I have problems with adding pictures for comments. Comments have a link has_many to the pictures as: :imageable. How I can add a pictures upload to a comment form?
# app/models/comment.rb
class Comment < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :article
belongs_to :user
has_many :images, as: :imageable
accepts_nested_attributes_for :images, allow_destroy: true
# app/models/Image.rb
class Image < ApplicationRecord
has_attached_file :img
validates_attachment :img, content_type: { content_type:
"image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif"] }
belongs_to :imageable, polymorphic: true, required: false
# app/controllers/comments_controller.rb
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
def create
#article = Article.find(params[:article_id])
#comment = #article.comments.create(comment_params)
#comment.user_id = current_user.id
redirect_to article_path(#article)
def destroy
#article = Article.find(params[:article_id])
#comment = #article.comments.find(params[:id])
redirect_to article_path(#article)
def comment_params
params.require(:comment).permit(:commenter, :body)
# app/views/comments/_form.html.erb
<%= form_with(model: [ #article, #article.comments.build ],
local:true) do |form| %>
<%= form.label :commenter %><br>
<%= form.text_field :commenter %>
<%= form.label :body %><br>
<%= form.text_area :body %>
<%= form.submit %>
<% end %>
# app/views/articles/show.html.erb
<%= render 'comments/form'%>
I managed to add images in comments through ActiveAdmin, but I dont know how to do it with form.
So, what should I add to the form for images? Should I write a method create in images_controller?
User PaperClip Gem.
in your view add :
<%= file_field_tag "imageables[]", type: :file, multiple: true %>
in your create method inside controller:
if params[:imageables]
params[:imageables].each { |image|
#comment.imagables.create(image: image)
Another way which is better:
Use PaperClip & Cocoon gem for nested forms.
If I understand your question correctly, youre asking how to nest a child form inside your Comment form. This is typically achieved with the #fields_for helper.
For a one-to-many relationship, you can simply do something like the following:
<%= form_for(...) ... do |comment_form| %>
# beginning of form for Comment ...
<p class="imageables">
<%= form.fields_for :imageables do |comment_image_form| %>
# Add Image fields here
<% end %>
# rest of form / submit button
<% end %>
Adapt the above to your application's current form. This is only achievable through the accepts_nested_attributes_for call you've made in Comment.
You will also need to look into whitelisting the parameters for the Image associations via the strong parameters pattern. That is, the #comment_params method of your CommentsController will need the Image attributes added, or they will be disregarded with a warning.
I also recommend you load the fields_for fields from a partial view, like this:
<%= render 'comment_image_fields', parent_form: comment_form %>
Check out the guides for nested forms for more detailed info.
I have models Software and Version. A Software has_many Version's and has_one :first_version
class Software < ApplicationRecord
has_many :versions
has_one :first_version, -> { order(created_at: :asc) },
class_name: "Version", dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :versions
class Version < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :software
I'm building the nested object in the new controller action.
class SoftwaresController < ApplicationController
def new
#software = current_account.softwares.build
def create
#software = current_account.softwares.build(software_params)
if #software.save
redirect_to software_path(#software)
render :new
def software_params
first_version_attributes: %i[id release_date],
<%= simple_form_for :software do |f| %>
<%= f.input :name %>
<%= f.simple_fields_for :first_version do |v|%>
<%= v.input :release_date %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
With the above code, if something fails during creation, the nested object is persisted even though the object itself and it's parent do not have an id yet, and so errors are displayed under each field with invalid values.
At the same time, if I comment out the line where I build the nested object, the form does not break, just no nested fields are displayed. This is good.
Now, because the form is reused in the new and edit views and I don't want to let users edit the :first_version through this form nor rely on the view to render it conditionally if #software.new_record? I put the nested object in a global variable and point the nested form to that variable hoping that the same result will be achieved in the edit view because no global variable will exist.
def new
#software = current_account.softwares.build
#first_version = #software.build_first_version
<%= simple_form_for :software do |f| %>
<%= f.input :name %>
<%= f.simple_fields_for #first_version do |v|%>
<%= v.input :release_date %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
If something goes wrong during creation the object is no longer persisted and the view breaks due to #first_version being nil. So why is the nested object persisted when I do #parent.build_nested_object but not when #nested_object = #parent.build_nested_object ?
Solving the problem by creating more i_vars can lead to bugs. I think the best option is to disable the field based on a condition and change your view to the following.
<%= simple_form_for #software do |f| %>
<%= f.input :name %>
<%= f.simple_fields_for #software.first_version || #software.build_first_version do |v| %>
<%= v.input :release_date, disabled: (true if #software.first_version.id) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Using this view means that you can initialize only #software on your controller.
class SoftwaresController < ApplicationController
def new
#software = current_account.softwares.build
I would like to make my app upload multiple files with Shrine, but one doc suggests two file_fields whereas the other suggests only one. After posting a question to their discourse forum, it was suggested that I hide the one named files[]. Whether I do this or not, the first file_field always fails to render. Why does this field not display?
