how to use modifying for-loop in Swift 3.2? - ios

I have a converted for-loop in Swift 3.2 that looks similar to this:
for var i in 0..<char.characters.count {
if(self.characters.count > len && ((currentIndex + length2323) < length))
i = i - 1
But, It doesn't work properly. I want to continue loop when set value for i is i = i - 1 but this code getting out of loop
And my previous Swift 2 code is :
for(var i = 0 ; i < char.characters.count ; i += 1) {
if(self.characters.count > len && ((currentIndex + length2323) < length))
i = i - 1

for (index, item) in char.enumerated()
//your loop

Swift 4 syntax
import UIKit
var char = "char"
var len = 9
var currentIndex = 1
var length2323 = 2323
var length = 17
for var i in 0..<char.count {
if (self.count > len) && ((currentIndex + length2323) < length) {
i = i - 1
Swift 3.2 syntax
import UIKit
var char = "char"
var len = 9
var currentIndex = 1
var length2323 = 2323
var length = 17
for var i in 0..<char.characters.count {
if (self.characters.count > len) && ((currentIndex + length2323) < length) {
i = i - 1


How data map type find the value by the key?

I want to know. How did the Map type work when finding the value of a key?
Is this create an index like SQL?
Why these times are same as when I tried this code?
I don't have studied a programming class. Can someone explain in a simple way for me to understand?
import 'dart:math';
void main() {
int limit = 1000000;
Random random = new Random();
Map<String, int> map = {};
List<String> list = [];
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
String key = i.toString() + random.nextInt(limit).toString();
map[key] = i;
if (i == 0 ||
i == limit - 1 ||
i == limit / 2 ||
i == limit / 4 ||
i == limit / 10) {
print("$key : $i");
for (var e in list) {
int time =;
"$e : ${map[e]} -> time = ${ - time}");
The result is:
0225402 : 0
100000478677 : 100000
250000355840 : 250000
50000052625 : 500000
999999681585 : 999999
0225402 : 0 -> time = 0
100000478677 : 100000 -> time = 0
250000355840 : 250000 -> time = 0
50000052625 : 500000 -> time = 0
999999681585 : 999999 -> time = 0

