and test data. How should I do hyper-parameter selection in this case?
Is your data partitioned into exactly those 10 partitions for a specific reason? If not you could concatenate/shuffle them together again, then do regular (repeated) cross validation to perform a parameter grid search. For example, with using 10 partitions and 10 repeats gives a total of 100 training and evaluation sets. Those are now used to train and evaluate all parameter sets, hence you will get 100 results per parameter set you tried. The average performance per parameter set can be computed from those 100 results per set then.
This process is built-in in most ML tools already, like with this short example in R, using the caret library:
model <- train(x = iris[,1:4],
y = iris[,5],
method = 'svmRadial',
preProcess = c('center', 'scale'),
tuneGrid = expand.grid(C=3**(-3:3), sigma=3**(-3:3)), # all permutations of these parameters get evaluated
trControl = trainControl(method = 'repeatedcv',
number = 10,
repeats = 10,
returnResamp = 'all', # store results of all parameter sets on all partitions and repeats
allowParallel = T))
# performance of different parameter set (e.g. average and standard deviation of performance)
# visualization of the above
levelplot(x = Accuracy~C*sigma, data = model$results, col.regions=gray(100:0/100), scales=list(log=3))
# results of all parameter sets over all partitions and repeats. From this the metrics above get calculated
Once you have evaluated a grid of hyperparameters you can chose a reasonable parameter set ("model selection", e.g. by choosing a well performing while still reasonable incomplex model).
BTW: I would recommend repeated cross validation over cross validation if possible (eventually using more than 10 repeats, but details depend on your problem); and as #christian-cerri already recommended, having an additional, unseen test set that is used to estimate the performance of your final model on new data is a good idea.
I am trying randomForest using the 'caret' package. When I run the basic command without providing any controls, it shows that caret used mtry=5 in the final model. ie, it used 5 predictors.
However, my data has 4 predictors. Can anyone explain why it shows mtry=5?
Here is my code:
model.rf = train(Petal.Length~., data=iris, method="rf")
randomForest(x = x, y = y, mtry = param$mtry)
Type of random forest: regression
Number of trees: 500
No. of variables tried at each split: 5
Mean of squared residuals: 0.06799251
% Var explained: 97.8
If you do not specify a grid search, then the model info for method = "rf" will by default use var_seq(p = ncol(x)) where in this case x is the dataset iris. If you use var_seq(ncol(iris)) it will return 2 3 and 5. These values will be used in the default grid search for the mtry paramater. This returns 3 rf models and the one with the lowest rmse will be chosen as the final model. You can see this by just typing model.rf.
The reason you see 5 has to do with your seed. If you set the seed to 99 the chosen model will have an mtry of 3.
Of course just because the mtry is 5 does not mean that there suddenly is an extra variable to be chosen. It will just take all the variables available.
#phiver, Thank you for explaining var_seq. I am afraid it does not provide the full answer to my question. I found out that the following function provides the answer.
#[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" "Petal.Width"
#[4] "Speciesversicolor" "Speciesvirginica"
We see that caret replaces the categorical predictor 'Species' with 2 dummy variables. This is why we see 5 predictors, though we have 4 actual predictors for predicting Sepal.Length. (I assume that you are familiar with iris data, hence I am not giving the details of its data structure.).
I think that the mtry value means the number of forests used in you model.