Is it possible to solve a fractional knapsack including negative values using greedy algorithm? - greedy

I have a problem which I think can be converted to a variant of
fractional knapsack problem.
The objective function is in the form of:
$\sum_{i} x_iv_i$
However, my problem differs in that it allows $v_i$ s and $x_i$ to be negative.
I want to prove that this problem can be solved using the greedy algorithm (explained in the link).
I have tested this for many test cases and greedy algorithm seems to solve it, but I want a definite
proof that greedy algorithm is still applicable given the extra constraint.

In the fractional knapsack problem, you find the Value/Weight of every item that you may put in the knapsack, and sort these items from the best V/W ratio to the worst. You then start with the best ratio, and fill the knapsack is either full or you run out. If you run out, you then head to the next item in the list and fill the knapsack with it. This pattern continues until the knapsack is full. It is greedy, because once we sort this list we know that we can confidently add the items fractionally in this order and that we will end with the greatest potential value in the bag.
By allowing the values and "weights" to be negative, as in this problem, however, the algorithm is no longer greedy. It is ruined by the fact that an item could have a negative "weight" and negative value, resulting in a positive V/W ratio. For example, take the following list of items:
V=-1, W=-1 -> V/W = 1.0
V=.9, W=1 -> V/W = 0.9
V=.8, W=1 -> V/W = 0.8
Following the greedy algorithm, we would want to add as much of item 1 as exists, because it has the best V/W ratio. However, adding item 1 really hurts us in the long run, because we are losing more value per weight then we can add later on. For example, let's assume the |W|=10 for each, and the max weight of the knapsack is 10. By adding all of 1, we will have a weight of -10 and a value of -10. Then we add all of 2, which results in a weight of 0 and a value of -1. Then we add all of 3, which results in a weight of 10 and a value of 7.
If instead of this, we just added all of item 2 from the start, we would have a weight of 10 and a value of 9. Therefore by contradiction, if weight and value can be negative, the algorithm is NOT a greedy algorithm.


Non-linear interaction terms in Stata

I have a continuous dependent variable polity_diff and a continuous primary independent variable nb_eq. I have hypothesized that the effect of nb_eq will vary with different levels of the continuous variable gini_round in a non-linear manner: The effect of nb_eq will be greatest for mid-range values of gini_round and close to 0 for both low and high levels of gini_round (functional shape as a second-order polynomial).
My question is: How this is modelled in Stata?
To this point I've tried with a categorized version of gini_round which allows me to compare the different groups, but obviously this doesn't use data to its fullest. I can't get my head around the inclusion of a single interaction term which allows me to test my hypothesis. My best bet so far is something along the lines of the following (which is simplified by excluding some if-arguments etc.):
xtreg polity_diff c.nb_eq##c.gini_round_squared, fe vce(cluster countryno),
but I have close to 0 confidence that this is even nearly right.
Here's how I might do it:
sysuse auto, clear
reg price c.weight#(c.mpg##c.mpg) i.foreign
margins, dydx(weight) at(mpg = (10(10)40))
margins, dydx(weight) at(mpg=(10(10)40)) contrast(atcontrast(ar(2(1)4)._at) wald)
We interact weight with a second degree polynomial of mpg. The first margins calculates the average marginal effect of weight at different values of mpg. The graph looks like what you describe. The second margins compares the slopes at adjacent values of mpg and does a joint test that they are all equal.
I would probably give weight its own effect as well (two octothorpes rather than one), but the graph does not come out like your example:
reg price c.weight##(c.mpg##c.mpg) i.foreign

How to use previous values of calculation as the initial conditions in ABAQUS

I am trying to implement a subroutine in ABAQUS.
It is a very simple non-linear elastic model, in which the Young's modulus depends on the mean pressure, in details, E=3*(1-2*poisson)*p/kap (where, poisson=0.3 is Poisson's coefficient and kap=0.005 is swelling index). The initial stress is 1e5 Pa for sigma11, 22 and 33.
When I run the subroutine , it gives linear behavior with E=3*(1-2*0.3)*(3*1e5/3)/0.05 (which is the Young's modulus calculated with the initial stress). If the initial stress is 0 for all components, it gives us 0 for all calculation because E=3*(1-2*0.3)*(3*0/3)/0.05=0.
I would like to ask if you could help me to solve this problem (define the initial conditions as the previous values for each variables).

