In my one of UITableView have more then 10 rows. I want to scroll till last row while UITestCase running.
I have written below code to scroll till last row.
-(void)scrollToElement:(XCUIElement *)element application:(XCUIApplication *)app{
while ([self visible:element withApplication:app]) {
XCUIElement *searchResultTableView = app.tables[#"searchResultView"];
XCUICoordinate *startCoord = [searchResultTableView coordinateWithNormalizedOffset:CGVectorMake(0.5, 0.5)];
XCUICoordinate *endCoord = [startCoord coordinateWithOffset:CGVectorMake(0.0, -262)];
[startCoord pressForDuration:0.01 thenDragToCoordinate:endCoord];
-(BOOL)visible:(XCUIElement *)element withApplication:(XCUIApplication *)app{
if (element.exists && !CGRectIsEmpty(element.frame) && element.isHittable) {
return CGRectContainsRect([ elementBoundByIndex:0].frame, element.frame);
} else {
return FALSE;
An i have called above method in my one of UITestCase method by below code
XCUIElement *searchResultTableView = app.tables[#"searchResultView"];
[self waitForElementToAppear:searchResultTableView withTimeout:30];
XCUIElement *table = [app.tables elementBoundByIndex:0];
XCUIElement *lastCell = [table.cells elementBoundByIndex:table.cells.count - 1];
[self scrollToElement:lastCell application:app];
By this code i can scroll to last row but after reaching last row, it continue doing scroll means can't stop scrolling.
Please help me to scroll to only last row and then it should stop to scroll so that i can perform next action event.
I have refer StackOverFlow answer but none of them meet my requirement.
Thanks in advance.
I faced similar issue in one of my project.
In that I wanted to test "Load More" feature by TestKit framework.
Here is some workaround to achieve the same scenario.
//app : is your current instance of appliaction
//listTable : is a Table which you've found via accessibility identifier
//loadMoreTest : is a parameter to determine whether code should perform test for loadmore feature or not
- (void)testScrollableTableForApplication:(XCUIApplication *)app
forTable:(XCUIElement *)listTable
withLoadMoreTest:(BOOL)loadMoreTest {
[listTable accessibilityScroll:UIAccessibilityScrollDirectionUp];
[listTable swipeUp];
if (loadMoreTest) {
__block BOOL isLoadMoreCalled;
__block XCUIElement *lastCell;
__block __weak void (^load_more)();
void (^loadMoreCall)();
load_more = loadMoreCall = ^() {
XCUIElementQuery *tablesQuery = app.tables;
XCUIElementQuery *cellQuery = [tablesQuery.cells containingType:XCUIElementTypeCell identifier:#"LoadMoreCell"];
lastCell = cellQuery.element;
if ([lastCell elementIsWithinWindowForApplication:app]) {
[self waitForElementToAppear:lastCell withTimeout:2];
[lastCell tap];
isLoadMoreCalled = true;
[self wait:2];
[listTable swipeUp];
if (!isLoadMoreCalled) {
- (void)waitForElementToAppear:(XCUIElement *)element withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
NSUInteger line = __LINE__;
NSString *file = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__];
NSPredicate *existsPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"exists == 1"];
[self expectationForPredicate:existsPredicate evaluatedWithObject:element handler:nil];
[self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:timeout handler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error != nil) {
NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Failed to find %# after %f seconds",element,timeout];
[self recordFailureWithDescription:message inFile:file atLine:line expected:YES];
create one category for XCUIElement
XCUIElement+Helper.m and import it into your respective Test class.
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#interface XCUIElement (Helper)
/// Check whether current XCUIElement is within current window or not
- (BOOL)elementIsWithinWindowForApplication:(XCUIApplication *)app ;
#implementation XCUIElement (Helper)
/// Check whether current XCUIElement is within current window or not
#description: we need to check particular element's frame and window's frame is intersecting or not, to get perfectly outcome whether element is currently visible on screen or not, because if element has not yet appeared on screen then also the flag frame, exists and hittable can become true
- (BOOL)elementIsWithinWindowForApplication:(XCUIApplication *)app {
if (self.exists && !CGRectIsEmpty(self.frame) && self.hittable)
return CGRectContainsRect([0].frame, self.frame);
return false;
To get the "Load More" cell, i've given the
cell.accessibilityIdentifier = #"LoadMoreCell";
Rest of the code is, recursive function in testScrollableTableForApplication to make Tableview scroll to reach to bottom so i can have the access of load more cell(in your case last cell). Then i am performing the action Tap to fetch new records from server. Then again i am scrolling the Table to verify if the new records has been fetched from server or not.
