Helm's Tiller container gets x509: certificate signed by unknown authority - docker

I'm running Kubernetes on an AWS (version 1.5.2). I have installed helm using
helm init --node-selectors="nodeType=master"
forcing it running on the master.
When I try to run helm list i get the following error Error: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
The logs from the tiller container (seems the issue is from the tiller to Kubernetes-api):
E0219 08:15:12.546100 1 config.go:330] Expected to load root CA config from /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt, but got err: open /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt: no such file or directory
E0219 08:15:12.547957 1 config.go:330] Expected to load root CA config from /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt, but got err: open /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt: no such file or directory
[main] 2018/02/19 08:15:12 Starting Tiller v2.7.0 (tls=false)
[main] 2018/02/19 08:15:12 GRPC listening on :44134
[main] 2018/02/19 08:15:12 Probes listening on :44135
[main] 2018/02/19 08:15:12 Storage driver is ConfigMap
[main] 2018/02/19 08:15:12 Max history per release is 0
[storage] 2018/02/19 08:20:47 listing all releases with filter
[storage/driver] 2018/02/19 08:20:47 list: failed to list: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Is there a way to configure tiller to ignore the untrusted certificate?

It looks like your Kubernetes cluster isn't properly configured. Usually there is a CA certificate for every pod in /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt that allows pods to communicate with the API server.
The first two lines in your log show that no such file could be found:
Expected to load root CA config from /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt, but got err: open /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt: no such file or directory.


problem creating hyperledger orderer/channel on docker

I'm replicating this tutorial on a machine with centos. and it works well till I've to start the orderer. If I don't add a config.yaml and follow the instructions as they are, when submitting this to the CLI of ORG1:
peer channel create -c mychannel -f /tmp/hyperledger/org1/peer1/assets/channel.tx -o orderer1-org0:7050 --outputBlock /tmp/hyperledger/org1/peer1/assets/mychannel.block --tls --cafile /tmp/hyperledger/org1/peer1/tls-msp/tlscacerts/tls-0-0-0-0-7052.pem
I get the error:
2022-04-24 08:24:17.756 UTC [main] InitCmd -> ERRO 03b Cannot run peer
because error when setting up MSP of type bccsp from directory
/tmp/hyperledger/org1/admin/msp: admin 0 is invalid [The identity does
not contain OU [CLIENT], MSP: [org1MSP],The identity does not contain
OU [ADMIN], MSP: [org1MSP]]
If I add a config.yaml file to the MSP folder as this link suggests I should I cannot even initiate the orderer with this error when I try to do docker-compose up
orderer1-org0 | 2022-04-24 08:15:40.373 UTC [orderer.common.server] initializeServerConfig -> INFO 004 Starting orderer with TLS enabled
orderer1-org0 | 2022-04-24 08:15:40.445 UTC [orderer.common.server] Main -> PANI 005 Failed validating bootstrap block: initializing channelconfig failed: could not create channel Consortiums sub-group config: setting up the MSP manager failed: admin 0 is invalid [The identity does not contain OU [CLIENT], MSP: [org1MSP],The identity does not contain OU [ADMIN], MSP: [org1MSP]] orderer1-org0 | panic:
Failed validating bootstrap block: initializing channelconfig failed: could not create channel Consortiums sub-group config: setting up the MSP manager failed: admin 0 is invalid [The identity does not contain OU [CLIENT], MSP: [org1MSP],The identity does not contain OU [ADMIN], MSP: [org1MSP]]
I'm not seeing how to solve this issue.
On version 2.2 it is mentioned when deploying an orderer. It mentions a different but possible related PANI 005:
but the solution is just creating the config.yaml and it's not working
The system channel configuration is missing config.yaml
file. If you are creating a new ordering service, the MSPDir
referenced in configtx.yaml file is missing the config.yaml file.
Follow instructions in the Fabric CA documentation to generate this
file and then rerun configtxgen to regenerate the genesis block for
the system channel.

