how can I add a borderline to a plotBand when mouse move in and remove that borderline when mouse move out? - highcharts

I would like to use the member function addPlotBand to add in a plotBand, and certain events like "mousemove, mouseout and click" to track the mouse. My question is that how to give the plotBand a border when mousemove in and get rid off the border when mouse move out of the plotBand?
thank you.

Plot bands are SVG paths in Highcharts. They're stored in axis' plotLinesAndBands array and can be accessed like this:
chart: {
events: {
load: function() {
var axis = this.xAxis[0];
You can use Highcharts' SVGElement.attr() function together with onmouseover and onmouseout events of SVG elements to handle adding/removing borders for plot bands.
API reference:


Highchart datetime-XAxis export is different from the page

I use reflow = true to make sure my chart fit the width of the container div on resizing the window, so the XAxis will also change.
But when export, different size charts exported as the same size, and the XAxis are not as same as shown.
Is there any way to solve this? Thanks for your help
For example:
Full-screen, my XAxis is (4.Dec, 20.Dec, 3.Jan, 31.Jan, 14.Feb, 28.Feb)
When export as PNG(or whatever), my XAxis is (4.Dec, 20.Dec, 3.Jan, 31.Jan, 14.Feb, 28.Feb), that's what I want.
When I zoom out of the browser, the size of the chart will also decrease, my XAxis is (Dec'21, Jan'22, Feb'22)
When export as PNG(or whatever), my XAxis is (4.Dec, 20.Dec, 3.Jan, 31.Jan, 14.Feb, 28.Feb), that's not what I want, I want (Dec'21, Jan'22, Feb'22).
The chart export function renders the chart from initial - any changes, like zoom, extremes changes are not applied to the chart config. If you want to apply those changes you will need to add custom logic in the load event, like:
chart: {
events: {
load() {
const chart = this;
if (chart.renderer.forExport) {
console.log('aaply custom changes')

plotBand of highcharts not accessibile

I am trying to implement accessibility(keyboard navigation on hover state). When I hover the plot band I can see the tooltip values as given by moverover event. But when I tab into it I can see that the borders are highlighted but no data of hover state(ie.the tooltip) is shown. I have attached fiddle for the same.
events: {
mouseover() {
/* Show usage number on hover for first plot band */
this.label.element.innerHTML = 'RED'
mouseout() {
this.label.element.innerHTML = '';
PS: I have even added zIndex to the plotbands and fill-opacity:0 for the series.
Any help?

Dispatch event `click` on plot options of pie highchart generate a redraw of chart.

actually I have an issue when I dispatch the event click on plot options of pie due to this generate a redraw of the chart. On my configuration I have this:
plotOptions: {
pie: {
events: { click: e => this.onClick(e) },
And below this function to emit the selected value:
// Catch the event on click a plot area.
onClick(event): void {
// Emit an event with information of selected plot.
And when I clicked on some point of the pie chart then all chart redraw return me all data for point in null values.
Hi I found a solution for my problem. Basically I'm using Higcharts with RxJs and assign as data an response for a BehaviorSubject directly. I change the way to assign the series data and my problem it's solved.

Call addSeries() from within addSeries event

I want to add a reference series to my charts (i.e. a reference price). Axis.addPlotLine() does it, but I want to be able to toggle this series from the legend; a plain plotLine does not show up in the graph's legend.
Another reason why plotLine does not seem like a good solution is that it does not get accounted for by the viewport calculations. Which means that toggling other series might lead to the plotLine appearing outside the viewport due to zooming.
The simplest way to accomplish what I want would be, to add a dynamic series via chart.addSeries. But it's impossible to call this method from within a triggered addSeries event because chart.addSeries is set to null while in the event handler.
Tying in to the redraw event creates a whole lot of difficulties as well, because render() can't be called anymore.
How would you go about it?
As per the comment of Pawel Fus, I unsuccessfully tried the following:
events: {
load: function (event) {
foo = this;
addSeries: function(event) {
console.log(foo) // returns chart object as expected
console.log(foo.addSeries) // undefined
Solution is to store addSeries on load event, and use stored function when adding series. Live example:
events: {
load: function (event) {
foo = this.addSeries;
addSeries: function (event) {
if (iterator) {
iterator--;, {
data: [100, 200, 100, 100, 200, 300]
Still you can stick with plotLine only.
If the position of the line is static that is the best way.
If the position is dynamic then you can still go with plotLine.
There are events for adding and removing plotLine on the fly.
API link
removePLotLine() :
addPlotLine() :
I hope this will help you.

