Localising HTML text using DevExtreme & Globalization - localization

I am currently adding globalization to an existing web app which uses devextreme to present the page, as below:
<div id="viewport" class="dx-viewport">
<div class="startPage dx-content-background" data-options="dxContent : { targetPlaceholder: 'content' } ">
<div class="content">
<div class="regForm" id="registrationForm" />
<div class="regButton" id="registrationButton" />
<div class="loadIndicator" id="loadIndicator" />
<div class="registrationSucceeded" id="registrationSucceeded" />
<div class="returnToMainPageButton" id="returnToMainPageButton"/>
The entries are translated as expected but I can't figure out how to translate the heading as DevExtreme doesn't provide a straight 'Text' widget. If I set it to use a TextArea, for example then it does work but then obviously doesn't look like a header.
So, how can I translate the header text (or any other that is held in the HTML page)?

Maybe the official DevExtreme localization topic will be usefull for you.
So, how can I translate the header text (or any other that is held in the HTML page)?
You can use a text binding to provide content based on current locale.


Umbraco - Add more than one RTE in Custom Grid Editor

I am creating custom grid editor and I would like to have more than one RTE inside of it. Currently, I am initializing RTE like this
<div unique-id="control.$uniqueId"
grid-rte configuration="control.config.rte">
This works fine for one instance of RTE. However, when I try to add 2nd or 3rd RTE in this manner, they are not initialized, instead I am getting multiline textbox.
So, how to add more than one RTE, and, is this best way to add RTE?
I had the same problem. I have solved the problem by adding $index. Like so:
<div unique-id="control.$uniqueId + $index"
grid-rte configuration="control.config.rte">
<div unique-id="control.$uniqueId + $index"
grid-rte configuration="control.config.rte"> </div>
The previous answer works when the control is inside the ng-repeat directive, ie
<tr ng-repeat="rowData in control.tabelsData">
unique-id="control.$uniqueId + $index"
grid-rte configuration="rteconfig" style="border:4px solid #EB4F1C;">
Otherwise yes, manually modifying the unique-id would be the answer for a known amount of multiple amount of Rich Text Editors in the editor
grid-rte configuration="rteconfig" style="border:4px solid #EB4F1C;">
grid-rte configuration="rteconfig" style="border:4px solid #EB4F1C;">

Umbraco 4.9 Display Media Picker Image in Template

I'm trying to allow content editors to be able to choose the main banner image on a page by having it chosen through a Media Picker property.
I've tried the standard inline XSLT of:
<umbraco:Item runat="server" field="banner" xslt="concat('<img src="', umbraco.library:GetMedia({0},0)/umbracoFile, '" />')" xsltDisableEscaping="true" />
But in my simple template of:
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolderDefault" runat="server">
<header class="home-header">
<div class="logo-wrapper">
<umbraco:Item runat="server" field="banner" xslt="concat('<img src="', umbraco.library:GetMedia({0},0)/umbracoFile, '" />')" xsltDisableEscaping="true" />
The rendered HTML comes out at:
<header class="home-header">
<div class="logo-wrapper">
I've read about using a macro to render images but my Umbraco knowledge is limited. If someone could provide steps for actually adding an XSLT macro, I'd be happy to try that out.
Unfortunately we are stuck on Umbraco v4.9 for now too so no <umbraco:Image /> tag for me.
I suggest you use a c# Umbraco macro instead of xslt. Umbraco 4.9 can do that.
An macro can in a differt file or simple use a inline macro:
<umbraco:Macro runat="server" language="cshtml">
#if (#Model.visual != "")
<img src="#Model.Media("banner", "umbracoFile")" class="foto" />
Same as <img src="#node.Media("banner", "umbracoFile")" />
If anyone else finds this and you are not using MVC you can use this approach inside your template to get the image path you selected from the media picker
<umbraco:Item field='headerImage' runat='server'xslt='umbraco.library:GetMedia({0},true())/umbracoFile'xsltDisableEscaping='true'></umbraco:Item>
Where headerImage is the alias for your attribute name in your document type. This will render something like "/media/1002/sample.jpg" for instance

Using CropIt with jQuery Mobile: Slider doesn't work if it's not on the first jQm page