Hackerrank New Year Chaos Swift

I am trying to solve Hackerrank's New Year Chaos problem in Swift.
It is about finding the number of bribes people made on a line waiting for a roller coaster ride. For example, there is a total of 3 bribes in this list [2, 1, 5, 3, 4].
Person 2 bribed person 1.
Person 5 bribed person 3 and 4.
If there are more than 2 bribes by a person, the line becomes "Too chaotic".
I was able to get an exponential solution. However, I want to make it linear.
func minimumBribes(q: [Int]) -> Void {
var bribeCount = 0
var chaotic = false
// for i in 0..<q.count {
// if q[i] - (i + 1) > 2 {
// chaotic = true
// break
// }
// for j in i + 1..<q.count {
// if q[i] > q[j] {
// bribeCount += 1
// }
// }
// }
var i = 0
while i < q.count - 1 {
if q[i] - (i + 1) > 2 {
chaotic = true
} else if q[i] > i + 1 {
bribeCount += (q[i] - (i + 1))
i += 1
} else if q[i] <= i + 1 && q[i] > q[i + 1] && q.indices.contains(i + 1) {
bribeCount += 1
i += 1
} else { // q[i] < q[i + 1]
i += 1
if chaotic {
print("Too chaotic")
} else {
I commented out the exponential solution, which works. But the linear solution does not work and I cannot find out why. It works with the following arrays, [3,2,1,6,5,4], [2,5,1,3,4], [1,2,5,3,7,8,6,4], [1,3,4,2,7,6,5,9,8,11,10,14,13,12].
But there is a really long array in one of the test cases of the problem, which I do not get the correct answer with my linear solution.
For this long array, I get 966 with my exponential solution but the linear solution prints 905.
Please help me figure out what is wrong with my solution. Thanks in advance!!
Here is my solution which passes all the test cases :)
func minimumBribes(q: [Int]) -> Void {
var bCount = 0
var isChaotic = false
for (key,value) in q.enumerated() {
if (value - 1) - key > 2 {
isChaotic = true
for index in stride(from: max(0, value - 2), to: key, by: 1){
if q[index] > value {
bCount += 1
isChaotic ? print("Too chaotic") : print("\(bCount)")
What you basically need to do is to first check if the element in each loop is on it's correct position. And if not you find out how much further is it from the right position if its greater than 2 you print "Too chaotic". Your solution is correct uptil this point. But if the difference is less than or equal to 2 then you need to increment the bribes and swap the indices to represent updated array. Furthermore if there are two swaps then you need to represent how the array would be effected by these 2 swaps and hence swap these values before the next iteration to ensure the array is in the condition it would be after these swaps.
Please refer to my solution below. It passes for all test cases:
func swapValues( arr:inout [Int],index:Int, times: Int, bribes:inout Int) -> Bool {
if times == 0 {
return false
if arr[index] > arr[index+1] {
let temp = arr[index+1]
arr[index+1] = arr[index]
arr[index] = temp
bribes = bribes + 1
return swapValues(arr: &arr, index: index+1, times: times-1,bribes: &bribes)
var diff = abs(arr[index+1] - (index+2))
if diff > 2 {
print("Too chaotic")
return true
var tooChaotic = swapValues(arr: &arr, index: index+1, times: diff,bribes:&bribes)
if tooChaotic {
return true
return swapValues(arr: &arr, index: index, times: times, bribes: &bribes)
func minimumBribes(q: [Int]) -> Void {
var qC = q
var bribes = 0
var i = 0
while i <= qC.count-1{
if i+1 == qC[i] {
i = i + 1
let diff = abs(qC[i] - (i+1))
if diff > 2 {
print("Too chaotic")
var tooChaotic = swapValues(arr: &qC, index: i, times: diff, bribes: &bribes)
if tooChaotic {
I found this short and easy solution.
func minimumBribes(q: [Int]) -> Void {
var ans = 0
var shouldShow = true
for i in stride(from: (q.count - 1), through: 0, by: -1) {
if (q[i] - (i+1) > 2) {
shouldShow = false
for j in stride(from: max(0, q[i] - 2), to: i, by: 1){
if q[j] > q[i] {
ans += 1
if shouldShow {
} else {
print("Too chaotic")
} }