IoTEdge on K8S, Could not initialize module runtime

I'm running iotedge on kubernetes.
The K8S cluster is a local cluster setup largely using the "Kubernetes the hard way" method, with some modifications.
I did manage to get things working on one installation. However, I'm now getting this on another installation. The initial installation works fine, but after shutting down a machine to simulate a hardware failure, the pod gets recreated, but starts to show this error again. This error happens EVEN if the node shutdown is NOT the one iotedged is running on.
3 Nodes running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Two networks on each node, one for the internet, one for an internal network. K8S is setup using the internal, static IP address
HAProxy/Keepalived for HA without a load balancer, running on a Virtual IP address
Multus CNI for attaching pods to additional networks
Confirmed that CoreDNS seems to be functioning fine, and is able to resolve internal and external addresses
Remaining nodes are able to ping pods on other nodes
Deleting the iotedged pod and allowing k8s to recreate it works, but then edgeAgent an edgeHub have errors until I delete/recreate them as well
Re-run the entire k8s installation. Initial installation works fine, but simulating machine failure continues to be problematic.
Kubernetes Versions:
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"21", GitVersion:"v1.21.0", GitCommit:"cb303e613a121a29364f75cc67d3d580833a7479", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-04-08T16:31:21Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"21", GitVersion:"v1.21.0", GitCommit:"cb303e613a121a29364f75cc67d3d580833a7479", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-04-08T16:25:06Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
edgeiotd error:
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Starting Azure IoT Edge Security Daemon - Kubernetes mode
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Version - 1.1.3
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Using config file: /etc/iotedged/config.yaml
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Configuring /var/lib/iotedge as the home directory.
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Configuring certificates...
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Transparent gateway certificates not found, operating in quick start mode...
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Finished configuring provisioning environment variables and certificates.
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Initializing hsm...
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Finished initializing hsm.
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Provisioning edge device...
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Starting provisioning edge device via manual mode using a device connection string...
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Manually provisioning device "********" in hub "********.azure-devices.net"
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Finished provisioning edge device.
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Initializing the module runtime...
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Attempting to use config from /home/edgeletuser/.kube/config file.
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] - Using in-cluster config
<3>2021-07-09T22:00:34Z [ERR!] - The daemon could not start up successfully: Could not initialize module runtime
<3>2021-07-09T22:00:34Z [ERR!] - caused by: Could not initialize kubernetes module runtime
<3>2021-07-09T22:00:34Z [ERR!] - caused by: HTTP response error: SelfSubjectAccessReviewCreate
<3>2021-07-09T22:00:34Z [ERR!] - caused by: Hyper HTTP error
<3>2021-07-09T22:00:34Z [ERR!] - caused by: error trying to connect: Connection timed out (os error 110)
<6>2021-07-09T22:00:02Z [INFO] (/project/hsm-sys/azure-iot-hsm-c/src/hsm_log.c:log_init:41) Initialized logging
edgeHub Logs after recreating iotedged:
2021-08-18 19:05:40 Starting Edge Hub
2021-08-18 19:05:40.481 +00:00 Edge Hub Main()
<7> 2021-08-18 19:05:40.609 +00:00 [DBG] [Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.Edged.WorkloadClient] - Making a Http call to http://localhost:35001/ to CreateServerCertificateAsync
<7> 2021-08-18 19:05:40.912 +00:00 [DBG] [Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.Edged.WorkloadClient] - Error when getting an Http response from http://localhost:35001/ for CreateServerCertificateAsync
HTTP Response:
{"message":"Module not found"}
Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.Edged.Version_2019_01_30.GeneratedCode.IoTEdgedException`1[Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.Edged.Version_2019_01_30.GeneratedCode.ErrorResponse]: Not Found
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.Edged.Version_2019_01_30.GeneratedCode.HttpWorkloadClient.CreateServerCertificateAsync(String api_version, String name, String genid, ServerCertificateRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/edge-util/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util/edged/version_2019_01_30/generatedCode/HttpWorkloadClient.cs:line 624
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.TaskEx.TimeoutAfter[T](Task`1 task, TimeSpan timeout) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/edge-util/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util/TaskEx.cs:line 126
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.Edged.WorkloadClientVersioned.Execute[T](Func`1 func, String operation) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/edge-util/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util/edged/WorkloadClientVersioned.cs:line 59
Unhandled exception. System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Error calling CreateServerCertificateAsync: Module not found)
---> Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.Edged.WorkloadCommunicationException- Message:Error calling CreateServerCertificateAsync: Module not found, StatusCode:404, at: at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.Edged.Version_2019_01_30.WorkloadClient.HandleException(Exception ex, String operation) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/edge-util/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util/edged/version_2019_01_30/WorkloadClient.cs:line 109
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.Edged.WorkloadClientVersioned.Execute[T](Func`1 func, String operation) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/edge-util/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util/edged/WorkloadClientVersioned.cs:line 77
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.Edged.Version_2019_01_30.WorkloadClient.CreateServerCertificateAsync(String hostname, DateTime expiration) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/edge-util/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util/edged/version_2019_01_30/WorkloadClient.cs:line 35
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util.CertificateHelper.GetServerCertificatesFromEdgelet(Uri workloadUri, String workloadApiVersion, String workloadClientApiVersion, String moduleId, String moduleGenerationId, String edgeHubHostname, DateTime expiration) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/edge-util/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Util/CertificateHelper.cs:line 260
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Hub.Service.EdgeHubCertificates.LoadAsync(IConfigurationRoot configuration, ILogger logger) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/edge-hub/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Hub.Service/EdgeHubCertificates.cs:line 54
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Hub.Service.Program.MainAsync(IConfigurationRoot configuration) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/edge-hub/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Hub.Service/Program.cs:line 54
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()
at Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Hub.Service.Program.Main() in /home/vsts/work/1/s/edge-hub/src/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Edge.Hub.Service/Program.cs:line 33
Are you still blocked? what troubleshooting steps you have tried so far? Did you check the Common issues and resolutions for Azure IoT Edge? As per the error messages Transparent gateway certificates not found, operating in quick start mode and The daemon could not start up successfully: Could not initialize module runtime looks like the setup is not configured properly. Try restarting the server and check the transparent gateway setup. Please refer the transparent gateway setup and check if you have missed anything.

