Is there a way to limit the number of threads spawned by GCD in my application? - ios

I know that the max number of threads spawned cannot exceed 66 through the response to this question. But is there a way to limit the thread count to a value which an user has defined?

From my experience and work with GCD under various circumstances, I believe this is not possible.
Said that, it is very important to understand, that by using GCD, you spawn queues, not threads. Whenever a call to create a queue is made from your code, GCD subsystem in its turn checks OS condition and seeks for available resources. New threads are then created under the hood based on these conditions – in the order and with the resources allocated, not controlled by you. This is clearly explained in official documentation:
When it comes to adding concurrency to an application, dispatch queues
provide several advantages over threads. The most direct advantage is
the simplicity of the work-queue programming model. With threads, you
have to write code both for the work you want to perform and for the
creation and management of the threads themselves. Dispatch queues let
you focus on the work you actually want to perform without having to
worry about the thread creation and management. Instead, the system
handles all of the thread creation and management for you. The
advantage is that the system is able to manage threads much more
efficiently than any single application ever could. The system can
scale the number of threads dynamically based on the available
resources and current system conditions. In addition, the system is
usually able to start running your task more quickly than you could if
you created the thread yourself.
Source: Dispatch Queues
There is no way you can control resources consumption with GCD, like by setting some kind of threshold. GCD is a high-level abstraction over low-level things, such as threads, and it manages it for you.
The only way you can possibly influence how many resources particular task within your application should take, is by setting its QoS (Quality of Service) class (formerly known simply as priority, extended to a more complex concept). To be brief, you can classify tasks within your application based on their importance, this way helping GCD and your application be more resource- and battery- efficient. Its employment is highly encouraged in complex applications with vast concurrency usage.
Even still, however, this kind of regulation from developer end has its limits and ultimately does not address the goal to control threads creation:
Apps and operations compete to use finite resources—CPU, memory,
network interfaces, and so on. In order to remain responsive and
efficient, the system needs to prioritize tasks and make intelligent
decisions about when to execute them.
Work that directly impacts the user, such as UI updates, is extremely
important and takes precedence over other work that may be occurring
in the background. This higher priority work often uses more energy,
as it may require substantial and immediate access to system
As a developer, you can help the system prioritize more effectively by
categorizing your app’s work, based on importance. Even if you’ve
implemented other efficiency measures, such as deferring work until an
optimal time, the system still needs to perform some level of
prioritization. Therefore, it is still important to categorize the
work your app performs.
Source: Prioritize Work with Quality of Service Classes
To conclude, if you are deliberate in your intent to control threads, don't use GCD. Use low-level programming techniques and manage them yourself. If you use GCD, then you agree to leave this kind of responsibility to GCD.


Grand Central Dispatch: What happens when queues get overloaded?

Pretty simple question that I haven't found anywhere in documentation or tutorials on GCD: What happens if I'm submitting work to queues faster than it's being processed and removed? I'm aware that GCD queues have no size limit, would work just pile up until the program runs out of memory? Is there any way to properly handle this situation?
What happens if I'm submitting work to queues faster than it's being processed and removed?
It depends.
If dispatching tasks to a single/shared serial queue, they will just be added to the queue and it will process them in a FIFO manner. No problem. Memory is your only constraint.
If dispatching tasks to a concurrent queue, though, you end up with “thread explosion”, and you will quickly exhaust the limited number of worker threads available for that quality-of-service (QoS). This can result in unpredictable behaviors should the OS need to avail itself of a queue of the same QoS. Thus, you must be very careful to avoid this thread explosion.
See a discussion on thread explosion WWDC 2015 Building Responsive and Efficient Apps with GCD and again in WWDC 2016 Concurrent Programming With GCD in Swift 3.
Is there any way to properly handle this situation?
It is hard to answer that in the abstract. Different situations call for different solutions.
In the case of thread explosion, the solution is to constrain the degree of concurrency using concurrentPerform (limiting the concurrency to the number of cores on your device). Or we use operation queues and their maxConcurrentOperationCount to limit the degree of concurrency to something reasonable. There are other patterns, too, but the idea is to constrain concurrency to something suitable for the device in question.
But if you're just dispatching a large number of tasks to a serial queue, there's not much you can do (other than looking for parallelism opportunities, to make efficient use of all of CPU’s cores). But that's OK, as that is the whole purpose of a queue, to let it perform tasks in the order they were submitted, even if the queue can't keep up. It wouldn’t be a “queue” if it didn’t follow this FIFO sort of pattern.
Now if dealing with real-time data that cannot be processed quickly enough, you have a different problem. In that case, you might want to decouple the capture of the input from the processing and decide how to you want to handle it. E.g. if you can't keep up with real-time processing of a video, for example, you have a choice. Either you start dropping frames or process the data asynchronously/later. You just have to decide what is right for your use case. We cannot answer this question in the abstract.

