Override Eventbrite Register Button - eventbrite

Have anyone tried overriding the Eventbrite "Register" button? Essentially,I am looking to make an api call whenever person registers/RSVPs to the Eventbrite event.
So far my exploration has not yield any outcome. Let me know if anyone have any pointers to help me explore further.
Thank you in advance!

Although this is not directly overriding the register button, you can trigger a webhook on a new registration, which would allow your application to process some logic. The webhook will not send the attendee information, but allows it to be looked up by an API call back to Eventbrite. For more information see https://www.eventbrite.com/developer/v3/api_overview/webhooks/


Access call history in app for Microsoft Teams

While it seems it is not possible for an app to register incoming calls, I wondered if it would be possible to access the call history of the current user?
It looks like there is a Graph API to get information of a specific call by id, I didn't find anything about getting the call history or the last call.
This could be a workaround for our approach: We want to enable the employees to make several notes on incoming calls and reference them with existing items in another web application.
Is there any way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
There seems to be a new Preview way of and application subscribing to a call event though still no way to get the full history.
Subscribe to new call records (POST /beta/subscriptions).
There are more details here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/cloud-communications-callrecords but it suggests you could capture the incoming call and allow notes as you want.

How to detect a new user in Slack?

I'm using Slack API and want to detect an event when user first joins a team but cannot find such type of event in docs.
What should I look for?
I think team_join might be the event you're looking for? Depending on whether you need to respond immediately (and the consequences of missing an event if your bot is offline), you might also consider just calling users.list periodically and comparing to the list of already-seen users.

How to add to MailChimp list using ChimpKit for iOS through api call without verifying email?

I am using ChimpKit 3.1.1 for iOS in Objective C and can successfully add to my list. However, it sends a verification email to the user and they have to click a link before they're added.
Isn't there an api parameter you can send that skips this step?
There is an API Parameter you can use. For the lists/subscribe call in v2.0, it is a boolean param called 'double_optin'.
Looking at the sample code for that library, I assume you'd just add another param to the *params NSDictionary.
Be careful with this and only subscribe people who actually want to be on your list -- subscribing people who don't know why they're being subscribed can lead to spam complaints which can get you into trouble. When in doubt, double-optin is a pretty safe thing to do. Most folks who aren't willing to click a confirmation link probably don't really want to be on your list in the first place.

Missing events through the Eventbrite event_search API

I'm using the event_search API method to let my users find their Eventbrite events. I've been getting a lot of complaints from users that their events don't show up. And indeed, it seems that loads of events simply aren't returned by event_search.
One example: http://blogher12.eventbrite.com/. It's a big event, it's starting in a few days time and it has a very distinctive name. It's typically an event that should be very easy to find through event_search.
Yet, it's not anywhere to be seen in event_search's results, no matter what search term I try. You can try yourself at http://developer.eventbrite.com/doc/events/event_search/ - enter 'BlogHer' in the 'keywords' field and you'll get a small handful of fringe events that mention "BlogHer" in their description but not the main event.
This is just one of many missing events I've seen in the past few weeks. I initially thought that the EventBrite API perhaps didn't return events for which ticket sales had closed, which would have explained some of the missing events. But I really can't see any reason for BlogHer to be missing in action.
Is there a trick to get event_search to return all events?
The event owner has configured that event to be 'private', which prevents it from being shared via Eventbrite's public search index.
If you think the event should be public (and accessible via the API), feel free to use the 'contact the host' link on the event page to pass your suggestion on to the event organizer.

is it possible to send a directed flash message in rails?

this is kind of a dumb question, but is it possible to send a
directed to a certain user other than the current user on the screen? in one of my controllers i have
if #article.up_votes.count > 10
flash[:success ] = 'something'
is it possible to send that flash to the owner of the article? as opposed to my own screen? or is there another way to do this?
i tried looking through
but couldn't find any method that would help. maybe i am reading it wrong? is there a way to achieve the same effect then?
thank you...
Not using flash, you'd have to try something else, there are lots of ways to go about it, but flash isn't one of them. Well, you could still use flash, but it wouldn't be to send from one user to another, you could cause a flash message to appear for the user being notified.
First thing to figure out is how do you notify the other user, when would he get that notification, do you want him to get notified anytime he using your site? Or only if he does something specific on your site?
For what I know the best way to go, maybe the only way actually is push notifications. There are many ways to achieve this but I think faye should be the easiest.
See this screencast to understand it and later. You want to have a channel for each user so it will be the one to get that message. Further search for private pub so nobody's can listen to others channel
As ismaelga mentioned I also think push notifications is the way to go (WebSockets).
In addition to Faye you can use a hosted solution called Pusher (pusher.com).
Here is a really short description about how Pusher can help you. Bassically all users using your application listens for messages on a WebSocket-server (through JavaScript). In this case Pusher. You can then send messages to Pusher via your Rails application. When you send a message to Pusher, all users will instantly be notified about the new message via JavaScript (through the WebSocket). To only notify a specific user you can use Pusher's "private channels"-feature.
Pusher have some really good documentation on how to use their service: http://pusher.com/docs/javascript_quick_start
This picture (taken from Nettuts+) might also give you a better understanding of how Pusher works: http://d2o0t5hpnwv4c1.cloudfront.net/1059_pusher/pusher_websocket.png
Hope this helps a bit.
