Jenkins: File Operations Plugin - jenkins

I just started with using jenkins, and learning a lot.
Installed on windows 7.
One thing i can figure out is about File operations plugin.
I don't know how to set up just simple "copy, paste" from one location to another.
Yea maybe is dumb, but i just cant figure out, try a lot of and always got build break.
What i need to set up for simple test ? like i liked to say, show me a door, i'll figure out rest :)

The include file pattern wants an ANT style filter (relative to your workspace as the root).
Include File Pattern: myWorkspaceSubFolder\*.txt
Target location also assumes the root workspace though I guess you can redirect it to another drive.


Automator folder generation - strange problem

Hoping someone here can shed some light on an issue I've been having with Automator. For work, we needed something to auto-generate folders & sub folders based on answering 2 questions. The first asks for "Job No", and the second asks for "Job name". Whatever the user answers sets 2 variables - one for Job No and the other for "Job name".
This works well. From here I have a shell script which then generates specific folder structures which inherit the Job No ( example - CF1005 ) , using a folder renaming action in Automator. This works quite well, except foe the subfolders.
The initial set of folders are renamed correctly. That is, they have the Job No added to them as a prefix. However it's the sub-folders that's causing the issue. Sometimes one of the subfolders is renamed correctly, other times it's a few folders. See below:
As you can see, the folders with XX_ as the prefix aren't bring renamed with the Job No. Please note, this isn't always the case. It's hit and miss. The only thing I can think of is timing. I suspect the renaming action is being executed while the folders & subfolders are still being created by the OS?? I'm stumped. I've added some pauses and that seems to give me a higher success rate, but it's not a 100% success rate. Here's a screengrab of my workflow:
Automator Workflow
Can someone here shed some light on what the issue might be? Last note. At present we can't run this app within a folder. It issues us with an error. Not sure if someone here can help with is, but I thought I'd ask.
It seems to me the problem is the Get Selected Finder Items action, which I can't quite see the sense of. Instead, try it this way (beginning with the Pause action):
The Find Finder Items action gathers just the files you need and passes them straight into the rename action (after another short pause).

How do I make a simple public read-only WebDAV server with SabreDAV?

I recently began looking into WebDAV, as I found it to be an option for letting me play a Blu-ray folder remotely - i.e. without requiring the viewer to download the whole 24gb ISO first.
Add a WebDAV source in Kodi v18 to a Blu-ray folder - and it actually plays! Very awesome.
The server can also be mounted on Windows with
net use m:
or in Linux with
sudo mount -t davfs /mnt/mywebdav
-and should then (in theory) play with any software media players that supports Blu-ray Disc Java (BD-J), such as PowerDVD and VLC.
vlc bluray:///mnt/mywebdav --bluray-menu
(Unless of course time-out values has been set too low, which seems to be the case for VLC at the moment).
Anyway, all this is great, except I can't figure out how to make my WebDAV server read-only. Currently anyone can delete files as they wish, and that's of course not optimal.
So far I've only experimented with SabreDAV, because afaik that's the only option I have if I want to keep using my existing webhost. Trying with very minimal setups, because I've read that minimal setups should default to a read-only solution. It just doesn't seem to happen.
I initially used the setup from and tried removing some lines. Also tried calling chmod 0444 MainFolder -R on the webserver. And I can see that everything does get a read-only attribute. But it changes nothing. It's still possible to delete whatever I want. :-(
What am I missing?
Maybe I'm using the wrong technology for what I want to do? Is there some other/better way of offering a Blu-ray folder for remote viewing? (One that includes the whole experience - i.e. full Java menus etc).
I should probably mention that all of this is of course perfectly legal. It is my own Blu-ray project - not copyright material.
Also: Difficult to decide if this belongs on StackOverflow or SuperUser. I ended up posting it on StackOverflow because SabreDAV is about coding, and because there's no sabredav tag on SuperUser.
You have two options:
Create your own file/directory classes for sabre/dav that simply throw an error when trying to delete. You can basically start with a copy of Sabre\DAV\FS\Directory and Sabre\DAV\FS\File and change the methods that do writing.
Since you're considering just using linux file permissions, really the key thing you are missing is that that 'deleting' is not controlled on the file or directory you're trying to delete. To delete a file or directory in unix, all you need is write permissions on the parent directory. However, I wouldn't recommend going this route as doing this will just cause a weird error in sabre/dav, which might leave clients in a confused state. It would result in a 500 error, not the expected 403 error.

