Asp.NET Core Authorization from database -

We are starting a new ASP.NET Core web site and the customer would like to handle the authorization using the database. So they want to configure custom roles and the actions to be configured in the database.
I have been trying to find an example or something to help me implement this, but could not find. Can this be achieved using the Authorize attribute from framework or a custom filter needs to be implemented?
I should probably mention that the application is an intranet so Windows Authentication is used for authentication

Short answer Yes.
Long answer...
This can all be achieved from the database you can configure up using existing methods with Identity, and from there create all the custom roles and even policies that you want to have and be able to assign, to each user individually or via roles.. Authorize attribute will work just fine with cookies. My only recommendation is that you try not handle security yourself but let the framework handle this for you.


Implement AspNet Core Identity or Work account Authentication

This is not like other questions you might find similar. My issue is way bigger.
I have 3 websites. All of them have a common database for authentication and stuff.
Problem is that i will need to expand to 2 more sites, which means more maintenance in login screens and so on. So i will dedicate time to make a "central website" to manage users, access, etc.
Also, Need to implement OpenId for Microsoft Works accounts (ie, Azure tenants).
DDBB User Model: (Simplified)
All users are in the same central database. Which does not contains
anything non-user related.
User is personal on all applications.
Users can have different Roles
Each "User-Role" is mapped to an application, a server and a
Created a site in AspNet Core, without any authentication done so I can do it myself since I found that mapping Aspnet Identity tables was no-go because of incopatibilities and overriding is way to complicated, specially when dealing with Managers.
So, Tried and got working a simple Authentication page using HttpContext.Authentication.SignInAsync and CookieAuthentication. Which works well and there is no need to use any of the Identity's implementation (which is not compatible with my backend).
But then I added UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication to have the OpenId auth, but I have no idea how to use it since its suposed to work out of the box when using Identity and when checked documentation they use this code in an controller action: signInManager.ConfigureExternalAuthenticationProperties and I do not have any SignInManager since Im not using Aspnet Identity.
Is coping the source of ConfigureExternalAuthenticationProperties to make it work in my site an aceptable solution?
Should I continue to override all SignInManager methods and also probably implement other classes to make Aspnet Identity work with my model?
Tried Mapping the properties to my columns just to test it out and it gave me non debuggable errors, which i dont like to even think about the problems this can give me in the future. For example one error was that it coudnt parse byte[] to string.
How can I implement Microsoft Work Accounts authentication and Database authentication in the same AspNet Site?
Bonus topic
Recently I feel like programming is becoming Configuring instead of coding. Is it just me? Are we now Professional Configurers?

Create Custom STS service

I'am looking at the capabilities of WIF in terms of SSO. Actually we have a "legacy" users & rights management database under SQLServer and we like to build a brand new SSO system on top of this exsting database.
In many tutorials I found they talk about using existing STS like ADFSv2 for Active Directory authorization, but It did not fit my needs because my users/rights are not exposed through AD but in a custom a specific business oriented SQL Server database.
So, I thing I need a custom Security Token Service in order to be able to emit my own custom tokens, but I don't know how to do this.
I need some little help or an example about how to achieve this.
Thank you
You can find STS example in WIF SDK. It contain an example with custom token. Look here
More detail information about SSO I seen in a book 'Programming Windows Identity Foundation'
You can build your own Custom Security Token Service leveraging the underneath SQL Server database. You will have to define your scopes and Claims that needs to be shared after user does a Single Sign On. Here are some links to some articles below that has helped me build mine. I am pretty sure by following the below links you will be able to build a custom STS catering to your needs.
Care to explain why #paullem's answer was deleted?
It is in fact the correct answer!
The question is about an STS that authenticates using a SQL DB. That is EXACTLY what IdentityServer does.
Since it's open source, you can customize it any way you want or else use it as a guide.
So to repeat the answer - "Take a look at Thinktecture.IdentityServer........".
You want a custom STS that supports SAML protocol and authenticates against a SQL DB?
WIF won't do this for you.
You need to look at something like Shibboleth or simpleSAMLphp but they are not .NET based.
Or take IdentityServer and add a SAML stack to it.
Refer: SAML : SAML connectivity / toolkit.
Be warned: This is not a trivial exercise!

