Have Lighthouse generate report using custom template - lighthouse

Is it possible to have Lighthouse export using custom HTML template instead of the templates provided in Lighthouse?
I was thinking there may be a way like Basic Custom Audit Recipe.
I'm thinking the code for the template logic is here.

If you switch to the gh-pages branch you can see that the report viewer is a unique animal by itself in a folder located at /viewer/. Here are the steps to reproduce:
Fork the repository at Github
In the settings of the repository, follow the instructions in the GitHub Pages section to publish your GitHub Pages site.
Edit and customize the index.html to your needs and commit.
Run a Lighthouse report and save it as a Gist.
Load that report in your new, customized viewer at https://GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io/GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME/viewer/?gist=GITHUB_GIST_ID


My own html report in build summary

Previously, I used testlink. This plugin generated a nice table with the test results in the build summary view.
Now, I don't use testlink anymore, so this plugin cannot be used. But instead, I want to feed a html report (which I take care of generating) to the build summary view.
I tried HTML Publisher Plugin, but it makes a link instead of displaying in the build summary view.
Is there such a plugin that allows me to specify that a certain .html file from the workspace will be included?
Bonus question: or even a plugin that allows a .html fragment to avoid the use of i-frames?
Try using the Summary Display Plugin. It work pretty good.
The configuration is a bit tricky so I'm adding an example screenshot of my configuration.

Github API - create contents api method not triggering GitHub Pages build

I'm working on a Rails app that allows users to publish datasets via Github and access it via GitHub pages. I'm using the Github API to act as the user, create a repo and add the files, and everything works as expected, the only issue is that the GitHub pages page build doesn't seem to be happening. The datasets can be downloaded, but trying to access the index.html page doesn't seem to work at all.
Here's an example repo:
And here's the Github pages site:
You can see that, for example:
Works fine.
I can only guess that this means the GitHub pages build isn't getting triggered. Any way I can make this happen without having to do a manual Git push?
You can also see my code here if this helps:
Github tries to parse you site as a Jekyll site.
You must indicate that you're not using Jekyll by creating an empty .nojekyll file at the root of your repository.

Is it possible to show all the submits from a Perforce depot without having to select a job?

We are currently attempting to setup an instance of Jenkins as our build system for our code base. We have multiple jobs setup (all using the same depot) to build different sections of the code.
We would now like to show the submits from all users pertaining to this depot on the main Jenkins screen rather than being able to view the change lists involved with a certain build (e.g. by selecting a certain job and then the link leading to the build information, etc...). I've looked into possible plugins and the closest one I was able to find was the "All Changes Plugin". This is exactly what we would like, but this is only visible when viewing the details of a build (e.g. which CLs were used to create the build), but would it be possible to show this type of information on the main Jenkins page instead?
Thank you in advance for your help.
You could write an extension for the Dashboard View plugin to provide a portlet containing an aggregated list of changes from perforce, though if you aren't experienced with writing plugins then you might be better off using a separate repository browser such as Fisheye or P4Web to display your changes.

plugin-info.html not being generated for Maven site

I have a custom Maven plugin for which I want to generate a site. The sole purpose of this site is to automatically document the plugin's available goals. However, when I execute mvn clean site, the plugin-info.html file is never generated.
Given that the packaging for this module is maven-plugin, I assumed that this would automatically be created by the site plugin. I looked at the site plugin's goals to see if this had to explicitly be "turn on", but did find anything. Is there something I am missing that will force the plugin-info.html to be created?
I am using:
Maven 3.0.3
maven-site-plugin 3.0
After some debugging I made a jira issue at http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPLUGIN-191. The description contains the workaround I found to fix this problem.

Configure the ext-mail of hudson

I have a grails project and I use hudson to follow different analysis. I want to send the report analysis (cobertura, codenarc, findbug) to the developer. However, I don't know how to use hudson's ext-mail. Through googling I suspect the solution is to use jelly sscript but I can seem to get it to work.
If the default jelly templates don't have everything you need in them, you can customize them without much effort.
Grab a copy of the default template: Default Jelly Templates
Modify it as needed
Place a copy in JENKINS_HOME\email-templates (create the dir if needed)
Configure the build to utilize the new template. If your new script is ensienne.jelly, the email content would look like this ${JELLY_SCRIPT,template="ensienne"}.
Side Note: Hudson was renamed to Jenkins a while back.
Also, here is a good resource for the email-ext plugin: Email-ext wiki
