Docker hub/store doesn't show build information - docker

I'm having problems with docker continuous integration.
I setup automated builds in for my project, but there is not information at all either in their webs (hub/store) or their api, which shows that my build is not automated.
Docker Cloud looks like this:
But in the registry there is no "builds" section:
I guess that should look like other members projects, something like this:
Also, like I said, using the endpoint:{user}/{project}/ shows me "automated build: false"

I just realized that, in some way, there is no link between the Docker Cloud automatic builds and Docker Hub ones.
If you create an automated build in Docker Hub, everything works. I don't understand the logic of this, because if you create a repo either in docker cloud or docker hub, they are syncronized as one, but automated builds created on Docker Cloud don't show correctly in Docker Hub/Store.
Both, the Docker Hub and Docker Store builds will be updated whenever you do a push to your repo or a new build is sent with docker push, but the information about the automatic build only will be showed in Docker Cloud if you did it here.


Automatically deploy new container to Google Cloud Compute Engine from Google Container Registry

I have a docker container which I push to GCR like gcloud builds submit --tag<project-id>/<name>, and when I deploy it on GCE instance, every time I deploy it creates a new instance and I have to remove the old instance manually. The question is, is there a way to deploy containers and force the GCE instances to fetch new containers? I need exactly GCE, not Google Cloud Run or other because it is not an HTTP service.
I deploy the container from Google Console using the Deploy to Cloud Run button
I'm posting this Community Wiki for better visibility. In the comment section there were already a few good solutions, however at the end OP wants to use Cloud Run.
At first I'd like to clarify a few things.
I have a docker container which I push to GCR like gcloud builds submit
gcloud builds submit is a command to build using Google Cloud Build.
Cloud Build is a service that executes your builds on Google Cloud Platform infrastructure. Cloud Build can import source code from Cloud Storage, Cloud Source Repositories, GitHub, or Bitbucket, execute a build to your specifications, and produce artifacts such as Docker containers or Java archives.
In this question, OP is referring to Container Registry, however GCP recommends to use Artifact Registry which soon will replace Container Registry.
Pushing and pulling images from Artifact Registry is explained in Pushing and pulling images documentation. It can be done by docker push or docker pull command, where earlier you have to tag an image and create Artifact Registry.
Deploying on different GCP products
Regarding deploying on GCE, GKE and Cloud Run, those are GCP products which are quite different from each.
GCE is IaaS where you are specifying the amount of resources and you are maintaining all the installation of all software (you would need to install Docker, Kubernetes, programming libs, etc).
GKE is like Hybrid as you mention the amount of resources you need but it's customized to run containers on it. After creation you already have docker, kubernetes and other software needed to run containers on it.
Cloud Run is a serverless GCP product, where you don't need to calculate the amount of needed resources, installing software/libs, it's a fully managed serverless platform.
When you want to deploy a container app from Artifact Registry / Container Registry, you are creating another VM (GCE and GKE) or new service (Cloud Run).
If you would like to deploy new app on the same VM:
On GCE, you would need to pull an image and deploy it on that VM using Docker or Kubernetes (Kubeadm).
On GKE you would need to deploy a new deployment using command like
kubectl create deployment test --image=<location><projectname>/<artifactRegistryName>/<imageName>
and delete the old one.
In Cloud Run you can deploy an app without concerns about resources or hardware, which steps are described here. You can create revisions for specific changes in the image. However Cloud Run also allows CI/CD using GitHub, BitBucket or Cloud Source Repositories. This process is also well described in GCP documentation - Continuous deployment
Possible solutions:
Write a Cloudbuild.yaml file that do that for you at each CI/CD pipeline run
Write a small application on GCE that subscribes to Pub/Sub notifications created by Cloud Build. You can then either pull the new container or launch a new instance.
Use Cloud Run with CI/CD.
Based on one of the OP's comments, as chosen solution was to use Cloud Run with CI/CD.

dockerhub automated build from single repo with single dockerfile building multiple images