HyperLedger Fabric and Docker Swarm: Handshake failed with fatal error SSL_ERROR_SSL

We are trying to establish a grpcs (TLS) connection between a docker container running API server (based on Node.js) and another docker container running peer0 from Fabric network.
All containers are orchestated by docker swarm, and both containers happen to be running on the same Linux host.
The error log thrown by API container is the following:
2021-01-07T18:27:38.110Z - error: [Remote.js]: Error: Failed to
connect before the deadline URL:grpcs:// Query has
completed, checking results error from query = { Error: Failed to
connect before the deadline URL:grpcs://
at checkState (/usr/src/app/node_modules/grpc/src/client.js:833:16) connectFailed:
true } sampleEvent ERROR : Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Connect Failed E0107
18:27:53.602719124 16 ssl_transport_security.cc:1229] Handshake
failed with fatal error SSL_ERROR_SSL: error:14090086:SSL
routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed.
And the error log thrown from peer0 is:
2021-01-07 18:50:22.224 UTC [core.comm] ServerHandshake -> ERRO 043 TLS handshake failed with error EOF server=PeerServer remoteaddress=
IP addresses layout
IP address for API container is
IP address for peer0 container is
virtual IP address for docker service peer0 is
IP address for docker swarm load balancer endpoint is
Any suggestion of where to further troubleshoot? At this point is not clear if the problem is with the docker swarm internal networking, or an issue with ssl certificates in either side of the network.
UPDATE Feb 2 2021
The original TLS handshake error was fixed by upgrading the javascript used in NodeSDK. Among other things we started using the addToWallet.js script contained in the commercial-paper example
After being able to stablish TLS succesfully between Node.js API and peer0, we get a new access denied error when making a simple query to chaincode_example02
We are running the query with 2 Admin users
One Admin is first-network original Admin#org1.example.com, with credentials generated by cryptogen tool
The other Admin is Admin#buyer.dlt.com whose credentials were created with openssl and a self signed in-company CA
From CLI, both Admin are good and are allowed to run peer commands interchangeably
From Node.js app, only Admin#org1.example.com is allowed to run queries. The message printed to console.log is:
Transaction has been evaluated, result is: 100
When running queries with Admin#buyer.dlt.com we get the following error logs:
Error logs from peer0#buyer.dlt.com
2021-02-02T04:08:45.291086617Z ^[[36m2021-02-02 04:08:45.290 UTC [protoutils] checkSignatureFromCreator -> DEBU 6e637^[[0m creator is &{BuyerMSP 8b7cc2ee996be4f7e5dbb1a4f64db67afd2ff8a2f41276c9bd7f33a2447dd9df}
2021-02-02T04:08:45.291094817Z ^[[36m2021-02-02 04:08:45.290 UTC [protoutils] checkSignatureFromCreator -> DEBU 6e638^[[0m creator is valid
2021-02-02T04:08:45.291100418Z ^[[36m2021-02-02 04:08:45.290 UTC [msp.identity] 2021-02-02T04:08:45.303821799Z ^[[33m2021-02-02 04:08:45.303 UTC [protoutils] ValidateProposalMessage -> WARN 6e63b^[[0m channel [mychannel]: creator's signature over the proposal is not valid: The signature is invalid
2021-02-02T04:08:45.303891604Z ^[[36m2021-02-02 04:08:45.303 UTC [endorser] func1 -> DEBU 6e63c^[[0m Exit: request from
2021-02-02T04:08:45.303902005Z ^[[34m2021-02-02 04:08:45.303 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 6e63d^[[0m unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= error="access denied: channel [mychannel] creator org [BuyerMSP]" grpc.code=Unknown grpc.call_duration=13.783655ms
Error log on console.log from script query.js:
2021-02-02T04:08:45.305Z - error: [Channel.js]: Error: 2 UNKNOWN: access denied: channel [mychannel] creator org [BuyerMSP]
