Is it possible to get (force) absolute accuracy on AVDepthData from IPhoneX camera? - ios

I need to get distance from the camera to points in the camera image with AVDepthData. I understand there are two kinds of accuracy associated to AVDepthData: relative and absolute, the latter being the one which corresponds to real life distance.
I cannot seem to generate an AVDepthData with absolute accuracy. Is it possible at all?

AVDepthData is a generic model object for representing depth maps from a variety of possible sources, including parallax-based disparity inference, time-of-flight-based depth inference, data recorded by third-party cameras, or data synthesized by a 3D rendering engine. Thus, it can represent and describe more types of data than the device you're currently using can capture.
(It's like having an image format that supports 10-bit-per-component color: just because UIImage or some other API can tell you it's holding a wide-color image doesn't mean you have a camera that captures such images.)
More specifically... you didn't say whether you're using the front or back camera on iPhone X, but that matters quite a bit to what kind of depth maps you can capture.
builtInDualCamera, which iPhone X has for the back-facing camera (as do iPhone 7/8 Plus), infers disparity — which is not quite the same as depth, but related — by analyzing the parallax offsets between two camera images. This technique doesn't produce absolute measurements of depth, but because disparity is inversely proportional to depth you can know which points are deeper than others. (And using the cameraCalibrationData you can do some math and maybe get some decent estimates of absolute depth.)
builtInTrueDepthCamera, which iPhone X (and so far only iPhone X) has for its front-facing camera, can measure disparity or depth with time-of-flight analysis. (And sharks with fricking laser beams!) This technique produces absolute measurements pretty well, as long as you can safely assume the speed of light.
Which technique is used determines what kind of measurement you can get, and which technique is used depends on the capture device you select. (And by the way, there's a wealth of information on how these techniques work in the WWDC17 talk on capturing depth.)
If you're looking for back-camera depth measurements in an absolute frame of reference, you might do better to look at ARKit — that's not going to get you accurate depth values for every pixel, because it depends on coarse scene reconstruction, but the distance values you can get are absolute.


Basic principle to measure length between two points using a single camera

What is the basic principle for creating a virtual measuring app, given that I have normal camera, or bunch of cameras focused on a single object from different angles. So basically how to measure the distance between two physical points in a video without knowing anything else.
Simple answer: You can't do that.
The size of a pixel in object space depends on the distance to the camera.
Either you need depth information which is not available using a single standard camera or you need to know the size of a known object in the same distance. But the second doesn't work in most real world scenarios.
With a well known setup of multiple cameras you can do stereo vision.

iPhone 5 magnetometer data calibration

I captured raw magnetometer data on the iPhone 5 by accident, and I actually require the calibrated data. The problem is that I can't go and recapture the data I originally got. Does anyone know what the iPhone's hard bias (device bias) calibration values are and how I can apply them to my data to get a similar output to what the iPhone would have given me?
Alternatively what is the best approach to calibrate for the device bias? I don't care about soft bias in my measurements.
The iPhone needs calibration data not to calibrate for the internal sensor (that is always accounted for, even in "raw" data, which actually isn't as raw as you might think). It is actually to calibrate for external factors that might disrupt or interfere with the Earth's natural magnetic field, like high voltage power lines, or steel beams overhead. The iPhone creates a 3D distortion map of the field (which is why the compass app asks you to make a figure eight) to offset these external influences.
Finally, even if you could recreate the exact distortions, Apple provides no way to peek into their black-box filtering, let alone apply your own distortion map to their data. So no, you cannot recompute the calibrated data after the fact.

How to take stereo images using single camera?