Limit lines and characters per line in textarea

After looking at many solutions, I got the following solutions that does exactly what I want.
SOLUTION 1 : works well except it does not work in IE(11)
I will much appreciate if someone can help me out fixing this for IE.
code taken from :
function checkRows(oField, oKeyEvent) {
var nKey = (oKeyEvent || /* old IE */ window.event || /* check is not supported! */ { keyCode: 38 }).keyCode,
// put here the maximum number of characters per line:
nCols = 30,
// put here the maximum number of lines:
nRows = 5,
nSelS = oField.selectionStart, nSelE = oField.selectionEnd,
sVal = oField.value, nLen = sVal.length,
nBackward = nSelS >= nCols ? nSelS - nCols : 0,
nDeltaForw = sVal.substring(nBackward, nSelS).search(new RegExp("\\n(?!.{0," + String(nCols - 2) + "}\\n)")) + 1,
nRowStart = nBackward + nDeltaForw,
aReturns = (sVal.substring(0, nSelS) + sVal.substring(nSelE, sVal.length)).match(/\n/g),
nRowEnd = nSelE + nRowStart + nCols - nSelS,
sRow = sVal.substring(nRowStart, nSelS) + sVal.substring(nSelE, nRowEnd > nLen ? nLen : nRowEnd),
bKeepCols = nKey === 13 || nLen + 1 < nCols || /\n/.test(sRow) || ((nRowStart === 0 || nDeltaForw > 0 || nKey > 0) && (sRow.length < nCols || (nKey > 0 && (nLen === nRowEnd || sVal.charAt(nRowEnd) === "\n"))));
return (nKey !== 13 || (aReturns ? aReturns.length + 1 : 1) < nRows) && ((nKey > 32 && nKey < 41) || bKeepCols);
<p>Textarea with fixed number of characters per line:<br />
<textarea cols="50" rows="10" onkeypress="return checkRows(this, event);" onpaste="return false;" /></textarea></p>
It works in IE but it fails in when editing the lines. You type a line, go back using left arrow keys and type you can type 1 letter and the cursor goes back to the end.
code taken from : that
//limit # of lines of a text area and length of those lines
//<textarea rows="4" chars="40" onkeyup="limitTextareaLine(this, event)" ></textarea>
//Author: CGodmer (Feb 22, 2012)
function limitTextareaLine(x, e, nRows, nChars) {
var rows = $(x).val().split("\n").length; //number of rows
var lineCharLimit = nChars; //number of characters to limit each row to
var rowLimit = nRows; //number of rows to allow
//limit length of lines
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
var rowLength = $(x).val().split("\n")[i].length;
//check to see if any of the rows have a length greater than the limit
if (rowLength > lineCharLimit) {
//if it does save the beg index of the row
var rowstartindex = $(x).val().indexOf($(x).val().split("\n")[i]);
//use the index to get a new value w/ first lineCharLimit number of characters
var newval = $(x).val().substring(0, rowstartindex + lineCharLimit)
+ $(x).val().substring(rowstartindex + rowLength, $(x).val().length);
//replace that value in the textarea
//set character position back to end of the modified row
setCaretPosition($(x)[0], rowstartindex + lineCharLimit);
//limit # of lines to limit to is rows attribute
while($(x).val().split("\n").length > rowLimit) {
$(x).val($(x).val().substring(0, $(x).val().length - $(x).val().split("\n")[rowLimit].length - 1));
//Set caret position in the supplied control to position
function setCaretPosition(ctrl, pos) {
if (ctrl.setSelectionRange) {
ctrl.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
else if (ctrl.createTextRange) {
var range = ctrl.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', pos);
range.moveStart('character', pos);;
<script src=""></script>
<textarea rows="5" cols="10" onkeyup="limitTextareaLine(this, event, 5, 10)" ></textarea>
Try this one, it may solve this problem.
function ValidationAddress() {
var allText;
allText = document.getElementById("<%= txtAdd1.ClientID %>").value;
allText = document.getElementById('<%=txtAdd1.ClientID%>').value;
var A = allText.split('\n');
var L = A.length;
if (L > 3 && event.keyCode != 8 && event.keyCode != 46) {
alert("You have exceeded maximum limit.Cannot insert more than 3 lines.");
valert = false;
return false;
var arr = allText.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].length > 10) {
alert("You have exceeded the Maximum Limit..Characters per line is 70 in Address Field !");
valert = false;
return false;