<%= form_for #item, html: { enctype: "multipart/form-data" } do |f| %>
<%= f.fields_for :photos do |i| %>
<%= i.label :image %>
<%= i.hidden_field :image, value: i.object.cached_photos_data, class: "upload-data" %>
<%= i.file_field :image, class: "upload-file" %> /// why is this not rendering?😢
<% end %>
<%= file_field_tag "files[]", multiple: true %> // what purpose does this one serve?
<%= f.text_field :title %>
<%= f.submit "Submit" %>
<% end %>
class Item < ApplicationRecord
has_many :photos, as: :imageable, dependent: :destroy
class Photo < ApplicationRecord
include ImagesUploader::Attachment(:image)
belongs_to :imageable, polymorphic: true
validates_presence_of :image
class ItemsController < ApplicationController
def new
#item = current_user.items.new
def create
#item = current_user.items.create(item_params)
def item_params
params.require(:item).permit(:title, photos_attributes: { image: [] })
Read the first link carefully: It says that the single field (i.file_field :image) is used to display existing images (which is why it's wrapped in f.fields_for :photos in the example) and the multiple field (file_field_tag "files[]", multiple: true) is used to upload new files. So if your #item doesn't have an :image, then the field isn't shown.
Let me know if this needs any further clarification – happy to help!
I have three models. The two I am having trouble with (recipe and ingredient) each have a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship with the other. The form seems to be getting all the information I ask for, but I can't seem to get the name attribute of the ingredient into my permitted params.
<%= form_for(#recipe, :url => create_path) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :category %>
<%= f.select :category_id, options_for_select(Category.all.map{|c|[c.title, c.id]}) %>
<%= f.label :title %>
<%= f.text_field :title%>
<%= f.label :instruction %>
<%= f.text_area(:instruction, size: "50x10") %>
<%= f.fields_for :indgredient do |i| %>
<%= i.label :name %>
<%= i.text_field :name %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit "Submit" %>
Relevant action in Recipes Controller:
def create
safe_params = params.require(:recipe).permit(:title, :instruction,
:category_id, {ingredient: :name})
#recipe = Recipe.new(safe_params)
#recipe.ingredients.create(name: safe_params[:name])
render body: YAML::dump(safe_params)
What the YAML dump gives me:
--- !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
title: foo
instruction: bar
category_id: '1'
Code for models:
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :recipes
class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :ingredients
accepts_nested_attributes_for :ingredients
belongs_to :category
class Ingredient < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :recipes
the create method does create a new ingredient, but the name is nil. Thanks in advance for the help.
Did you add accepts_nested_attributes_for :ingredients in the model of Recipe ?
Moreover there is a gem to handle nested forms called cocoon.
You can read this article which is explaining exactly what you are trying to do.
Firstly, change <%= f.fields_for :indgredient do |i| %> to <%= f.fields_for :ingredients do |i| %>.
And change the new and create actions like below
def new
#recipe = Recipe.new
def create
#recipe = Recipe.new(safe_params)
if #recipe.save
redirect_to #recipe
render 'new'
def safe_params
params.require(:recipe).permit(:title, :instruction, :category_id, ingredients_attributes: [:name])
To add to #Pavan's answer, you have to remember that Ruby is building objects (it's an object orientated language), and as such, whenever you pass associated data, you have to refer to the objects Ruby has in memory.
In your case, you're trying to create new Ingredient objects through Recipe:
class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :ingredients
accepts_nested_attributes_for :ingredients
... thus, you need to reference ingredients:
<%= f.fields_for :ingredients do ... %>
You also want to make sure you're only processing the Recipe object in your create action:
def create
#recipe = Recipe.new safe_params
def safe_params
params.require(:recipe).permit(:title, :instruction, :category_id, ingredients_attributes: [:name] )
I have been trying to fix an error associated with using the Ancestry gem for comments on my app for Rails 4. I used railscast episode 262 as a guide. However, unlike the episode, my comments model is a nested resource inside another model.Before I go further, I will supply the necessary code for reference. If you like to read the error right away, it is mentioned right after all the code snippets.
