Create UIBezierPath shape in 3D world ARKit - ios

I'm making an app where the user can create some flat shapes by positioning some points on a 3D space with ARKit, but it seems that the part where I create the UIBezierPath using these points is problematic.
In my app, the user starts by positioning a virtual transparent wall in AR at the same place that his device by pressing a button:
guard let currentFrame = sceneView.session.currentFrame else {
let imagePlane = SCNPlane(width: sceneView.bounds.width, height: sceneView.bounds.height)
imagePlane.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents =
imagePlane.firstMaterial?.lightingModel = .constant
var windowNode = SCNNode()
windowNode.geometry = imagePlane
windowNode.simdTransform =
windowNode.opacity = 0.1
Then, the user place some points (some sphere nodes) on that wall to determine the shape of the flat object that he wants to create by pressing a button. If the user points back to the first sphere node created, I close the shape, create a node of it and place it at the same position that the wall:
let hitTestResult = sceneView.hitTest(, options: nil)
if let firstHit = hitTestResult.first {
if firstHit.node == windowNode {
let x = Double(firstHit.worldCoordinates.x)
let y = Double(firstHit.worldCoordinates.y)
let pointCoordinates = CGPoint(x: x , y: y)
let sphere = SCNSphere(radius: 0.02)
sphere.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = UIColor.white
sphere.firstMaterial?.lightingModel = .constant
let sphereNode = SCNNode(geometry: sphere)
sphereNode.worldPosition = firstHit.worldCoordinates
if points.isEmpty {
windowPath.move(to: pointCoordinates)
} else {
windowPath.addLine(to: pointCoordinates)
if undoButton.alpha == 0 {
undoButton.alpha = 1
} else if firstHit.node == points.first {
let windowShape = SCNShape(path: windowPath, extrusionDepth: 0)
windowShape.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = UIColor.white
windowShape.firstMaterial?.lightingModel = .constant
let tintedWindow = SCNNode(geometry: windowShape)
let worldPosition = windowNode.worldPosition
tintedWindow.worldPosition = worldPosition
//removing all the sphere nodes from points and reinitializing the UIBezierPath windowPath
That code works when I create a first invisible wall and a first shape, but when I create a second wall, when I'm done to draw my shape, the shape appears to be deformed and not at the right place like really not at the right place at all. So I think that I'm missing something with the coordinates of my UIBezierPath points but what ?
Ok so after several tests, it seems that it depends on the orientation of the device at the launch of the AR session. When the device, at launch, faces the first wall that the user will create, the shape is created and places as expected. But if the user for exemple launch the app with his device pointed in one direction, then do a rotation of 90 degrees on himself, place the first wall and create his shape, the shape will be deformed and not at the right place.
So it seems that it's a problem of 3D coordinates but I still don't figure it out.

Ok I just found the problem ! I was just using the wrong vectors and coordinates... I've never been a math/geometry guy haha
So instead of using:
let x = Double(firstHit.worldCoordinates.x)
let y = Double(firstHit.worldCoordinates.y)
I now use:
let x = Double(firstHit.localCoordinates.x)
let y = Double(firstHit.localCoordinates.y)
And instead of using:
let worldPosition = windowNode.worldPosition
I now use:
let worldPosition = windowNode.transform
That's why the position of my shape node was depending of the initialisation of the AR session, I was working with world coordinates, seems obvious to me now.


