How to structure the network requests on an iOS App - ios

So, I'm still an unexperienced developer and I need some help with an app I'm currently developing.
The app consists of different tab-views. The first two of them rely on data that is stored on a database. The first database I created myself with Firebase, because it is a news-section, which I need to update regularly myself. The second tab-view needs to request simple data from two different databases, which both return data in the JSON format. The App then should save the data of both databases as custom objects in two different arrays, which both will be used to compare the data sets and display some of the data in a table view.
The thing I'm struggeling with is where to trigger those network requests without compromising the user's experience. What is the best practice to do so? At the moment, the first network request is in the viewWillLoad() method of the associated viewcontroller. But I'm not quite happy with that because there is a small delay between opening the app and displaying those news. Additionally is it better to download the data and then save it locally on the device and compare it to the data online or to download it everytime? It's not a lot of data and just text - no pictures, videos whatsoever - and little pieces of the data change regularly and most of the data changes only twice a year)
Thanks for helping me out here, because I somehow did not find a lot of information on how to structure those requests and I hope that some more experienced programmers might be able to help me here.

You can kick off network tasks in your AppDelegate in:
func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
Just make sure you throttle it so you don't do it too often.
Generally, you want to cache/store your network results and display the cached values. This is especially important if the user is in an area with limited or no network availability when they launch your app.
If you're using CoreData then updating the data will update your table view automatically. If not, then you can call reload() on your table view in the completion block of your network update, or post a notification that your view controller is listening for, and update then.
Either way be sure to update using a URLSession data task on a background queue.


iOS - how to handle online/offline data

I am currently developing an app with a big database. Think of the app as similar to TripAdvisor in the following way: multiple cities with different databases, each between 5, 10, 20, 30 MBs. My whole app is based on this data: every view needs some part of it.
I'm having big trouble finding the correct way to handle this huge chunk of data. I am currently using CoreData: I think it is a great tool, and for offline mode, it definitely works great.
The problem is, I can't really combine it with "online" mode. If the user doesn't want to store the data for X/Y reason, I'm not sure how I should handle the data.
Simply allocate it in variables that will be released anyway, or is there a better way to handle the data?
Right now I am stocking it into CoreData without saving it: I know this is absolutely not a good way to manage it. How could I achieve this?
What is the best way to handle online data and then simply stock it if the user wants it offline too?
Option 1:
Data is always static/ not change data frequently:
You should have data on online. You can fetch data by webservice and store it to local database(i.e core -data). For example: Bible, Quran app.
Option 2:
Data change frequently and user need to update frequently:same as above. Additionally, from server you send notification(i,e push-notification) to app that server has a new data.After getting notification in app, download and save data to you database.

When to refresh data in iOS

I'm not sure this question is strictly limited to iOS, as it's more of a general application-design question on data integrity. But at the moment, I'm getting into iOS and have hit a "best practice" wall.
If we use the Twitter app as an example. We have one tab for our timeline and one tab for our profile. So (to keep things very simple) each one is a View Controller, backed by an object (model). I tweet on the timeline VC, then I head on over to my profile tab. Both viewDidLoad methods have already ran, so the data that was loaded to draw the UI is currently stale. The "count" of my tweets is now out of date. In the iOS world, what is the best methods/approaches to keeping the VC model data synced with the backend?
Is it on a time interval? Or network requests in the viewWillAppear method? Is it event driven, ie. when I tweet in one VC, and it's been saved in the backend web service, I notify any VCs that care that there's a new tweet
I'm not 100% sure this question will have an "answer" in the SO sense, but I'm just trying to understand what's the done thing in the iOS world (as someone who comes from the web development world).
Here's a loose sketch of some things our team has done on a networking application that might give you insight for your own architecture.
At the level of the VC (in viewWillAppear) we typically have multiple NSNotificationCenter observers that will call whatever update methods you need to run after a network update call.
Firing off these notifications is some network listener that lives on a background thread. It's job is to wait for responses from the backend server (typically JSON blobs) that contain updates to the data model. I believe ours has a time interval that will periodically phone home and check to see if we have new things to update.
Note you will necessarily have to devise an asynchronous solution for network calls as the passing/receiving of data packs can be unreliable, and take time, and thus should be computed in the background. You'll also need a way to handle data loss and other errors between server and device. And of course in order to see UI updates, you'll need to switch back to the main thread when updating the VC.
Assuming a some change of state (i.e. new message), then it makes the call to get the new data, which then fires off an NSNotification (with a new payload of info), that goes to the observer on the VC.
As you mentioned with viewWillAppear, UIViewControllers are a core building block of iOS apps. They have a lifecycle to follow to help with things like this scenario.
You have many options, but the best practices would to make calls on the viewWillAppear method and then reload your table views, collection views, etc.
Another thing you can add is push notifications on data change. You can now send a push notification with the "content-available" option that is silent and sent to your app when data changes on the backend. Then your app can refresh data only when needed.
I would stay away from timers. They will keep making network request and keep the radio from going into a battery saving idle mode.

