Problems compiling opensips via menuconfig/ - opensips

I'm beating my head against the wall here. I've tried this on several different boxes and keep getting the same results...
after trying to compile opensips on Debian 8, I'm getting the following make error:
Generating parser
Generating lexer
make: Nothing to be done for 'menuconfig/'.
I'm fairly certain I have the correct dependencies install and am following the documatation to a tee, any advice would be welcome! Thank you!

Try not to hit the Tab key, thus actually typing make menuconfig, rather than make menuconfig/, which the build system currently does not know how to handle.


'GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT' error on Raspberry Pi while installing OpenCV

I am trying to create a barcode scanner from a usb camera for Raspberry Pi. I used the tutorial on this site to install OpenCV on the Pi:(
After I used the make command (the third to last step of the tutorial), the following error occurred:
error: 'GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT' was not declared in this scope
It is important to note that I used the simple "make" command rather than "make -j4" as the "j4" option allows it to work on all four cores of the raspberry pi, and it is suggested to eliminate "-j4" if an error occurs.
Upon searching for what caused this issue, I have discovered that it may be due to OPEN_GL support not needing to be enabled, or it might also be caused by an error in the header files. I have not determined how to re-write the make file to eliminate OPEN_GL support, nor do I feel comfortable altering the header files without good cause. I would appreciate any advice on fixing the issue as I feel I have exhausted my options. Thank you.
Disabling OPENGL cmake parameters (-DWITH_OPENGL=OFF) should fix the problem. i.e.
Another option is to go to line 3229 and just comment that line out. It will build then.
This may not be the best method, but it worked for file looks like this.
void OpenGlViewPort::initializeGL()

Run custom shell script '[cp] embed pods frameworks' no such file or directory

Just finished resolving my errors after converting to Swift 3 only to get this error when trying to compile. I have attached a screenshot for clarity, it does not look like the system is looking for a .app file or .sh file. Really don't know too much about the Pods, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Seem to have found a solution. My project name had a space in the middle of two words, very bad practice I know. Not entirely sure what caused this error, though one could possibly conclude that since the problem originated in the Pods framework, it could be related to Cocoapods, rather than migration to Swift 3.
I traced the problem to the Pods framework for my project after searching extensively for solutions to this problem.
Fixed the double quotes to single quotes on the line highlighted, and the project built instantly. Hope this helps anyone else having a similar issue!
• Just restart your system..... It Looks crazy but my problem solved.
Swift4/5 Xcode10 Same Issue...
After upgrade cocoapods, reset pods, clean the build folder...., all these tries, it still fails... until I found this post.
However, there's no space in my project name, but do have a special characrter <'> in it. I decided to give it a try to see if it is the source of issues. After following along the instructions in how-do-i-completely-rename-an-xcode-projec, the project builds successfully, finally.
So just a note: avoid using space or other special characters in the project name, that may cause some unexpected errors

Unity3d: Error building Player: Append is not supported

I receive this error when appending an already-successful build in XCode. What I don't understand is I'm not changing anything when appending, and this error shows up.
I've never used an 'old version of Xcode' as the error implicitly states.
Does anyone know how to get append working on a consistent basis?
This is a very simple project, and I'm using Playhaven and TapForTap SDK's, if that offers any insight.
Turns out, XCode upgraded itself without telling me. :(
I rolled back to the version I was using and all is well.
With no code snippets or error logs, it's very hard to determine what the source of your problem is. There's no way to know if your error is describing the cause of your problem or a symptom of the problem without more information.
I can only offer some suggestions:
My first thought is that you're using a deprecated method in your code somewhere, possibly "Append", which if that is the case, more than likely has an updated counterpart, but you'll have to check documentation regarding that.
If you've used "Append" previously with no errors, then you should look into what exactly you've changed in your new build, and verify that the methods you're using are supported.
If your errors are vague or unhelpful, you can begin the process of elimination and start commenting out blocks of code until it builds successfully, and narrow down the source of the problem significantly.
However, it would be to your benefit to expand your question with more information.

SoundCloud iOS SDK fails to find all header files. libSoundCloudUI/CocoaSoundCloudUI

I have spent hours over the past week trying to figure out why SoundCloud suddenly stopped working in an app I'm working on. Figuring it might have been file-location related, I completely removed it and re-added the submodules. Then re-added after that didn't work. Then re-added. Then searched. Then nothing.
I've tried re-adding the SoundCloud submodules, and have followed the directions on the SoundCloud site to the T, and still, I get compiler error after error, warning after warning. I add the linker flags as stated, and include the needed frameworks and dependencies. I have absolutely no idea why I'm getting missing file errors.
Changing the Header Search Path (in either MY project file or libSoundCloudUI) just shifts what file can't be found, and when I somehow manage to get SoundCloud to compile with my program, anytime I commit my changes to my Git repository, the submodules are lost and the next person to open the project doesn't have the code, thus making me start over. Pointing the header search path directly to the source code doesn't work, even when it's recursive.
What could be happening? No matter what I do, specifically CocoaSoundCloudUI
Some of the errors I've been getting:
Use of undeclared identifier: 'kTermsofService' (This has a few other keys that aren't being found)
Header file not found: <insert random file include in headers and in source folder>
If my app didn't need SoundCloud support I would have dropped it already. This has been such a nightmare - any help would make my life a lot easier.
Hi Sean Michael Dorian,
indeed, we have updated CocoaSoundCloudAPI and CocoaSoundCloudUI lately and according to your error message you have not updated both repos, i.e. you need to run
git submodule update --init --recursive.
If you have issues w/ submodules in general I recommend you switching to CocoaPods it turns the management of your library dependencies into a no-brainer.
We also provide a Demo Xcode project to check out such a setup.
This should help you resolving the issues let me know if you are missing anything there.

Make doesn't work for Erlang 5.7.4 on Solaris?

Has anyone managed to build Erlang on OpenSolaris? Every time I try I get:
user#opensolaris:~/otp_src_R13B03# make clean
make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 94: Badly formed macro assignment
I'm not going to pretend to know anything about Erlang, but if you are running Solaris and getting Makefile problems it's a good bet that trying gmake could help out... (because many Makefiles out there end up using GNU-specific features, possibly without even noticing)
