Why this f# echo server can't be connected by many clients? - f#

I write this echo server:
let listener=new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(""),2000)
let rec loop (client : TcpClient,sr : StreamReader, sw : StreamWriter) =
async {
let line=sr.ReadLine()
if line="quit" then
return! loop(client,sr,sw)
let private startLoop (listener:TcpListener) =
while true do
let client = listener.AcceptTcpClient()
let stream = client.GetStream()
let sr = new StreamReader(stream)
let sw = new StreamWriter(stream)
sw.AutoFlush <- true
Async.Start(loop (client,sr,sw))
let main argv =
when I open one or two telnet window to test it,it works fine
but when I write this test program to test it:
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int a = 0; a < 5; a++)
var client = new TcpClient("localhost", 2000);
the test program return one or two true,but the server raise an exception:
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
in line 12:let line=sr.ReadLine()
and client raise the exception:System.Net.Sockets.SocketException:Because the target computer actively refused, unable to connect
at line 16:var client = new TcpClient("localhost", 2000);
I don't know why,please help me

Your problem is that the client opens a connection and then immediately closes it.
The server however expects a "quit" message from the client before it will terminate the connection. So the server sends a "welcome" to the client, then enters the loop. Inside the loop, sr.ReadLine() is called, which waits for the client to send something over the wire.
The client never sends anything. It closes the connection. Therefore, the server's call to ReadLine aborts with the a SocketException (forcibly closed...). And you do not handle this exception, so the server dies.
Then the client tries to connect once again, with no server listening anymore. The client can't connect and you see another SocketException (actively refused...).
You should guard your server code against clients that disconnect without saying "quit" first.


gRPC streaming call which takes longer than 2 minutes is killed by hardware (routers, etc.) in between client and server

Grpc.Net client:
a gRpc client sends large amount of data to a gRpc server
after the gRpc server receives the data from the client, the http2 channel becomes idle (but is open) until the server returns the response to the client
the gRpc server receives the data and starts processing it. If the data processing takes longer than 2 minutes (which is the default idle timeout for http calls) then the response never reaches the client because the channel is actually disconnected, but the client does not know this because it was shutdown by other hardware in between due to long idle time.
when the channel is created at the gRpc client side, it must have a httpClient set on it
the httpClient must be instantiated from a socketsHttpHandler with
the following properties set (PooledConnectionIdleTimeout, PooledConnectionLifetime, KeepAlivePingPolicy, KeepAlivePingTimeout, KeepAlivePingDelay)
Code snipped:
SocketsHttpHandler socketsHttpHandler = new SocketsHttpHandler()
PooledConnectionIdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(180),
PooledConnectionLifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(180),
KeepAlivePingPolicy = HttpKeepAlivePingPolicy.Always,
KeepAlivePingTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(90),
KeepAlivePingDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(90)
socketsHttpHandler.SslOptions.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => { return true; };
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(socketsHttpHandler);
httpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(180);
var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress(_agentServerURL, new GrpcChannelOptions
Credentials = ChannelCredentials.Create(new SslCredentials(), credentials),
MaxReceiveMessageSize = null,
MaxSendMessageSize = null,
MaxRetryAttempts = null,
MaxRetryBufferPerCallSize = null,
MaxRetryBufferSize = null,
HttpClient = httpClient
A workaround is to package your message in an oneof and then send a KeepAlive from a seperate thread every x seconds, for the duration of the calculations.
For example:
message YourData {
message KeepAlive {}
message DataStreamPacket {
oneof data {
YourData data = 1;
KeepAlive ka = 2;
Then in your code:
stream <-
StartThread() {
each 5 seconds:
Send KeepAlive
this is what I needed. I had this problem for months now, but my only solution was to decrease the volume of data.