Tip : you can replace recursive function with do while or while loop to achieve the same.
Hope this helps!
Happy Coding!!
I have a lot of UIButtons in my app. I need to record which ones the user pushed, exactly the time elapsed between each button press, and then relay the information back to the user. Now, I've tried figuring out the logic to do this for quite some time. This is what I've tried first:
I start by firing an NSTimer. Every time the user presses a button, I store the time he pushed the button in arrayOne, and store the button he pushed in arrayTwo.
I have a "Playback" button. The goal of this playback button is to loop through both arrays, programatically pushing the buttons the user pressed at the elapsed time in which they pressed them.
I can probably achieve my goal this way, but this is just messy code and I don't like the design of it at all. What I'm looking for is an easier path. Is there an API that will record and playback the interaction?
I've found various links such as:
Audio Recording and Playback
That achieve similar to what I'm trying to do, but the sounds I'm loading into the app that play when each button is tapped are not recorded via microphone. They are included in the bundle.
What I did for the solution was make every button have a unique tag and call the same method "onAppButtonPressed" using tags to execute specific code for each button. Before anything though I created a fake button execution so I could mark when the app was opened. After executing button specific code when a UIButton was pressed, I stored information in an array with the button's tag and the button's fire date. When I call the startPlayback method, a for loop loops through all of the button data and schedules each button with the correct timing since the view loaded. I made a simple storyboard with three test buttons and a start playback button.
View Controller:
#import "PlaybackButtonEventViewController.h"
#import "ButtonPlaybackData.h"
#interface PlaybackButtonEventViewController ()
#implementation PlaybackButtonEventViewController
NSMutableArray *playbackInformationArray;
BOOL playbackMode;
#define kInitialPlaybackData -1
#define kButtonOneId 1
#define kButtonTwoId 2
#define kButtonThreeId 3
#define kPlaybackButtonId 4
- (void) viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self->playbackInformationArray = [NSMutableArray array];
self->playbackMode = false;
ButtonPlaybackData *initialPlaybackData = [[ButtonPlaybackData alloc] init];
initialPlaybackData.buttonTag = kInitialPlaybackData;
initialPlaybackData.buttonFireDate = (NSDate*) [NSDate date];
[self->playbackInformationArray addObject:initialPlaybackData];
- (void) startPlaybackMode
self->playbackMode = true;
for (int playbackIndex = 0; playbackIndex < self->playbackInformationArray.count; playbackIndex++)
ButtonPlaybackData *currentPlaybackData = [self->playbackInformationArray objectAtIndex:playbackIndex];
if (currentPlaybackData.buttonTag == kInitialPlaybackData)
ButtonPlaybackData *initialPlaybackData = [self->playbackInformationArray objectAtIndex:0];
long timeToWait = (currentPlaybackData.buttonFireDate.timeIntervalSince1970 - initialPlaybackData.buttonFireDate.timeIntervalSince1970);
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, timeToWait * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self onAppButtonPressed:[self.view viewWithTag:currentPlaybackData.buttonTag]];
if ((playbackIndex + 1) == self->playbackInformationArray.count)
self->playbackMode = false;
NSLog(#"Playback has ended!");
- (IBAction) onAppButtonPressed: (id) sender
if (![sender isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]])
UIButton *button = (UIButton*) sender;
switch (button.tag)
case kButtonOneId:
NSLog(#"Button one pressed!");
case kButtonTwoId:
NSLog(#"Button two pressed!");
case kButtonThreeId:
NSLog(#"Button three pressed!");
case kPlaybackButtonId:
[self startPlaybackMode];
if (!playbackMode)
ButtonPlaybackData *buttonPlaybackData = [[ButtonPlaybackData alloc] init];
buttonPlaybackData.buttonTag = button.tag;
buttonPlaybackData.buttonFireDate = (NSDate*) [NSDate date];
[self->playbackInformationArray addObject:buttonPlaybackData];
Now for the ButtonPlaybackData object, it has the following header file with an empty m file:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface ButtonPlaybackData : NSObject
#property(nonatomic) NSInteger buttonTag;
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSDate *buttonFireDate;
Hope this helps!