SceneKit + ARKit: Billboarding without rolling with camera

I'm trying to draw a billboarded quad using SceneKit and ARKit. I have basic billboarding working, however when I roll the camera the billboard also rotates in place. This video shows this in action as I roll the camera to the left (the smily face is the billboard):
Instead I'd like the billboard to still face the camera but keep oriented vertically in the scene, no matter what the camera is doing
Here's how I compute billboarding:
// inside frame update function
struct Vertex {
var position: SIMD3<Float>
var texCoord: SIMD2<Float>
let halfSize = Float(0.25)
let cameraNode = sceneView.scene.rootNode.childNodes.first!
let modelTransform = self.scnNode.simdWorldTransform
let viewTransform = cameraNode.simdWorldTransform.inverse
let modelViewTransform = viewTransform * modelTransform
let right = SIMD3<Float>(modelViewTransform[0][0], modelViewTransform[1][0], modelViewTransform[2][0]);
let up = SIMD3<Float>(modelViewTransform[0][1], modelViewTransform[1][1], modelViewTransform[2][1]);
// drawBuffer is a MTL buffer of vertex data
let data = drawBuffer.contents().bindMemory(to: ParticleVertex.self, capacity: 4)
data[0].position = (right + up) * halfSize
data[0].texCoord = SIMD2<Float>(0, 0)
data[1].position = -(right - up) * halfSize
data[1].texCoord = SIMD2<Float>(1, 0)
data[2].position = (right - up) * halfSize
data[2].texCoord = SIMD2<Float>(0, 1)
data[3].position = -(right + up) * halfSize
data[3].texCoord = SIMD2<Float>(1, 1)
Again this gets the billboard facing the camera correctly, however when I roll the camera, the billboard rotates along with it.
What I'd like instead is for the billboard to point towards the camera but keep its orientation in the world. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Note that my code example is simplified so I can't use SCNBillboardConstraint or anything like that; I need to be able to compute the billboarding myself
Here's the solution I came up with: create a new node that matches the camera's position and rotation, but without any roll:
let tempNode = SCNNode()
tempNode.simdWorldPosition = cameraNode.simdWorldPosition
// This changes the node's pitch and yaw, but not roll
tempNode.simdLook(at: cameraNode.simdConvertPosition(SIMD3<Float>(0, 0, 1), to: nil))
let view = tempNode.simdWorldTransform.inverse
let modelViewTransform = view * node.simdWorldTransform
This keeps the billboard pointing upwards in world space, even as the camera rolls.
I had actually tried doing this earlier by setting tempNode.eulerAngles.z = 0, however that seems to effect the rest of the transform matrix in unexpected ways
There's probably a way to do this without creating a temporary node too but this works well enough for me

SceneKit matrix transformation to match camera angle

I'm building a UIPanGestureRecognizer so I can move nodes in 3D space.
Currently, I have something that works, but only when the camera is exactly perpendicular to the plane, my UIPanGestureRecognizer looks like this:
#objc func handlePan(_ sender:UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let projectedOrigin = self.sceneView!.projectPoint(SCNVector3Zero)
let viewCenter = CGPoint(
x: self.view!.bounds.midX,
y: self.view!.bounds.midY
let touchlocation = sender.translation(in: self.view!)
let moveLoc = CGPoint(
x: CGFloat(touchlocation.x + viewCenter.x),
y: CGFloat(touchlocation.y + viewCenter.y)
let touchVector = SCNVector3(x: Float(moveLoc.x), y: Float(moveLoc.y), z: Float(projectedOrigin.z))
let worldPoint = self.sceneView!.unprojectPoint(touchVector)
let loc = SCNVector3( x: worldPoint.x, y: 0, z: worldPoint.z )
worldHandle?.position = loc
The problem happens when the camera is rotated, and the coordinates are effected by the perspective change. Here is you can see the touch position drifting:
Related SO post for which I used to get to this position:
How to use iOS (Swift) SceneKit SCNSceneRenderer unprojectPoint properly
It referenced these great slides:
The tricky part of going from 2D touch position to 3D space is obviously the z-coordinate. Instead of trying to convert the touch position to an imaginary 3D space, map the 2D touch to a 2D plane in that 3D space using a hittest. Especially when movement is required only in two direction, for example like chess pieces on a board, this approach works very well. Regardless of the orientation of the plane and the camera settings (as long as the camera doesn't look at the plane from the side obviously) this will map the touch position to a 3D position directly under the finger of the touch and follow consistently.
I modified the Game template from Xcode with an example.
The main parts are:
the pan gesture code:
// retrieve the SCNView
let scnView = self.view as! SCNView
// check what nodes are tapped
let p = gestureRecognize.location(in: scnView)
let hitResults = scnView.hitTest(p, options: [SCNHitTestOption.searchMode: 1, SCNHitTestOption.ignoreHiddenNodes: false])
if hitResults.count > 0 {
// check if the XZPlane is in the hitresults
for result in hitResults {
if == "XZPlane" {
//NSLog("Local Coordinates on XZPlane %f, %f, %f", result.localCoordinates.x, result.localCoordinates.y, result.localCoordinates.z)
//NSLog("World Coordinates on XZPlane %f, %f, %f", result.worldCoordinates.x, result.worldCoordinates.y, result.worldCoordinates.z)
ship.position = result.worldCoordinates
ship.position.y += 1.5
The addition of a XZ plane node in viewDidload:
let XZPlaneGeo = SCNPlane(width: 100, height: 100)
let XZPlaneNode = SCNNode(geometry: XZPlaneGeo)
XZPlaneNode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = UIImage(named: "grid") = "XZPlane"
XZPlaneNode.rotation = SCNVector4(-1, 0, 0, Float.pi / 2)
//XZPlaneNode.isHidden = true
Uncomment the isHidden line to hide the helper plane and it will still work. The plane obviously needs to be large enough to fill the screen or at least the portion where the user is allowed to pan.
By setting a global var to hold a startWorldPosition of the pan (in state .began) and comparing it to the hit worldPosition in the state .change you can determine the delta/translation in world space and translate other objects accordingly.