2021-02-02T04:08:45.307Z - error: [Network]: _initializeInternalChannel: Unable to initialize channel. Attempted to contact 1 Peers. Last error was Error: 2 UNKNOWN: access denied: channel [mychannel] creator org [BuyerMSP]
Failed to evaluate transaction: Error: Unable to initialize channel. Attempted to contact 1 Peers. Last error was Error: 2 UNKNOWN: access denied: channel [mychannel] creator org [BuyerMSP]
In the end, this issue turned out to be two issues, in a 'russian doll like' style.
1. First issue: TLS Handshake error
This was fixed by upgrading the SDK library to the latest release
2. Second issue: Node SDK query triggers error "The signature is invalid".
The reason turned out to be that the CLI (written on Go) is using the Go crypto support which allows it to generate a signature from a hash without any knowledge of the curve used for the key. Instead, the SDK libraries used by the Node implementation require a specific curve to be specified by the code generating the signature, separately from the private key itself.
Bottom line, private keys used within Node SDK should be P-256.
As an alternative, as suggested by hyperledger dev team:
If you really must use a curve other than P-256 then you might be able
to use one of the following approaches:
-Use the off-line signing approach included in the documentation but specify an alternative curve instead of 'p256'. The supported curves
for the elliptic package documented here:
-Set your own CryptoSuite implementation on the Client that underpins the Gateway object, with your own CryptoSuite.sign() implementation:

Create & Join Channel in Hyperledger Fabric Build your First Network Walk Through

I am trying create a channel according to documentation
Hyperledger Fabric v1.0 docs
Have an issue with certificate. On the docker "hyperledger/fabric-tools" node I can find certificate with current name - tlsca.example.com. But the channel cannot be created. I have certificate hand shake issue. Should I check/mount certificate to the peer node ?
root#4b6423da537b:/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/ordererOrganizations/example.com# peer channel create -o orderer.example.com:7050 -c $CHANNEL_NAME -f ./channel-artifacts/channel.tx --tls $CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED --cafile /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem
2017-07-27 16:49:58.949 UTC [msp] GetLocalMSP -> DEBU 001 Returning existing local MSP
2017-07-27 16:49:58.949 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 002 Obtaining default signing identity
2017-07-27 16:49:58.954 UTC [grpc] Printf -> DEBU 003 Failed to dial orderer.example.com:7050: connection error: desc = "transport: authentication handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of \"x509: ECDSA verification failure\" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate \"tlsca.example.com\")"; please retry.
Error: Error connecting due to rpc error: code = Internal desc = connection error: desc = "transport: authentication handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of \"x509: ECDSA verification failure\" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate \"tlsca.example.com\")"
i meet the same problem. And run this command to close the network.
./network_setup.sh down mychannel
The reason that cause my problem is that the source code exists a error. So i modify this code error and reopen the network. This problem work out.
It would seem that you are in the incorrect working directory. When running the sample manually, you start the cli container and it places you in the /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer directory. That is where you should be running the peer command. It would seem from your post that you were running the peer command in the /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/ordererOrganizations/example.com directory in the container, and it is not finding the configuration files that were mounted for the example.

