magento memory error when i opened localhost/magento/ on xampp - memory

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 792723456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1764582776 bytes) in C:\xampp\htdocs\magento\vendor\magento\framework\ObjectManager\Relations\Runtime.php on line 38

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 792723456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1764582776 bytes) in C:\xampp\htdocs\magento\vendor\magento\framework\ObjectManager\Relations\Runtime.php on line 38
Please check your php.ini setting and memory limit. Kindly increase execution time and memory limit.
Also please add memory limit in your index.php file on the root of magento


nodetool info and java memory mismatch

On a 6 node cassandra cluster, heap size is configured as 31g. When I run nodetool info, I see below
Nodetool info -
[root#ip-10-216-86-94 ~]# nodetool info
ID : 88esdsd01-5233-4b56-a240-ea051ced2928
Gossip active : true
Thrift active : false
Native Transport active: true
Load : 53.31 GiB
Generation No : 1549564460
Uptime (seconds) : 734
Heap Memory (MB) : 828.45 / 31744.00
Off Heap Memory (MB) : 277.25
Data Center : us-east
Rack : 1a
Exceptions : 0
Key Cache : entries 8491, size 1.12 MiB, capacity 100 MiB, 35299 hits, 44315 requests, 0.797 recent hit rate, 14400 save period in seconds
Row Cache : entries 0, size 0 bytes, capacity 0 bytes, 0 hits, 0 requests, NaN recent hit rate, 0 save period in seconds
Counter Cache : entries 5414, size 1.22 MiB, capacity 50 MiB, 5387 hits, 10801 requests, 0.499 recent hit rate, 7200 save period in seconds
Chunk Cache : entries 6164, size 249.5 MiB, capacity 480 MiB, 34840 misses, 177139 requests, 0.803 recent hit rate, 121.979 microseconds miss latency
Percent Repaired : 0.0%
Token : (invoke with -T/--tokens to see all 8 tokens)
Heap memory used and allocated maps to what I see on jconsole. But for non-heap memory, on jconsole it shows 188mb whereas from info command it shows 277mb, why is there a mismatch?
Non-Heap Memory in JConsole and Off Heap Memory shown by nodetool are completely different things.
Non-Heap Memory in JConsole is the sum of JVM non-heap memory pools. JVM exports this information through MemoryPoolMXBean. As of JDK 8, these pools include:
Compressed Class Space
Code Cache
So, Non-Heap pools show how much memory JVM uses for class metadata and compiled code.
Nodetool gets Off Heap Memory stats from Cassandra's Column Family Metrics. This is the the total size of Bloom filters, Index Summaries and Compression Metadata for all open tables.
See nodetool tablestats for detailed breakdown of this statistics.

propel orm - migration

I have this problem and I couldn't find very good informations. For those informations I have found, none is useful. Here it goes, I started a project with propel, I created a first database with a basic table in it, ran "php propel init", everything worked fine. Then I needed another table, I created in its schema.xml, but when I run any of those migration tools I get this error:
PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32768 bytes) in D:\Desenvolvimento\workspace\Login\vendor\propel\propel\bin\propel.php on line 1
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32768 bytes) in D:\Desenvolvimento\workspace\Login\vendor\propel\propel\bin\propel.php on line 1
It has been very frustrating, I feel internet lacks of this propel info.
The problem was I shouldn't manually edit the databae. Once it's created the best thing to do is use the XML to edit.

why the kmalloc return fail when there is free physical address but return success after dropping page caches

The machine's status is describe as blow:
the machine has 96 physical memory. And the real use memory is about 64G, and the page cache use about 32G. we also use the swap area, at that time we have about 10G(we set the swap max size to 32G). At that moment, we find xfs report
Apr 29 21:54:31 w-openstack86 kernel: XFS: possible memory allocation deadlock in kmem_alloc (mode:0x250)
after reading the source code. This message is display from this line
ptr = kmalloc(size, lflags);
if (ptr || (flags & (KM_MAYFAIL|KM_NOSLEEP)))
return ptr;
if (!(++retries % 100))
"possible memory allocation deadlock in %s (mode:0x%x)",
__func__, lflags);
congestion_wait(BLK_RW_ASYNC, HZ/50);
The error is cause by the kmalloc() function, there is not enough memory in the system. But there is still 32G page cache.
So I run
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
to drop the page cache.
Then the system is fine. But I really don't know the reason.
Why after I run drop_caches operation the kmalloc() function will success? I think even we use whole physical memory, but we only use 64 real momory, the 32G memory are page cache, further we have enough swap space. So why the kernel don't flush the page cache or the swap to reserved the kmalloc operation.

Unknown Malloc 16 Bytes instruments

I am unable to identify the root cause for the below leak shown in the image. It is showing as Malloc 16 Bytes, how to resolve this memory leak.Any help could be appreciated

Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 78 bytes) in

I am using PHPbb , everything works fine,
But i am getting the following error in a single page inside admin.
Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 78 bytes) in home/mytestsite/public_html/includes/template.php on line 458
How to fix this error?
As you can imagine, this error message occurs when PHP tries to use more memory than is avialable. I'm assuming that changing code is not an option but you CAN increase the amount of memory available to PHP.
To change the memory limit for one specific script, include a line such as this at the top of the script:
The 12M (for example) sets the limit to 20 Megs. If this does not work, keep increasing the memory limit until your script fits or your server squeals for mercy.
You can also make this a permanent change for all PHP scripts running on the server by adding a line such as this to the server’s php.ini file:
memory_limit = 20M
Hope this helps