How does Grand Central Dispatch work?

I am a beginner programmer.
How do you use GCD in a swift app? I assume you use this only for larger projects where memory management is important? Do you use it in a way in which you "categorize" the major blocks of execution and then assign them priorities (if it's async)?
Is it only the global and main background queues that exist, or there are more? How do they relate to threads?
If someone could give me specific examples of how the above is used, that would be great.

Data Retrieval Throughput - ETS lookup vs inter-process Messaging

suppose we have an erlang application which involves thousands of processes. Suppose there is a single resource X which may be a tuple, a list, or any erlang term, which all these processes may need to read / pick out something from it, at any moment in time.
An example of such an occurrence, is say, an API system, in which client processes may need to read and write on a remote machine. Ant it happens that you do not want, for each read/write request, a new connection to be created. So, what you do, you create a pool of connections, consider them as a pool of open pipes/sockets/channels.
Now, this pool of resources is to be shared by thousands of processes such that for each read or write demand, you want that process to retrieve any available open channel/resource.
Question is, what if i have a process (a single process) hold this information, whether in its process dictionary or in its receive loop. It would mean that all the processes would have to send a message to this process whenever they need a free resource. This single process would have a huge mailbox at any time because of the high demand for this single resource. OR I could use an ETS Table, and have only one row, say, #resources{key=pool,value= List_of_openSockets_or_channels}. But this would mean that, all our processes would attempt to make a read from the ETS Table for the same row at (high probability) same instantaneous times.
How would the ETS Table handle, if 10,000 process atttempt a read, for the same row/record from it, at the same time/at almost same time ? and yet, if i use a process, its mailbox, if 10,000 processes send a message to it, at same time, for the same resource (and it would need to reply each requestor). And remember this action may occur so frequently. What option (dis-regarding availability issues of process going down blah blah), would provide higher throughput, in a way that, processes would get what they need faster ? Is there any other better way, of handling high demand data structures in the Erlang VM in a way that will provide very fast access to millions of processes, even if they all needed that resource at the same time ?
Short answer: profile. Try different approaches and verify how your system behaves.
Firstly, I would look at ETS' {read_concurrency, true} option. From the documentation:
{read_concurrency,boolean()} Performance tuning. Default is false.
When set to true, the table is optimized for concurrent read
operations. When this option is enabled on a runtime system with SMP
support, read operations become much cheaper; especially on systems
with multiple physical processors. However, switching between read and
write operations becomes more expensive. You typically want to enable
this option when concurrent read operations are much more frequent
than write operations, or when concurrent reads and writes comes in
large read and write bursts (i.e., lots of reads not interrupted by
writes, and lots of writes not interrupted by reads). You typically do
not want to enable this option when the common access pattern is a few
read operations interleaved with a few write operations repeatedly. In
this case you will get a performance degradation by enabling this
option. The read_concurrency option can be combined with the
write_concurrency option. You typically want to combine these when
large concurrent read bursts and large concurrent write bursts are
Secondly, I would look at caching possibilities. Are the processes reading that information only once or multiple times? If they're accessing it multiple times, you could read it once and store it in your process state.
Thirdly, you could try to replicate and distribute that piece of information across your system. Divide et impera.
If you use the process approach, in order to avoid having all the read requests serialized on the message queue of the 'server' process you must replicate.
Using an ETS table with read_concurrency feels more natural and it is something that I used when developing the parallel version of Dialyzer. However, ETS access was never a bottleneck in that case.