HighCharts Keep Vertical Line on Click Event

Using this example:
When you hover over points on the chart, you get a nice vertical line showing you which point you're currently on. I want to modify the click event so that the vertical line stays when I hover away after a click. Changing the line color would be ideal on click, but not necessary.
If I click another point I'd want to remove any previous lines. Any ideas on how I could accomplish this?
The above solution like I said, is really cool, but is kind of a hack (getting the path of the crosshair) into the implementation details of highcharts, and may stop working in future releases, may not be totally cross browser (esp since <IE8 do not support SVG, the adding path may still work as it should be handled by highchart's add path method, but getting the crosshair's path may not work, I may be wrong, am an SVG noob). So here I give you the alternate solution of dynamically adding plotLines. PlotLines also allow some additional features like dashStyles, label etc.
get the axis and x value of point clicked (may not exactly overlap the crosshair)
var xValue = evt.xAxis[0].value;
var xAxis = evt.xAxis[0].axis;
EDIT If you want to have the plotLine at the location of the crosshair and not the click position, you can use following formula (No direct API to get this, obtained from source code hence may stop working if code changes)
var chart = this;
var index = chart.inverted ? chart.plotHeight + chart.plotTop - evt.chartY : evt.chartX - chart.plotLeft;
var xValue = chart.series[0].tooltipPoints[index].x;
Add plotline
value: xValue,
width: 1,
color: 'red',
//dashStyle: 'dash',
id: myPlotLineId
You can cleanup existing plotline
try {
} catch (err) {}
Putting the pieces together
var myPlotLineId="myPlotLine";
var chart=this;
index = chart.inverted ? chart.plotHeight + chart.plotTop - evt.chartY : evt.chartX - chart.plotLeft;
var xValue = chart.series[0].tooltipPoints[index];
// var xValue = evt.xAxis[0].value; // To use mouse position and not crosshair's position
var xAxis = evt.xAxis[0].axis;
value: xValue,
width: 1,
color: 'red',
//dashStyle: 'dash',
id: myPlotLineId
Add plot lines at click position # jsFiddle
Persist crosshair/cursor as plot lines on click # jsFiddle
You can do it in several ways
Highchart has a very cool renderer that allows you to add various graphics to the chart. One of the options is to add a path I will be illustrating the same here.
We shall reuse the path of the crosshair and add the same to the chart with some additional styles like color you mentioned. The path of the crosshair can be optained as this.tooltip.crosshairs[0].d this is in string form and can be easily converted to an array using the Array.split() function
click: function() {
this.renderer.path(this.tooltip.crosshairs[0].d.split(" ")).attr({
'stroke-width': 2,
stroke: 'red'
This will accomplish adding the line. You can store the returned object into a global variable and then when you are about to add another such line, you can destroy the existing one by calling Element.destroy()
var line;
events: {
click: function() {
if (line) {
line = this.renderer.path(this.tooltip.crosshairs[0].d.split(" ")).attr({
'stroke-width': 2,
stroke: 'red'
Persist tooltip / crosshair on click # jsFiddle
Assuming you don't have much meta data to be shown along with the line, this is the easiest (or the coolest :) ) approach. You can also attach meta data if you want to using the renderer's text object etc.
An alternate way could be adding vertical plotLines to the xAxis
Refer my other solution to this question, that would work with zoom,scroll,etc