How to cancel a `ResponseSocket` server?

module Main
open System
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open NetMQ
open NetMQ.Sockets
let uri = "ipc://hello-world"
let f (token : CancellationToken) =
use server = new ResponseSocket()
use poller = new NetMQPoller()
printfn "Server is binding to: %s" uri
printfn <| "Done binding."
use __ = server.ReceiveReady.Subscribe(fun x ->
if token.CanBeCanceled then poller.Stop()
use __ = server.SendReady.Subscribe(fun x ->
if token.CanBeCanceled then poller.Stop()
printfn "Server closing."
let src = new CancellationTokenSource()
let token = src.Token
let task = Task.Run((fun () -> f token), token)
task.Wait() // Does not trigger.
My failed attempt looks something like this. The problem is that the poller will only check the cancellation token if it gets or sends a message. I guess one way to do it would be to send a special cancel message from the client rather than these tokens, but that would not work if the server gets into a send state.
What would be a reliable way of closing the server in NetMQ?

AuthenticateAsClient: System.IO.IOException: Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream

Due to Heartbleed, our Gateway Server was updated and this problem presented itself.
Due to POODLE, SSLv3 is no longer supported.
Note, the problem is only present on Win7+ boxes; WinXP boxes work without issue (same code, different OS = problem); granted WinXP is no longer a valid OS, just wanted to make note of functionality.
Client application (.NET 2.0) sits on a Windows 7 (or 8) box. Server runs within a DMZ behind a Gateway Server. Just to note, I found that this problem is no longer present on .NET 4.0+ - however due to legacy code, I do not have the luxury of updating.
Gateway Server is a pass through box on which Apache HTTP Server with SSL run. Its location is outside the DMZ, and it is used to access the Server which is inside the DMZ. Versions of software running on the Gateway server are Apache/2.2.25 (Win32), mod_jk/1.2.39, mod_ssl/2.2.25, OpenSSL/1.0.1g
Here is the code used on the Client application (with an exorbitant amount of logging added) ... note, 'serverName' typically contains a value such as "https://some.url.com"
private bool ConnectAndAuthenicate(string serverName, out TcpClient client, out SslStream sslStream)
client = null;
sslStream = null;
client = new TcpClient(serverName, 443); // Create a TCP/IP client; ctor attempts connection
Log("ConnectAndAuthenicate: Client CONNECTED"));
sslStream = new SslStream(client.GetStream(), false, ValidateServerCertificate, null);
Log("ConnectAndAuthenicate: SSL Stream CREATED"));
catch (Exception x)
Log("ConnectAndAuthenicate: EXCEPTION >> CONNECTING to server: {0}", x.ToString()));
if (x is SocketException)
SocketException s = x as SocketException;
Log("ConnectAndAuthenicate: EXCEPTION >> CONNECTING to server: Socket.ErrorCode: {0}", s.ErrorCode));
if (client != null) { client.Close(); client = null; }
if (sslStream != null) { sslStream.Close(); sslStream = null; }
if (sslStream == null) return false;
sslStream.ReadTimeout = 10000; // wait 10 seconds for a response ...
Log("ConnectAndAuthenicate: AuthenticateAsClient CALLED ({0})", serverName));
Log("ConnectAndAuthenicate: AuthenticateAsClient COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY"));
return true;
catch (Exception x)
Log("ConnectAndAuthenicate: EXCEPTION >> AuthenticateAsClient: {0}", x.ToString()));
client.Close(); client = null;
sslStream.Close(); sslStream = null;
return false;
Note - answers posted pertaining to ServicePointManager have absolutely no effect on the outcome of this application.
Every time that AuthenicateAsClient() is called when application is run on Win 7+ box, the exception occurs - if application is run on WinXP box, code works properly without exceptions.
Any ideas for solutions are very welcome.
Following the trail of setting the ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol static ctor with a SecurityProtocolType, I found mention of another enum called SslPolicy -- further research found that AuthenicateAsClient has an overload that takes SslPolicy as an argument.
Changing this line in the above code fixed this problem:
sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(serverName, null, SslPolicy.Tls, false);