NoHostAvailableException in DBeaver when connecting to remote Cassandra docker container

I have a Cassandra instance running in a Docker container on an Intel NUC. From my mac, I can ssh onto this and connect to the cqlsh fine. However, when I try to connect using DBeaver Enterprise I get:
All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: myhostname/xx.xx.xx.xx:9042
[myhostname/xx.xx.xx.xx] Cannot connect))
This occurs with and without SSL enabled. I also have an SSH tunnel enabled successfully configured, but I have also tried with this disabled.
On my NUC, I appear to have three ethernet interfaces; the usual enp0s25 and also docker0 and br-65e6f96b0e4f. I have tried the associated IP addresses with these two interfaces which seem to appear to be doing more, as they pause a few seconds, but ultimately throw the same exception.
Cassandra - 2.2.8
CQLSH - 5.0.1
DBeaver Enterprise - 3.7.8
Looking in the debug log I see the following messages (SSH tunnel enabled with public key auth):
2016-11-10 15:45:45.616 - Connect with 'cql://xx.xx.xx.xx:9042/mwih_ks' (cql-1582dfdf6b1-3209dg9f13234351a)
2016-11-10 15:45:45.622 - Instantiate SSH tunnel
2016-11-10 15:45:45.623 - Connect to tunnel host
2016-11-10 15:45:45.623 - SSH INFO: Connecting to xx.xx.xx.xx port 22
2016-11-10 15:45:45.632 - SSH INFO: Connection established
2016-11-10 15:45:45.759 - SSH INFO: Host 'xx.xx.xx.xx' is known and matches the RSA host key
2016-11-10 15:45:45.760 - SSH INFO: SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS sent
2016-11-10 15:45:45.760 - SSH INFO: SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS received
2016-11-10 15:45:45.761 - SSH INFO: SSH_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST sent
2016-11-10 15:45:45.761 - SSH INFO: SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received
2016-11-10 15:45:45.763 - SSH INFO: Authentications that can continue: publickey
2016-11-10 15:45:45.763 - SSH INFO: Next authentication method: publickey
2016-11-10 15:45:45.806 - SSH INFO: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
2016-11-10 15:45:45.814 - Connection failed (cql-1582dfdf6b1-3209dg9f13234351a)
2016-11-10 15:53:18.364 - org.jkiss.dbeaver.model.exec.DBCException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: /xx.xx.xx.xx:9042 (com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.TransportException: [/xx.xx.xx.xx] Cannot connect))
org.jkiss.dbeaver.model.exec.DBCException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: / (com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.TransportException: [/xx.xx.xx.xx] Cannot connect))
at com.jkiss.dbeaver.ent.cassandra.model.CasExecutionContext.connect(CasExecutionContext.java:56)
at com.jkiss.dbeaver.ent.cassandra.model.CasDataSource.<init>(CasDataSource.java:103)
at com.jkiss.dbeaver.ent.cassandra.CasDataSourceProvider.openDataSource(CasDataSourceProvider.java:65)
at org.jkiss.dbeaver.registry.DataSourceDescriptor.connect(DataSourceDescriptor.java:644)
at org.jkiss.dbeaver.runtime.jobs.ConnectJob.run(ConnectJob.java:74)
at org.jkiss.dbeaver.ui.dialogs.connection.ConnectionWizard$ConnectionTester.run(ConnectionWizard.java:223)
at org.jkiss.dbeaver.model.runtime.AbstractJob.run(AbstractJob.java:103)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:55)
Caused by: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: /xx.xx.xx.xx:9042 (com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.TransportException: [/xx.xx.xx.xx] Cannot connect))
at com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection.reconnectInternal(ControlConnection.java:231)
at com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection.connect(ControlConnection.java:77)
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster$Manager.init(Cluster.java:1382)
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.init(Cluster.java:162)
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.connectAsync(Cluster.java:333)
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.connect(Cluster.java:283)
at com.jkiss.dbeaver.ent.cassandra.model.CasExecutionContext.reconnect(CasExecutionContext.java:112)
at com.jkiss.dbeaver.ent.cassandra.model.CasExecutionContext.connect(CasExecutionContext.java:52)
... 7 more