The Relevant Models:
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :scoreboard
class Scoreboard < ActiveRecord::Base
#scoreboard model is like an article page on which users can post comments
belongs_to :user
has_many :teams, dependent: :destroy
has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy
Relevant code in the route file:
resources :scoreboards do
resources :comments
resources :teams, only: [:edit, :create, :destroy, :update]
The Scoreboards Controller Method for the page on which one can post comments:
def show
#scoreboard = Scoreboard.find_by_id(params[:id])
#team = #scoreboard.teams.build
#comment = #scoreboard.comments.new
The Comments Controller:
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
def new
#scoreboard = Scoreboard.find(params[:scoreboard_id])
#comment = #scoreboard.comments.new(:parent_id => params[:parent_id])
def create
#scoreboard = Scoreboard.find(params[:scoreboard_id])
#comment = #scoreboard.comments.new comment_params
if #comment.save
redirect_to scoreboard_url(#comment.scoreboard_id)
render 'new'
def comment_params
params.require(:comment).permit(:body, :parent_id).merge(user_id: current_user.id)
I will include the migration for the ancestry gem if any mistakes were made on that :
class AddAncestryToComments < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :comments, :ancestry, :string
add_index :comments, :ancestry
The following code shows the view code:
Scoreboard#show View which is giving me the error in the last line:
<div class= "comment-section">
<%= form_for [#scoreboard, #comment] do |f| %>
<%= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object %>
<%= f.text_area :body, class: "comment-field" %>
<%= f.hidden_field :parent_id %> #is it needed to include this here? because this form is for new comments not replies
<%= f.submit "Join the discussion...", class: " comment-button btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
<%= nested_comments #scoreboard.comments.reject(&:new_record?).arrange(:order => :created_at) %>
The (comments partial)_comment.html.erb View:
<div class=" comment-div">
<p> Posted by <%= link_to "#{comment.user.name}", comment.user %>
<%= time_ago_in_words(comment.created_at) %> ago
<div class="comment-body">
<%= comment.body %>
<%= link_to "Reply", new_scoreboard_comment_path(#scoreboard, comment, :parent_id => comment) %>
The helper method to render comments:
def nested_comments(comments)
comments.map do |comment, sub_comment| #the comments.map also gives me an error if I choose to render the comments without the .arrange ancestry method
render(comment) + content_tag(:div, nested_comments(sub_comment), class: "nested_messages")
The new.html.erb for Comments which one is redirected to for the replies form submission:
<%= form_for [#scoreboard, #comment] do |f| %>
<%= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object %>
<%= f.text_area :body, class: "comment-field" %>
<%= f.hidden_field :parent_id %>
<%= f.submit "Join the discussion...", class: " comment-button btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
Upon creating a scoreboard, I am redirected to the show page, where i get the following error:
undefined method `arrange' for []:Array
Even though the array of comments is empty, I get the same error if it wasnt. I have tried .subtree.arrange but that gives me the same error. Also, the ancestry documentation said that .arrange works on scoped classes only. I don't know what that means. I would appreciate some help on making the page work so the comments show properly ordered with the replies after their parent comments. If this is the wrong approach for threaded comments(replies and all), I would appreciate some guidance on what to research next.
.reject(&:new_record?) this will return an array. The error sounds like arrange is a scope on ActiveRecord. So move the reject to the end and it should work.
#scoreboard.comments.arrange(:order => :created_at).reject(&:new_record?)
In regards your comment nesting, I have implemented this before, and found the Railscasts recommendation of a helper to be extremely weak.
Passing parent_id to a comment
Instead, you're better using a partial which becomes recursive depending on the number of children each comment has:
<%= render #comments %>
<%= link_to comment.title, comment_path(comment) %>
<div class="nested">
<%= render comment.children if comment.has_children? %>
I have migrated the :bank_name and :bank_account objects in User model.
I want two objects can be define from the Listings model in the listings/view to the User model columns.
I have already done (belongs_to, has_many)relations between two models.
But when I filled the bank_name and bank_account text_fields in Listing/view, I get the following error:
undefined method `bank_name' for #Listing:400123298
Here is my listing/view code:
<%= form_for(#listing, :html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| %>
<div class="form-group">
<%= f.label :bank_name %><br>
<%= f.text_field :bank_name, class: "form-control" %>
<div class="form-group">
<%= f.label :bank_account %><br>
<%= f.text_field :bank_account, class: "form-control" %>
def new
#listing = Listing.new
def create
#listing = Listing.new(listing_params)
#listing.user_id = current_user.id
#listing.user_id = User.bank_name.build(params[:bank_name])
#listing.user_id = User.bank_account.build(params[:bank_account])
Several issues for you
As mentioned in the comments, what you're looking at is a nested model structure.
Simply, this means you'll be able to create an associative model from your "parent" - giving you the ability to define the attributes you need in your "parent" model, passing them through to the nested. This functionality is handled by accepts_nested_attributes_for in your parent model
The best resource you can use is this Railscast (only the start):
Here's how you can fix the problem:
class Listing < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
accepts_nested_attributes_for :user
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :bank_account
accepts_nested_attributes_for :bank_account
class BankAccount < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
class ListingsController < ApplicationController
def new
#listing = current_user.listings.new
def create
#listing = Listing.new listing_params
def listing_params
params.require(:listing).permit(:listing, :params, user_attributes: [ bank_account_attributes: [] ])
This will help you do the following:
<%= form_for #listing do |f| %>
<%= f.fields_for :user do |u| %>
<%= u.fields_for :bank_account do |b| %>
<%= b.text_field :name %>
<%= b.text_field :number %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
There is a slight twist to this tail, in that I'm not sure whether your passing of attributes through to your User model. This would be okay if the user was being created at the same time as your other attributes, but as it isn't, we may need to refactor the process of passing the nested data through
If this does not work, please comment & we can work to fix it!