How do I choose a folder to store files from Docker? - docker

I've been working on this for hours, but I've mainly found answers relating to Linux.
I'm running Docker in Windows 10, and I'm trying to install some distros from Linuxserver
I can do a basic setup (following a guide that install Jackett a similar way)
docker create --name=jackett \
--restart=always \
-v /home/docker/jackett/config:/config \
-v /home/docker/jackett/downloads:/downloads \
-e PGID=1001 -e PUID=1001 \
-e TZ=Europe/London \
-p 9117:9117 \
But, I don't understand how to select one of the shared drives I setup, and I have no idea where /home/... is on my hard drive.
How would I set this up to save config and downloads in say:

docker volume definitions are in pairs
-v left_side:right_side
where full path of left side is a directory local to the machine where you are executing your docker command from ... your laptop or server ... whereas the right_side is same directory as viewed from inside the freshly launched container ... that is you are mounting a local dir to your container so it can read and write to persist changes even after the container is killed off
For example I want to make visable to my app the dir on my laptop of
and the app will see this as path
so syntax would look like this
docker ... skip settings ... -v /some/full/path/local/dir:/whatever/dir
My guess is if your host machine is MS Windows then use Windows \ separators rather than linux / separators
docker ... skip settings ... -v c:\some\full\path\local\dir:/whatever/dir
so this would be linux host syntax
docker create --name=jackett \
--restart=always \
-v /some/config/dir:/config \
-v /some/config/dir:/downloads \
-e PGID=1001 -e PUID=1001 \
-e TZ=Europe/London \
-p 9117:9117 \
whereas this is MS Windows syntax using \ instead of / as seperator
docker create --name=jackett \
--restart=always \
-v H:\\Documents\\Configs:/config \
-v H:\\Documents\\Configs:/downloads \
-e PGID=1001 -e PUID=1001 \
-e TZ=Europe/London \
-p 9117:9117 \
UPDATE - notice the double \ which might work on Windows since a single \ just means do an escape on following character ... Also leave as is the last line of above linuxserver/jackett as that is not a path its the docker image name
on ubuntu I just ran below just fine
docker create --name=jackett_stens \
--restart=always \
-v /home/khufu/src/config:/config \
-v /home/khufu/src/config:/downloads \
-e PGID=1001 -e PUID=1001 \
-e TZ=Europe/London \
-p 9117:9117 \
above output is
khufu#jill ~ $ docker create --name=jackett_stens \
> --restart=always \
> -v /home/khufu/src/config:/config \
> -v /home/khufu/src/config:/downloads \
> -e PGID=1001 -e PUID=1001 \
> -e TZ=Europe/London \
> -p 9117:9117 \
> linuxserver/jackett
Unable to find image 'linuxserver/jackett:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from linuxserver/jackett
f2233041f557: Already exists
53bd17864f23: Pull complete
02efc09c990b: Pull complete
14b057e5c85e: Pull complete
7e03e93fc218: Pull complete
9825bf39efb1: Pull complete
0a74d4d4cac0: Pull complete
34451e5c900f: Pull complete
5453d859f994: Pull complete
d9976cfaf0ba: Pull complete
09ccdb48553d: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:b624cbc75efb40d7dab9a2095653988632a4773ad86e0f5ee2edd877e4178678
Status: Downloaded newer image for linuxserver/jackett:latest
OK so above worked then I launched the image using
docker start jackett_stens
and confirmed it is running by issuing
docker ps


installing transmission on debian with docker: Missing container [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why docker container exits immediately
(16 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
I am new to this. I have installed docker on my Raspi. I am trying to install transmission on the docker. I use the following;
docker run --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -d \
--name=transmission \
-v /mnt/extDrive1:/data \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-e OPENVPN_CONFIG=my_expressvpn_uk_-_london_udp \
--log-driver json-file \
--log-opt max-size=10m \
-p 9091:9091 \
I go through the debug on
All is fine until I get to the section 'Checking if Transmission is running'.
When I run docker ps, there are no containers in the list.
What have I done wrong? Ultimately, I am trying to access transmission through localhost:9091.
Edit: So I have made some progress, but still having issues;
docker start transmission temporarily. populates the container ID
docker exec -it <container-id> bash comes up with the following error:
Error response from daemon: Container XXXX is not running
It seems that container is exiting out as you are not running it in the detached mode. Try this:
docker run -itd --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -d \
--name=transmission \
-v /mnt/extDrive1:/data \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-e OPENVPN_CONFIG=my_expressvpn_uk_-_london_udp \
--log-driver json-file \
--log-opt max-size=10m \
-p 9091:9091 \

how to change the directory of docker

-- I installed docker on my debian 8
-- I pulled docker-handbrake from
docker pull jlesage/handbrake
and installed it
-- I had 2 drives,
the first one is my OS drive which mounted on /
the second one is my storage drive which mounted on /srv
so the thing I want to do is run handbrake docker directories on /srv with the following command
--name=handbrake \
-p 5800:5800 \
-v /docker/appdata/handbrake:/config:rw \
-v /srv:ro \
-v /srv/HandBrake/watch:/watch:rw \
-v /srv/HandBrake/output:/output:rw \
but i got this error :
docker: Error response from daemon: invalid bind mount spec "/srv:ro": invalid volume specification: '/srv:ro'.
See 'docker run --help'.
I can do something like this.
--name=handbrake \
-p 5800:5800 \
-v /docker/appdata/handbrake:/config:rw \
-v /srv:/storage:ro \
-v /srv/HandBrake/watch:/watch:rw \
-v /srv/HandBrake/output:/output:rw \
--name=handbrake \
-p 5800:5800 \
-v /docker/appdata/handbrake:/config:rw \
-v /:/storage:ro \
-v /srv/HandBrake/watch:/watch:rw \
-v /srv/HandBrake/output:/output:rw \
Note: Make sure you are not changing container directory which /storage:ro . Just change your host directory or path.

