how to use the link with aframe without exit by vr mode? - hyperlink

I'm trying to use a-frame link on android smartphone with VR mode. When I start in VR mode if i move the cursor on the link it switch on the new page but exit by VR mode. Is this a way to remain in VR mode when I move to another page?

At the time of wrtitting this answer Firefox Desktop is the only browser that supports in VR navigation

according to the documentation, the browser needs to implement the vrdisplayactivate event to allow you to switch pages and maintain in VR mode.
I can't find any info about samsung internet, or carmel having this implemented.
Moreover the MDN states, that this is experimental, so i wouldn't be surprised if only Firefox had this functionality.
As a workaround, You can try switching scenes, or switching visibility on entire areas, instead of making links.
Doug Reeder claims samsung internet (5.6) should also be supporting vrdisplayactivate


How to manually focus using the sony camera SDK over wifi

Sony has released a rather comprehensive API for wifi control of their selection of cameras here:
I have been searching for what methods to use so I can manually control focus. I have been able to set the focus mode into "manual focus", but I don't see any methods for setting the focus point. There are several methods for controlling zoom, which I would expect the same to exist for focus -- Yet, this feature is seemingly implemented in the sony playmemories android application, so it must be possible, I think... but as it's a black box it's hard to tell what focus mode it's calling.
Could someone share what the methods are for manually focusing the camera? I am on a sony a7r with the lovely 90mm macro.
The beta SDK from March 15, 2016 provides no information on how to do this. This is a key feature which is directly blocking my ability to do effective deep focus stacking.
Deep focus stacking sounds great! But unfortunately, manually focus controlling is not provided by the APIs.
Once you set "Manual Focus" option, you can move focus by using focus ring on lens. (Don't ask me why Sony added such option to the API for Wi-Fi devices!)

Suggestions for activating front facing camera within Safari on iPad

I'm trying to create a kiosk-style customer registration process with an iPad, but doing it an an entirely web-based environment, rather than a purpose-built app.
During the registration process, the user is required to take a photo of their own face using the iPad camera.
I have been experimenting with the HTML5 Media Capture tools, but unfortunately, this always defaults to the iPad's back camera, rather than the front-facing camera. This means the user must then switch to the front facing camera, which isn't ideal as part of the user experience.
I can't see any way of forcing the iPad to default to the front camera in the device settings, and my searches haven't revealed any way of doing this with HTML only.
I've had a look at apps such as "Picup", but they don't seem to offer much more than is already achievable with HTML5 with regard to camera control.
Can anyone offer any suggestions? Does anyone know of any other iOS apps (like Picup) that might give the ability to activate the camera for uploading images in a form, but can be configured to use the front facing camera as default?
Or am I going to have to go down the path of creating a purpose-built app to get the control I need?
Any suggestions would be welcomed, and thanks in advance for your reply.
The Media API currently doesn't allow you to distinguish between front and rear cameras, so there is currently no method (that I know of) that allows you to select the front camera.
However I would suggest perhaps building your app the way you are, but using PhoneGap Build (which can package your app into an iOS app) and the Camera Plugin ( which does allow you to specify the front camera (see options->cameraDirection) apparently (I haven't tried it myself).

Support for WebView

Does video.js support Android WebView?
We use an Android app to put a tablet in Kiosk Mode in which our web app runs. However, webview video tag does not give us a image of the first frame, only the ugly widgets background.
A better question might be whether your WebView supports video.js. You need to configure the WebView to behave equivalently to a proper browser – HTML5 video definitely won't work without some tweaking. I've found this custom web view to work well (including with video.js):

YouTube Video Player Rendering Problems In 2011 Samsung SmartTV Devices

My team and I are designing a video-based app for Samsung connected-TVs and Blu-Ray players, and we were wondering if anyone has run into similar graphic rendering issues we've been having with the YouTube player. Namely, if we try to make an instructional help popup panel appear over the player window while a video plays, the popup will disintegrate as the video renders beneath, creating an ugly user experience. Likewise, occasionally the YouTube video player progress bar does not render in its entirely, but rather appears as a splotchy portion to the left, then renders in partially as the video plays and the marker advances along the progress bar to the right. [Please note: these issues do NOT happen in the Samsung emulators, NOR in any 2012 Samsung devices. They ONLY happen in 2011/2010 TVs and Blu-Ray players.]
In terms of the devices themselves and their runtime support, etc., here's what we are testing:
Samsung SmartTVs and BluRays (2010 and 2011): Flash8.0/ FlashLite3.1/ ActionScript2.0
Samsung SmartTVs and BluRays (2012 and 2013): Flash 10.1 / ActionScript 3.0
Thanks very much for any insights or suggestions for how to attack these issues.
I've seen this issue too. It's just another bug and Samsung probably will never fix it as AFAIK they only provide this kind of support for current (2013) and previous (2012) year devices.
The last hope may be a workaround. Try creating a MovieClip filled with transparent rectangle over the affected area and move it around to force redrawing. Other hacks like that may also help.
P.S.: The fact that Flash doesn't seem to be the most popular way of building their apps makes the chance for future firmware update even closer to 0.

Website for iPad Mobile Safari

While creating a website for iPad Mobile Safari, I have a few questions;
Does the orientation happen automatically or do we have to write code for that ?
What is the best approach in terms of CSS/JS..I mean create separate copy of the web CSS for iPad and just update for iPad specific. Also what about JS?
What is the best way to detect for iPad (CSS/JS) and how?
Any online references which specifically covers iPad Mobile Safari development will also be great.
Thank you.
The orientation happens automatically, but you can write code to intercept the event and do things.
I highly recommend using an existing JS library such as Sencha Touch to handle the UI for you; they automatically detect the client and will display the appropriate scale of the app.
I just added a few meta tags to my current project, based on this page -
It made a huge difference. The orientation media queries work great. I madea simple example by setting the body background colour different based on orientation.
