Dont see groovy installation option in my jenkins - jenkins

Dont see Groovy home and path to groovy installation in my jenkins. Jenkins version is 2.77.
Any reason?

Since Jenkins 2.x all the tool configurations (Groovy,Maven, Ant, Gradle and even the JDK) under the "Global Tools" entry in Jenkins administration (Manage Jenkins).


Need some help for jenkins gradle integration

I am getting some issues with the configuration and setup jenkins to the local gradle project .it's some thing like integration of gradle with jenkins and jenkins will be responsible for building and running the gradle ...initially I tried with cmd execution available at jenkins but its not promising solution .So I feel I need some help for setup gradle plugin for local bild.gradle execution
I don't know which version of Jenkins you use, but with decently recent version you should have a build step type "Invoke Gradle Script" in "Freestyle project" project types, that you should use to execute your gradle build.
Everything is well explained here:

Jenkins MsBuild.exe issue

I'm using Jenkins 2.7.2 installed as a Windows service via the Windows Installer. Jenkins installed in my local PC only. I do not see anything in Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System having to do with MSBuild. I've installed the MSBuild plugin, but don't see it in configure Jenkins. Is this a bug in 2.7.2
You should find this MsBuild section into Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration.
Looks like it moved here with Jenkins 2

Msbulid is not displayed in jenkins?

i am trying to use continuous integration by using jenkins with svn for bulid a .net code.
For that i installed msbuild plugin.but the msbulid plugin is not displayed in jenkins configuration( Jenkins » Manage Jenkins » Configure System.)
but it is installed..
This has been moved to the Global Tool Configuration under manage jenkins on version 2.7.1

Setting up gradle org.sonarqube plugin sonar analysis task (sonarqube) in jenkins

As per the recent announcement on Gradle forum, the Sonar Plugin and Sonar Runner Plugin are being deprecated in favor of the SonarQube plugin. Can someone share any links (documentation or blogs) that demonstrate setting this up in Jenkins. I tried this on the local setup and gradle sonarqube task works great.
Should we continue to use the "Invoke Standalone Sonar Analysis" (from Jenkins-Sonar plugin) build step in a freestyle Jenkins job? With the default settings, it doesn't infer mandatory information like sonar.projectKey, sonar.projectName, sonar.projectVersion, sonar.sources from the build.gradle file. To provide it manually for a multi-module project is painful (particularly for sonar.libraries and sonar.binaries). One could think to generate a file as part of a custom gradle task that will subsequently be used by the Standalone Sonar analysis step.
However, it seems that this a generic requirement and I feel that there might be a simpler way out in in the Jenkins-Sonar plugin. Could someone familiar with the Jenkins-Sonar Plugin shed some light on it?
System info:
Gradle 2.5
Jenkins 1.560
SonarQube 4.5
SonarQube Gradle Plugin 1.0
Sonar Runner 2.3
Jenkins Sonar Plugin 2.2
JDK 1.8
Linux 2.6
Thanks in advance!
I did not want to put the database username and password of the remote sonarqube instance in my gradle build file and hence don't want to use the existing 'sonarqube' task.
I think that you are referring to the following improvement that we want to do on the Jenkins SonarQube plugin: SONARJNKNS-217
This should come sooner or later. In the meantime, you're right, there's no easier way than what you described - unfortunately.

No sonar-runner option in jenkins?

I'm looking to install sonarQube on our jenkins server.
The documentation i can find tells me to configure sonar-runner in
Jenkins --> manage Jenkins --> Configure system
however there is no 'sonar runner' option there.
There is a 'sonar' option where i configured my sonar server, and the sonar plugin is installed and up to date.
How do i get the sonar-runner configuration to show up?
(We want the standalone sonar job not the maven on as this is a project without maven.)
In newer versions of Jenkins (like 2.2), the sonarqube runner configuration is under
Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration
Thats the solution :)
Ok. So, if I understand well:
Going into Manage Jenkins' -> 'Manage Plugin' -> tab 'Installed' in the Plugin manager, you can see 'Jenkins Sonar plugin' in the installed plugins.
--> Beware that there is a SonarGraph plugin that is not the proper one. Please verify you have this:
You say you can install the sonar server part in Jenkins. I understand you refer to this doc, and more specifically section 'Adding SonarQube Server' point 2 and 3.
--> Can you confirm that you have this 'Sonar' part under you Jenkins configuration ?
If yes to previous 1 & 2, you should also have the SonarQube Runner part available in Jenkins, as in the previous doc and the post on my blog.
--> Can you confirm this is the part that is lacking ?
Can you try this:
Jenkins -> New Job -> Select 'Build a free-style software project', enter a job Name -> click Ok.
Section Build -> 'Add build Step': can you see the 'Invoke standalone Sonar analysis' menu : ?
You have SonarQube runner installed and correctly configured:
Do not hesitate to ask for further precision.
I can see both Sonar (just above E-mail Notification section) and Sonar Runner in Jenkins > Configure System section.
I have Jenkins 1.547 and Sonar Plugin 2.1 installed. However, please note that, as per this link, Jenkins 1.491+ and Sonar plugin 2.1 will suffice.
I faced similar issue.
Solution is that you need to run sonar-runner outside jenkins once and then restart jenkins.
To run sonar-runner outside jenkins. Download sonar-runner as mentioned in the steps #
Create a file at the root of you code base. below link describes the content of the file.
Run sonar-runner.bat from the codebase.
Once the sonar analysis is done, Start Jenkins Jenkins will now show the sonar-runner option in configure page.
