Where did the /symbol-sync endpoint go? - symbols

Because I backtest portfolios of stocks, it is useful to keep a historical record of ticker symbols. I typically do this with a daily reading of the /symbol-sync endpoint. For example for today, it would be: /symbol-sync/2018-02-11.csv. On Friday, Feb. 9th, it has started returning 404. Is this service discontinued by StockTwits? Has this become a fee based service?

This has been added back. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Onenote API (once again) not returning new pages

As of yesterday, it appears that the Onenote /pages endpoint is not working properly for my account. The data returned for the first two pages is recent, however all other pages and their respective HTML content links are last updated as of Feb 28th 2020. Additionally, some of the pages showing up as "last edited" on Feb 28th 2020 are pages that I know for a fact have not been edited for months (place holders, old projects, etc.)
I have described a similar problem before: here and here. Such a problem was also described by another recently. Upon resolution of those issues, Manjusha stated that it was because of a "bad machine cluster causing jobs to get stuck" and therefore delaying updates. While this suffices to explain the delay, the inaccurate edit dates on page does not seem to be accounted for.
Any updates on the issue or insight into what is happening would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE Mar. 5th 2020: Using the graph explorer, I can see that the pages endpoint is returning the same out-date response again and again. Basically, it is frozen in that state from what I can see.
I'm sorry to say this, especially at such a stressful time. However, the reliability of the pages endpoint has been up in the air for months. Working sometimes, not working at others. Personally, this has forced me to rebuild my personal programs so they do not rely on OneNote and reconsider using OneNote in professional settings where new pages are being made regularly. The sum total of this has been to cease development and usage of the OneNote API. Just a bit of feedback. I know your team works hard and these issues are complex - I hope this clears up for you soon.
Can you send the request-id header from the response and your request timestamp? Thanks!

Microsoft Graph API Road Map

I can't seem to find anything more than the changelog, does anyone know if there's a roadmap for planned functionality?
Notably, we're looking to have our employees enroll in MFA through a custom app calling the Graph API and add their mobile number, other email, and authenticator. I found a confirmation that this would be available from here but there hasn't been any update for nearly two years.
Thanks in advance!
There is no roadmap for Microsoft Graph currently. We announce new features into preview throughout the year with two major moments at Build and Ignite conferences. You can keep up with those announcements at https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/blogs/.
We do have a Microsoft Graph UserVoice https://microsoftgraph.uservoice.com/ where you can request and see others requests. Our PMs will actually change the status of features that are in development. This will give you a subset of the things we're working on that relate to public requests.
As you mention , our Change log will be the way to track new things on the API https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/changelog.
We also have a monthly Community Call online that we announce things that is the first tuesday of every month. https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/events . Existing events are blogged about and also available here https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/gallery/?filterBy=Podcasts,Videos

get historical data from youtube/instagram/spotify/twitter

I am searching for historical data (last 3-4 years) from youtube/instagram/spotify/twitter.
The goal is to compare the development of views/subsription/likes over time for about 500 accounts/channels. Monthly data would be perfectly fine.
From looking at some of the APIs, it is only possible to get the data of the day. Socialblade gives you in some cases the data for the last month.
Is there an API or a Service that would help this task ?
For Twitter https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/batch-historical/overview
For Youtube https://developers.google.com/youtube/reporting/#choose-the-right-api-for-your-application
For Instagram https://www.instagram.com/developer/endpoints/
I don't think this kind of data is available for Spotify https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/users-profile/

Get better/more details stats from goo.gl URL shorterner service?

By default the goo.gl URL shorterner service just offers very coarse statistics for shortened links, last two hours, last day, last week and last month and all time. If you want to look at the statistics for yesterday you have to look at last week and if you want to look at the stats for the previous month you have to look at all time.
Is there a way to have, e.g., month view and then scroll back month by month? Some third party solution?
I have found a solution as below about your question. May be that can help you
If you have already created a shortened goo.gl url just type .info at
the end (e.g. goo.gl/url.info)

Can the REDDIT Api be used to send a PM to another Reddit user?

I have been looking at the REDDIT api documentation, and just by looking at it, it seems that one CANNOT(?) send a PM message to another Reddit user. Please, prove me wrong :)
Is it possible to see another user's subredddit subscriptions?
Thanks for any input.
You can send PMs through reddit's API with compose.
You cannot see other users' subreddit subscriptions.
Depending on the language you are using, you may want to look at existing API libraries. In my experience PRAW for python is the most feature-complete (disclosure: I am the package maintainer).
