Why Spyder (Python) is killing my internet connection? - spyder

I´m having problems when using Spyder (Spyder 3.2.6, win 10). When it´s running, the internet connection goes crazy, that is: 90 % of the time it´s down.
I have found some comments online of people with the same problem, but no solutions so far...
Any idea?
Coding without an internet connection, for me, it´s almost impossible. :-(


starting with nodemcu/esp8266 dev board

I have a esp dev board that I've been trying to get to work, but have faild miserably. after spending a few days trying I was able to 'flash' a firmware and up load code(to connect to my wifi) via arduino IDE. the problems are when I open the serial monitor the serial monitor window is nowhere to be seen(it refuses to show up on my desktop, but if I place my mouse over arduino IDE on the task bar I can see a tiny version of the window with what seems like the esp is supposed to tell me). I verified the wifi program was working with advanced ip scanner. The other problem is that when I try to use esplorer I am told the following:
Communication with MCU..Got answer! Communication with MCU established.
AutoDetect firmware...
Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received (may be unknown firmware).
Please, reset module or continue.
I've tried reseting via hardware and software and also saving a init.lua to the esp ( which I am told: Waiting answer from ESP - Timeout reached. Command aborted.)
Is there an easy step by step tutorial or something where I can get this thing to work in such a way that it is possible to develop with it? I dont care what language I have to use as long as I dont have to spend more time on trying to get the hardware to work. For something that is Arduino-like hardware it is significantly harder to do the simplest thing, a pic mcu is easier.es
If you are doing serious IoT thing then, I guess its better to go by Espressif IDE. There's a Freetos version also available which makes programming experience better.
To get started step by step you can check lot of videos on youtube, that's my preferred way of getting started. I found these three helpful to get started : here

No COM port, no /dev/tty* - tried different OS's, different cables

My devkit is an Amica V3, well two of them and both seem to have the same problem.
I tried to get the device to show up to then be able to install the NodeMCU firmware.
I did this on different computers and different OS's (Windows 7/10 + OS X 10.11.4), everytime making sure I installed SiLabs CP210X drivers first.
No sign of the devkit anywhere... When I unplug it and plug it back in the LED near the WiFi antenna blinks and then nothing. I pressed RST a few times, short/long, nothing.
I really hope you tell me that I'm stupid and that I should have RTFM so I would have not missed providing additional power to the board the first time you flash it... But I doubt that this is the case.
Ugh. It was the cable after all. Seems that I have 5 cables that it doesn't work with the 6th (from my Logitech keyboard) works...

MVC cold startup not connecting

Notice how I say not connecting rather than just being slow.
This has been very difficult to reproduce, I am yet to get it to happen consistently and even went to far as to move the application on to a fresh machine thinking it was hardware related but alas, new machine - same issue.
Some captures with Fiddler seems to indicate that the connection is never completed.
Any suggestions on further investigative measures?
Apologies in advance for the vagueness of the question, I am just at a loss.
Can you instrument it from the IIS side? Request tracing could tell you if something is taking so long that the request times out before it returns . . .
Are you attempting to connect via HTTPS? I've had issues in the past when trying to run on my local box and I initiate a HTTPS connection which isn't supported by cassini. When a HTTPS connection fails it's not always obvious why.

iPad variable ping problem

I'm working on an iPad App and i have a problem with one of my iPads. I'm making an network based application for the iPad, so my network has to work correctly.
When i ping 2 of them i will get a decent ping result.
One one iPad i have my problem, look at this ping:
As you can see my ping results are really variable. But when you look closer, you see that some packets have exactly(+/-) 1 second difference. See packets: (1&2),(3&4)(8&9) (etc).
Does any one had the same problem with an ipad? Or solved it?
A colleague of mine said it could be a driver problem. Can that be? The one with the problems is from mid 2010 and the others are manufactured in the end of 2010. (All devices are on 4.2.1)
Thanks a lot. It's kinda killing me.

Can my program use Indy 10 at a customer site if I wrote it to use Indy 9?

I have written a program in Delphi 7 (includes a ModBus component that uses Indy). On my machine it uses Indy 9 and works fine. It communicates well with other machines via a ModBus protocol. However, when the program is run on a different machine, I get a CPU 90-100% load. Unfortunately this machine is not in my office but "on the other side of the world". How can I find out whether this machine is using Indy 9 or Indy 10? And, further, If it is running Indy 10, could that be the problem or is this very unlikely?
Definitive answer is No
If you compile your program with indy 9, even if using packages, it shall use INDY 9 to run. AFAIK, there's no way to compile the executable using INDY 9 and use INDY 10 at runtime, even if you want, and no way it happen by accident.
To find out whats causing the high CPU load you might try a profiler like AQTime or SamplingProfiler.
That will get you the method(s) that are running most of the time. Then you will be able to find out whats causing the problem.
Alternatively you could add some logging to your application.
To find the root cause you could prepare a test application which will go through a sequence of actions like opening / closing connections. If it asks the user for confirmation ("Continue ? y/n") before proceeding, the user can check the CPU load for every step to detect the critical operation.
Thanks for answers. I do not think this is an Indy issue though. On my Quad CPU PC the CPU load also goes up from 1-2 % to aprox. 25%. This happens if I keep the line open (connected). If I, however, disconnect the ModBus Server after every poll from the ModBus CLient side and let that PC reconnect, the CPU load is always low. WHat is normal? Having the line open all time, or connect and disconnect for every poll? The polling frequency is: in Idle mode : 2000ms, in active mode 500ms.
you need to add logs to ensure you know whats going on.
is it the connection itself that is causing you the issue? or is it the work performed while connected?
Logs will help you narrow this down and you may be able to alter you code to be less processor hungry.
using AQTime or SamplingProfiler as also suggest earlier will help you.
personally i always add logging to every application by default, alot of them require turning on but its there. Once the software it on site you never know what may change and simply turning the logs on can save you alot of time