I want to find the depth map for stereo images.At present i am working on the internet image,I want to take stereo images so that i can work on it by my own.How to take best stereo images without much noise.I have single camera.IS it necessary to do rectification?How much distance must be kept between the cameras?
Not sure I've understood your problem correclty - will try anyway
I guess your currently working with images from middlebury or something similar. If you want to use similar algorithms you have to rectify your images because they are based on the assumption that corresponding pixels are on the same line in all images. If you actually want depth images (!= disparity images) you also need to get the camera extrinsics.
Your setup should have two cameras and you have to make sure that they don't change there relative position/orientation - otherwise your rectification will break apart. In the first step you have to calibrate your system to get intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters. For that you can either use some tool or roll your own with (for example) OpenCV (calib-module). Print out a calibration board to calibrate your system. Afterwards you can take images and use the calibration to rectify the images.
Regarding color-noise:
You could make your aperture very small and use high exposure times. In my own opinion this is useless because real world situations have to deal with such things anyway.
In short, there are plenty of stereo images on the internet that are already rectified. If you want to take your own stereo images you have to follow these three steps:
The relationship between distance to the object z (mm) and disparity in pixels D is inverse: z=fb/D, where f is focal length in pixels and b is camera separation in mm. Select b such that you have at least several pixels of disparity;
If you know camera intrinsic matrix and compensated for radial distortions you still have to rectify your images in order to ensure that matches are located in the same row. For this you need to find a fundamental matrix, recover essential matrix, apply rectifying homographies and update your intrinsic camera parameters... or use stereo pairs from the Internet.
The low level of noise in the camera image is helped by brightly illuminated scenes, large aperture, large pixel size, etc.; however, depending on your set up you still can end up with a very noisy disparity map. The way to reduce this noise is to trade-off with accuracy and use larger correlation windows. Another way to clean up a disparity map is to use various validation techniques such as
error validation;
uniqueness validation or back-and-force validation
blob-noise supression, etc.
In my experience:
-I did the rectification, so I had to obtain the fundamental matrix, and this may not be correct with some image pairs.
-Better resolution of your camera is better for the matching, I use OpenCV and it has an implementation of BRISK descriptor, it was useful for me.
-Try to cover the same area and try not to do unnecessary rotations.
-Once you understand the Theory, OpenCV is a good friend. Here is some result, but I am still working on it:
Depth map:
Rectified images:

OpenCV - calibrate camera using static images in water

I have a photocamera mounted vertically under water in a tank, looking downwards.
There is a flat grid on the bottom of the tank (approx 2m away from the camera).
I want to be able to place markers on the bottom, and use computer vision to know their real life exact position.
So, I need to map from pixels to mm.
If I am not mistaken, cv::calibrateCamera(...) does just this, but is dependent on moving a pattern in front of the camera.
I have just static pictures of the scene, and the camera never moves in relation to the grid. Thus, I have only a "single" image to find the parameters.
How can I do this using the grid?
Thank you.
Interesting problem! The "cute" part is the effect on the intrinsic parameters of the refraction at the water-glass interface, namely to increase the focal length (or, conversely, to reduce the field of view) compared to the same lens in air. In theory, you could calibrate in air and then correct for the difference in refraction index, but calibrating directly in water is likely to give you more accurate results.
Do know your accuracy requirements? And have you verified that your lens/sensor combination is adequate to meet them (with an adequate margin)? To answer the question you need to estimate (either by calculation from the lens and sensor specifications, or experimentally using a resolution chart) whether you can resolve in an image the minimal distances required by your application.
From the wording of your question I think that you are interested only in measurements on a single plane. So you only need to (a) remove the nonlinear (barrel or pincushion) lens distortion and (b) estimate the homography between the plane of interest and the image. Once you have the latter, you can directly convert from undistorted image coordinates to world ones by matrix multiplication. Additionally if (as I imagine) the plane of interest is roughly parallel to the image plane, you should not have any problem keeping the entire field-of-view in focus.
Of course, for all of this to work as expected, you should make sure that the tank bottom is really flat, within the measurement tolerances of your application. Otherwise you are really dealing with a 3D problem, and need to modify your procedures accordingly.
The actual procedure depends a lot on the size of the tank, which you don't indicate clearly. If it's small enough that it is practical to manufacture a chessboard-like movable calibration target, by all means go for it. You may want to take a look at this other answer for suggestions. In the following I'll discuss the more interesting case in which your tank is large, e.g. the size of a swimming pool.
I'd proceed by sticking calibration markers in a regular grid at the pool bottom. I'd probably choose checker-like markers like these, maybe printing them myself with a good laser printer on plastic with an adhesive backing (assuming you can leave them in place forever). You should plan on having quite a few of them, say, an 8x8 or 10x10 grid, covering as much as possible of the field of view of the camera in its operating position and pose. To help with lining up the grid nicely you might use a laser line projector of suitable fan angle, or a laser pointer attached to a rotating support. Note carefully that it is not necessary that they be affixed in a precise X-Y grid (which may be complicated, depending on the size of your pool), only that their positions with respect any arbitrarily chosen (but fixed) three of them be known. In other words, you can attach them to the bottom approximately in a grid, then measure the distances of three extreme corners from each other as accurately as you can, thus building a base triangle, then measure the distances of all the other corners from the vertices of the triangle, and finally reconstruct their true positions with a bit of trigonometry. It's basically a surveying problem and, depending on your accuracy requirements and budget, you may want to enroll a local friendly professional surveyor (and their tools) to get it done as precisely as necessary.
Once you have your grid, you can fill the pool, get your camera, focus and f-stop the lens as needed for the application. From now on you may not touch the focus and f-stop ever again, under penalty of miscalibrating - exposure can only be controlled by the exposure time, so make sure to have enough light. Disable any and all auto-focus and auto-iris functions, if any. If the camera has a non-rigid lens mount (e.g. a DLSR), you'll need some kind of mechanical rig to ensure that the lens-body pair stay rigid. F-stop as close as you can, given the available lighting and sensor, so to have a fair bit of depth of field available. Then take several photos (~ 10) of the grid, moving and rotating the camera, and going a bit closer and farther away than your expected operating distance from the plane. You'll want to "see" in some images some significant perspective foreshortening of the grid - this is needed to accurately calibrate the focal length. Avoid JPG and any other lossy compression format when storing the images - use lossless PNG or TIFF.
Once you have the images, you can manually mark and identify the checker markers in the images. For a once-off project like this I would not bother with automatic identification, just do it manually (e.g. in Matlab, or even in Photoshop or Gimp). To help identify the markers, you could, e.g. print a number next to them. Once you have the manual marks, you can refine them automatically to subpixel accuracy, e.g. using cv::findCornerSubpix.
You're almost done. Feed the "reference" measured position of the real corners, and the observed ones in all images, to your favorite camera calibration routine, e.g. cv::calibrateCamera. You use the nominal focal length of the camera (converted to pixels) for an initial estimate, along with null distortion. If all goes well, you will obtain the camera intrinsic parameters, which you will keep, and the camera poses at all images, which you'll throw away.
Now you can mount the camera in your final setup, as needed by your application, and take one further image of the grid. Mark and refine the corner positions as before. Undistort their image positions using the distortion parameters returned by the calibration. Finally compute the homography between the reference positions of the real markers (in meters) and their undistorted positions, and you're done.
To calibrate the camera you do need multiple images of the checkerboard (or one of the other patterns found here). What you can do, is calibrate the camera outside of the water or do a calibration sequence once.
Once you have that information (focal length, center of lens, distortion, etc). You can use the solvePNP function to estimate the orientation of a single board. This estimation provides you with a distance from the camera to the board.
A completely different alternative could be to find what kind of lens the camera uses and manually fill in the data. I've not tried this, so I'm uncertain how well this would work.

How to verify the correctness of calibration of a webcam?