AVAudioRecorder through accelerate FFT into frequency - EXECUTION

My main goal: find the frequency of the noises being pulled in through AVAudioRecorder. I have followed this:
I have read up on many questions on SO asking how to detect frequency. The majority of those answers say, "Use FFT!" and then the question ask-ers say, "Oh, great!".
My question is, how do you get from here:
- (void)levelTimerCallback {
[recorder updateMeters];
const double ALPHA = 0.05;
double peakPowerForChannel = pow(10, (0.05 * [recorder peakPowerForChannel:0]));
lowPassResults = ALPHA * peakPowerForChannel + (1.0 - ALPHA) * lowPassResults;
if (lowPassResults > sensitivitySlider.value) {
NSLog(#"Sound detected");
//What goes here so I can spit out a frequency?
Somehow magically use FFT... (I will use accelerate.h),
And wind up with "The frequency = 450.3"?
If somebody could show me the actual code that I would use to
Plug the sound from the AVAudioRecorder into Accelerate
How to turn the result into a frequency...
That would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Nothing "goes there", as the AVRecorder API does not plug into the Accelerate framework. Instead, you have to use a completely different API, the Audio Queue or RemoteIO Audio Unit API, to capture audio input, a completely different code arrangement, such as waiting for callbacks to get your data, buffer size management to get data arrays of the appropriate size to feed an FFT, then know enough DSP to post-process the FFT results for the particular kind of frequency measure for which you are looking.
Well, it turns out that something CAN "go there". Instead of using Accelerate, I bought a book on Fourier Analysis on Amazon and used it to build my own FFT. Which spits out not a single frequency but the levels of each of many frequencies, which is basically what I wanted.
Here's my FFT-computing class:
class FFTComputer: NSObject {
class func integerBitReverse(_ input:Int,binaryDigits:Int) -> Int {
return integerForReversedBooleans(booleansForInt(input, binaryDigits: binaryDigits))
class func integerForReversedBooleans(_ booleans:[Bool]) -> Int {
var integer = 0
var digit = booleans.count - 1
while digit >= 0 {
if booleans[digit] == true {
integer += Int(pow(Double(2), Double(digit)))
digit -= 1
return integer
class func Pnumber(_ k:Int,placesToMove:Int, gamma:Int) -> Int {
var booleans = booleansForInt(k, binaryDigits: gamma)
for _ in 0 ..< placesToMove {
booleans.insert(false, at: 0)
return integerForReversedBooleans(booleans)
class func booleansForInt(_ input:Int,binaryDigits:Int) -> [Bool] {
var booleans = [Bool]()
var remainingInput = input
var digit = binaryDigits - 1
while digit >= 0 {
let potential = Int(pow(Double(2), Double(digit)))
if potential > remainingInput {
} else {
remainingInput -= potential
digit += -1
return booleans
class func fftOfTwoRealFunctions(_ realX1:[CGFloat], realX2:[CGFloat], gamma:Int) -> (([CGFloat],[CGFloat]),([CGFloat],[CGFloat])) {
let theFFT = fft(realX1, imaginaryXin: realX2, gamma: gamma)
var R = theFFT.0
var I = theFFT.1
let N = Int(pow(2.0, Double(gamma)))
var realOut1 = [CGFloat]()
var imagOut1 = [CGFloat]()
var realOut2 = [CGFloat]()
var imagOut2 = [CGFloat]()
for n in 0..<N {
var Rback:CGFloat
var Iback:CGFloat
if n == 0 {
Rback = R[0]
Iback = I[0]
} else {
Rback = R[N-n]
Iback = I[N-n]
realOut1.append(CGFloat(R[n]/2 + Rback/2))
realOut2.append(CGFloat(I[n]/2 + Iback/2))
imagOut1.append(CGFloat(I[n]/2 - Iback/2))
imagOut2.append(-CGFloat(R[n]/2 - Rback/2))
return ((realOut1,imagOut1),(realOut2,imagOut2))
class func fft(_ realXin:[CGFloat], imaginaryXin:[CGFloat], gamma:Int) -> ([CGFloat],[CGFloat]) {
var realX = realXin
var imaginaryX = imaginaryXin
let N = Int(pow(2.0, Double(gamma)))
var N2 = N/2
var NU1 = gamma - 1 // Always equals (gamma - l)
var realWP:Double = 1
var imaginaryWP:Double = 0
var redoPCounter = 0
func redoP(_ k:Int, places:Int) {
let P = Pnumber(k, placesToMove:places, gamma: gamma)
let inside = (-2*Double.pi*Double(P))/Double(N)
realWP = cos(inside)
imaginaryWP = sin(inside)
var l = 1
while l <= gamma {
var k = 0
var I = 1
while k < N - 1 {
if redoPCounter == N2 {
redoP(k,places: NU1)
redoPCounter = 0
redoPCounter += 1
// Swift.print(realX.count,imaginaryX.count,k+N2)
let realT1 = (realWP*Double(realX[k + N2]))-(imaginaryWP*Double(imaginaryX[k + N2]))
let imaginaryT1 = (realWP*Double(imaginaryX[k + N2]))+(imaginaryWP*Double(realX[k + N2]))
realX[k+N2] = realX[k] - CGFloat(realT1)
imaginaryX[k+N2] = imaginaryX[k] - CGFloat(imaginaryT1)
realX[k] = realX[k] + CGFloat(realT1)
imaginaryX[k] = imaginaryX[k] + CGFloat(imaginaryT1)
k += 1
if I == N2 {
k += N2
I = 1
} else {
I += 1
N2 = N2/2
NU1 = NU1 - 1
redoPCounter = 0
realWP = 1
imaginaryWP = 0
l += 1
for k in 0 ..< N - 1 {
let i = integerBitReverse(k, binaryDigits:gamma)
if i > k {
let placeholderReal = realX[k]
let placeholderImaginary = imaginaryX[k]
realX[k] = realX[i]
imaginaryX[k] = imaginaryX[i]
realX[i] = placeholderReal
imaginaryX[i] = placeholderImaginary
return (realX,imaginaryX)
class func magnitudeAndPhasePresentations(_ realX:[CGFloat], imaginaryX:[CGFloat]) -> ([CGFloat],[CGFloat]) {
var magnitudes = [CGFloat]()
var phases = [CGFloat]()
var lastMagnitude:CGFloat = 0
var lastPhase:CGFloat = 0
for n in 0 ..< realX.count {
let real = realX[n]
let imaginary = imaginaryX[n]
if real != 0 {
lastMagnitude = sqrt(pow(real, 2)+pow(imaginary, 2))
lastPhase = atan(imaginary/real)
return (magnitudes,phases)
class func magnitudePresentation(_ realX:[CGFloat], imaginaryX:[CGFloat]) -> [CGFloat] {
var magnitudes = [CGFloat]()
var lastMagnitude:CGFloat = 0
for n in 0 ..< realX.count {
let real = realX[n]
let imaginary = imaginaryX[n]
if real != 0 {
lastMagnitude = sqrt(pow(real, 2)+pow(imaginary, 2))
return magnitudes
And to get the audio, I used Novocaine:
I would recommend reading a bit about the Fourier Transform, but it really doesn't have to be that difficult to plug data from Novocaine (the mic) into an FFTComputer and get back some frequencies.
(2 to the gamma is the count of realXin. I could have just computed gamma, so if you want to change that, go ahead. Just turn the Novocaine data into an array of CGFloats, put that in realXin, put an empty array of the same size in imagXin, and enter the right gamma. Then, maybe graph the output to see the frequencies.)