In my VC I have a UITableView. Each cell has a UITableView as one of its contents. Timer is set updating each cell every 10secs. Events are handled which also reloads the respective cell.
Method that timer calls :-
-(void) updateVisitotsLists {
NSLog(#"UPDATING VISITORS LIST ***************************");
// Call API's to get lists
[api getVisitorsList];
// Init Arrays
browsingList = [MainAppDataObject sharedAppDataObject].visitors_browsingList;
secondList = [MainAppDataObject sharedAppDataObject].visitors_secondList;
thirdList = [MainAppDataObject sharedAppDataObject].visitors_thirdList;
fourthList = [MainAppDataObject sharedAppDataObject].visitors_fourthList;
// AS these are no more useful, so make it nil & save memory
[MainAppDataObject sharedAppDataObject].visitors_browsingList = nil;
[MainAppDataObject sharedAppDataObject].visitors_secondList = nil;
[MainAppDataObject sharedAppDataObject].visitors_thirdList = nil;
[MainAppDataObject sharedAppDataObject].visitors_fourthList = nil;
// Reload all lists with latest data
[self reloadBrowsingRow];
[self reloadSecondRow];
[self reloadThirdRow];
[self reloadFourthRow];
Event Handler Method :-
-(void) handleNewVisitor : (NSNotification *) notification {
Visitor *v = [notification object];
#try {
if (v != nil) {
// Add V to browsing list
[browsingList addObject:v];
// Reload browsing list
[self reloadBrowsingRow];
}#catch (NSException *e) {
NSLog(#"EXCEP - %#", e);
v = nil;
Reloading Method -
-(void)reloadBrowsingRow {
// Browsing
VisitorsListsCell *bcell = (VisitorsListsCell*)[self.visitorlistsTv cellForRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:2 inSection:0]];
[bcell.listsTableView reloadData];
[bcell updateButtonText];
[bcell setNeedsDisplay];
bcell = nil;
The Problem :-
When updateVisitotsLists is called thru timer, the updated contents are not reflected on cell.
When event handler method calls the same [self reloadBrowsingRow]; method, the contents of the cell are updated and reflected.
Due to this despite cells contents are updated but are not reflected until the state of cell is changed - expanded or collapsed.
I tried removing timer and cell updates properly on event caught, but when timer was on and event was caught, method is called but contents are not reflected on the screen.
I feel both methods may be calling reload method at same time, hence this must be happening or what ? How can this be handled making sure that the contents of cells are updated in any respect ? Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks.
Use [tableview reloadData]; on that method.
Because Reload on tableView will reload all data, so it will be more helpful.
What I have :
NSArray (string)
AVAudioplayer (not yet implemented)
When I select a word in TextView :
• Check if word exist in Array
• Start Audioplayer with associated sound
Unfortunately when I tap twice to select a word inside TextView, textViewDidChangeSelection is called twice. I don’t know why I see "Youpie" twice.
I just changed inputView to hide keyboard because I only need TextView to be used in selecting mode.
- (void)textViewDidChangeSelection:(UITextView *)tve;
NSString *selectedText = [tve textInRange:tve.selectedTextRange];
if(selectedText.length > 0)
for (NSString *text in textArray)
if ([selectedText isEqualToString:text])
tve.selectedTextRange = nil;
if (ps1.playing == YES)
[self stopEveryPlayer];
[self updateViewForPlayerState:ps1];
else if ([ps1 play])
[self updateViewForPlayerState:ps1];
fileName.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%# (%d ch.)", [[ps1.url relativePath] lastPathComponent], ps1.numberOfChannels, nil];
NSLog(#"Could not play %#\n", ps1.url);
- (void)awakeFromNib
textArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"dog",#"cat",#"person",#"bird",#"mouse", nil];
textView.inputView = [[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero] autorelease];
textView.delegate = self;
// ...
I noticed something when I was double tapping on each good word in my text.
If a word is already selected and no action choosen, I have 1 "Youpie".
If not, I have 2 "Youpie".
I found a simple solution. I removed selectedRange after getting value. textViewDidChangeSelection called once.
What I have changed
tve.selectedTextRange = nil;
I use a subclass of UITextView to disable menu.
-(BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender
return NO;
return [super canPerformAction:action withSender:sender];
I added an implementation for AVAudioPlayer (ps1) too.