I am totally new to camera calibration techniques... I am using OpenCV chessboard technique... I am using a webcam from Quantum...
Here are my observations and steps..
I have kept each chess square side = 3.5 cm. It is a 7 x 5 chessboard with 6 x 4 internal corners. I am taking total of 10 images in different views/poses at a distance of 1 to 1.5 m from the webcam.
I am following the C code in Learning OpenCV by Bradski for the calibration.
my code for calibration is
Before calling this function I am making the first and 2nd element along the diagonal of the intrinsic matrix as one to keep the ratio of focal lengths constant and using CV_CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO
With the change in distance of the chess board the fx and fy are changing with fx:fy almost equal to 1. there are cx and cy values in order of 200 to 400. the fx and fy are in the order of 300 - 700 when I change the distance.
Presently I have put all the distortion coefficients to zero because I did not get good result including distortion coefficients. My original image looked handsome than the undistorted one!!
Am I doing the calibration correctly?. Should I use any other option than CV_CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO?. If yes, which one?
Hmm, are you looking for "handsome" or "accurate"?
Camera calibration is one of the very few subjects in computer vision where accuracy can be directly quantified in physical terms, and verified by a physical experiment. And the usual lesson is that (a) your numbers are just as good as the effort (and money) you put into them, and (b) real accuracy (as opposed to imagined) is expensive, so you should figure out in advance what your application really requires in the way of precision.
If you look up the geometrical specs of even very cheap lens/sensor combinations (in the megapixel range and above), it becomes readily apparent that sub-sub-mm calibration accuracy is theoretically achievable within a table-top volume of space. Just work out (from the spec sheet of your camera's sensor) the solid angle spanned by one pixel - you'll be dazzled by the spatial resolution you have within reach of your wallet. However, actually achieving REPEATABLY something near that theoretical accuracy takes work.
Here are some recommendations (from personal experience) for getting a good calibration experience with home-grown equipment.
If your method uses a flat target ("checkerboard" or similar), manufacture a good one. Choose a very flat backing (for the size you mention window glass 5 mm thick or more is excellent, though obviously fragile). Verify its flatness against another edge (or, better, a laser beam). Print the pattern on thick-stock paper that won't stretch too easily. Lay it after printing on the backing before gluing and verify that the square sides are indeed very nearly orthogonal. Cheap ink-jet or laser printers are not designed for rigorous geometrical accuracy, do not trust them blindly. Best practice is to use a professional print shop (even a Kinko's will do a much better job than most home printers). Then attach the pattern very carefully to the backing, using spray-on glue and slowly wiping with soft cloth to avoid bubbles and stretching. Wait for a day or longer for the glue to cure and the glue-paper stress to reach its long-term steady state. Finally measure the corner positions with a good caliper and a magnifier. You may get away with one single number for the "average" square size, but it must be an average of actual measurements, not of hopes-n-prayers. Best practice is to actually use a table of measured positions.
Watch your temperature and humidity changes: paper adsorbs water from the air, the backing dilates and contracts. It is amazing how many articles you can find that report sub-millimeter calibration accuracies without quoting the environment conditions (or the target response to them). Needless to say, they are mostly crap. The lower temperature dilation coefficient of glass compared to common sheet metal is another reason for preferring the former as a backing.
Needless to say, you must disable the auto-focus feature of your camera, if it has one: focusing physically moves one or more pieces of glass inside your lens, thus changing (slightly) the field of view and (usually by a lot) the lens distortion and the principal point.
Place the camera on a stable mount that won't vibrate easily. Focus (and f-stop the lens, if it has an iris) as is needed for the application (not the calibration - the calibration procedure and target must be designed for the app's needs, not the other way around). Do not even think of touching camera or lens afterwards. If at all possible, avoid "complex" lenses - e.g. zoom lenses or very wide angle ones. For example, anamorphic lenses require models much more complex than stock OpenCV makes available.
Take lots of measurements and pictures. You want hundreds of measurements (corners) per image, and tens of images. Where data is concerned, the more the merrier. A 10x10 checkerboard is the absolute minimum I would consider. I normally worked at 20x20.
Span the calibration volume when taking pictures. Ideally you want your measurements to be uniformly distributed in the volume of space you will be working with. Most importantly, make sure to angle the target significantly with respect to the focal axis in some of the pictures - to calibrate the focal length you need to "see" some real perspective foreshortening. For best results use a repeatable mechanical jig to move the target. A good one is a one-axis turntable, which will give you an excellent prior model for the motion of the target.
