Finding the suitable CNN architecture for the calssification - machine-learning

I want to use convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify between two classes of images. I built several CNN architectures, but I always get the same result; the network always classify all cases as a second class sample. Therefore, I always get 50% accuracy in leave-one-out. The data is balanced in terms of the number of samples of each class (16 from 1st, and 16 from 2nd). Could you please clarify what does this mean.

With such small number of training samples, Your CNN model is very likely to overfit the data giving good training accuracy and worst test accuracy.
Else your model can be skewed predicting the same class at all times.
Below are some of the solutions you can try:
1) As you have commented, if you cannot get any more images, then try creating new images by modifying the ones already available. For ex: Let's say you have 16 images of a cat (cat is the class). You can crop the cat and paste it in different backgrounds, try varying the brightness, intensity etc, Try rotation, translation operations etc.
This will help you create a good training set.
2) Try creating a smaller model (with one or two layers) and check if it improves your accuracy.
3) You can do transfer learning by using a good pre-trained model as it can learn pretty well when compared to creating a model from base.


Neural Network gets stuck

I am experimenting with classification using neural networks (I am using tensorflow).
And unfortunately the training of my neural network gets stuck at 42% accuracy.
I have 4 classes, into which I try to classify the data.
And unfortunately, my data set is not well balanced, meaning that:
43% of the data belongs to class 1 (and yes, my network gets stuck predicting only this)
37% to class 2
13% to class 3
7% to class 4
The optimizer I am using is AdamOptimizer and the cost function is tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits.
I was wondering if the reason for my training getting stuck at 42% is really the fact that my data set is not well balanced, or because the nature of the data is really random, and there are really no patterns to be found.
Currently my NN consists of:
input layer
2 convolution layers
7 fully connected layers
output layer
I tried changing this structure of the network, but the result is always the same.
I also tried Support Vector Classification, and the result is pretty much the same, with small variations.
Did somebody else encounter similar problems?
Could anybody please provide me some hints how to get out of this issue?
I will assume that you have already double, triple and quadruple checked that the data going in is matching what you expect.
The question is quite open-ended, and even a topic for research. But there are some things that can help.
In terms of better training, there's two normal ways in which people train neural networks with an unbalanced dataset.
Oversample the examples with lower frequency, such that the proportion of examples for each class that the network sees is equal. e.g. in every batch, enforce that 1/4 of the examples are from class 1, 1/4 from class 2, etc.
Weight the error for misclassifying each class by it's proportion. e.g. incorrectly classifying an example of class 1 is worth 100/43, while incorrectly classifying an example of class 4 is worth 100/7
That being said, if your learning rate is good, neural networks will often eventually (after many hours of just sitting there) jump out of only predicting for one class, but they still rarely end well with a badly skewed dataset.
If you want to know whether or not there are patterns in your data which can be determined, there is a simple way to do that.
Create a new dataset by randomly select elements from all of your classes such that you have an even number of all of them (i.e. if there's 700 examples of class 4, then construct a dataset by randomly selecting 700 examples from every class)
Then you can use all of your techniques on this new dataset.
Although, this paper suggests that even with random labels, it should be able to find some pattern that it understands.
Firstly you should check if your model is overfitting or underfitting, both of which could cause low accuracy. Check the accuracy of both training set and dev set, if accuracy on training set is much higher than dev/test set, the model may be overfiiting, and if accuracy on training set is as low as it on dev/test set, then it could be underfitting.
As for overfiiting, more data or simpler learning structures may work while make your structure more complex and longer training time may solve underfitting problem

Datageneration for Neural Networks

I have images that I want to process. First features are extracted from those images and then those features are fed into a neural network for training. I do not have many images though and would like to generate more data.
1) What yields less overfitting: Should I generate more images from the original images and then feed the entire pipeline with them, or should I bring variation into the extracted features and simply train the neural network with more data this way?
The second approach would be computationally cheaper, but yields better results?
2) What techniques are tried and true for generating more data - either more images or the features?
Is true that when you don't have enough data the performance of your model can be poor. So you have to try a few things:
You can modify the data that you have applying translations, rotations, etc; for example move all the pixel of the image a few pixel to the left. This are operation on images.
Also you can generate more images through generative models: Restricted Boltzmann Machines, Deep Belief Networks etc.
Also you have a way of determine if you need more training data. In the coordinate axis you draw the score of the training data and validation data. In the x axis goes the size of the sets(10% of the all set, 20% of the all set, ..., 90% of the all set) and in the y axis is the score. Then you look at the graph. For understand well enough this what i'm saying i strongly recommend the videos of Andrew Ng of Machine Learning( specifically the Week 6(Advice for Applying Machine Learning)

Caffe's way of representing negative examples on benchmark dataset for binary classification

I would like to know how to define or represent a negative training set if I would want to train a binary classifier from a pre-trained model say, AlexNet on ILSVRC12 (or ImageNet) dataset. What I am currently thinking of is to take one the classes which is not related as the negative training set while the one which is related as positive one. Is there any better way which is more elegant?
The CNNs trained on the ILSVRC data set are already discriminating among 1000 classes of images. Yes, you can use one of those topologies to train a binary classifier, but I suggest that you start with an untrained model and run it through your two chosen classes. If you start with a trained model, you have to unlearn a lot, and your result is still trying to discriminate among 1000 classes: that last FC layer is going to give you trouble.
There are ways to work around the 1000-class problem. If your application already overlaps one or more of the trained classes, then simply add a layer that maps those classes to label "1" and all the others to label "0".
If you're insistent on retaining the trained kernels, then try replacing the final FC layer (1000) with a 2-class FC layer. Then choose your two classes (applicable images vs everything else) and run your training.

How to train a caffemodel on our own dataset?

I tried using pre-trained bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel for object recognition from images. I got good results for images containing only a single object. For images with multiple objects, I removed the argmax() term from prediction which gives the class label with the maximum probability.
Still, the accuracy is very less for the labels which I am getting. So, I am thinking of training the same caffemodel on my own dataset (containing images with multiple objects). How should I proceed? Is there any way to retrain a pre-trained caffemodel with the different dataset?
What you are after is called "finetuning": taking a deep net trained for task A, reusing its weights and re-train it to accomplish task B.
You can start with this tutorial, but you will find much more information simply by googling "finetune caffe model".
You may also be interested in this post regarding training caffe with mutiple categories per input image.

Convolutional Neural Networks with Caffe and NEGATIVE IMAGES

When training a set of classes (let's say #clases (number of classes) = N) on Caffe Deep Learning (or any CNN framework) and I make a query to the caffemodel, I get a % of probability of that image could be OK.
So, let's take a picture of a similar Class 1, and I get the result:
1.- 90%
2.- 10%
rest... 0%
the problem is: when I take a random picture (for example of my environment), I keep getting the same result, where one of the class is predominant (>90% probability) but it doesn't belong to any class.
So what I'd like to hear is opinions/answers from people which has experienced this and would have solved how to deal with no-sense inputs to the Neural Network.
My purposes are:
Train one more extra class with negative images (like with train_cascade).
Train one more class extra with all the positive images in the TRAIN set, and the negative on the VAL set.
But my purposes don't have any scientific base to execute them, that's why I ask you this question.
What would you do?
Thank you very much in advance.
