Is it possible to use fastlane to upload beta-testingIPA to your internal server?
Let's say you are using share point and you want to upload your IPA at share point.
Does fastlane has any feature like this?
I saw couple of article where we can upload IPA to AWS. So hoping we can do similar if you configure fastlane for any other server URL.
You can use this plugin I have developed.
here is an example of how to use it, just run it after gym:
gym(scheme: "MyApp")
endPoint: 'your endpoint here',
multipartPayload: {
// any parameters can be added here
:iosVersionNumber => options[:version]
I think Fastlane only provides Beta deployment to one of the supporting beta testing services namely Testflight,Fabric Beta, HockeyApp and TestFairy. You could refer this links for more info Fastlane Docs
latest_testflight_build_number allows easy build number bump
build_number: latest_testflight_build_number + 1
Is there something similar for Firebase App Distribution?
For example, I've uploaded a build v1.0.0(130)
While pushing a new build to Firebase App Distribution, I want to have build number as v1.0.0(131)
As Alexander pointed out, it seems that a new action has been created firebase_app_distribution_get_latest_release that does the trick.
Reference at this Github issue.
I've been able to create and upload one new iOS app and two new Android apps in Fabric however, this particular iOS build will not upload to Fabric. I have gone through all the motions outlined in their tutorials and can run fastlane beta which runs successfully and says
[15:14:12]: Uploading the build to Crashlytics Beta. Time for some ☕️.
[15:14:20]: Build successfully uploaded to Crashlytics Beta 🌷
[15:14:20]: Visit to add release notes and notify testers.
However, this doesn't produce an app in Fabric. When I run through the steps for a Crashlytics upload either using the manual option or using the Mac App, I am unsuccessful. The Fabric app just leaves me with "to continue, build your Xcode project by pressing command-B," which does not do anything, I'm just stuck at that screen. I have tried every answer outlined in the Stack Overflow post here which should have addressed this problem but does not for me.
In short, I have successfully uploaded two Android apps and an iOS app to Fabric using this workflow but cannot get this iOS app to upload regardless of what's indicated by the command line.
If it matters, this is Cordova app.
The answer was tricky and bizarre so I'll post it for future reference. The trick was two steps (as far as I can tell, this is what made it work). First, run:
./Crashlytics.framework/submit *api_key* *build_secret* -ipaPath ./buildname.ipa -emails ***#*** -notifications YES
in the directory which contains your Crashlytics.framework file. This is probably the same folder as your xcodeproj file for your app. You should have this file in that directory after following the steps outlined in my post above.
Then open the xcodeproj and build and run the file (for me I had to run it on an emulator not just the physical iPhone I had connected to my Mac).
This created a new Fabric app. I have not seen any answers like this on Stack Overflow so hopefully this is helps anyone like me. I still have no idea what the root issue really was here.
I upload my iOS app and most of the app metadata to iTunes Connect using fastlane deliver. Most of the data and screenshots can be put into files that I then have stored in git.
This includes for example the review notes that are stored in a file
In iTunes Connect there is a bit of information in the TestFlight part under "Test Information" called "Beta App Description". I would like to also upload this text using fastlane.
In the fastlane deliver docs I have found the parameter called "beta_app_description" and as far as I can read, this is exactly that. This is a command parameter and as such muct be spefified directly in the Fastfile or Deliverfile.
I would like to have fastlane load this from a file just like all the other metadata.
Is this possible and how?
Besides deliver (or upload_ios_app) there is a testflight (or upload_to_testflight or pilot) action in fastlane:
As the name suggests, it is used for everything Testflight, which includes the beta description:
beta_app_description | Provide the beta app description when uploading a new build
pilot is also the name of a connected command line tool, that has additional options:
Unfortunately, getting this data from a file is not part of any of those.
It can be easily provided as a parameter to testflight action.
And if you like to format your text or provide more than just a sentence, you can use groovy's multi-line strings, e.g.:
beta_app_description: "Have fun testing the app!",
"""This is my multi-line changelog
with information for my testers.
* align left to avoid blanks at the beginning of a line
* this allows nice formatting...
* ...and blank lines in between
Hope, you find it useful."""
I wish to create an app with the following requirements:
On the website, the user will upload a pdf. When uploading is done, ipa should be generated dynamically on the server and the user should be provided with a Download ipa link.
I have seen such sites for generating apk dynamically.
Is there a way to create ipa dynamically? If yes then how to make it dynamically?
The xCode Plugin for Jenkins is not up-to-date. The last version of it was with iOS6 (as far I know).
But using "jenkins" with "shenzhen" (in an "Execute shell") could be a good idea.
Link to Shenzhen (you can try it out in the terminal without jenkins)
I'm trying to upload a build new created with the continuous integration system provided by Apple, Bots, to TestFlight. I have created an archive post-action in the scheme, but I don't know how to get the path to the build on post-action script.
Does anybody know how were Bots saves the builds and how we get this path, to use it in scripts?
They are all stored here: /Library/Server/Xcode/Data/BotRuns
Check out this other post action script.