How to access files in the Project Directory with Grails

I needed some templates to render some code for users to paste. I put these into
Then I tried accessing them using their relative path (grails-app/resources/templates/quickInstallCode.html), and it worked great.
When we then deployed the application to a Tomcat Server, using a .war file, the paths began pointing to a wrong location.
ERROR call, Template file /var/lib/tomcat6/grails-app/resources/templates/quickInstallCode.html not found.
I assumed, that Grails, giving good defaults for everything would handle this mess for me, but it seems like it does not.
I also tried this call, and it seemed to work great, but when deployed, the BuildSettingsHolder did not contain build Settings, which resulted in a fatal error.
I am pretty frustrated that I cannot get this easy task to work, but the reason that this is so complicated seems to be that all Files are encapsuled in a WAR and not unpacked on the Server.
So the Questions are:
Where in your Project would you put
Files like this?
How to get a
reliable and stable way to access
this files? I just need a stable path to a base directory, without having to hardcode something in the configuration ... This cannot be so hard.
I have 2 solution to propose for this situation:
Save the template in the database, in a setting table. This way guarantees that nothing can go wrong.
You can consider using the resource folder like Sachin & Nirmal has proposed. About security, I think you can configure SpringSecurity Plugin to protect the specific resources, so that it can only be accessed by the site user.
Take a look at this link and try to use the getResource that spring provides. Its way more flexible and configurable.
def filePath = "resources/file.txt"
def appHolder=ApplicationHolder.application.parentContext.getResource("classpath:$filePath")
By the way Conf is on the root of the classpath, you can stick the files in src/java or src/groovy.
I keep my static resources in web-app folder and access them like this
// quickInstallCode.html should be in web-app folder.

.pages.xml - jboss restart

I use an ant script for my seam application to explode or deploy the project.
The problem is that it also deploys some temp file: .pages.xml in my WEB-INF directory which
makes JBOSS server to cycle..
Do you know what can be the cause or how can I avoid this?
Thanks in advance.
Probably, you ant script is using a <copy> target, with a fileset including **/*. This will copy every single file, including "hidden" files (the ones starting with a dot). To avoid, I'd suggest to include only the patterns you know you'll need (whitelist), like, **/*xhtml, **/*class and so on. Or you can use a blacklist approach, which would be to include everything and add a "exclude" set with **/.* (which would then remove the hidden files).
Use JRebel and you don't have to deploy your application again. It will hot deploy everything so that you don't need to restart JBoss.
I wrote a very small blog about it here

How to rename an existing Grails application

Does anybody know how to (easily) "rename" an existing grails application? I'm running into this because my PaaS provider does not allow me to delete a subscription... So I want to deploy my application under a different name.
Of course, I can do this manually, but I think it might be a useful 'top-level' script (i.e. "grails rename-app newappname")
Manual hints:
When I do a "grails create-app myappname" I can see the myappname exists in the following files (and filenames)... Of course this is done by the create-app script, which replaces #...# tokens in the template. I guess once they are replaced, it's not trivial to do a rename.
./.project: <name>myappname</name>
./build.xml:<project xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" name="myappname" default="test">
./ivy.xml: <info organisation="org.example" module="myappname"/>
./myappname-test.launch:<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.PROJECT_ATTR" value="myappname"/>
./myappname.launch:<listEntry value="/myappname"/>
./myappname.launch:<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER" javaProject="myappname" path="1" type="4"/> "/>
./myappname.launch:<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.PROJECT_ATTR" value="myappname"/>
./myappname.launch:<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VM_ARGUMENTS" value="-Dbase.dir="${project_loc:myappname}" -Dserver.port=8080 -Dgrails.env=development"/>
./myappname.tmproj: <string>myappname.launch</string>
And of course... the top-level directory name is "myappname"
Any hints, or information about ongoing initiatives in this area are welcome
I had to do this, I renamed my project top level directory to the new name and
edited the file. There is a line which should be changed.
Actually, you do not even have to rename the directory. You could have a different web-app name.
Hmm, I know it doesn't look fun, but it shouldn't be difficult (just boring) to rename the project directory, then all the files with your project name in them (you can ignore .tmproj unless you use TextMate). Finally, a quick search through all the files for your old project name to replace and you should have it.
Oh! First, if you're using an IDE, you'll want to remove the project from the IDE, then re-import it once you've completed your renaming procedure.
As far as I know, nothing project-specific is stored anywhere except the project directory and below, so it's a very finite set to search, and you only have to do this once (I hope).
Not very elegant, I know, but brute force does have its uses.
I used the brute force Method and it worked for me. Took 5-10 minutes to find all files with the name in it and replace it with the new one. Also Netbeans was ok afterwards. The only thing that changed was the port number which I had to change again.
Just renaming works except when you are using plugins. They will be stored in the $USER_HOME/.grails/$GRAILS_VERSION/projects/OLDNAME folder.
So after renaming your project you "lost" your plugins. I haven't tried renaming the plugin's folder however just installing all your plugin works as well (at least with Google App Engine and gorm-jpa).
If only changing the web app name isn't enough you can try the rough way - make a backup before.
(In workspace folder)
zip -r oldname/
Then, in eclipse/ggts, use
Disable project, Build automatically
Search, File, Containing text : "oldname", Search
Right click on search results, Replace all, ... "newname"
Exit eclipse and rename all folders to the new project name. On Unix/Mac run
find . -name "oldname"
and mv the handful of results to properly reflect the new names.
For me it worked like a charm, but make sure your project name is not a keyword and reasonably unique.
