How Can I Publish a KMZ File - kmz

I developed a KMZ file that includes all of the hiking trails in the Wind River Range. How can I publish the information so members of the general public can view and download the file? I don't want to host the information on my workstation.

One way to share your KML/KMZ file with the general public is to upload it to the Google Earth Community (GEC). Details of the community and its origin are discussed here.
Note you must register first then you can post your KMZ with a description of it and optionally with some screen shots. You can browse the various categories and post to the most relevant category. The most general category is the "Earth" category.


Is there a way to download a specific file from the D2L Manage Files area by Valence API or something else?

We're self hosted and have asked for some activity data from our central utility that hosts D2L for us. They're able to produce the data file, but insist on giving us the file through another D2L course putting it in the manage files area. The file is produced on a schedule and follows a standardized name. But in order to get the file someone has to log into D2L, go to the course, find the file in the files area of the course, and download the file from the Manage Files area.
I would like to be able to write a process that would reach into D2L and get the file I'm looking for. I've scanned the Valence API and all that would initially seem to be possible is if these files have a corresponding Topic in the content structure that I could use to get the file to grab.
As is they're not inserting a topic pointing to the new file. I'm not seeing anything via Valence that would suggest there's a way to get a file listing of the files area of a course, or even retrieve a specific file.
Is this even possible? Any ideas as to how I could do this?
The Brightspace application APIs have a call that can fetch the underlying file for a content topic of type file.
You can also add a new content topic of type file to the content structure, and set the URL property for the topic to point at the existing file in the content space; this should re-use the file in the course's content space, allowing you to get directly at the file in the content space, assuming you know its name and location in the content space to start with.

How to print documents and spreedsheets from google drive

I can't seem to find information on how to print files through google app script.
I found an answer in this website but it doesn't work, I think it's because it's 3 years old and google script has had some changes.
google app script print button
You can't print directly from GAS (I've searched far and wide), as described in the post that you linked. However it is possible to create a downloadable document with the desired content and then pass that blob off to the client for downloading (depending on wether you're still working in GAS or a web app environment).
Personally, I felt that it was a headache to deal with how each browser deals with downloading blobs. Therefore I usually go one of these two routes: provide a public downloadable link from the drive of the owner of the script and then push it to the user to download, OR just email the document to the user and let their email client handle downloading the blob.
Alternatively, if this is an add-on, you can make it so that the document is downloaded directly to the users own drive and just inform them where the document will be located.

Detect where website is opened from

Sorry, this may come across as a bit vague but how would go about and displaying a different logo of an organisation based on where the site is opened from. For example, the organisation would want their official South African logo to be displayed when the site is opened in South Africa, and another official logo when it is opened in Kenya or Ghana for example.
Would the site simply have to be hosted in more than one server...can't think of any other possible way?
To find country first you find Ipaddress
string Ipaddress= HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
Using Ip address you can find location as follows
using (var wc = new WebClient())
string output = wc.DownloadString(String.Format("{0}&position=true", ipaddress));
Output is in XML format and it will contain a countryName tag
I would have this as a comment .Since, I don't have enough reputations, I am posting as an answer.
This link would be useful to detect the country and change the logo based on the country in your logic.
Detect/estimate country of a http-request in ASP.NET
Adding the contents of the link, since the link may expire.
You can use one of available web services to match an incoming request to a country.
Otherwise you may decide to grab the MaxMind database file (GeoLite Country), read from this file in your application and perform a match. Thus you will be independent from a third-party service, only pulling regularly updates for the database file.
Also check out similar questions:
Geolocation web service recommendations
Know a good IP address Geolocation Service?
In a very short, in market so many vendors are there, who are tracking geolocation, One of them is google API.
You can generate your own API_KEY.
Hope this post will helps you. :)

Does Google Docs Have any Externally Accessible Link to Show a Doc and Its Associated Sharing Dialog?

I am working on GNOME's Documents application for my Google Summer of Code project. The Google documents listing that we get from libgdata is organized in a Feed object which is composed by Entry objects (an entry map to a document). Each Entry has an "alternate" link that maps to a browser accessible version. We are currently allowing users to open their Google docs in the browser via such an "alternate" link.Each Entry also has an associated "access rule" Feed which is in turn composed by Entries specifying permissions, but neither of those seem to have an alternate link.I am wondering if there is any way to access an alternate link to show a Google document and the associated Google docs sharing dialog in a webkit webview? Thanks very much!
Check the Documents List API documentation for details on how to manage sharing:
Also, consider using the newer Drive API which exposes the same functionality:

Blackberry Code

I have having difficulties protecting my blackberry application persistent data with ControlledAccess object.
According to, I need a PersistentObject, CodeSignKey, and ControlledAccess objects to work. I have everything except one piece:
CodeSignKey codeSigningKey = CodeSigningKey.get( "ACME" );
here, I don't know what to replace for "ACME". Is this the PIN code I chose as I filled out the Code Sign Key? Is it my package name, output file name?
The Blackberry API documentation doesn't seem to say anything about this particularly important parameter.
Help please, thanks.
You'll want to create your own key using the BlackBerry Signing Authority Tool. See this KB article for the full details.