Issue in connecting ksql with kafka of confluent version 3.3.0 in docker

I am setting up ksql-cli with confluent version 3.3.0 in following way
docker run -d -it \
--net=host \
--name=zookeeper \
docker run -d \
--net=host \
--name=kafka \
-e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=localhost:32181 \
docker run -d \
--net=host \
--name=schema-registry \
-e SCHEMA_REGISTRY_LISTENERS=http://localhost:8081 \
i am running ksql-cli docker image in following manner
docker run -it \
--net=host \
--name=ksql-cli \
-e KSQL_CONFIG_DIR="/etc/ksql" \
-e KSQL_LOG4J_OPTS="-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/etc/ksql/" \
-e STREAMS_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=localhost:29092 \
when i am running ksql-cli by going in bash of container in folowing way
docker exec -it ksql-cli bash
and running ksql-cli in following way:
./usr/bin/ksql-cli local
It is giving me following error:
Initializing KSQL...
Could not fetch broker information. KSQL cannot initialize AdminCLient.
By default, the ksql-cli attempts to connect to the Kafka brokers on localhost:9092. It looks like your setup is using a different port, so you'll need to provide this on the command line, e.g.
./usr/bin/ksql-cli local --bootstrap-server localhost:32181
You'll probably also need to specify the schema registry port, so you may want to use a properties file, e.g. :
./usr/bin/ksql-cli local --properties-file ./
Where has:
Or provide both on the command line:
./usr/bin/ksql-cli local \
--bootstrap-server localhost:29092 \
--schema.registry.url http://localhost:8081
Note, from KSQL version 4.1 onwards the commands and properties change name. ksql-cli becomes just ksql. The local mode disappears - you'll need to run a ksql-server node or two explicitly. --property-file becomes --config-file and schema.registry.url becomes ksql.schema.registry.url.

Kong official docker images broken?

I’m trying to run kong on docker\kubernetes and I tried a bunch of images (0.13, 0.11, 0.11,2, some of the alpine images) and all of them share the same feature. if I run kong inside of those nothing happens. doing echo $? returns 132. i tried running /usr/local/bin/kong but the result is the same.
Is it just me or all of those are broken?
I’m using ubuntu 16.04\windows docker hosts with one of the latest docker versions. both of them fail in this same manner.
If they are fine, please explain what am I doing wrong?
I found the issue (no idea how to work around it at the moment though). The problem lies with the exit code 132: SIGILL – illegal instruction.
cat /proc/cpuinfo
model name : AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 4171 HE
This leads us here, which kind-of gives away the sad part: this processor doesn't support SSE 4.2. Here is the proof.
What you need to do to run Kong:
Set up a database, normally Cassandra or PostgreSQL e.g. like this:
docker run -d --name kong-database \
-p 5432:5432 \
-e "POSTGRES_USER=kong" \
-e "POSTGRES_DB=kong" \
You need to run kong migrations up in a shell inside of the container once:
docker run --rm \
--link kong-database:kong-database \
-e "KONG_DATABASE=postgres" \
-e "KONG_PG_HOST=kong-database" \
kong kong migrations up
Start with the matching environment:
docker run -d --name kong \
--link kong-database:kong-database \
-e "KONG_DATABASE= postgres" \
-e "KONG_PG_HOST=kong-database" \
-e "KONG_PROXY_ACCESS_LOG=/dev/stdout" \
-e "KONG_ADMIN_ACCESS_LOG=/dev/stdout" \
-e "KONG_PROXY_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr" \
-e "KONG_ADMIN_ERROR_LOG=/dev/stderr" \
-p 8000:8000 \
-p 8443:8443 \
-p 8001:8001 \
-p 8444:8444 \
If you leave out the second step, kong won't start saying it needs the migrations to run.

How to run enlightenment wayland in docker container?

I am trying to run enlightenment( in a docker container,previously enlightenment is based on X11,but the latest version of enlightenment support wayland. As I searched,we can use the -v parameter when use the "docker run" command to start a docker image like :
$ docker run -it \
--net host \ # may as well YOLO
--cpuset-cpus 0 \ # control the cpu
--memory 512mb \ # max memory it can use
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ # mount the X11 socket
-e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY \ # pass the display
-v $HOME/Downloads:/root/Downloads \ # optional, but nice
-v $HOME/.config/google-chrome/:/data \ # if you want to save state
--device /dev/snd \ # so we have sound
--name chrome \
But this is based on X11.Currently I do not use the X11,and use the wayland based enlightenment,How can I show my enlightenment UI in docker container?
According to
you mount some device such as
in your
docker run
and here is an extract from
docker run \
--name $container \
-v "$(pwd):/home/user/work" \
--device=/dev/dri/card0:/dev/dri/card0 \
--device=/dev/dri/card1:/dev/dri/card1 \
--device=/dev/dri/controlD64:/dev/dri/controlD64 \
--device=/dev/dri/controlD65:/dev/dri/controlD65 \