The best way to handle erratic data on iOS

I am working on an application where I have a connection to a database. The database contains from 300MB to 4GB worth of data as each customer has their own database. My issue that I am having is in gathering the data, because of the potential database size, just downloading and storing the information locally isn't possible. The data can get quite complex and can vary. For an example:
A customer has a Job and they want to search for that job from the app.
I then fetch a list of jobs matching the search criteria.
The customer sees the job they want to view and I start the gathering process.
This job can potentially touch many tables, sometimes repeatedly..
There is the jobs table, a relational table to map to a person. Then there is another table that contains non-customer relational information, then there are calendar events associated to the job, which in tun can associate different people. Then there are emails attached to the job, which in turn can bring in additional people and events.
So I have a working model that gathers all of this information. The problem I have is that I cannot figure out a great method of signaling to my view that the data is completely downloaded. My initial thought was to use the NotificationCenter to message when the certain parts of the task were finished, allowing the core Job object to notify the view when everything was complete.
I know this is a pretty generalized question, but I'm honestly stumped as to how to take an unknown number of table results and translate that into a notice that my app can actually use.
My initial recommendation would be Core Data. It's designed for this kind of problem. No, I'm not saying to download the entire database into Core Data. I'm saying to use Core Data to manage your object model, because that's what it's good at.
As you receive data from the server, compose it into NSManagedObjects and stick them in the data store. On the UI side, create an NSFetchedResultsController to keep you informed as the data updates asynchronously. You don't necessarily need to persist this store. You could just keep it in memory and throw it away whenever you're done with the query, but keeping it on disk could be a nice caching solution. Again, don't think of Core Data as "a local database." Think of it as a model persistence engine that you can query for objects.
One advantage of this model is that you can provide the best available data to the user as it becomes available. But say you really don't want to get the information until it's all available. That's fine, too. Just let the network side keep updating its context, and then only save it when everything's complete. That way NSFetchedResultsController gets a single atomic update. The nice things with Core Data is that it has these concepts built in, so you can adjust your update strategy without requiring massive redesign.
The Notification Center will work great for this.
Post the notification at logical points in your data load to trigger a UI update for your users.

