UINavigationBAr Title as an Image, used to work, doesn't display anymore in XCode9 - ios

I'm having a small annoying issue, I'm using storyboards on this app since it's creation, I want to make an update to it and something that used to work before doesn't anymore
See I was using an image as a UINavigationBar Title, Dragged it to the storyboard and it worked almost automatically,
Now well the image doesn't display anymore... Here's a screen :
As you Can see, the UIImageView is there, but nothing shows up. and when I run the app, still nothing...
I'd like to solve it trought Storyboards, but my knowledge is limited


Xcode simulates App wrong

I don't know what I've done. Everything was working great until I started styling my app. So, I was working on my main storyboard and when I tried to simulate my App in the simulator. I saw my Icons flying around like crazy.
I am more familiar with coding so I'm sorry if this is a nooby question but I don't know how to describe my problem to Google, I really tried it but it turns out to be other problems.
I will hang on screenshots, one is from my storyboard and the other one is whats the simulator shows me.
View in main storyboard:
View in simulator:
From your description and images, it looks like you're using auto layout but haven't applied enough constraints to locate the images where you want them, or the constraints are just wrong. Take a close look at your storyboard to make sure that you don't have any warnings about missing constraints, and that the constraints do what you want them to do.

iOS Launch Screen Image not always showing

I use a Launch Screen (xib) in my app to overcome the problem of the resizeable screen, since i don't always want add Launchscreens everytime, Apple create a new iPhone with a different screen resolution.
In my launchscreen, i placed a UIImageView directly in the center of the view using constraints. The image shows the logo of the company i work for.
The problem is, that sometimes the image is being hidden (mostly after install and first launch) and sometimes it shows (mostly after a view times using it). I'm not quite sure, what the problem is. Is it because at the first-launch-time(s) it has to load many ressources?
Figured out the problem: It seems, that if there isn't enough disc space left on the device, it doesn't show the xib's (Launch-Screen's) Image. iOS at some point clears out some disc-space (i guess from NSLibraryDirectory) and than the images show again.
If this is a major problem to any of your apps, use Launch-Images instead.

Recompiling storyBoard makes uitableview black

I am using a uitableview that I am filling programmatically implementing in the same *.m file UIViewController . It is working fine, but sometimes, when I recompile the storyBoard it is really strange because it shows the table completly black. I am using Interface builder to define the table and objective c to fill the table code.
When it is working fine if I exit an run agin from the phone the app keeps woking fine the problem appears if I make a change in the stroy board. It dosen´t matter if I am changing another view, sometimes it shows a black screen. I need to clean the project and build again.
I am using Xcode Version 6.3.2 (6D2105).
I don´t see any error in the log screen and I don´t know if it is possible to see the story board compilation log.
What do you think? Thank you for your time.

UISegmentedControl losing Control over it's appearance

I am developing an iPhone app, and have come across an issue that leaves me completely perplexed.
In the app, there is a normal UIView, which consists of a UISegmentedControl. This UISegmentedControl is not once called or looked at in the code, in fact, there is no IBOutlet whatsoever, it lives only on the Storyboard.
Every time I load the app on my phone, my segmented control looks like this:
However, to my dismay, after a certain yet to be found out mixture of using the app, putting it in the background, and then using it again, the segmented control turns into this:
I know I don't have much more information to provide as of yet, but it seems hard to give any sort of code when there isn't any to do with the UI of the segment.
What I can say is that my "Use AutoLayout" is switched off.
I hope one of you can provide me more insight on how to fix this, thanks.

Memory warning/performance issues

iOS 6 SDK. Xcode 4.5.
Using storyboard and arc. I am making an application that consists of a number of calculators that compute various formulas. On one scene, I'm using 8 UIButtons that have a PNG file as a background image, and they are labelled as different formula categories to allow the user to navigate to 8 different formulas which are contained in 8 different scenes.
I'm using modal segues and am utilizing the [self.presenting dismissViewController] method to dismiss each scene. That all works fine.
On one calculator in particular, I've set up the scene to resemble an actual calculator. I used a UIImageView with a UILabel on top of it to act like a display. Even without code attached to it, when running on my device, I notice that the transition gets hung up when segueing to that scene. I'm not sure why. Also, whenever I hit a button I get a receives memory warning in the console. I'm also showing a leak in instruments.
This app works perfectly in the simulator but not on the actual phone. I'm not sure what's wrong. Could it be my compiler settings? Or is it the fact that I'm not programmatically setting up the button images? Even when there is just a UIImage with a blue picture PNG and a label on top of it, no buttons or a viewcontroller for this view, it still gets hung up.
I'd appreciate any tips or tutorials or just plain tell me what I'm doing wrong lol.
I found out what was wrong. I was using a very high resolution image on each of those buttons. When I replaced it with a low resolution image the memory issue went away