Explanation for Values in Scharr-Filter used in OpenCV (and other places)

The Scharr-Filter is explained in Scharrs dissertation. However the values given on page 155 (167 in the pdf) are [47 162 47] / 256. Multiplying this with the derivation-filter would yield:
Yet all other references I found use
Which is roughly the same as the ones given by Scharr, scaled by a factor of 32.
Now my guess is that the range can be represented better, but I'm curious if there is an official explanation somewhere.
To get the ball rolling on this question in case no "expert" can be found...
I believe the values [3, 10, 3] ... instead of [47 162 47] / 256 ... are used simply for speed. Recall that this method is competing against the Sobel Operator whose coefficient values are are 0, and positive/negative 1's and 2's.
Even though the divisor in the division, 256 or 512, is a power of 2 and can can be performed by a shift, doing that and multiplying by 47 or 162 is going to take more time. A multiplication by 3 however can in fact be done on some RISC architectures like the IBM POWER series in a single shift-and-add operation. That is 3x = (x << 1) + x. (On these architectures, the shifter and adder are separate units and can be done independently).
I don't find it surprising that Phd paper used the more complicated and probably more precise formula; it needed to prove or demonstrate something, and the author probably wasn't totally certain or concerned that it be used and implemented alongside other methods. The purpose in the thesis was probably to have "perfect rotational symmetry". Afterwards when one decides to implement it, that person I suspect used the approximation formula and gave up a little on perfect rotational symmetry, to gain speed. That person's goal as I said was to have something that was competitive at the expense of little bit of speed for this rotational stuff.
Since I'm guessing you are willing to do work this as it is your thesis, my suggestion is to implement the original algorithm and benchmark it against both the OpenCV Scharr and Sobel code.
The other thing to try to get an "official" answer is: "Use the 'source', Luke!". The code is on github so check it out and see who added the Scharr filter there and contact that person. I won't put the person's name here, but I will say that the code was added 2010-05-11.

Predict future values using highcharts/Highstock

I need to predict the future values based on given set of data. I found in the following link a method of obtaining trend line moving average.
jsfiddle is here
But my requirement is based on this Moving average to predict the future values.
Searched a lot, but couldn't find. please help.
How it should work, if you need to predict, you need to calculate any points to achieve that. Its not build-in.
To find the equation to produce a trend line, search for Linear Regression.
You will need to calculate the slope and intercept using the linear regression calculations, and you build your trend line using those two values, combined with an x value for the start and end points that are defined by the min and max x values of the data set.
(ie your first point is {x: min x value, y: intercept}. your second point is {x: max x value, y: intercept + (slope * max x value)} )
Much more importantly:
Trend lines do NOT predict future values that fall outside of the existing range of the independent variable in the data.
Using regression to plot a line in this way will help you build a predictive model of what your dependent variable may be when given a known independent variable.
It will absolutely not give you a reliable prediction of what will happen to Y as X increases beyond the scope of the known data, especially when X is a time value.
Building an actual predictive model of values over time is much more involved, and there isn't one single way to do it. It depends on what factors affect those values, and what data you have to demonstrate those effects.
some reference:
Predictive modelling

How to overcome Drawback of Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)

Please tell me how to overcome the problem of negative weighting in IDF. Can someone give a small example?
IDF is defined as N/n(t) where n(t) is the number of documents that a term 't' occurs in and N is the total number of documents in the collection. Sometimes, a log() is applied around this fraction.
Please observe that this fraction N/n(t) is always >= 1. For a word which appears in all documents, a likely case of which is the English word "the", the value of idf is 1. Even if a log is applied around this fraction, the value is always >= zero. (Recall the graph of the log function which monotonically increases from -inf to +inf with log(x)<0 if x<1 log(1)=0 and log(x)>0 if x>1).
So, there's no way in which a standard definition of idf can be negative.
The answer given by Debasis is entirely correct. Negative idf might still resulf, however, if a small +1 term is added to the divisor to avoid divide-by-zero errors. One source that suggests this is the Wikipedia article on tf-idf. The problem is that the LOG operation then results in a negative value if the occurrence count n(t) is equal to the count of documents N (i.e. it appears in all of them). I just ran into this issue when implementing tf-idf on a toy problem, where a document count N = 3 and an occurrence count of 3 would ordinarily = 0, but resulted in an idf of -0.287682072451781 because of the +1 correction term increased the divisor to 4, > than the count of documents. Perhaps this was the culprit behind the negative weights the O.P. experienced. I figured I'd post this just in case someone else runs into this initially baffling problem again. The fix is simple: remove the +1 term and find another way to avoid divide-by-zero errors.