Minimize vibrations and associated motion blur when taking photos.
Use good lighting. Really. It's amazing how often I see people realize late in the game that you need a generous supply of photons to calibrate a camera :-) Use diffuse ambient lighting, and bounce it off white cards on both sides of the field of view.
Watch what your corner extraction code is doing. Draw the detected corner positions on top of the images (in Matlab or Octave, for example), and judge their quality. Removing outliers early using tight thresholds is better than trusting the robustifier in your bundle adjustment code.
Constrain your model if you can. For example, don't try to estimate the principal point if you don't have a good reason to believe that your lens is significantly off-center w.r.t the image, just fix it at the image center on your first attempt. The principal point location is usually poorly observed, because it is inherently confused with the center of the nonlinear distortion and by the component parallel to the image plane of the target-to-camera's translation. Getting it right requires a carefully designed procedure that yields three or more independent vanishing points of the scene and a very good bracketing of the nonlinear distortion. Similarly, unless you have reason to suspect that the lens focal axis is really tilted w.r.t. the sensor plane, fix at zero the (1,2) component of the camera matrix. Generally speaking, use the simplest model that satisfies your measurements and your application needs (that's Ockam's razor for you).
When you have a calibration solution from your optimizer with low enough RMS error (a few tenths of a pixel, typically, see also Josh's answer below), plot the XY pattern of the residual errors (predicted_xy - measured_xy for each corner in all images) and see if it's a round-ish cloud centered at (0, 0). "Clumps" of outliers or non-roundness of the cloud of residuals are screaming alarm bells that something is very wrong - likely outliers due to bad corner detection or matching, or an inappropriate lens distortion model.
Take extra images to verify the accuracy of the solution - use them to verify that the lens distortion is actually removed, and that the planar homography predicted by the calibrated model actually matches the one recovered from the measured corners.
This is a rather late answer, but for people coming to this from Google:
The correct way to check calibration accuracy is to use the reprojection error provided by OpenCV. I'm not sure why this wasn't mentioned anywhere in the answer or comments, you don't need to calculate this by hand - it's the return value of calibrateCamera. In Python it's the first return value (followed by the camera matrix, etc).
The reprojection error is the RMS error between where the points would be projected using the intrinsic coefficients and where they are in the real image. Typically you should expect an RMS error of less than 0.5px - I can routinely get around 0.1px with machine vision cameras. The reprojection error is used in many computer vision papers, there isn't a significantly easier or more accurate way to determine how good your calibration is.
Unless you have a stereo system, you can only work out where something is in 3D space up to a ray, rather than a point. However, as one can work out the pose of each planar calibration image, it's possible to work out where each chessboard corner should fall on the image sensor. The calibration process (more or less) attempts to work out where these rays fall and minimises the error over all the different calibration images. In Zhang's original paper, and subsequent evaluations, around 10-15 images seems to be sufficient; at this point the error doesn't decrease significantly with the addition of more images.
Other software packages like Matlab will give you error estimates for each individual intrinsic, e.g. focal length, centre of projection. I've been unable to make OpenCV spit out that information, but maybe it's in there somewhere. Camera calibration is now native in Matlab 2014a, but you can still get hold of the camera calibration toolbox which is extremely popular with computer vision users.
Visual inspection is necessary, but not sufficient when dealing with your results. The simplest thing to look for is that straight lines in the world become straight in your undistorted images. Beyond that, it's impossible to really be sure if your cameras are calibrated well just by looking at the output images.
The routine provided by Francesco is good, follow that. I use a shelf board as my plane, with the pattern printed on poster paper. Make sure the images are well exposed - avoid specular reflection! I use a standard 8x6 pattern, I've tried denser patterns but I haven't seen such an improvement in accuracy that it makes a difference.
I think this answer should be sufficient for most people wanting to calibrate a camera - realistically unless you're trying to calibrate something exotic like a Fisheye or you're doing it for educational reasons, OpenCV/Matlab is all you need. Zhang's method is considered good enough that virtually everyone in computer vision research uses it, and most of them either use Bouguet's toolbox or OpenCV.