How to convert synchronous blocking shared memory model code to asynchronous coroutines running on thread pool?

While there are lots of solutions matching my question partially, I'd like to know if a complete match exists. It's hard to find a complete solution because of these partial ones occupying search results. This should be a runtime framework and (optionally) a transformation required to source language code when the language doesn't support coroutines.
There are libraries like lthread having lthread_cond_wait() API, but every lthread is bounded by a single pthread. I'd like lightweight threads to be able to run in several pthreads. They should be arbitrary picked by thread pool. Either single-threaded schedulers or global lock schedulers don't match. I think we can do better.
lthreads is also not an option because it neither involves source code transformation nor avoids it like protothreads.
Several green-threading runtimes (Erlang, Limbo) don't match because they are limited to CSP (communicating sequential processes) model only, but I'd like to have shared memory model synchronization primitives as well: mutexes, condition variables, rwlocks.
Transformation involves:
Transforming stack contexts into objects in heap
Transforming mutex calls into manipulating disabling and activating jobs on thread pool and publish-subscribe
Condition variables should also be transformed into publish-subscribe realtionships
It would be nice to have Ada-style rendezvous
I failed to do straightforward runtime implementation due to potential deadlocks in publish-subscribe mechanism without using global lock or single scheduler thread, but I still think this is possible.
Disclaimer: lthread author.
You can launch several pthreads and run an lthread scheduler in each one (this is done automagically by calling lthread_run() in the pthread function). This way each pthread will run a bunch of lthreads.

Reasons of sub-linear speedup in parallel programs

What are the reasons a parallelized program doesn't achieve the ideal speedup?
For example, I have thought about data dependencies, the cost of data transfer between threads (or actors), synchronisation for access to the same data structures, any other ideas (or subcategories of the reasons i mentioned)?
I'm particularly interested for problems occurring in the erlang actor model but any other issues are welcomed.
A few in no particular order:
Cache line sharing - multiple variables on the same cache-line can incur overhead between processors, even if the theoretical model says they should be independent.
Context switch overhead - if you have more threads than cores, there will be overhead in context switching.
Kernel scalability issues: kernels may be fine at say 4 cores, but less efficient at 8.
Lock conveying
Amdahl's law - The limit of the parallel speed up of a program is the proportion of the program that can parallelized.
One reason is that parallelizing a program is often more difficult than one imagines and there are many subtle problems which can occur. For a very good discussion on this see Amdahl's Law.
The main problem in the Erlang Actor model is that each process has its own heap of memory and messages passed are copied around. Contrast with the usual way of using shared memory where you can pass a pointer to a structure between processes.
In a shared memory environment, it is up to the programmer to ensure that only a single process/thread operates on a piece of memory at a time. That is, some process is designated as it and has responsibility for doing the right thing on that memory area. Not so much in Erlang: One process can't by design rummage in other processes memory areas and you must copy values to other processes. This is tremendously powerful when we consider robustness of programs, but not so much if we consider the speed by which the program executes. On the other hand, if we want a distributed environment of multiple computers, copying reigns king and is the only way to transfer data between machines.
Amdahl's law comes into play because parts of your program may be impossible to spread out over multiple cores. There are some problems which are inherently serial in nature: You have no hope of ever speeding them up. Usually they are iterative where each new iteration is dependent on the former and you can't make a guess at the new one.
