How to make sure resque background jobs are always up? - ruby-on-rails

I use ActiveJob with a resque back-end and use capistrano-resque to (re)start my work processes on deploy.
What I have been strugling with is making sure those processes are always up. Can and could such a process crash? Should I put safeguards in making sure that my background jobs always get picked up by a worker?
I have searched far and wide but have not found any standard solution to this.

I am using god with resque. Here's an example script for it.
desc "Restart resque workers"
task :restart_workers, roles: :resque do
run "sudo god restart resque-production"
after 'deploy:restart', 'deploy:restart_workers'
where resque-production is the from the script example.


Is there is something like cron in rails application on windows?

I'm trying to use cron in my application to send mails every week but I think it doesn't work on Windows.
Does anybody knows any equivalent to cron solution that works on Windows?
Windows equivalent of Unix's cron is a "Task Scheduler". You can configure your periodical task there.
Purely Ruby solution
If you want a purely Ruby solution look into:
rufus-scheduler - it's Windows cron gem.
crono - it's a in-Rails cron scheduler, so it should work anywhere.
Web services - there are plenty of free online services that would make a request to a given URL in specific time periods. This is basically a poor man's cronjob.
I recommend taking a look at Resque and the extension Resque-scheduler gems. You will need to have a resque scheduler process running with bundle exec rake resque:scheduler and at least one worker process running with QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work.
If you want these services to run in the background as a windows service, you can do it with srvany.exe as described in this SO question.
The above assumes you are ok with installing Redis - a key-value store that is very popular among the Rails community as it can be easily used to support other Rails components such as caching and ActionCable, and it is awesome by itself for many multi-process use cases.
Resque is a queue system on top of Redis that allows you to define jobs that can be executed asynchronously in the background. When you run QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work, a worker process runs constantly and polls the queue. Once a job is enqueued, an available worker pops it from the queue and starts working on it. This architecture is quite scalable, as you can have multiple workers listening to the queues if you'd like.
To define a job, you do this:
class MyWeeklyEmailSenderJob
def self.perform
# Your code to send weekly emails
While you can enqueue this job to the queue yourself from anywhere (e.g. from a controller as a response to an action), in your case you want it to automatically be placed into the queue once a week. This is what Resque-scheduler is for. It allows you to configure a file such as app/config/resque_schedule.yml in which you can define which jobs should be enqueued in which time interval. For example:
cron: 0 8 * * Mon
class: MyWeeklyEmailSenderJob
queue: email_sender_queue
description: "Send weekly emails"
Remember that a scheduling process has to run in order for this to work with bundle exec rake resque:scheduler.
thanks guys , actually i tried rufus scheduler gem and it worked for me , i guess it's the best and easier solution

Sidekiq with Clockwork triggers but doesn't process job on heroku

Running: sidekiq 2.1.17, rails 3.2.21
I'm trying to use clockwork to schedule some recurring tasks to be done by sidekiq workers. Running foreman in development, everything runs perfectly as scheduled.
When I deploy to heroku, however, I get the "Triggering 'NameWorker.perform_async'" message in the logs at the appropriate times but then the respective jobs don't actually run.
When I instead call NameWorker.perform_async in a controller action, the job runs as it should. The jobs I'm trying to schedule just contain puts statements to verify that they're working. Anyone have any ideas about what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
Solved by adding the Sidekiq.configure_client logic from the sidekiq.rb file into clock.rb. This logic was already there and in unicorn but sidekiq was not being initialized in production for the purposes of the clockwork process.

Delayed Job Capistrano task without restarting each time

How is this possible?
I am currently using Capistrano recipe that comes with delayed_job
This is what I have:
# Delayed Job recipes
require "delayed/recipes"
set :rails_env, "production" # added for delayed job
after "deploy:stop", "delayed_job:stop"
after "deploy:start", "delayed_job:start"
after "deploy:restart", "delayed_job:restart"
I don't understand very well Capistrano phases, maybe solution is to set right task to right phase.
Every time I deploy I get
executing `delayed_job:restart'
Is this really needed? Is there a way to restart delayed_job just when needed? or is it always needed?
I'm also not sure what you're looking for but maybe a simple
cap delayed_job:stop
from the command line will do? You can see all available tasks at
cap -T
I would argue that it is a best practice to restart your Delayed Job workers every time you deploy. In the end, the workers execute your code, and that tends to change between deploys. Now, if the code your workers run rarely changes (that includes the rails boot process, environment files, initializers, settings, models that you use, etc.) and you want to take care of this yourself, then simply remove the hooks such as
after "deploy:stop", "delayed_job:stop"
from the deploy.rb and you're fine: the dj tasks will still be at your disposal, but they will not be triggered during deploy.

Rails how to create a delayed job for a rake taks?

How do I create a delayed job for a rake task that should run every 15 minutes?
You can give it a try:
I am using Resque + Redis with Heroku. Delayed job is also very much supported on their cloud service.
In lib/tasks/cron.rb
desc "This task is called by the Heroku cron add-on"
task :cron => :environment do
def resubmit_pending_jobs
One way I can think of is by using the cron addon offered by Heroku which does it every hour (not 15 mins). Perhaps the above code block can assist you in finding a similar implementation for Delayed Job.
In the case you are interested in getting Resque setup with RedisToGo and Heroku, please consult this guide.
Hope that helps!
Take a look at SimpleWorker. It's a cloud-based background processing / worker queue for Ruby apps. It's an add-on for Heroku.
You create worker classes in your code and the queue up jobs to run right away or run later -- one time or on a recurring schedule.
worker =
# Set attributes for worker to use here
worker.schedule(:start_at => 1.minute, :run_every => 900)

Keeping a rake job running

I'm using delayed_job to run jobs, with new jobs being added every minute by a cronjob.
Currently I have an issue where the rake jobs:work task, currently started with 'nohup rake jobs:work &' manually, is randomly exiting.
While God seems to be a solution to some people, the extra memory overhead is rather annoying and I'd prefer a simpler solution that can be restarted by the deployment script (Capistrano).
Is there some bash/Ruby magic to make this happen, or am I destined to run a monitoring service on my server with some horrid hacks to allow the unprivelaged account the site deploys to the ability to restart it?
For me the daemons gem was unreliable with delayed_job. Could be a poorly written script (was using the one on collectiveidea's delayed_job github page), and not daemons fault, I'm not really sure. But for whatever reason, it would restart inconsistently on deployments.
I read somewhere this was due to it not waiting for the process to actually exit, so the pid files would get overwritten or something. But I didn't really bother to investigate. I switched to the daemons-spawn gem using these instructions and it seems to be much more reliable now.
The delayed_job docs suggest that you use a monitoring service to manage the rake worker job(s). I use runit--works well.
(You can install it in the mode where it does not replace init.)
Re: restart by Capistrano: yes, runit enables that. Just do a
sudo sv kill delayed_job
in your Capistrano recipe to kill the delayed_job worker. Runit will then restart it with your newly deployed code base.
I have implemented small rake task that restarts the jobs task over and over again:
desc "Start a delayed_job worker in a endless loop to prevent exits."
task :jobs => :environment do
while true
begin => ENV['MIN_PRIORITY'],
:max_priority => ENV['MAX_PRIORITY'],
:quiet => false).start
rescue Exception => e
puts "Exception occured (#{e})"
puts "Task jobs:work exited, clearing queue and restarting"
sleep 1
Apparently it did not work. So I ended with this simple solution:
for (( ;; )); do rake jobs:work --trace; done
get rid of delayed job and use either whenever or resque