My "autoplay" is working if a known word is selecting :)
I don't have an answer for why the method gets called twice or how to prevent this, but an alternative solution might be to display an additional item in the edit menu that pops up in a text view when a word is double clicked. Then, your action for initiating a sound based on the word could be triggered from the action selector defined in that additional menu item. In this design, you'd remove your textViewDidChangeSelection and thus would not get called twice. See for some additional info about modifying the standard menu.
With the following setup
MyUIMenuItem *someAction = [[MyUIMenuItem alloc]initWithTitle : #"Something" action : #selector(menuItemSelected:)];
MyUIMenuItem *someAction2 = [[MyUIMenuItem alloc]initWithTitle : #"Something2" action : #selector(menuItemSelected:)];
- (IBAction) menuItemSelected : (id) sender
UIMenuController *mmi = (UIMenuController*) sender;
How to figure out which menu item was selected.
And don't say that you need to have two methods... Thanks in advance.
Okay, I've solved this one. The solution isn't pretty, and the better option is "Apple fixes the problem", but this at least works.
First of all, prefix your UIMenuItem action selectors with "magic_". And don't make corresponding methods. (If you can do that, then you don't need this solution anyway).
I'm building my UIMenuItems thus:
NSArray *buttons = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"some", #"random", #"stuff", nil];
NSMutableArray *menuItems = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSString *buttonText in buttons) {
NSString *sel = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"magic_%#", buttonText];
[menuItems addObject:[[UIMenuItem alloc]
[UIMenuController sharedMenuController].menuItems = menuItems;
Now your class that catches the button tap messages needs a few additions. (In my case the class is a subclass of UITextField. Yours might be something else.)
First up, the method that we've all been wanting to have but that didn't exist:
- (void)tappedMenuItem:(NSString *)buttonText {
NSLog(#"They tapped '%#'", buttonText);
Then the methods that make it possible:
- (BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender {
NSString *sel = NSStringFromSelector(action);
NSRange match = [sel rangeOfString:#"magic_"];
if (match.location == 0) {
return YES;
return NO;
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)sel {
if ([super methodSignatureForSelector:sel]) {
return [super methodSignatureForSelector:sel];
return [super methodSignatureForSelector:#selector(tappedMenuItem:)];
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation {
NSString *sel = NSStringFromSelector([invocation selector]);
NSRange match = [sel rangeOfString:#"magic_"];
if (match.location == 0) {
[self tappedMenuItem:[sel substringFromIndex:6]];
} else {
[super forwardInvocation:invocation];
One would expect that the action associated with a given menu item would include a sender parameter that should point to the chosen menu item. Then you could simply examine the title of the item, or do as kforkarim suggests and subclass UIMenuItem to include a proeprty that you can use to identify the item. Unfortunately, according to this SO question, the sender parameter is always nil. That question is over a year old, so things may have changed -- take a look at what you get in that parameter.
Alternately, it looks like you'll need to a different action for each menu item. Of course, you could set it up so that all your actions call a common method, and if they all do something very similar that might make sense.
Turns out it's possible to obtain the UIButton object (which is actually UICalloutBarButton) that represents UIMenuItem if you subclass UIApplication and reimplement -sendAction:to:from:forEvent:. Although only -flash selector goes through UIApplication, it's enough.
#interface MyApplication : UIApplication
#implementation MyApplication
- (BOOL)sendAction:(SEL)action to:(id)target from:(id)sender forEvent:(UIEvent *)event
// target == sender condition is just an additional one
if (action == #selector(flash) && target == sender && [target isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(#"UICalloutBarButton")]) {
NSLog(#"pressed menu item title: %#", [(UIButton *)target titleLabel].text);
return [super sendAction:action to:target from:sender forEvent:event];
You can save target (or any data you need from it) in e.g. property and access it later from your UIMenuItem's action.
And to make your UIApplication subclass work, you must pass its name as a third parameter to UIApplicationMain():
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, NSStringFromClass([MyApplication class]), NSStringFromClass([YOUR_APP_DELEGATE class]));
This solution works on iOS 5.x-7.0 as of post date (didn't test on older versions).
ort11, you might want to create a property of myuimenuitem and set some sort of Tag. Thay way the object of sender could be recognized by its tag it. In Ibaction then you can set a switch statement that can correspond to each sender.tag and work throught that logic. I guess thats the simplest way to go.