ASP.Net Identity using a custom auth provider/service

I am currently developing an ASP.Net MVC web application that requires username and password authentication. I started looking into using ASP.Net Identity for this however I have a very important requirement, the requirement is that the web application itself has no direct access to any databases, all DB Access is to be exposed to the application via an internal REST service. This is due to certain security polices we follow.
I realise that ASP.Net identity is capable of supporting external authentication methods but my question is split into 2 parts.
1) How would I configure ASP.Net Identity to use my custom REST service for authentication?
2) How would I go about developing a service that can be used by Identity for authentication ? (what would need to be returned from the service to ASP.Net Identity)
Any help on this would be most appreciated.
I just did what you are asking about. First, as FPar suggested, you need to implement an IUserStore and pass that to your UserManager. Your custom IUserStore will implement the interface, I used Resharper to generate stubs, but instead of using entity framework, you will use HttpClient to make calls to your REST service.
The REST service will have one action on a controller, I called my identityController, for each of the interface methods you actually need. I implemented the userstore, userloginstore and the rolestore, with code for about 10 calls I actually used. The identitycontroller then is what actually accesses the database.
I also retained the fully async pattern, using async REST calls and Database looks, both with and without entity framework. A shortened version of my data access code is in another question here, regarding IUserLoginStore::AddLoginAsync. In that class I actually used the original entityframework implementation of the user store for part of work, and eventually settled on plain (except for async) for the parts I couldn't make work that way. The tables are simple enough, using your ORM of choice would not take a lot of time.
Good luck!
You want to implement your own IUserStore and then pass a reference to the UserManager. Look into the Startup and the IdentityConfig files in the standarad ASP.NET MVC with individual user account authentication, to see, how to use them.
You can look here for an IUserStore implementation with entity framework. This is a template, you could start from and change it to your needs. However, you don't have to implement all interfaces, just implement the interfaces, you really need. The UserManager is able to handle that (it throws an exception, if you call a method, that requires an interface, that you don't implement.)
These are two excellent articles on this subject:

MVC - Using Windows Authentication and inject Roles without doing it per request

The "dream" is to use WindowsAuthentication for an intranet site. However, we need to hit a 3rd party service to determine if the user has "permission" to use the site, thus "Roles". I have seen many examples that show how to add roles to the identity but they are all on "per request" basis. I don't want to do that. I would like for the user to hit the site once, I determine if the user has the permission, and add the role to the identity. The identity (with the role) sticks around for the session. I also don't want to have to cache users and their permissions. Is this doable or am I missing something?
The solution is to write your own Authentication and put caching in the middle. It is really easy to do as I have two methods of doing it.
My posts describe the basics of writing your own authentication, but it is pretty easy to integrate a third party service once you understand the basics. Hope that helps :)

ASP.NET MVC, forms auth or custom when using EF 4?

I'm new to the ASP.NET world. Since I want to use the ORM it seems I would want an Entity to represent the User or Member or whatever, not some data tucked away by the forms authentication api. In fact I don't see how I can live without one.
How do people deal with this? Roll your own authentication? Or is there a best practice for incorporating forms authentication with the Entity Framework?
In short, since I need a User and Role Entity for queries anyway, should I skip the forms auth or find a way to use it?
EF and Forms Auth are really two different areas. You can use Forms Auth without ASP.NET Membership very easily and roll your own provider with very little effort.
This tutorial will show you how:
With ASP.NET MVC you should really use standard Auth since you can manage access to controllers using attributes for Roles very easily.
FormsAuthentication on its own does not care about the identity store and can validate only credentials stored in the web.config <credentials> section, through the Authenticate method. Standard implementations of the login page use the static Membership class to manage the identities and credentials in the MembershipProvider specified in the config file (usually SqlProfileProvider).
However, you don't have to use the membership provider functionality of ASP.NET to maintain your identities and you can still use FormsAuthentication just fine. The forms authentication control flow shows that forms authentication deals primarily with creating and maintaining the auth ticket for the user in a cookie. It does not deal with the user identity or profile itself, as it does not care about those.
Thus, you can safely use EF to maintain your user profiles, including credentials and do authentication of the provided credentials in your login page, while still using FormsAuthnetication.