I'm trying to implement a jQuery-based image crop function that exports to base64 text. CropIt seems perfect for the job, and works beautifully, UNLESS it's not the first jQuery Mobile page in the list of jQm "pages", that displays by default in the HTML file. If it's not, everything works except for the zoom slider. I've created a jsFiddle to illustrate the problem:
Any help getting the zoom slider to work would be appreciated, thanks! Code attached.
<!-- ********* DEFAULT JQUERY MOBILE PAGE **************** -->
<div data-role="page" id="splash" data-theme="f">
<div data-role="content">
<p>Here's a stripped-down example based on the sample CropIt code on GitHub. The long URL in the external resources list is a "locally" hosted version of Cropit.min.js on Google Drive. Everything else works, including the imageState tag, the drag-to-pan on the image, the image upload and export. Only the zoom slider doesn't work.</p>
Example: CropIt is the second jQm page
<p>If I switch the order of the jQuery Mobile pages, so that the Cropit page is the first (default) page of the HTML instead of this page, the zoom works fine: Example: Cropit is the first jQm page.</p>
<!-- ******** UPLOAD PAGE ******* -->
<div data-role="page" id="upload" data-close-btn="none">
<div data-role="content" style="padding:0px">
<!-- content -->
<div class="image-editor">
<input type="file" class="cropit-image-input">
<div class="cropit-image-preview"></div>
<div class="image-size-label">Resize image</div>
<input type="range" class="cropit-image-zoom-input">
<button class="export">Export</button>

How do I get jQuery Mobile to re-execute on generated code?

I'm trying to generate some jQuery Mobile elements with Javascript. After the javascript runs and places the generated elements in the myTest div, the styling and scripting are not attached as they are on the static content. Is there any way to have jQuery execute on the generated code?
Here's an example:
<!-- Does not look correct when populated -->
<div id="myTest">
<!-- Looks correct -->
<div data-role="collapsible-set" data-theme="d" data-content-theme="d" data-mini="true" data-corners="false">
<div data-role="collapsible">
function onloadFunc() {
var parent = $('<div data-role="collapsible-set" data-theme="d" data-content-theme="d" data-mini="true" data-corners="false">');
var item = $("<h3>").html("test");
Link to jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/DcFhj/
First off your markup is actually slightly off, the collapsible-set widget is meant to contain within it several collapsible widgets.
For example (taken from the documentation)
<div data-role="collapsible-set">
<div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="false">
<h3>Section 1</h3>
<p>I'm the collapsible set content for section 1.</p>
<div data-role="collapsible">
<h3>Section 2</h3>
<p>I'm the collapsible set content for section 2.</p>
Have a look at the following question from the jQuery Mobile documentation. Basically in general in order to enhance markup that is dynamically inserted you have to either initialize the widget on the markup or you can trigger the create event on a parent element and jQuery Mobile should initialize all of the appropriate widgets.
In this case being that you just have one widget you just need to initialize the collasible widget (also interesting enough this works with your current markup)
If for example you had several widgets that needed enhancement (or just for simplicity) you could instead trigger the create method (this doesn't work with your current markup but if you correct it it should).

Loading HTML-Page with jQuery mobile

Basically I want to "outsource" some of the content pages into single .html files. The pages are located at the same server and should be loaded normally by a link:
<li>Link1<span class="icon"></span></li>
The content of the link1.html page:
<!-- page -->
<div data-role="page" class="pages" id="link1">
<!-- header -->
<div data-role="header"> Menu
<div class="headerlogo"></div>
<!-- /header -->
<div data-role="headerimage" class="headerimage"><img src="images/headerimages/bild1.jpg" /></div>
<div data-role="content">
<!-- /content -->
<!-- /page -->
When I am clicking on the link in the menu, the content is shown fine. But the URL is changed in a way that may cause troubles.
What I want is: http://example.com/#link1.html
But what I get is: http://example.com/link1.html
So the problem is, that if someone tries to reload the page http://example.com/link1.html, he/she only gets the content of link1.html without all js/css things.
What I am doing wrong?
You'll need to include the jquery mobile code in the head of link1.html and every other external file if you're going to take this approach.
Edit - This may actually achieve what you're trying to do.
$(document).on('mobileinit', function () {
$.mobile.pushStateEnabled = false;
Make sure the event handler is placed before jQuery Mobile is loaded.