For one of my last school projects, I am creating an iPad/iPhone application. For some days now I've been working on an issue with a certain memory leak. My application starts out on a specific view-controller (VCMainStatistics_iPad). From there, I push another view-controller (VCSocialMedia_iPad). Afterwards, I go back to the first view-controller.
When I repeat this sequence, I notice (by using Instruments - Activity Monitor) that the memory usage of the app keeps increasing. By disabling parts of the code, I eventually found out it has something to do with the pickerView. This code gives no leaks:
- (NSInteger)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent:(NSInteger)component
return 0;
However, when I increase the number of rows, leaks start emerging (roughly 0.07 MB per row). Obviously, this is why I believe the pickerView is the cause of the leaks. I've been trying to remove the subviews from the pickerView before deallocation, setting pickerView to nil, and lots of other things... nothing fixes the issue. To hopefully make things a bit clearer, I'll post some more code.
The header file:
#import "UniversalViewController.h"
#interface VCSocialMedia_iPad : UniversalViewController <UIPickerViewDataSource, UIPickerViewDelegate>
NSArray *lMediaTypes;
NSMutableArray *lMediaData;
__weak IBOutlet UIPickerView *pkSocialMedia;
__weak IBOutlet UILabel *lblGraph;
PickerView delegate methods:
- (NSString *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView titleForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component
// Get key of requested row
NSString *title = [[lMediaTypes objectAtIndex:row] capitalizedString];
// Capitalize first letter
title = [title capitalizedString];
// Return
return title;
- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component
// Make or clear data lists
if( lGraphDayDataX[iSelectedServerIndex][DATATYPE_SOCIALMEDIA] == nil ){
lGraphDayDataX[iSelectedServerIndex][DATATYPE_SOCIALMEDIA] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[lGraphDayDataX[iSelectedServerIndex][DATATYPE_SOCIALMEDIA] removeAllObjects];
if( lGraphDayDataY[iSelectedServerIndex][DATATYPE_SOCIALMEDIA] == nil ){
lGraphDayDataY[iSelectedServerIndex][DATATYPE_SOCIALMEDIA] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[lGraphDayDataY[iSelectedServerIndex][DATATYPE_SOCIALMEDIA] removeAllObjects];
// Get required key
NSString *dictKey = [lMediaTypes objectAtIndex:row];
if( [dictKey isEqualToString:#"total_views"] ){
// Adjust graph label
lblGraph.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Stats from %#", dictKey];
// Get data of selected row
NSArray *mediaData = [lMediaData objectAtIndex:row];
// Add each day to data lists: inversed order
for( int day = [mediaData count]-1; day >= 0; day-- ){
NSDictionary *dayData = [mediaData objectAtIndex:day];
dictKey = #"wpsd_trends_date";
NSString *date = [dayData objectForKey:dictKey];
// Remove 00:00:00
date = [date stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#" 00:00:00" withString:#""];
[lGraphDayDataX[iSelectedServerIndex][DATATYPE_SOCIALMEDIA] addObject:date];
dictKey = #"wpsd_trends_stats";
NSString *stats = [dayData objectForKey:dictKey];
[lGraphDayDataY[iSelectedServerIndex][DATATYPE_SOCIALMEDIA] addObject:stats];
// Update the graphs
[self updateGlobalScreen];
PickerView datasource methods:
- (NSInteger)numberOfComponentsInPickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView
return 1;
- (NSInteger)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent:(NSInteger)component
return [lMediaTypes count];
- (void)dealloc
pkSocialMedia = nil;
lblGraph = nil;
lMediaData = nil;
lMediaTypes = nil;
I only recently converted the project to Objective-C ARC, so there is a good chance this issue has something to do with my lack of experience with the concept. Apart from that, this is also my first Xcode project ever. Hopefully, someone here can help out: please let me know if I need to post more code to clarify things.
Thanks in advance!
Try removing the -(void)dealloc method. It shouldn't be implemented when you're using ARC. If you aren't using ARC, it needs to call [super dealloc].
Never found the solution itself, so I used a workaround: by replacing the NSPickerView with a NSTableView component, the leak did not occur anymore. For everyone who noticed the issue and tried to find a solution: thank you for trying!
I'm having a similar issue. It only happens when the UIPickerView is outside the bounds. The way I fixed it is to never have the UIPickerView move out of bounds (simply fade in and fade out to unhide/hide the UIPickerView). Probably a bug in UIKit.