I have a single git repository on github with:
a Dockerfile which builds multiple images meant to be used together. (a maven build produces a war file and sql files by downloading then from artifact repositories; a multi-stage build then creates a slim tomcat image with the war and a slim mysql image with the sql data preloaded).
a docker-compose.yml file that uses the "target" instruction to build and run containers on the images from the multi-stage build.
This works well during development. But it forces users to build images on their computer. I want the users to be able to only download images. The setup should also be using dockerhub's automated build to keep images up to date.
How can I set it up to achieve this ? What command(s) or file(s) do I give the users to allow them to download images and run containers ? If it is not possible, what can I do to make it possible (split the repo? copypaste the dockerfile? publish intermediate images to dockerhub and ensure a correct build order ? Don't use dockerhub's automated build ?)
To use dockerhub's automated builds you would need to build one image per Dockerfile and have one Dockerfile per repo. The image name comes from the source repository name (with the github org/user name as the docker image user name and the github repo name as the docker image name). Multistage builds work in automated builds but only one image is published per Dockerfile (the final image of the build).
You could build the images in your CI or even on your local machine and then push to dockerhub. You'd just need to have an account on dockerhub and be logged in to that account when you use the docker push command. When doing this push there doesn't have to be any mapping to GitHub repos but your image names should start with <dockerhub_user>/ as a kind of prefix (explained at It's ok if they are built under a different name as you could rename by retagging before pushing. This way you can also build the images however you like.
When you have images in dockerhub you can just refer to them in the docker-compose file using the form image: <dockerhub_user>/<dockerhub_image_name>:<tag>. The images will automatically be pulled when the user does docker-compose up.
Here are some tips and links that should help your situation:
Automated builds are a convenient way to deploy your images.
This part is pretty easy. You'll need accounts with Docker Hub and Github. You can register these accounts for free.
When you create a a repository on Docker Hub you can link it to your Github repository to automate the build.
Split your services into separate Dockerfiles. Ideally you should use separate repositories: Docker Compose will pull them together at the end. A division of services will also help if anyone wants to implement e.g. a cloud database backend for their deployment.
Don't store database files inside a container. Containers should be ephemeral
For a robust design, test your builds.
Docker Hub automated builds are very flexible with the use of build hooks.
This part is a little tricky because I haven't found the best documentation. It also might not be necessary if you split your Dockerfile.
I've successfully created automated builds with multiple tags and targets using a hook at hooks/build but after reading the documentation it looks like you should also be able to use hooks/post_build.
Your hook could simply build the correct layer and push the tag to Docker Hub
For your repository that should look like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker build --target lutece-mysql -t lutece/mysql .
docker push lutece/mysql
If you end up using hooks/build you might need to build the final target as the last step.
If you need multiple tags for an image use a hook at hooks/post_push to add additional tags. That way each tag should link users to the same image. e.g.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker tag lutece/tomcat:master lutece/tomcat:latest
docker push lutece/tomcat:latest
Additionally you can use build hooks to label your image with things like build date and git commit.
Deployment with Docker Compose
Unfortunately I haven't done this part so I can't confirm how to get this to work.
With your repositories in Docker Hub and a working docker-compose.yml your clients may only need to run docker-compose up in the directory with your docker-compose.yml file. Docker Compose should pull in the images from Docker Hub.

Can a Dockerfile push itself to a registry?

For the use case where a Dockerfile needs to be built for each platform it's on (a bit niche I know), is there a way possible for it to push itself to the registry, i.e. calling docker push from within the Dockerfile?
Currently, this is done:
docker build -t my-registry/<username>/<image>:<version> .
docker login my-registry
docker push <image>
Could the login and push steps be directly or cleverly built into the Dockerfile being built or with a combination of others?
Note: This would operate in a secure environment of trustworthy users (so all users being able to push to the registry is fine).
Note: This is an irregular use of Docker, not a good idea for building/packaging software in general, rather I am using Docker to share environments between developers.
I am wondering why can't you have a wrapper script file (say shell or bat) around the "Dockerfile" to do these steps
docker build -t my-registry/<username>/<image>:<version> .
docker login my-registry
docker push <image>
What is it so specific about "Dockerfile". I know, this is not addressing the question that you asked, I might have totally misunderstood your usecase, but I am just curious.
As others pointed out, this can be easily achieved using a CD systems like etc.
At first this sounds to me like the decently-circulated "Nasa's Space pen Myth". But as I said earlier, you may have a proper valid use case which I am not aware of yet.
Docker build creates image using recipe provided in Dockerfile. Each line in Dockerfile creates new temporary image of file system with different checksum. Image after execution of last line of Dockerfile is your final image of build process and is tagged with provided name.
So it is not possible to put docker push command inside Dockerfile because image creation is not finished yet.
Having a Dockefile push it's own image will never work.
To explain a bit more:
What happens when you build and image: Docker will spawn a container and do everything the Dockerfile specifies. You can even see this when running docker ps during the build. If the exit status of the container is 0 (no errors), an image is created from the container.
We don't really have much control over this process other than the build parameters. It's definitely a chicken and egg problem.
Build systems should to this stuff
It's even fairly easy to do this in Jenkins. The Jenkins setup I have uses a docker plugin and executes build commands to a remote docker hosts.. so the Jenkins nodes only pull the repo, runs a build, then pushes the image to a private repo properly tagged (then deletes the local image). You can run unit tests in docker also by making a separate Dockerfile (gets a bit more complicated when you need external mock services)
Builds per branch/architecture is not too hard to set up. With remote hosts doing the build work we can boost up the job limit in Jenkins fairly high and it can run on cheap hardware.
You can also run Jenkins in docker and make it build images in the docker engine it runs in. I just do that through TLS or the old trick of mapping the socket file into the Jenkins container might still work.
I think I started with the CloudBees Docker Build and Publish plugin and it was fairly easy to use, but now I use a custom plugin so I have no idea of the alternatives.