Dealing with asynchronous download delays before displaying data

My app connects to a Parse server asynchronously and downloads the necessary data into the app's Core Data store . I would then like to display this data in a tableview. But in most cases -- as the connection is asynchronous -- the table view can access the data store much faster than the downloaded does . In this situation, I get an empty table view cell, and just after that the data is ready in the data store.
What is the best way to deal with the delays caused by asynchronous downloads? Is there a concept that I'm missing? Is it NSFetchedResultsController?
What do you think is the best way to deal with the delays caused by
asynchronous downloads?
It depends on requirements you have. In particular, if the user can interact with UI during async downloads, you can do nothing on it, otherwise you could use just a spinner to alert him something is downloading and stop the interaction until the sync as finished.
Anyway, in both cases, you should say something about the download. In particular, are you saving data in a different thread (different from the main one)? If so you should merge the changes from the context you use in background to the context associated with the NSFetchedResultsController (always the main one since NSFetchedResultsController manages UI elements).
Is there a "concept" that I miss and is it NSFetchedResultsController?
Did you setup correctly the delegate NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate? If so, the NSFetchedResultsController tracks changes on the entity you registered on your fetch request. Not changes will happen for other entities.
Asynchronous is a design problem that you will need to work with. Look to some of the other popular applications in your field and see how they solve it. Do they show a spinner (I personally hate that) or do they show some unobtrusive indicator that data is being downloaded (better)?
If you use a NSFetchedResultsController (which I am guessing by your question you are not currently) you will get the data displayed once it is saved in Core Data with no additional effort on your part. So you can at least show the data as soon as possible.
In the meantime, I recommend let the cells/table be empty and let the user know that your app is working. Display the data as soon as possible. Perhaps consider downloading the data in pieces so that they can start to see it asap.

How is data typically reloaded/displayed on a device when only a tiny amount of data changes after updating the database? (Conceptually)

Here's and example of what I am talking about:
Take Twitter for iOS. Whenever you tweet, the tweet is sent to the database, and then it is also displayed on your device as part of the list of tweets.
How is the list of tweets that you see on your device updated after just sending one tweet? Here are some possible ways that I thought of how it could be done, but what Im asking for is which one is the best method of doing so:
The whole list of recent Tweets is re-downloaded from the remote Twitter server after sending a tweet (I highly doubt this, as this would take a relatively long time, when it really is just appending one Tweet to the array of Tweets displayed)
The local array that holds the Tweet objects is updated separately from the database (For example, it updates the database, and then updates its array with the same data you sent to the database, and never downloads the Tweet you just sent since you don't need to, because you already have it locally, since you composed it)
Is Core Data capable of updating the remote data server AND the array all in one (or relatively few) step(s)? (Sorry, if this is the obvious answer and if it sounds like I didn't look into it, but I did read about Core Data and started a tutorial. Its just that there is so much content that it would take me a whole day or two just to figure out if its appropriate for my application)
Is there an alternative way of managing this?
Also, if its one of the latter two ideas above, are you able to update the table view cells by just updating the local array and reloading the cells from that array without loading your one tweet from the database? I'm just curious about what would be the most efficient way of doing this.
So again, my main question reworded is: how do you keep data that you sent to a remote database and the local data (stored in a mutable array) in sync whenever you do a tiny single update (such as sending a Tweet) without having to reload all of the data from the database (when there is other content [i.e. other Tweets]) already loaded.
(I am aware that no one except Twitter developers know exactly how Twitter actually done, but I'm just using this Twitter functionality as an example. This same concept could be applied to any similar app.)
(Also, this is a conceptual question about dataflow, so I don't need to see any code, but suggestions to use different technologies like Core Data, or just updating an array will be appreciated.)
(I've been looking into this, and all the different ways of doing it, and it is becoming very time consuming, so I figured to ask you guys who have experience. Additionally, this could help someone else who has similar questions.)
(Sorry if it looks like I'm asking a bunch of questions, but I'm basically asking the same question in different ways, and offering possible solutions.)
Any insight is appreciated!
Immutable messages like tweets are actually quite easy to handle -- server side, and in your app.
When you send a tweet from your client to the server, you also update your "main context" (see "Managed Object Context") which in turn sends notifications to your controller (see NSFetchedResultsController which in turns updates your table view according your local model residing in the Managed Object Context.
Updating from the server is just merging the local tweets with the new ones added in the meantime.
Since there is no mutable tweet, synchronization is really no big deal. As mentioned in the comment, if there were mutable tweets (or any kind of messages) the synchronization will become much more complex.
Core Data will NOT automatically update a remote server. But there are solutions to "view" a remote database through Core Data - see NSIncrementalStore and a related third party libraries (AFIncrementalStore).
This is ridiculously trivial. You update your local database and send off the remote update at the same time.
You use the remote response to mark your local record as synched or try updating again later.