ARKit Place a SCNNode facing the camera

I'm using ARKit to display 3D objects. I managed to place the nodes in the real world in front of the user (aka the camera). But I don't manage to make them to face the camera when I drop them.
let tap_point=CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
let results=arscn_view.hitTest(tap_point, types: .estimatedHorizontalPlane)
guard results.count>0 else{
guard let r=results.first else{
let hit_tf=SCNMatrix4(r.worldTransform)
let new_pos=SCNVector3Make(hit_tf.m41, hit_tf.m42+Float(0.2), hit_tf.m43)
guard let scene=SCNScene(named: file_name) else{
guard let node=scene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "Mesh", recursively: true) else{
The nodes are well positioned on the plane, in front of the camera. But they are all looking in the same direction. I guess I should rotate the SCNNode but I didn't manage to do this.
First, get the rotation matrix of the camera:
let rotate = simd_float4x4(SCNMatrix4MakeRotation(sceneView.session.currentFrame!.camera.eulerAngles.y, 0, 1, 0))
Then, combine the matrices:
let rotateTransform = simd_mul(r.worldTransform, rotate)
Lastly, apply a transform to your node, casting as SCNMatrix4:
node.transform = SCNMatrix4(rotateTransform)
Hope that helps
here how you can create SCNMatrix4 from simd_float4x4
let rotateTransform = simd_mul(r.worldTransform, rotate)
node.transform = SCNMatrix4(m11: rotateTransform.columns.0.x, m12: rotateTransform.columns.0.y, m13: rotateTransform.columns.0.z, m14: rotateTransform.columns.0.w, m21: rotateTransform.columns.1.x, m22: rotateTransform.columns.1.y, m23: rotateTransform.columns.1.z, m24: rotateTransform.columns.1.w, m31: rotateTransform.columns.2.x, m32: rotateTransform.columns.2.y, m33: rotateTransform.columns.2.z, m34: rotateTransform.columns.2.w, m41: rotateTransform.columns.3.x, m42: rotateTransform.columns.3.y, m43: rotateTransform.columns.3.z, m44: rotateTransform.columns.3.w)
guard let frame = self.sceneView.session.currentFrame else {
node.eulerAngles.y =
here's my code for the SCNNode facing the camera..hope help for someone
let location = touches.first!.location(in: sceneView)
var hitTestOptions = [SCNHitTestOption: Any]()
hitTestOptions[SCNHitTestOption.boundingBoxOnly] = true
let hitResultsFeaturePoints: [ARHitTestResult] = sceneView.hitTest(location, types: .featurePoint)
let hitTestResults = sceneView.hitTest(location)
guard let node = hitTestResults.first?.node else {
if let hit = hitResultsFeaturePoints.first {
let rotate = simd_float4x4(SCNMatrix4MakeRotation(sceneView.session.currentFrame!.camera.eulerAngles.y, 0, 1, 0))
let finalTransform = simd_mul(hit.worldTransform, rotate)
sceneView.session.add(anchor: ARAnchor(transform: finalTransform))
Do you want the nodes to always face the camera, even as the camera moves? That's what SceneKit constraints are for. Either SCNLookAtConstraint or SCNBillboardConstraint can keep a node always pointing at the camera.
Do you want the node to face the camera when placed, but then hold still (so you can move the camera around and see the back of it)? There are a few ways to do that. Some involve fun math, but a simpler way to handle it might just be to design your 3D assets so that "front" is always in the positive Z-axis direction. Set a placed object's transform based on the camera transform, and its initial orientation will match the camera's.
Here's how I did it:
func faceCamera() {
guard constraints?.isEmpty ?? true else {
SCNTransaction.animationDuration = 5
SCNTransaction.completionBlock = { [weak self] in
self?.constraints = []
constraints = [billboardConstraint]
private lazy var billboardConstraint: SCNBillboardConstraint = {
let constraint = SCNBillboardConstraint()
constraint.freeAxes = [.Y]
return constraint
As stated earlier a SCNBillboardConstraint will make the node always look at the camera. I am animating it so the node doesn't just immediately snap into place, this is optional. In the SCNTransaction.completionBlock I remove the constraint, also optional.
Also I set the SCNBillboardConstraint's freeAxes, which customizes on what axis the node follows the camera, again optional.
I want the node to face the camera when I place it then keep it here (and be able to move around). – Marie Dm
You can put object facing to camera, using this:
if let rotate = sceneView.session.currentFrame?.camera.transform {
node.simdTransform = rotate
This code will save you from gimbal lock and other troubles.
The four-component rotation vector specifies the direction of the rotation axis in the first three components and the angle of rotation (in radians) in the fourth. The default rotation is the zero vector, specifying no rotation. Rotation is applied relative to the node’s simdPivot property.
The simdRotation, simdEulerAngles, and simdOrientation properties all affect the rotational aspect of the node’s simdTransform property. Any change to one of these properties is reflected in the others.