ActionScript Unexpected Slashes, Parenthesis, and Squiggly-brackets?

This ActionScript code I have been working on for a few days now works 100% just fine in JavaScript, but when I try to compile it in ActionScript it says I have unexpected /, ), and } symbols. Is this syntax wrong and if so how should I fix it? I figured I could test it as Javascript for quicker testing using but now I'm like =(
var txt = "This is a [rainbow]test to show that I can[/rainbow] make whatever I want [rainbow]appear as a rainbow[/rainbow] because I am [rainbow]awesome[/rainbow].";
if ((txt.indexOf("[rainbow]") > -1) && (txt.indexOf("[/rainbow]") > -1)) {
var colors = ['f0f', 'f0c', 'f09', 'f06', 'f03', 'f00', 'f30', 'f60', 'f90', 'fc0', 'ff0', 'cf0', '9f0', '6f0', '3f0', '0f0', '0f3', '0f6', '0f9', '0fc', '0ff', '0cf', '09f', '06f', '03f', '00f', '30f', '60f', '90f', 'c0f'];
function rainbowify(text) {
return text.replace(/\[rainbow\](.+?)\[\/rainbow\]/g, function(_, inner) {
return inner.replace(/./g, function(ch, i) {
return '<font color="#' + colors[i % colors.length] + '">' + ch + '</font>';
txt = rainbowify(txt);
Well, this is it:
txt = txt.replace("&apos;", "#");
if ((txt.indexOf("[rainbow]") > -1) && (txt.indexOf("[/rainbow]") > -1)) {
var firstChar = txt.indexOf("[rainbow]") + 9;
var lastChar = txt.indexOf("[/rainbow]");
while (lastChar <= txt.lastIndexOf("[/rainbow]")) {
var i = firstChar;
while (i < lastChar) {
RAINBOWTEXT += txt.charAt(i);
var text = RAINBOWTEXT;
var texty = '';
colors = new Array('ff00ff','ff00cc','ff0099','ff0066','ff0033','ff0000','ff3300','ff6600','ff9900','ffcc00','ffff00','ccff00','99ff00','66ff00','33ff00','00ff00','00ff33','00ff66','00ff99','00ffcc','00ffff','00ccff','0099ff','0066ff','0033ff','0000ff','3300ff','6600ff','9900ff','cc00ff');
i = 0;
while (i <= text.length) {
var t = text.charAt(i);
if (t != undefined) {
texty += "<font color=\"#" + colors[i % colors.length] + "\">" + t + "</font>";
texty = texty.replace("> <", "> <");
var REPLACEME = "[rainbow]" + RAINBOWTEXT + "[/rainbow]";
txt = txt.replace(REPLACEME, texty);
if (lastChar == txt.lastIndexOf("[/rainbow]")) {
nextChar = lastChar + 10;
firstChar = txt.indexOf("[rainbow]", lastChar) + 9;
lastChar = txt.indexOf("[/rainbow]", lastChar);
txt = txt.replace("#", "&apos;");