My http listener is working in a console project but not in my test

EDIT for moderators
I had this issue this morning, but the problem has been somehow solved on its own. If it were to come back and I could exactly tell what is happening I would reopen another question with more details.
I have the following code to start a http listener (I have so far copied and pasted a lot from this series of article )
httpAgent.fs :
namespace Server.Core
open System.Net
open System.Threading
type Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T>
/// HttpAgent that listens for HTTP requests and handles
/// them using the function provided to the Start method
type HttpAgent private (url, f) as this =
let tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource()
let agent = Agent.Start((fun _ -> f this), tokenSource.Token)
let server = async {
use listener = new HttpListener()
while true do
let! context = listener.AsyncGetContext()
agent.Post(context) }
do Async.Start(server, cancellationToken = tokenSource.Token)
/// Asynchronously waits for the next incomming HTTP request
/// The method should only be used from the body of the agent
member x.Receive(?timeout) = agent.Receive(?timeout = timeout)
/// Stops the HTTP server and releases the TCP connection
member x.Stop() = tokenSource.Cancel()
/// Starts new HTTP server on the specified URL. The specified
/// function represents computation running inside the agent.
static member Start(url, f) =
new HttpAgent(url, f)
httpServer.fs :
module httpServer
open Server.Core
let execute = fun ( server : HttpAgent) -> async {
while true do
let! ctx = server.Receive()
ctx.Response.Reply(ctx.Request.InputString) }
This code runs well in a console project (ie: I can access it with a browser, it does find it) :
let main argv =
let siteRoot = #"D:\Projects\flaming-octo-spice\src\Site"
let url = "http://localhost:8082/"
let server = HttpAgent.Start(url, httpServer.execute)
printfn "%A" argv
let s = Console.ReadLine()
// Stop the HTTP server and release the port 8082
0 // return an integer exit code
whereas in my test, I cannot access the server. I have even put some breakpoint in order to check with my browser if the server was up and running , but chrome tells me no host exists with ths url.
namespace UnitTestProject1
open System
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting
open Server.Core
open System.Net.Http
type HttpServerTests() =
member x.Should_start_a_web_site_with_host_address () =
let host = "http://localhost:8082/"
let server = HttpAgent.Start(host, httpServer.execute)
let url = "http://localhost:8082/test/url"
let client = new HttpClient()
let response = client.GetAsync(url)
Assert.IsTrue(response.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode )
Thanks for any enlightment...
You're starting server at port 8092, but client tries to access it at 8082.

Close distant USSD session

I am working on a USSD client. Everything works fine except for closing a distant USSD session.
In the specification, we can see the function CUSD:
AT+CUSD=2 should close the USSD session, but this is not really the case.
In fact when I do this sequence:
I have an open distant connection.
On your handset, you can open a new session by dialing #xxx*#
If I send a:
This is not opening a new distant session.
If I send a:
This is not opening a new distant session.
Do you know how to close a distant session?
I am working with huwaei key E160 and E173 on windows or Linux.
Use in the following way.
I am posting this because this is the top result regarding terminating USSD sessions using AT commands and also because the answers are vague.
This is the c# code i used in the end(I was sending the commands to a gsm modem). Hope it helps someone else
SerialPort SendingPort=null;
public string TerminateUssdSession()
//// generate terminate command for modem
string cmd = "";
cmd = "AT+CUSD=2\r";
// send cmd to modem
string response = SendingPort.ReadExisting();
return response;
private void InitializePort()
if (SendingPort == null)
SendingPort = new SerialPort();
SendingPort.PortName = PortName;//put portname here e.g COM5
SendingPort.BaudRate = "112500";
SendingPort.Parity = Parity.None;
SendingPort.DataBits = 8;
SendingPort.StopBits = StopBits.One;
SendingPort.Handshake = Handshake.None;
SendingPort.ReadTimeout = 500;
private void OpenPort()
if (!SendingPort.IsOpen)