ARKit - Applying Force in User's Phone Direction

I have the following code that creates a SCNBox and shoots it on the screen. This works but as soon as I turn the phone in any other direction then the force impulse does not get updated and it always shoots the box in the same old position.
Here is the code:
#objc func tapped(recognizer :UIGestureRecognizer) {
guard let currentFrame = self.sceneView.session.currentFrame else {
let box = SCNBox(width: 0.2, height: 0.2, length: 0.2, chamferRadius: 0)
let material = SCNMaterial()
material.diffuse.contents =
material.lightingModel = .constant
var translation = matrix_identity_float4x4
translation.columns.3.z = -0.01
let node = SCNNode()
node.geometry = box
node.geometry?.materials = [material]
node.physicsBody = SCNPhysicsBody(type: .dynamic, shape: nil)
node.simdTransform = matrix_multiply(, translation)
node.physicsBody?.applyForce(SCNVector3(0,2,-10), asImpulse: true)
Line 26 is where I apply the force but it does not take into account the user's current phone orientation. How can I fix that?
On line 26 you're passing a constant vector to applyForce. That method takes a vector in world space, so passing a constant vector means you're always applying a force in the same direction — if you want a direction that's based on the direction the camera or something else is pointing, you'll need to calculate a vector based on that direction.
The (new) SCNNode property worldFront might prove helpful here — it gives you the direction a node is pointing, automatically converted to world space, so it's useful with physics methods. (Though you might want to scale it.)

How to rotate an SCNBox

I'm trying to rotate an SCNBox I created using swipe gestures. For example, when I swipe right the box should rotate 90degs in the Y-axis and -90degs when I swipe left. To achieve this I have been using the node's SCNAction.rotateByX method to perform the rotation animation. Now the problem I'm having is when rotating along either the X-axis or Z-axis after a rotation in the Y-axis and vice-versa is that the positions of the axes change.
What I have notice is that any rotation perform on either of the X,Y,Z axes changes the direction in which the other axes point.
Example: Default position
Then after a rotation in the Z-axis:
Of course this pose a problem because now when I swipe left or right I no longer get the desire effect because the X-axis and Y-axis have now swapped positions. What I would like to know is why does this happen? and is there anyway to perform the rotation animation without it affecting the other axes?
I apologize for my lack of understanding on this subject as this is my first go at 3d graphics.
func swipeRight(recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
// rotation animation
let action = SCNAction.rotateByX(0, y: CGFloat(GLKMathDegreesToRadians(90)), z: 0, duration: 0.5)
//repositoning of the x,y,z axes after the rotation has been applied
let currentPivot = boxNode.pivot
let changePivot = SCNMatrix4Invert(boxNode.transform)
boxNode.pivot = SCNMatrix4Mult(changePivot, currentPivot)
boxNode.transform = SCNMatrix4Identity
I haven't ran into any problems yet but it may be safer to use a completion handler to ensure any changes to X,Y,Z axes are done before repositioning them.
I had the same issue, here's what I use to give the desired behavior:
func panGesture(sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let translation = sender.translationInView(sender.view!)
let pan_x = Float(translation.x)
let pan_y = Float(-translation.y)
let anglePan = sqrt(pow(pan_x,2)+pow(pan_y,2))*(Float)(M_PI)/180.0
var rotVector = SCNVector4()
rotVector.x = -pan_y
rotVector.y = pan_x
rotVector.z = 0
rotVector.w = anglePan
// apply to your model container node
boxNode.rotation = rotVector
if(sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.Ended) {
let currentPivot = boxNode.pivot
let changePivot = SCNMatrix4Invert(boxNode.transform)
boxNode.pivot = SCNMatrix4Mult(changePivot, currentPivot)
boxNode.transform = SCNMatrix4Identity
