Start multiple neo4j servers from Neo4j Desktop - neo4j

I recently downloaded and successfully used "neo4j desktop" (v 1.0.10), which allows you to create and manage different projects and databases.
I need to spawn two databases instances at the same time. I changed the ports for them both from the confs and I can start them successfully on such ports but not together.
When I press the start button on one server the other one automatically stops.
Is it possible to use such feature on neo4j desktop or should I just use the normal neo4j server installation?

Yes, you can not run multiple projects together from Neo4J desktop application.
You need to use the neo4j server for this purpose.
What I did is :
Download Neo4J server(Community Release) from here
Unzip the tar
Copy unzipped directory to two different locations.
Updated following configurations in conf/neo4j.conf file for both directories (with different values obviously !) :
# Bolt connector
# HTTP Connector. There must be exactly one HTTP connector.
# HTTPS Connector. There can be zero or one HTTPS connectors.
start Neo4J server from respective directories using command : ./bin/neo4j start.
It will start Neo4j server at specified ports on localhost !


Cannot enable basic auth on Windows-Exporter to secure node between Windows and Prometheus

As a test environment to monitor status of Windows Servers (CPU, Disk usage, Memory, network etc) I have placed two testing nodes with Windows-Exporter configured on custom port :15000
Next, I have created proper jobs for each separate Windows instances and created dashboard in Grafana.
The problem is that I'm looking for securing nodes so only Prometheus server can access node output and all other computers in same network get deny access to node website.
I have tried to install Windows Node with setting:
msiexec /i windows_exporter-0.19.0-amd64.msi LISTEN_PORT="15000" EXTRA_FLAGS="--web.config.file=C:\Configuration\web.yml"
As well as with different configurations of " and ' in commandline for EXTRA_FLAGS parameter - yet it seems they are being ignored. The only parameter working fine is change of listen port.
I have followed instructions provided at to set up basic auth.
Web.yml looks like this:
username: 'scrapper'
password: '$2a$14$AWpxyT1KcRPSE07IfmqTqOZznpMfGwxHP8uPVQV8G0qdjggND3hgC'
However, after installation with msiexec - entry in Windows services for windows_exporter is without web.config.file entry:
"C:\Program Files\windows_exporter\windows_exporter.exe" --log.format logger:eventlog?name=windows_exporter --telemetry.addr
I have tried to edit service entry with sc command but it broke node completely, making me rolling back to unprotected access to node.
Does basic auth work on windows-exporter same way as on node-exporter for Linux OSes?
Or is there other possible way to secure access to node exposed data without need to install IIS?
I have never worked with node exporter in Windows, but in Linux, your Web.yml configuration file should be as follows:
<string>: <secret>
like this:
scrapper: $2a$14$AWpxyT1KcRPSE07IfmqTqOZznpMfGwxHP8uPVQV8G0qdjggND3hgC

Neo4j 3.0 setup issues

With neo4j 2.3.x community edition I use to set the ip address to local host and change the port to allow multiple instances for development.
Upon starting the instance, I use to have a confirmation message with ip and port.
Starting Neo4j Server...WARNING: not changing user
process [28531]... waiting for server to be ready........ OK.
http://localhost:7384/ is ready.
I would then upload data using a shell script and cypher commands.
$neo/bin/neo4j-shell -path $neo/data/graph.db -file upload.cypher
With neo4j 3.0, the server setup slightly changed. I turned on HTTP connection, CSV import, and shell connection.
When I start the instance, I get the following message in which the port is not correct.
Starting Neo4j.
Started neo4j (pid 28718). By default, it is available at http://localhost:7474/
There may be a short delay until the server is ready.
Uploading data with the same shell script as for neo4j-2.3.x works well, no error message and I can see the data using neo4j-shell.
./neo4j-3.0.0/bin/neo4j-shell -path neo4j-3.0.0/data/graph.db
However, when I connect using host and port instead, I see no data. Furthermore, when I connect using the web interface, I see no data either.
./neo4j-3.0.0/bin/neo4j-shell -host localhost -port 1387
Is there anything wrong in my database setup?
In 3.0 the location of the datastore has changed. 2.x used data/graph.db, in 3.0 it's by default in data/databases/graph.db. So you want to change your setup script to:
./neo4j-3.0.0/bin/neo4j-shell -path neo4j-3.0.0/data/databases/graph.db

accessing neo4j database in DigitalOcean droplet

I followed this tutorial for setting up a neo4j database on digital ocean:, which basically amounts to apt-get install neo4j.
How can I access the browser for this database?
Once you've successfully installed neo4j on the server make sure that the server configuration allows connection to the web console on all ips (remote, local). You can achieve that by editing the file located at:
and making sure that this line looks like the following one:
save the file and restart the neo4j server and from your browser:

Websphere App Server administration

How can I see all my webserver process running in Websphere application server administration?
by saying webserver, I will assume you're talking about the IBM IHS server, not the java application server.
Whether your webserver process runs on a managed node (with node agent) or unmanaged node (without node agent), you should be able to see its status (running/not running) if you have setup the webserver properties (port number it runs on, IHS binary directories, etc...)

Neo4j Multiple server instances Error 401

I am new to neo4j,I just follow the neo4j official manual:
install two instances on one machine ,my environment is ubuntu-11.10.I had success start up the neo4j service and entered the websites http://localhost:7474/webadmin/ .But when I tried to run the "DELETE /db/data/cleandb/secret-key' command in its http console .It returned error 401. Any idea about this?
Which version of neo4j are you using?
You have to configure two different ports for the two servers. Think you did this.
The clean-db-addon doesn't come out of the box, you have to download it and and copy it in the plugins directory and adjust the config file.
org.neo4j.server.thirdparty.delete.key=<please change secret-key>
Then you can call it for each of your servers with:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:<port>/cleandb/secret-key