A jenkins-slave container image per module type or a single centralized one which can build anything?

I have multiple projects I need to build as part of the same CI flow - some are in java, some are nodejs, some are c++ etc.
We use Jenkins and slaves are supposed to run as docker containers.
My question is - should I create a jenkins slave container image per module type, i.e a dedicated slave image which would be able to build java, and a dedicated container to build nodejs with node installed etc. or a single container which can build anything - jave, node, etc.
If I look at it from vm perspective, I would most likely use the same vm to build anything - which means a centralized build slave. But I don't like this dependency, or if tomorrow I need to update the java version and keep the old one I might create huge images with little differences between them.
I personally would go down the route of a container-per-module-type because of the following:
I like to keep my containers as focussed as possible. They should do one thing and do it well e.g. build Java applications, build Node applications
Docker makes it incredibly easy to build Container images
It is incredibly easy to stop and start Containers
I'd probably create myself a separate project in Git that was structured something like this:
- /slaves
- /slaves/java
- /slaves/java/Dockerfile
- /slaves/node
- /slaves/node/Dockerfile
I have one Dockerfile that creates and builds the container image of the slave for the given "module type". I would make changes to this project via pull requests and each time a pull request is merged into master, push the resulting images up to DockerHub as the new version to be used as my Jenkins slaves.
I would have the above handled by another project running in my Jenkins instance that simply monitored my Git repository. When changes are made to the Git repository it just runs the build commands in order and then does a push of the new images to DockerHub:
docker build -f slaves/java/Dockerfile -t my-company/java-slave:$BUILD_NUMBER -t my-company/java-slave:latest
docker build -f slaves/node/Dockerfile -t my-company/node-slave:$BUILD_NUMBER -t my-company/node-slave:latest
docker push my-company/java-slave:$BUILD_NUMBER
docker push my-company/java-slave:latest
docker push my-company/node-slave:$BUILD_NUMBER
docker push my-company/node-slave:latest
You can then update your Jenkins configuration to the new image for the slaves when you're ready.

Docker: updating image and registry

What is the right workflow for updating and storing images?
For example:
I download source code from GitHub (project with Docker files, docker-compose.yml)
I run "docker build"
And I push new image to Docker Hub (or AWS ECR)
I make some changes in source code
Push changes to GitHub
And what I should do now to update registry (Docker Hub)?
A) Should I run again "docker build" and then push new image (with new tag) to registry?
B) Should I somehow commit changes to existing image and update existing image on Docker Hub?
This will depend on what for you will use your docker image and what "releasing" policy you adopt.
My recommendation is that you sync the tags you keep on Docker Hub with the release/or tags you have in GitHub and automate as much as you can your production with a continuous integration tools like Jenkins and GitHub webooks.
Then your flow becomes :
You do your code modifications and integrate them in GitHub ideally using a pull request scheme. This means your codes will be merged into your master branch.
Your Jenkins is configured so that when master is changed it will build against your docker file and push it to Docker hub. This will erase your "latest" tag and make sure your latest tag in docker hub is always in sync with your master release on GitHub
If you need to keep additional tags, this will be typical because of different branches or releases of your software. You'll do the same as above with the tag hooked up through Jenkins and GitHub webhooks with a non-master branch. For this, take a look at how the official libraries are organized on GitHub (for example on Postgres or MySQL images).
