changing Home Screen Quick Actions icon position - ios

Q: how to position icon to the left side of the text in UIApplicationShortcutItems ?
Observation: i was adding Home Screen Quick Action to my app and my custom icon is on the right side of the Text.
I looked into multiple big apps like facebook, snapchat etc and observe systematically left side icon.
Apple documentation and Official App always have right aligned icons.

I don't think you can choose the position of the icon:
Here's the answer from an Apple Staff member:
The icon position is not configurable, and iOS will swap sides of the
icon depending on where the app icon is placed. For example, if the
app icon on the left side of the screen the icon in the shortcut menu
will appear on the left, but if the app is on the right side of the
screen then the shortcut menu items will be on the right. In general,
the shortcut menu icons will be positioned so that they are directly
above or below the app's icon.


How to add app icon when user swipes up? (Swift, Xcode)

How do I add an image to the app icon that displays when the user swipes up? This is not the same as the regular app icon (I know how to change those). The icon is blank. Below is a link to an image of what I am talking about:
Link to problem

Google Search Assistant App browser on iPhone conflict with the bottom nav bar

I'm having an issue with the browser of the Google App on iPhone (known simply as "Google" in iTunes).
Background: on iPhone, both browsers (Google Search & Assistant and Safari) have a bottom nav-bar that appears/disappears as you scroll up and down a website page.
In any case, in many of my sites, I have a button in most pages, with position "fixed" to the bottom of the screen. In the Google browser, when I scroll up and down the page, this button appears/disappears and is replaced by the bottom nav-bar.
And when the bottom nav bar disappears and the button reappears, it is not clickable as it seems that there's an invisible layer that prevents it from happening. The "normal" behaviour in these cases seems to be for the bottom nav-bar to reappear. So, in fact, this button becomes "unclickable".
Now, when I try the same pages using Safari, the browser is "smart enough" to nudge the button up, keeping it clickable.
If you want to have a sense of this behaviour, you can find it in this page:
Why is this? Is this a bug of Google App? A feature that is not supported (fixed position)? Or something else altogether?

How to disable the touch delay at bottom of the screen when control center access is enabled in app?

I'm working on an app which has buttons at the bottom of the screen(looks like tab bar). I found that if I enable the access to control center in app, there will be a notable delay between tapping on the buttons and the highlighted image showing. In fact the highlighted image will never show if I do not hold on the touch for at least about 0.5 second. I'm wondering if there is a way to disable the delay even the access of control center in app is ON so that users of my app will know the buttons did have been tapped. Any hint will be appreciated.

Small red round delete buttons

How can I create one of these small red round delete buttons like in the safari app (at the top and left of a tab)?
Is it a default UIButton with an image or an pre-defined button of the iOS SDK?
I got it somewhere
I think there is no such pre-defined button of the iOS SDK

Is there any way to make the iPad simulator bigger?

It kind of annoys me how small the iPad simulator is... Some apps I have in mind I have difficulty testing because of the small size of the iPad simulator. Is there anyway to make it larger than it currently is?
Menu Bar: Window->scale as shown in comments by chpwn.
You can always zoom the screen in. Usually something like control-scroll but check your mouse or trackpad system preferences. command-option-backslash toggles antialiasing if you need to see magnified pixels when zoomed in.
in iPhone Simulater menu bar go to
window > scale > 100%
To add to this, you can create a keyboard shortcut to make it easier:
goto System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard shortcuts
click small "+" at bottom of list
drop down Application list and scroll to bottom, choose Other
browse to /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications (at least on my machine)
choose iOS Simulator
for Menu Title enter "100%" without the quotes
for Keyboard Shortcut, press your shortcut key e.g. Cmd-F ('F'ull screen)
click Add and you're done
close and restart the simulator and press Cmd-F
press command 1, Command 2, or, Command 3. it will change the screen size. Easy fix!
